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Annoted Cover 2010-full-correct spine.indd - Penguin Group Annoted Cover 2010-full-correct spine.indd - Penguin Group
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Bayou Folk and A Night in Acadie ........... 53 Beast Within, The ................................... 268 Beautiful and Damned, The .................... 89 Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me ................................................ 86 Beggar’s Opera, The ................................. 99 Behind the Scenes ................................... 139 Bel-Ami .................................................... 164 Bell, The ................................................... 175 Beowulf ............................................ 269–270 Betrothed, The ........................................ 158 Between Past and Future .......................... 11 Beyond Good and Evil ............................ 180 Bhagavad Gita, The ................................. 270 Bible, The ................................................. 270 Billy Budd and Other Stories .................. 165 Birds and Other Plays, The ...................... 12 Birth of Tragedy, The .............................. 180 Black Arrow, The .................................... 229 Black Lamb and Grey Falcon ................. 258 Black Prince, The ................................... 175 Black Sheep, The ...................................... 18 Black Tulip, The ....................................... 79 Blazing World and Other Writings, The .. 46 Bleak House ............................................... 71 Blithedale Romance, The ....................... 116 Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat .................... 54 Blue Meridian .......................................... 162 Bombs Away ............................................ 224 Book of Chuang Tzu, The ...................... 270 Book of Contemplation, The ................. 249 Book of Disquiet, The ............................ 186 Book of Imaginary Beings, The ............... 29 Book of Lamentations, The ..................... 44 Book of Margery Kempe, The ............... 139 Book of Mormon, The ............................ 219 Book of Sand and Shakespeare’s Memory, The ......................................... 29 Book of the City of Ladies, The .............. 187 Book of the Courtier, The ....................... 44 Bostonians, The ...................................... 129 Bounty Mutiny, The ................................ 27 Brand ....................................................... 125 Bride of Lammermoor, The ................... 207 Brighton Rock ......................................... 106 Brodie’s Report ......................................... 29 Brontë Sisters, The ................................... 35 Brothers Karamazov, The ........................ 75 342 TITLE INDEX Buddhist Scriptures................................. 279 Burning Bright ........................................ 225 Burnt-Out Case, A .................................. 106 C Caesar and Cleopatra .............................. 214 Caleb Williams ........................................ 102 Call of Cthulhu , The ............................. 153 Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Other Stories, The ............................... 151 Campaigns of Alexander, The ................. 14 Can You Forgive Her? ............................. 242 Candida ................................................... 214 Candide ................................................... 253 Cannery Row ........................................... 225 Canterbury Tales, The ....................... 48–49 Cape Cod ................................................. 237 Capital...................................................... 160 Captain and the Enemy, The .................. 106 Captain Blood ........................................ 204 Captains Courageous .............................. 142 Carpenter’s Gothic .................................... 96 Castle of Otranto, The ............................ 254 Castle Rackrent and Ennui ....................... 81 Catiline’s War, The Jugurthine War, Histories ............................................... 205 Cavalleria Rusticana and Other Stories ... 250 Celestina .................................................. 201 Celtic Miscellany, A ................................ 279 Ceremony ................................................ 217 Chance ....................................................... 59 Charlotte Temple and Lucy Temple ...... 203 Charterhouse of Parma, The .................. 228 Chattering Courtesans and Other Sardonic Sketches ................................ 154 Childhood/Boyhood/Youth ................... 239 Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings, A ............................................. 71 Chronicle of the Narváez Expedition....... 41 Chronicles.................................................. 95 Chronicles of the Canongate .................. 207 Chronicles of the Crusades ..................... 134 Cid/Cinna/The Theatrical Illusion, The .. 61 Cistercian World, The ............................ 279 City of God ................................................ 14 Civil War, The ........................................... 41 Civil Wars, The ......................................... 10 Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, The ................................................. 38

