Untitled - Maukner

Untitled - Maukner

Untitled - Maukner


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contents<br />

living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05<br />

dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29<br />

outdoor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51<br />

product index . . . . . . . . .59

“We focus on<br />

creating the practical<br />

beautiful. And the<br />

beautiful practical.”<br />

m e n u l i v e s from creating the practical beautiful . And the beautiful practical . We design<br />

joie de vivre and sparkle . genuine, decorative art combined with the aesthetic pleasures of indul-<br />

gence . large and small, short and sweet .<br />

our roots are deeply embedded in Scandinavian design culture, in which simplicity and beauty are<br />

essential features of the functionality . And exclusive materials and good, solid craftsmanship are<br />

part of the secret . But most important is the originality . We live and breathe to get you to say: ”of<br />

course! Why has no one thought of it before?”<br />

We can sum it up in just 3 words: Scandinavian . design . originals . And if you want to see what<br />

these 3 words can lead to, come on in! take the time for an inspirational journey into our world .<br />

Snuggle down by the fireplace in the living room . enjoy a good hot cup of tea in the kitchen .<br />

or venture out into the garden – which we have also filled with radiant ideas .<br />

come and experience . come and discover . Welcome to House of Menu .<br />

house of

Think out of the jewel box<br />

living<br />

i t h i n k i’ll treat myself to a day devoted to really enjoying life . completely relax .<br />

take plenty of time to indulge myself . perhaps a hot bath and a good back scrub, the air<br />

awaft with incense . or just laze on the sofa beside a crackling fire, lost in a good book .<br />

or share a cosy candlelight evening with those i hold closest . disconnect for a moment .<br />

Stop . Sense . Savour .<br />


JEWEllERY HAnGERS By louiSe cHriSt<br />

l o u i s e ch r i s t you deserve to enjoy your jewellery<br />

JEWEllERY TREE By louiSe cHriSt<br />

even when you’re not wearing it .<br />

livinG i 7

10 i livinG<br />

mini lAmp By jAkoB WAgner<br />

“Simple, elegant shapes and genuine handcrafted<br />

materials merged together in a modern creation deeply<br />

rooted in Scandinavian design tradition and inspired<br />

by the ever-changing nordic light .”

12 i livinG<br />

“When our ideas are taking shape, we lean<br />

on Scandinavian cultural heritage . in the<br />

workmanship, the detail and the clean-cut<br />

lines . We cut out everything unnecessary<br />

– seeing that true beauty lies in melting<br />

together simplicity, originality, and function .”<br />

cAndElAbRA By cHArleS WilSon<br />

australian design<br />

award 2007

16 i livinG<br />

“look at it a little from above . A little from below . or slightly from one<br />

side . We felt like travelling around the world – at home on the couch .<br />

therefore we reinvented the conventional globe .”<br />

GlobE By jAkoB WAgner & louiSe cHriSt<br />

the decorative globe gives<br />

you hands-on experience<br />

of the entire world .<br />

Whether you opt for the<br />

classic version on a stand<br />

or the refreshingly new<br />

hanging version, the globe<br />

is easily detached from<br />

its magnetic mounting<br />

for a closer view .

KEYcHAin, blAcK TiTAnium<br />

a u r é l i e n ba r b r y the beauty itself lies in<br />

the combination of simplicity, originality, and function .<br />

livinG i 19

20 i livinG<br />

luGGAGE TAG, blAcK TiTAnium cHARGER TRAY, blAcK TiTAnium cARd bEEpER, blAcK TiTAnium<br />

blAcK TiTAnium By Aurélien BArBry<br />

cARd box, blAcK TiTAnium

22 i livinG livinG i 23<br />

RubbER vASE By Henriette MelcHiorSen

24 i livinG livinG i 25<br />

SilvER Round vASE By pernille veA<br />

“do you also feel the magic of a spider’s web full of<br />

dewdrops? its complex construction . the aesthetics,<br />

the beauty, the function, and the simplicity of it .”

26 i livinG livinG i 27<br />

dumbbEllS By Henriette MelcHiorSen<br />

“get a moment’s breathing-space . leaving the<br />

stressful world behind, close your eyes, pamper<br />

yourself, your body, or the one you love .”<br />

mASSAGE Top By pernille veA

Our teapot’s hot new date<br />

dining<br />

s i m m e r, boil, fry, bake . A tasteful evening in the making . taking my time and enjoying<br />

the pleasure of expectation . i’ll just check the sauce – hmmm… – perhaps a touch<br />

more vinegar . let’s see… the wine and the flowers are ready… and here are the spices .<br />

oh, it’s going to be good! i’m so looking forward to them coming over – it’s been too<br />

long since we last saw them . What’s the time? they’ll soon be here! perfect!<br />


30 i dininG dininG i 31<br />

p e r n i l l e v e a good design puts time on hold . And gets the<br />

imagination going . My objective with Black contour was to create a piece of<br />

culture for the pleasures of the table inspired by nature .<br />

blAcK conTouR By pernille veA

SAlT & pEppER SHAKERS By cHriStiAn Bjørn<br />

finGERpRinT poTHoldER By jAkoB WAgner<br />

STAcKAblE ovEndiSH By cHriStiAn Bjørn<br />

dininG i 33<br />

the Stackable oven dishes make perfect sense in any<br />

kitchen and on every dinner table . put two dishes on<br />

top of one another to allow each dish to be heated<br />

separately, or place tealight candles in the bottom<br />

dish to keep the food hot when served .

