ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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excessive oxidation. A potential source of trouble exists because of the molybdenum content; molybde- num oxide has been reported to cause catastrophic oxidation of surrounding structures, especially the steels. The solutions to these problems are being ap- proached in two major ways. First, attempts are being made to find suitable melting and heating treatments of Hastelloy 5 that will reduce the degree of age hardening so that both the cast and wrought materials wi I I possess acceptable properties in the temperature range of interest. Second, Hastelloy-type alloys are being studied. Both phases of the investigation will involve attempts to extrude seamless tubing, since, at present, Hastelloy B tubing must be made by welding strips. Aging studies of the following materials are now in ptog- ress at temperatures between 1200 and 1700°F: commercial, wrought, Hastelloy 5 plate; vacuum- melted Hastelloy B, as cast; cast and wrought 20% M0-80% Ni alloy; wrought 24% Mo-76% Ni alloy, Some of the properties of the 20% Mo-80% Ni alloy already obtained indicate that this alloy will be easier to fabricate than Hastelloy B from an extrusion standpoint; sound tubing could be made, whereas none was obtained from Hastelloy B. The recrystallization temperature of a 6Wo cold- worked sheet of the 20% Mo-80% Ni alloy was ap- proximately 1900°F for an annealing time of 30 min. However, this alloy oxidizes in air ai 1500°F at a faster rate than does Hastelloy 5, although under a temperature cycle between room temperature and 1500°F the oxidation rates are similar. The scale formed spalls near room temperature. A sheet, 0.065 in. thick, could be heiiarc welded without producing porosity, but an argon arc pro- duced porosity. In strength tests at 150O0F, the 20% M0-80% Ni allay had a rupture life of 90 hr at 8000 psi; when tested at SO00 psi for 600 hr, it had a 3% elongation; during a short-time test the alloy had a tensile strength of 40,000 psi and an elongation of 10% in a 2-in. gage length. Oxidation and oxidation-protection studies are in progress to find suitable methods of protecting the nickel-molybdenum-base alloys during tests in ther- mal-convection loops and creep-testing apparatus. This work will be the ground work for further studies of the protection of reactor components. The coat- ings being studied are those that can be applied by methods readily available, that is, chromium electro- plate, chromium plus nickel electroplate, nickel PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 70, 1954 plus aluminum spray, and aluminum spray. In constant-temperature tests, a chromium electroplate was found to be beneficial. In oxidation tests in- volving cycling between room temperature and 1500"F, these coatings eliminate the spalling characteristics of Hastelloy B. The chromium elec- troplate and the chromium plus nickel electroplate afford the best protection. Duplex Tubing Attempts have been made to fabricate duplex seamless tubing that wi II have good corrosion resistance on the inner surface and oxidation resistance on the outer surface. In the first ex- periments, attempts were made to deep draw duplex blanks 4 in. in diameter. The blanks were made by hot pressing and also by hot rolling, The following materials were combined by hot pressing 0.025-in.- thick sheets under an argon atmosphere with Al,O,- coated graphite dies at 1500 psi. Copper plus type 310 stainless steel Inconel plus type 310 stainless steel Pressing Te rnperature ("a 1000 Inconel plus Hastelloy B 1200 Hastelloy B plus type 310 stainless steel 1200 1200 Copper was also combined with type 310 stainless steel by hot rolling at 1000°C. Far this, a three-ply composite with capper in the center and cover plates of the stainless steel was used. One of the cover plates was oxidized at 1100°C for 2 hr to prevent bonding during rolling. Included in these experiments were some tests involving the fabrication of composites of molybde- num and Inconel. The purposes of these tests were to determine the conditions necessary to obtain a metallurgical bond by hot rolling, to determine the extent of directional properties due io the molybde- num, and to determine whether such a combination could be deep drawn. The first rolling experiments were made on an evacuated capsule at 1225OC with reductions of 10% per pass. The total reduction was 79% in thickness. No bonding was obtained by using nickel as an intermediate layer between the 123

