ORNL-2106 - the Molten Salt Energy Technologies Web Site

ORNL-2106 - the Molten Salt Energy Technologies Web Site ORNL-2106 - the Molten Salt Energy Technologies Web Site

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STATUS OF ART DESIGN Design work on the Aircraft Reactor Test (ART) reactor, heat-exchanger, pump, and pressure-shell assembly is nearing completion. Layouts on all the major subassemblies have been completed, along with the major portion of the drawings of the detaited parts. Drawings for the remaining parts should be completed during the coming quarter. The applied mechanics and stress analysis work is accompanying the design, with rough first approximations being completed, usually, shortly after completion of the layouts and with better, second approximations following closely, in most instances, upon completion of the detail drawings. In cases in which component tests have been deemed essential, the results are being analyzed and modifications in details made when essential. Of course the analyses have not been completed for many very complex situations, and many key component tests have not yet been run. It is believed that modifications that will be required as the results of this work become available will probably involve only relatively minor reworking of partially fabricated parts. Such a calculated risk is necessary and inherent in design work involving such exceptional extrapolations of available technology. The preliminary layouts for the shield have been modified to include provision for a substantial amount of instrumentation and special equipment. A one-half-scale model of the top portion of the reactor (commonly referred to as the ''n~~th head"), including the NaK manifolding, has been completed, and models of the instrumentation components, the lead shielding, and associated parts are well under way. Such models are used to investigate assembly and interference problems. Preliminary layouts have also been prepared for the arrangement of the lube-oil, hydraulic-fluid, water, gas, electrical, and instrumentation lines in the reactor cell. A one-sixth-scale model of the entire ART assembly is being kept closely abreast of this work to ensure accessibility, freedom from interferences, etc. The fuel fill-anddrain tank design has been completed, preliminary layouts for the associated supports, shielding, plumbing and instrumentation hpve been prepared, and the consequent assembly, accessibility, etc. problems 1.1. AIRCRAFT REACTOR TEST DESIGN A. P. Fraas are being studied in the one-sixth-scale model. The detail design of the plumbing and equipment installation outside the cell is well along and should be largely completed during the coming quarteri APPLIED MECHANICS AND STRESS ANALYSIS R. V. Meghreblian North-Head Pressure Stresses The stress analysis of the composite double- deck structure of the north head, mentioned in the previous report,' was completed, The analysis was based on the pressure loads to which the structure will be subjected during full-power oper- ation. Since the actual design consists of two circular flat-plate decks ioined by a complex pattern of vertical baffles and walls arranged both radially and circumferentially (Fig. 1.1.1), it was not possible to carry out an analysis of this com- posite structure which would yield an exact dis- tribution of the elastic stresses. Moreover, this structure is to be exposed to various operating conditions at temperatures of 120OOF and above for about 1000 hr, and it is expected that thermal distortions and creep will cause redistributions of stresses which will differ markedly from any predicted elastic stresses. It is not entirely meaningful therefore to think in terms of an exact stress distribution, and, for this reason, precise analyses of this structure were not attempted. So long as the proposed design is capable of supporting the operating loads at relatively low stress levels, the details of the exact distribution are not important. From the viewpoint of creep limitations, it would suffice to know the general location and magnitude of the highest stresses in the system. This information has been obtained from a series of calculations based on simplified geometric con- figurations of the north-head structure, and these results will eventually be checked by an experi- mental stress analysis of a full-size aluminum model. The calculations consisted of three parts: a very elementary analysis in which the various 'R. V. Meghreblian, ANP Quat. Prog. Rep. March 10, 1956, ORNL-2061, p 22. 19

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