ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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chrome V fuel elements have been completed.8 Examinations of two single-plate fuel elements9 and one two-stage multiple fuel plate test as- sembly” were also completed. kork will continue on both wire and multiple-plate elements. Expansion of remote metollograpkic facilities is proceeding. F ISSION-FRAGM ENT ANN EALlNG STUDIES M. J. Feldmon W. Parsley Solid State Division Because of interest in the possibility of the removal of the radiation damage to fuel plates by annealing, a preliminary study was undertaken. The eight samples in Pratt 8, Whitney capsule 1-9 (four were small particle sire, (3-p UO, and four were large particle size, 15- to 44-p UO,) were selected for the study. One sample from each group (large and small particle size) was examined after the following treatment: (1) as irradiated, (2) 900°F anneal for 24 hr, (3) 1100°F anneal for 24 hr, and (4) 1400°F anneal for 24 hr. A graph showing the results of this preliminary study is shown in Fig. 9.8. The conclusion drawn fron. this initial study is that a portion of the neutron damage to the samples has been annealed out. Since the full annealing temperature for type 347 stainless steel is about 1800°F (for complete removal of the effects of cold work), a complete anneal for neutron damage at 1400°F bas not expected. For the core, where the maior portion of the damage is by fission fragments, it is felt that the curve shows a reduction in hardness be- cause of a partial anneal of the neutron darnage with no reduction in the fragment damage. An attempt will be made to determine the anneal nec- essary to remove all the neutron damage from this type of material and, if possible, the fission- fragment annealing temperatures. HIGH -T E MP E R AT U RE, SH 0 RT -T IM E, G RAIN- GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS OF INCOMEL M. J. Feldman W. Parsley A. E. Richt Solid Stat; Division As an aid in the onolysis of the static corrosion capsules, a study of the short-time, high-fempero- ture, grain-growth characteristics of the lnconell ‘NI. J. Feldman et al., Metallogtuphical Analysis of G.E. Wire Fuel Elemvnt No. 1, ORNL CF-54-4-8 (April 1, 1954). PERlOD ENDlNG SEPTEMBER 10, ‘1954 stock used for the tests was made. information is available in the literature on the usual times and temperatures for lnconel grain growth, but because of the nature of the experiment, with its possibilities of local short-time hot spots in the fuel, this study was iniliated. Figure 9.9 is a graph of the data obtained. Of major interest were the definite temperature dependence of the carbide solubility and the extremely short times (relative to the corrosion test times) at which large grains could be produced. Details of the experiment have been published.” BNL NEUTRON SPECTRUM - RADIATION DAMAGE STUDY J. B. Trice P. M. Uthe Solid State Division f?. Bolt J. C. Carroll N. Shiells California Research Corporation V. \Val sh Brookhaven National Laboratory A series of measurements were made in hole E-25 of the Brookhaven reactor to determine neu- tron flux energy distributions. The project was a cooperative effort with California Research Cor- poration and Brookhaven National Laboratory. In- formation obtained from these measurements is to be used to correlate neutron flux intensity and energy distribution with radiation damage to cer- tain lubricants and organic compounds that have been irradiated in E-25 and exomined by CRC. Data for the irradiated samples have been coded for the ORACLE by the ORNL Mathematics Panel so that the large number of arithmeticol compu- tations usuolly required by o threshold detector experiment can be performed in a shorter period of time than is usual. ‘A. E. Richt and R. N. Ramsey, Metallographiral Analysis of Single Plate Fuel Elements GE-ANP 30 and 3C, QRNL CF-54-3-42 (March 9, 1954). ’OM. J. Feldrncrn et al., MrtalIogtaphic Analysis of Tnuv-Stage MTR Test Speczrpen CE-ANP-10, QRNL CF-54-7-77 (July 9, 1954). ’M- J. Feldman et al., Fhort 7‘zme-High-Temperuture Grain Growth Charucteristzr of litconel, ORNL CF-54- 6-70 (June 8, 1954). 145

ANP QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT - n 600 55 0 500 450 z (3 r 400 5 n 0 (0 350 1 a s cn v, 300 13 K a I 250 200 150 (00 t BURNUP .""'.,. I RR AD I ATE D 633 hr TO-i2.4qb U"' ___ e- I UNCLASSIFIED ORNL-LR-DWG 2687A Fig. 9.8. Preliminary Annealing Study of Stainless Steel-UB, Fuel Plates in $ran and Whitney Capsule 1-9. 116


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<strong>ORNL</strong>-LR-DWG 2687A<br />

Fig. 9.8. Preliminary Annealing Study of Stainless Steel-UB, Fuel Plates in $ran and Whitney Capsule<br />

1-9.<br />


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