ANP QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT lnconel and the molybdenum, ln a second series of experiments the rolling temperature was reduced to lOOO"e3, with reductions of 40% per pass and a total reduction of 85% in thickness. The lower rolling temperature reduced the tendency for inter- metallic compounds to dorm at the interface. Bonding was achieved by using nickel as the intermediate layer, and evidences of intermetallic compounds were found only by metallographic examination at high magnifications. The find thickness of the composite was 0,010 in. of molybdenum on 0.040 in. of Inconel. In future experiments with this com- bination, the maximum ratio of molybdenum to Inconel wi tkout the directional properties of wrought molybdenum wi II be determined, All the composites mentioned above were suc- cessfully reduced from 4-in. blanks to 21/2-in. cups by the "Guerin" forming process (male parts of die are hard rubber) at room temperature. Attempts to deep draw the composites are to be made. Si ma- F'ho se A! lays For the continuing study of sigma-phase alloy corrosion by liquid lead (cf. Sec, 6, "Corrosion Research"), some additional tubing was made. Two ingots of a 48.2% Cs-51.8% Fe alloy and two ingots of o 45% Fe-40% G-1% Ni alloy were vacwum cast into l>,-in.-dia ingots 6 in, long. These ingots were then hot rolled in an air atmosphere at 1250°C to rod in. in diameter. After annealing at 11Qo"C for 2 hr and quenching, the rod was readily machin- able into tubing. The transformation from the ferrite to the sigma phase will be accomplished by aging at 1425°F. Two of the tubes (Fe-Cr) were cold swaged 12% so that the effect of cold swaging on the distribution of the sigma phase could be determined, oron Carbide Shielding The experimental fabrication of b-in.-thick shield pieces by warm pressing boron carbide bonded with copper or silver has been discontinued in favor of the fabrication of pieces molded with nonmetallic bonding material by cold pressing followed by sintering to develop the desired properties. Non- metallic bonding materials that would be suitable from nuclear considerations and would be stable at the expected service temperature include sodium silicate, silica, silicon nitride, and boric oxide. Arrangements are being made to secure samples of these materials for compatibility tests with lncanel under operating cot~ditions, 1 24 The density of the proposed shield pieces is to be about 1.8 to 1.9 g/cm3 of R,C, equivalent to 1.4 to 1.5 g/crn3 of boron. They would be molded in the form of equilateral triangles or diamond shapes, 2 to 3 in. on a side, so as fa cover a sphere with an integral number of pieces. Additional tests of the compatibil ity of lnconel with pure boron carbide are being made. Previous tests indicated the formation of a diffusion layer 5 mils thick in a 100-hr test at the operating temper- ature of 1500°F. Twelve tubular fuel elements are being prepared for further drawing experiments at Superior Tube Company. 'they are being assembled with high- fired UO, inathe 30- to 55-p particle size range, as well as with very fine UO,, and with prealloyed and elemental stainless steel and iron core matrixes. Plans are cilso being made to try hot swaging of the tubes in an attempt to reduce stringer formation in the cores by reducing the amount of cold working. Hot swaging on a mandrel may prove to be suc- cessful if bonding to the mandrel can be prevented by an oxide scale or coating. METALLOGRAPHIC EXAMINAPIOH OF A FL UO RiDE-YO-SODIUM HEAT E XCMWNG E R R. 9. Gray P. Patriarca G. M. Slaughter Meta I lurgy Division The fluoride-to-sodium intermediate heat ex- changer, which in a life test failed after 1680 hr in cyclic service in the temperature range 1080 to 1500"F, was examined metaIlographically. All the tube-to-header joints were manually heliarc welded, and tests showed the heat exchanger to be heliuni leak-tight before assembly into the test rig. Visual examination indicated the presence of 19 fissures in the tube-to-headcr welds in two of the three adjacent headers at the hot sodium inlet end. The probable progressive propagotinn of these fissures is shown in Figs. 7.14, 7.15, and 7,16. The fissure shown in Fige 7.16 probably extends to the surface of the weld. If so, there BWS ~1 leak in the system at this point. It seems likely that dif- ferential thermal expansion betwcrn the tubes and the casing caused stress concentrations at the roots of the tube-to-header welds. These stress concentrations wou Id tend to propagate cracks through the welds in the course of thermnl cycling,

