ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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I ................... PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 70, 7954 TABLE 2.4. PRINCIPAL WIRING, PIPING, AND TUBING CONNECTIONS TO AUXILIARY EQUlPMEMT Thermocouples Duplicate thermocouples to NoK manifold at outlets of all radiator cores Duplicate thermocouples to main NaK pipes entering radiator cores Single thermocouples to inlet and outlet lines to oil coolers Radiator air inlet and outlet temperatures Shield woter inlet and outlet temperatures NoK dump system temperatures NaK pump drive motor temperatures NaK pump temperatures Miscellaneous support structure and leak warning temperatures Nuclear instruments NaK flow meters NaK pump speed Oil expansion tank level indicators Shield water expansion tank level indicators NaK pump drive motors (2) Oil pump drive motors (3) Shield water pump drive motor (1) Main blower drive motors (4) Moderator-coaling system blower drive motor (1) Preheat burner drive motors (3) 1 NaK dump-valve actuators (4 in. OD) No and fuel dump-valve actuators (k in. OD) Expansion-tank pressures (\ in. OD) 1 NaK liquid-level gages (4 in. OD) Main NaK lines (5 in. OD) Moderator-cooling NaK lines (2 in. OD) Gamma-shield cooling water (1 in. OD) Pump cooling ond lubricating oil (4 1 in. OD) Xenon vent to buried charcoal bed Helium supply to expansion tanks Miscellaneous Instrument Wires Power Wiring Tubing ___ ..... .............. Total Total Total Tmal .... 32 8 6 12 4 12 4 8 12 98 20 6 4 3 3 I_ 36 6 6 2 8 2 6 30 10 10 2 2 4 4 2 a 1 5 37 23

in the ZPU system, While this arrangement would hardly represent normal operation, it would simu- late the one-engine-out condition rather well. It is nut yet clear just what will be done, but every effort will be made to get as much information as possible from the ZPU, consistent with the money and the time available. REACTOR PHYSICS W. K. Ergen M. E. LaVerne R. R. Coveyou C. B. Mills Aircraft Reactor Engineering Division R. Bate C. S. Burtnette United States Air Force The three-group, three-region code for reactor statics calculations6 on the ORACLE has been completed. The temperature effects for the CFRE were computed on the UNIVAC for three reactors: a 50-Mw reactor with lnconel coolant tubes in the reflector, a reactor without these tubes, and a reactor in which the lnconel in the core shells was replaced by columbium clad with 0.010 in. of lnconel The temperature coefficient for rapid temperature changes turned out to be about -3.5 x 10” 5/oF, and the temperature coefficient for slow effects is -2.6 x 10-5/”F for the heavily poisoned reactor with the lnconel coolant tubes, but it increases to -3.3 x IO-~/OF atid -3.8 x ~o-~PF, respectively, far the reactor without the lnconel coolant tubes and the reactor with the Inconel-clad coluinbium core shells. REACTOR CALC U LA T ION S M. E. LaVerne Ai rcr aft Reactor E ng i neer i ng D I v i si o t i C. S. Burtnette United States Air Force Results of the parametric reactor study done on the lJNlVAC at the AEC Computing Facility in New York have been pub1 ished,7*8 and the Curtiss- Wright Corp. has completed, under contract to the United States Air Force, a series of multigroup, multiregion calculations for the ORNL-ANP Proi- 6W. K. Ergen, ANP Quur. Prog. Rep. June 10, 1954, ORNL-1729, p 32. ’C. 5. Burtnette, M. E. Laverne, and C. B. Mills, Reflector-Morierated-Reactor Design Parameter Study, Part I, Effects of Reactor Proportzcnis, ORNL CF-54- 7-5 (to he published). ‘M. E. LaVerne and C. S. Bwrtnette, ANP Quur. Prog. Rep. Junc 10, 1954, ORNL-1729, p 32. 24 ect. A report on the results of the latter calcu- lations is being prepared and will be issued by the Curtiss-Wright Corp, A redetermination of the critical mass for the rhombicuboctahedron critical assembly (CA-19) was found to be necessary because of an error in carbon transport cross-section scaling, a differ- ence in reflector geometry from that assumed for the original calculations, and an actual Teflon density lower than that used in the calculations. In addition, a small correction (about 1% of critical mass) was made for the presence of the aluminum lattice supporting the reactor and for the aluminum control rod sheaths. The eigenvalues of the difference-equation ap- proximation to the age-diffusion differential equa- tion vary with lattice spacing. Calculations were therefore made with three different spacings in order to evaluate this effect. A foil of 0.004 in. thickness WQS used in the calculations. The results, corrected as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, are given in the following: Space Interval, -1, Calculated Critical Mass (4 (Ib) 0.457 22.75 0.914 2 1.47 1 .a28 20.91 The dotu are plotted in Fig. 2.2. A Lagrangian extrapolation to a zero lattice spacing gives a critical mass estimate of 24.70 Ib. The assembly became critical at a loading of 24.35 Ib of U235. It is recognized that the agreement between calculation and experiment may well be fortuitous, since the critical mass is not very sensitive to errors in detail. Further evaluation of agreement (or lack thereof) must await additional experimental results. Calculations are now being made for the next critical assemblies, that is, the threeregion assemblies consisting of a beryllium island and reflector with a Teflon and uranium-foil fuel annulus. The fuel annulus will be surrounded by core shells; aluminum core shells will be used for one assembly and lnconel for the next. BERYLLIUM THERMAL. STRESS TEST R. W. Bussard R. E. MacPherson Aircraft Reactor Engineering Division One of the key questions in the design of the CFRE, as mentioned above, has been that of the