Clarissa..................................................... 199 Classical Comedy ...................................... 12 Classical Literary Criticism ..................... 280 Clotel.......................................................... 35 Cloud Forest, The ................................... 162 Cloud of Unknowing and Other Writings, The ........................................................ 270 Cold Comfort Farm ................................ 100 Collected Fictions (Borges) ...................... 28 Collected Short Stories, Vol. 1 (Maugham) .......................................... 163 Collected Short Stories, Vol. 2 (Maugham) .......................................... 163 Collected Short Stories, Vol. 3 (Maugham) .......................................... 163 Collected Short Stories, Vol. 4 (Maugham) .......................................... 163 Collected Stories (Stegner) ..................... 223 Colonial American Travel Narratives .... 280 Comedians, The ...................................... 107 Comedies, The ........................................ 235 Comedy of Errors, The ........................... 211 Coming, Aphrodite! and Other Stories ... 45 Common Sense ....................................... 182 Communist Manifesto, The ................... 161 Complete Dead Sea Scrolls In English, The .......................................... 280 Complete English Poems, The (Dunne) ... 75 Complete English Poems, The (Herbert) .............................................. 118 Complete Essays, The (Montaigne) ....... 171 Complete Fables, The (Aesop) ................... 3 Complete Fairy Tales, The (MacDonald)........................................ 155 Complete Novels, The (Austen) ............... 15 Complete Odes and Epodes, The (Horace) ............................................... 122 Complete Pelican Shakespeare, The ...... 211 Complete Plays, Lenz, and Other Writings (Büchner) ..................... 37 Complete Plays, The (Marlowe) ............ 158 Complete Poems (Johnson) ................... 133 Complete Poems (Lawrence) ................. 146 Complete Poems (Moore) ...................... 172 Complete Poems (Parker) ...................... 184 Complete Poems and Translations, The (Marlowe) ............................................ 158 Complete Poems, The (Rossetti) ........... 201 Complete Poems, The (Whitman)......... 261 Complete Poems, The (Blake) ................. 27 Complete Poems, The (Coleridge) .......... 55 Complete Poems, The (Jonson) ............. 135 Complete Poems, The (Keats)................ 138 Complete Poems, The (Marvell) ............ 160 Complete Poems, The (Milton) ............. 170 Complete Saki, The ................................. 205 Complete Short Fiction (Wilde) ............ 262 Complete Short Stories (Greene) ........... 107 Complete Stories (Parker) ...................... 184 Complete Writings (Wheatley) .............. 260 Con Men and Cutpurses ........................ 280 Condition of the Working Class in England, The ......................................... 83 Conference of the Birds, The ................... 14 Confession and Other Religious Writings, A ........................................... 239 Confessions (St. Augustine) ..................... 14 Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and Other Writings ................................ 70 Confessions, The (Rousseau) ................. 202 Confidence-Man, The ............................ 165 Confusions of Young Törless, The ......... 176 Conjure Tales and Stories of the Color Line .............................................. 52 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A ................................................ 246 Conquest of Gaul, The ............................. 41 Conquest of New Spain, The ................... 71 Consolation of Philosophy, The .............. 28 Conversations of Socrates ....................... 266 Coriolanus ............................................... 211 Cossacks and Other Stories, The ............ 239 Count Magnus and Other Ghost Stories ................................................... 131 Count of Monte Cristo, The .................... 79 Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia, The ... 217 Country Doctor, A .................................. 132 Country of the Blind, The ...................... 256 Country of the Pointed Firs and Other Stories, The .......................................... 132 Cousin Bette .............................................. 18 Cousin Pons .............................................. 18 Cranford .................................................... 97 Crime and Punishment ............................ 76 Critique of Pure Reason ......................... 138 Crucible, The .......................................... 169 Cruise of the Snark, The ........................ 152 Cup of Gold ............................................. 225 T I T L E I N D E X 343

