ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Fig. 9.6. Motor Irradiated in Second Test. division. Three nickel capsules were charged with the two components to make a 7-9 solution in each. Normal uranium was used. Two capsules were irradiated in appropriate secondary containers in a water-cooled hole in the ORNL Graphite Reactor at a thermal flux of 6 x 10'' neutrons/cm2.sec for 63 hr. This exposure corresponds to 25 times the fission density expected in the shielding experi- ment with enriched uranium, The capsules were opened in a special gas manifold, and the gas pressures were determined. The pressure inside the irradiated capsules was shown to have been greater than 50 and less than 100 psia. The pres- sure in the unirradiated capsule was not perceptibly different from the vapor pressures of the two components (about 4 psi). The gas in the capsules was analyzed by infrared absorption spectrometry at K-25 and was found to contain CF,, C2F,, C,F ,6, and other fluorocarbon campounds not identified. No UF, could be detected in the gas sample. Pressure measurements at -80 and -190T were consistent with these analyses. The ir- radiated capsules were full of o nonvolatile (at 25OC) greenish powder. The powder WQS insoluble in C,F,,. It will be analyzed for uranium. The PERlOD ENDING SEPT€MBER 70, 7954 unirradiated capsule contained no residue except for a faint chalkiness on its inner wall. Additional capsules are being irradiated for 1/100 of the accumulated exposure. LIITR HORIZONTAL-BEAM-HOLE FLUORIDE-FUEL LOOP W. E. Brundage C. Ellis C. D. Baumann F. M. Blacksher R. M. Carroll J. R. Duckworth M. 1. Morgan A. S. Olson W. W. Parkinson 0. S' I sman Solid State Division A loop for circulating fluoride fuel was inserted in hole HB-2 of the LlTR and filled with fluoride fuel NaF-ZrF,-UF, (62.5-12.5-25 mole X) during a protracted reactor shutdown. The pump was started as soon as sufficient fuel had been added, but circulation of the fluoride mixture became erratic after 5 to 10 min and finally stopped completely. Fluoride fumes in the off-gas line from the jacket around the pump indicated a leak,5 and therefore the loop was removed before the reactor was started. The loop was carefully disassembled to avoid loss of uranium, since over 5 kg of enriched fuel mixture had been used to charge the loop. Recovery of the fuel from the "nosepiece" at the in-pile end of the loop had to be carried out in a hot cell because of neutron activation acquired when the unfilled loop was exposed to reactor flux before the fuel was added. The leak was found in the weld ioining the loop tubing to the discharge nipple at the bottom of the pump bowl. Complete breaking of the weld occurred probably during disassembly of the loop or during cutting of the pump jacket, rather than while the pump was in operation. Before insertion in the reactor the jacket for enclosing the loop and the pump in an inert atmos- phere was tested for gas tightness. The loop, with the pump superstructure replaced by a blank flange, was vacuum tested at 800 to 1000°F with a helium leak detector. After the Joop was inserted in the reactor, it was pressure tested at 1200 to 1500OF at 16 psig, and there was no perceptible loss in pressure over a I-hr period, even though the pump superstructure with its rotating shaft seal was in place, 'w. E. Brwnda e at ai., ANP Quar. Prog. Rep. lune 10, 1954, ORNL-7729, p 107. 141