excessive oxidation. A potential source of trouble<br />

exists because of the molybdenum content; molybde-<br />

num oxide has been reported to cause catastrophic<br />

oxidation of surrounding structures, especially the<br />

steels.<br />

The solutions to these problems are being ap-<br />

proached in two major ways. First, attempts are<br />

being made to find suitable melting and heating<br />

treatments of Hastelloy 5 that will reduce the<br />

degree of age hardening so that both the cast and<br />

wrought materials wi I I possess acceptable properties<br />

in the temperature range of interest. Second,<br />

Hastelloy-type alloys are being studied. Both<br />

phases of the investigation will involve attempts to<br />

extrude seamless tubing, since, at present, Hastelloy<br />

B tubing must be made by welding strips. Aging<br />

studies of the following materials are now in ptog-<br />

ress at temperatures between 1200 and 1700°F:<br />

commercial, wrought, Hastelloy 5 plate; vacuum-<br />

melted Hastelloy B, as cast; cast and wrought 20%<br />

M0-80% Ni alloy; wrought 24% Mo-76% Ni alloy,<br />

Some of the properties of the 20% Mo-80% Ni<br />

alloy already obtained indicate that this alloy will<br />

be easier to fabricate than Hastelloy B from an<br />

extrusion standpoint; sound tubing could be made,<br />

whereas none was obtained from Hastelloy B.<br />

The recrystallization temperature of a 6Wo cold-<br />

worked sheet of the 20% Mo-80% Ni alloy was ap-<br />

proximately 1900°F for an annealing time of 30<br />

min. However, this alloy oxidizes in air ai 1500°F<br />

at a faster rate than does Hastelloy 5, although<br />

under a temperature cycle between room temperature<br />

and 1500°F the oxidation rates are similar. The<br />

scale formed spalls near room temperature. A<br />

sheet, 0.065 in. thick, could be heiiarc welded<br />

without producing porosity, but an argon arc pro-<br />

duced porosity. In strength tests at 150O0F, the<br />

20% M0-80% Ni allay had a rupture life of 90 hr at<br />

8000 psi; when tested at SO00 psi for 600 hr, it had<br />

a 3% elongation; during a short-time test the alloy<br />

had a tensile strength of 40,000 psi and an elongation<br />

of 10% in a 2-in. gage length.<br />

Oxidation and oxidation-protection studies are in<br />

progress to find suitable methods of protecting the<br />

nickel-molybdenum-base alloys during tests in ther-<br />

mal-convection loops and creep-testing apparatus.<br />

This work will be the ground work for further studies<br />

of the protection of reactor components. The coat-<br />

ings being studied are those that can be applied by<br />

methods readily available, that is, chromium electro-<br />

plate, chromium plus nickel electroplate, nickel<br />


plus aluminum spray, and aluminum spray. In<br />

constant-temperature tests, a chromium electroplate<br />

was found to be beneficial. In oxidation tests in-<br />

volving cycling between room temperature and<br />

1500"F, these coatings eliminate the spalling<br />

characteristics of Hastelloy B. The chromium elec-<br />

troplate and the chromium plus nickel electroplate<br />

afford the best protection.<br />

Duplex Tubing<br />

Attempts have been made to fabricate duplex<br />

seamless tubing that wi II have good corrosion<br />

resistance on the inner surface and oxidation<br />

resistance on the outer surface. In the first ex-<br />

periments, attempts were made to deep draw duplex<br />

blanks 4 in. in diameter. The blanks were made by<br />

hot pressing and also by hot rolling, The following<br />

materials were combined by hot pressing 0.025-in.-<br />

thick sheets under an argon atmosphere with Al,O,-<br />

coated graphite dies at 1500 psi.<br />

Copper plus type 310 stainless<br />

steel<br />

Inconel plus type 310 stainless<br />

steel<br />

Pressing<br />

Te rnperature<br />

("a<br />

1000<br />

Inconel plus Hastelloy B 1200<br />

Hastelloy B plus type 310 stainless<br />

steel<br />

1200<br />

1200<br />

Copper was also combined with type 310 stainless<br />

steel by hot rolling at 1000°C. Far this, a three-ply<br />

composite with capper in the center and cover plates<br />

of the stainless steel was used. One of the cover<br />

plates was oxidized at 1100°C for 2 hr to prevent<br />

bonding during rolling.<br />

Included in these experiments were some tests<br />

involving the fabrication of composites of molybde-<br />

num and Inconel. The purposes of these tests were<br />

to determine the conditions necessary to obtain a<br />

metallurgical bond by hot rolling, to determine the<br />

extent of directional properties due io the molybde-<br />

num, and to determine whether such a combination<br />

could be deep drawn. The first rolling experiments<br />

were made on an evacuated capsule at 1225OC with<br />

reductions of 10% per pass. The total reduction was<br />

79% in thickness. No bonding was obtained by<br />

using nickel as an intermediate layer between the<br />


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