Bayou Folk and A Night in Acadie ........... 53<br />

Beast Within, The ................................... 268<br />

Beautiful and Damned, The .................... 89<br />

Been Down So Long It Looks Like<br />

Up to Me ................................................ 86<br />

Beggar’s Opera, The ................................. 99<br />

Behind the Scenes ................................... 139<br />

Bel-Ami .................................................... 164<br />

Bell, The ................................................... 175<br />

Beowulf ............................................ 269–270<br />

Betrothed, The ........................................ 158<br />

Between Past and Future .......................... 11<br />

Beyond Good and Evil ............................ 180<br />

Bhagavad Gita, The ................................. 270<br />

Bible, The ................................................. 270<br />

Billy Budd and Other Stories .................. 165<br />

Birds and Other Plays, The ...................... 12<br />

Birth of Tragedy, The .............................. 180<br />

Black Arrow, The .................................... 229<br />

Black Lamb and Grey Falcon ................. 258<br />

Black Prince, The ................................... 175<br />

Black Sheep, The ...................................... 18<br />

Black Tulip, The ....................................... 79<br />

Blazing World and Other Writings, The .. 46<br />

Bleak House ............................................... 71<br />

Blithedale Romance, The ....................... 116<br />

Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat .................... 54<br />

Blue Meridian .......................................... 162<br />

Bombs Away ............................................ 224<br />

Book of Chuang Tzu, The ...................... 270<br />

Book of Contemplation, The ................. 249<br />

Book of Disquiet, The ............................ 186<br />

Book of Imaginary Beings, The ............... 29<br />

Book of Lamentations, The ..................... 44<br />

Book of Margery Kempe, The ............... 139<br />

Book of Mormon, The ............................ 219<br />

Book of Sand and Shakespeare’s<br />

Memory, The ......................................... 29<br />

Book of the City of Ladies, The .............. 187<br />

Book of the Courtier, The ....................... 44<br />

Bostonians, The ...................................... 129<br />

Bounty Mutiny, The ................................ 27<br />

Brand ....................................................... 125<br />

Bride of Lammermoor, The ................... 207<br />

Brighton Rock ......................................... 106<br />

Brodie’s Report ......................................... 29<br />

Brontë Sisters, The ................................... 35<br />

Brothers Karamazov, The ........................ 75<br />

342 TITLE INDEX<br />

Buddhist Scriptures................................. 279<br />

Burning Bright ........................................ 225<br />

Burnt-Out Case, A .................................. 106<br />

C<br />

Caesar and Cleopatra .............................. 214<br />

Caleb Williams ........................................ 102<br />

Call of Cthulhu , The ............................. 153<br />

Call of the Wild, White Fang, and<br />

Other Stories, The ............................... 151<br />

Campaigns of Alexander, The ................. 14<br />

Can You Forgive Her? ............................. 242<br />

Candida ................................................... 214<br />

Candide ................................................... 253<br />

Cannery Row ........................................... 225<br />

Canterbury Tales, The ....................... 48–49<br />

Cape Cod ................................................. 237<br />

Capital...................................................... 160<br />

Captain and the Enemy, The .................. 106<br />

Captain Blood ........................................ 204<br />

Captains Courageous .............................. 142<br />

Carpenter’s Gothic .................................... 96<br />

Castle of Otranto, The ............................ 254<br />

Castle Rackrent and Ennui ....................... 81<br />

Catiline’s War, The Jugurthine War,<br />

Histories ............................................... 205<br />

Cavalleria Rusticana and Other Stories ... 250<br />

Celestina .................................................. 201<br />

Celtic Miscellany, A ................................ 279<br />

Ceremony ................................................ 217<br />

Chance ....................................................... 59<br />

Charlotte Temple and Lucy Temple ...... 203<br />

Charterhouse of Parma, The .................. 228<br />

Chattering Courtesans and Other<br />

Sardonic Sketches ................................ 154<br />

Childhood/Boyhood/Youth ................... 239<br />

Christmas Carol and Other Christmas<br />

Writings, A ............................................. 71<br />

Chronicle of the Narváez Expedition....... 41<br />

Chronicles.................................................. 95<br />

Chronicles of the Canongate .................. 207<br />

Chronicles of the Crusades ..................... 134<br />

Cid/Cinna/The Theatrical Illusion, The .. 61<br />

Cistercian World, The ............................ 279<br />

City of God ................................................ 14<br />

Civil War, The ........................................... 41<br />

Civil Wars, The ......................................... 10<br />

Civilization of the Renaissance in<br />

Italy, The ................................................. 38

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