ANP QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT The connections of the loop tubing at the pump have been redesigned for the second loop to provide a filling and drain line. This will permit charging the loop with a non-uranium-bearing fluoride mixture, circulating it at operating temperature, and draining it before the loop is inserted into the reactor. 'The danger of tube rupture because of expansion of the fuel on melting necessitates the draining and refilling feature, if operating tests are to be carried out. The necessary changes in the pump shield to accominsdate the drain and fill line are being made. TheMetaIlurgy Division will supervise all critical welding and has provided specifications for an improved weld joint developed for lnconel tubing. The components fabricated previously for the second loop are being changed to conform to the specifications for the new weld joints, A new flange for closing the rear of the jacket has been made in order to give more space for making pipe connections to the large air lines required for the heat exchanger. During installation of the loop in the reactor an unexpectedly long time was required to connect heater leads, thermocouple leads, and air, water, and helium piping in the confined space available between the shielding and the instrument panel, The piping at the reactor dace is being revised to facilitute connection when the second loop is ready for insertion so that installation nwy be performed more rapidly. Modifications are 0lso being mode to remove lag in the flow alarms for the jacket cooling water, The oil systamfor cooling the pumps is being rebuilt to incorporate more reliable punips and improved flow and alarm instru- ments. A hydraulically operated door to match the with- drawal shield has been installed i;i a wall of I hot cell in preparation for handling the loop after irradiation, A horizontal band SQW has been modi- fied for nlnnost complete remote operation and is being installed in the hot cell. Other remote kan- dling tools for disassembling the loop have been made and are being tested. 0 R Ed h G R A P H BY E R E A C T OR SOD i Ls $4 -I NC 8 N E L. LOOP W. E. Brundage W. 'A'. Paikinsori Solid State Divisiori Metallographic examination WQS completed on un lnconel loop which had circulated sodium in hole 142 58-H of the ORNL Graphite Reactor for 218 hr with the irradiated section at 1500°F. The unperturbed thermal flux in this hole is about 7 x lo", and the flux above 1 ev is a factor of 10 lower. There was no evidence of radiation induced corrosion of the Incanel. The temperuture of the pump cell section was held between 1025 and 1100"F, and that of the line entering the reactor was somewhat higher; the temperature of the line emerging from the reactor was about 1500°F. Before insertion in the reactor the loop had been operated at 800 to 1000°F for 80 hr while sodium was circulated through the loop and through a bypass filter circuit connected to the loop. CREEP AND STRESS-CORROSION TESTS w. w. DClVi§ J, C. Wilson N. E. Hinkle J. C. Zukas Solid State Division Development of Q suitable apparatus for in-pile stress.corrosion experiments has bDen slow be- cause of difficulty in securing constant heat- transfer rates from the fuel to a heat sink where the fission heat can be removed. In the design shown in Fig. 9.7, fission heat is conducted from the fuel through the stressed specimen wall to a sodium-filled annulus. The sodium acts as an efficient he& conductav that exerts no constraint upon thc defo:mation of the specimen tube as it creeps under applied stress. Part of the fission heat is removed by gaseous convection at the outer surface of the sodium-containing chamber and part by conduction through a metal ring to a water iacket. Simpler designs in which the sodium was contained in u constant-diameter annulus did not permit good temperature control. The temperature gradient that resulted from simulated fission heat input at the bottom and heat abstraction at the top caused heated sodium to rise discontinuously in the annulus, and temperature excursions of 100°F in 1 sec were not uncornrnon. A substantial temperature gradinnt (500 to 800°F per in.) is required to meet headioum requirements in the experiniental hole and to prevent sodium distil- lation out of the annulus. Several designs of the sodium annulus were tried, such as baffles and spirals, and ratios of outs ide-to..i nsicde sodiuni-nnnu lu s di ameters were varied but did not result in a constant temperature - gradient. I he appa'ratus shown in Fig. 9.7 appears to operate satisfactorily, but more operating time