I ...................<br />



Thermocouples<br />

Duplicate thermocouples to NoK manifold at outlets of all radiator cores<br />

Duplicate thermocouples to main NaK pipes entering radiator cores<br />

Single thermocouples to inlet and outlet lines to oil coolers<br />

Radiator air inlet and outlet temperatures<br />

Shield woter inlet and outlet temperatures<br />

NoK dump system temperatures<br />

NaK pump drive motor temperatures<br />

NaK pump temperatures<br />

Miscellaneous support structure and leak warning temperatures<br />

Nuclear instruments<br />

NaK flow meters<br />

NaK pump speed<br />

Oil expansion tank level indicators<br />

Shield water expansion tank level indicators<br />

NaK pump drive motors (2)<br />

Oil pump drive motors (3)<br />

Shield water pump drive motor (1)<br />

Main blower drive motors (4)<br />

Moderator-coaling system blower drive motor (1)<br />

Preheat burner drive motors (3)<br />

1<br />

NaK dump-valve actuators (4 in. OD)<br />

No and fuel dump-valve actuators (k in. OD)<br />

Expansion-tank pressures (\ in. OD)<br />

1<br />

NaK liquid-level gages (4 in. OD)<br />

Main NaK lines (5 in. OD)<br />

Moderator-cooling NaK lines (2 in. OD)<br />

Gamma-shield cooling water (1 in. OD)<br />

Pump cooling ond lubricating oil (4 1<br />

in. OD)<br />

Xenon vent to buried charcoal bed<br />

Helium supply to expansion tanks<br />

Miscellaneous Instrument Wires<br />

Power Wiring<br />

Tubing<br />

___ ..... ..............<br />

Total<br />

Total<br />

Total<br />

Tmal<br />

....<br />

32<br />

8<br />

6<br />

12<br />

4<br />

12<br />

4<br />

8<br />

12<br />

98<br />

20<br />

6<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

I_<br />

36<br />

6<br />

6<br />

2<br />

8<br />

2<br />

6<br />

30<br />

10<br />

10<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

a<br />

1<br />

5<br />

37<br />


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