The connections of the loop tubing at the pump<br />

have been redesigned for the second loop to provide<br />

a filling and drain line. This will permit charging<br />

the loop with a non-uranium-bearing fluoride mixture,<br />

circulating it at operating temperature, and draining<br />

it before the loop is inserted into the reactor. 'The<br />

danger of tube rupture because of expansion of the<br />

fuel on melting necessitates the draining and<br />

refilling feature, if operating tests are to be carried<br />

out. The necessary changes in the pump shield<br />

to accominsdate the drain and fill line are being<br />

made.<br />

TheMetaIlurgy Division will supervise all critical<br />

welding and has provided specifications for an<br />

improved weld joint developed for lnconel tubing.<br />

The components fabricated previously for the<br />

second loop are being changed to conform to the<br />

specifications for the new weld joints, A new<br />

flange for closing the rear of the jacket has been<br />

made in order to give more space for making pipe<br />

connections to the large air lines required for the<br />

heat exchanger.<br />

During installation of the loop in the reactor an<br />

unexpectedly long time was required to connect<br />

heater leads, thermocouple leads, and air, water,<br />

and helium piping in the confined space available<br />

between the shielding and the instrument panel,<br />

The piping at the reactor dace is being revised<br />

to facilitute connection when the second loop is<br />

ready for insertion so that installation nwy be<br />

performed more rapidly. Modifications are 0lso<br />

being mode to remove lag in the flow alarms for<br />

the jacket cooling water, The oil systamfor cooling<br />

the pumps is being rebuilt to incorporate more<br />

reliable punips and improved flow and alarm instru-<br />

ments.<br />

A hydraulically operated door to match the with-<br />

drawal shield has been installed i;i a wall of I hot<br />

cell in preparation for handling the loop after<br />

irradiation, A horizontal band SQW has been modi-<br />

fied for nlnnost complete remote operation and is<br />

being installed in the hot cell. Other remote kan-<br />

dling tools for disassembling the loop have been<br />

made and are being tested.<br />

0 R Ed h G R A P H BY E R E A C T OR SOD i Ls $4 -I NC 8 N E L.<br />

LOOP<br />

W. E. Brundage W. 'A'. Paikinsori<br />

Solid State Divisiori<br />

Metallographic examination WQS completed on un<br />

lnconel loop which had circulated sodium in hole<br />

142<br />

58-H of the <strong>ORNL</strong> Graphite Reactor for 218 hr with<br />

the irradiated section at 1500°F. The unperturbed<br />

thermal flux in this hole is about 7 x lo", and<br />

the flux above 1 ev is a factor of 10 lower. There<br />

was no evidence of radiation induced corrosion of<br />

the Incanel. The temperuture of the pump cell<br />

section was held between 1025 and 1100"F, and<br />

that of the line entering the reactor was somewhat<br />

higher; the temperature of the line emerging from<br />

the reactor was about 1500°F. Before insertion<br />

in the reactor the loop had been operated at 800<br />

to 1000°F for 80 hr while sodium was circulated<br />

through the loop and through a bypass filter circuit<br />

connected to the loop.<br />


w. w. DClVi§<br />

J, C. Wilson<br />

N. E. Hinkle J. C. Zukas<br />

Solid State Division<br />

Development of Q suitable apparatus for in-pile<br />

stress.corrosion experiments has bDen slow be-<br />

cause of difficulty in securing constant heat-<br />

transfer rates from the fuel to a heat sink where<br />

the fission heat can be removed. In the design<br />

shown in Fig. 9.7, fission heat is conducted from<br />

the fuel through the stressed specimen wall to a<br />

sodium-filled annulus. The sodium acts as an<br />

efficient he& conductav that exerts no constraint<br />

upon thc defo:mation of the specimen tube as it<br />

creeps under applied stress. Part of the fission<br />

heat is removed by gaseous convection at the outer<br />

surface of the sodium-containing chamber and part<br />

by conduction through a metal ring to a water<br />

iacket. Simpler designs in which the sodium was<br />

contained in u constant-diameter annulus did not<br />

permit good temperature control. The temperature<br />

gradient that resulted from simulated fission heat<br />

input at the bottom and heat abstraction at the<br />

top caused heated sodium to rise discontinuously<br />

in the annulus, and temperature excursions of<br />

100°F in 1 sec were not uncornrnon. A substantial<br />

temperature gradinnt (500 to 800°F per in.) is<br />

required to meet headioum requirements in the<br />

experiniental hole and to prevent sodium distil-<br />

lation out of the annulus.<br />

Several designs of the sodium annulus were<br />

tried, such as baffles and spirals, and ratios of<br />

outs ide-to..i nsicde sodiuni-nnnu lu s di ameters were<br />

varied but did not result in a constant temperature<br />

-<br />

gradient. I he appa'ratus shown in Fig. 9.7 appears<br />

to operate satisfactorily, but more operating time

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