SoAp bRuSH By jAkoB Munk<br />

j a k o b mu n k i simply got tired of plain, dull-looking brushes in<br />

the kitchen . And tired of all the detergent that goes down the drain .<br />

My soap brush is full of fun, combining every-day aesthetics with<br />

respect for the environment .<br />

dininG i 35

36 i dininG<br />

“We strive to make things out of<br />

the ordinary seem familiar – and<br />

the unfamiliar ordinary”<br />

TRivET mAGnETic By jAkoB WAgner<br />

TRivET pRopEllER By jAkoB WAgner

WATER JuG By pil BredAHl<br />

cARAfE By jAkoB Munk<br />

“Simplicity above all . A brilliant idea and authentic<br />

design do not require any additional decoration .”<br />

dininG i 39

40 i dininG<br />

“the ideas are hiding right under your nose . you just<br />

have to seize them . like a lump of amber on the beach .<br />

it is lying right there – that is, if you spot it . if you learn<br />

how to look, listen, taste, and feel . For an open mind<br />

offers you inspiration everywhere you look .”<br />

cHocolATE fonduE By jAkoB WAgner

42 i dininG<br />

j a k o b wa g n e r everybody makes a special effort when<br />

choosing a good bottle of wine . i chose to make<br />

that special effort when i was designing a wine<br />

thermometer you won’t be ashamed to show off .<br />

WinE THERmomETER By jAkoB WAgner<br />

Timing is everything

44 i dininG dininG i 45<br />

WinE RAcK By jAkoB WAgner<br />

“A good idea appeals to your<br />

heart as well as your brain .”

WinE dEcAnTER By louiSe cHriSt<br />

“Wine is the most civilised<br />

thing in the world” erneSt HeMingWAy<br />

WAiTER’S SERvinG TRAY By jAkoB WAgner<br />

dininG i 47

48 i dininG<br />

d o n’t dr o p go o d ta s t e<br />

of course, you can pour the wine into a decanter – if you really don’t want the label to be seen . But<br />

when you have gone to so much trouble to find the ideal grape, vintage and mountain slope, it would be<br />

a shame to deprive the guests of your depth of knowledge . Menu’s patented, award-winning decanting<br />

pourer filters, splits and oxygenates the wine to achieve the optimal taste and bouquet as you pour it .<br />

designed in 1999 - another good vintage from Menu .<br />

Air<br />

WinE AccESSoRiES By jAkoB WAgner<br />


Love at first light<br />

outdoor<br />

l e t’s g o! gloves on and out into this wonderland! Somersaults in the frozen<br />

snow . kicking through the fallen leaves . A fresh westerly wind and a tint of winter sun .<br />

or a skip and a hop through the puddles – jigging through the raindrops . My garden an<br />

extra room . Space for lighthouses and birdsong . the openness an opportunity to revel in<br />

nature morning and evening, early and late, summer and winter .<br />


liGHTHouSE SundiAl By cHriStiAn Bjørn<br />

christian bj ø r n A lighthouse in the evening mist .<br />

A midsummer bonfire on the coast . the most beautiful things can<br />

happen when you merge two things in a new way .<br />

liGHTHouSE oillAmpS By cHriStiAn Bjørn<br />

ouTdooR i 53

56 i ouTdooR<br />

“Any material has its own individual structure . A life<br />

of its own . its own soul . its own history . And when you<br />

listen carefully, the material will reveal its direction .”<br />

oRGAnic/mAGmA STonE By pernille veA

ToRcH By pernille veA<br />

index<br />

in t h e following pages, we are pleased to present our complete 2008 collection<br />

filled with striking novelties, pleasant surprises and well-known classics . take a stroll<br />

through the House of Menu and experience room after room of original design inspira-<br />

tion . For indoors as well as outdoors<br />

product index

60 i product index i livinG livinG i product index i 61<br />

01<br />

4741049<br />

05<br />

4746039<br />

04<br />

4743029<br />

02<br />

4741059<br />

03<br />

4743039<br />

06<br />

4739949<br />

01. SilvER Round vASE, mEdium dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 02. SilvER Round vASE, lARGE dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 03. cAndElAbRA dESiGn cHARlES WilSon |<br />

04. HEART cAndlEHoldER dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 05. GAlERiE vASE 2 in 1 dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 06. mini lAmp, SET dESiGn JAKob WAGnER<br />

05<br />

4743089<br />

01<br />

4756039<br />

06<br />

4743189<br />

04<br />

4757049<br />

02<br />

4742019<br />

07<br />

4746049<br />

03<br />

4742059<br />

01. SToRAGE ToWER dESiGn HEnRiETTE mElcHioRSEn | 02. GAlERiE cAndlEHoldER dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 03. cAndlEHoldER WAllmounTEd dESiGn<br />

pERnillE vEA | 04. ARomA lAmp dESiGn HEnRiETTE mElcHioRSEn | 05. GAlERiE cYlindER dESiGn pil bREdAHl | 06. GAlERiE cYlindER pATTERnEd dESiGn<br />

pil bREdAHl | 07. SimpliciTY vASE dESiGn pil bREdAHl

62 i product index i livinG livinG i product index i 63<br />

07<br />

3900039<br />

01<br />

3800039<br />

04<br />

4753539<br />

02<br />

3800539<br />

05<br />

4752539<br />

08<br />

3900049<br />

03<br />

3800309<br />

06<br />

3800339<br />

01. JEWEllERY TREE dESiGn louiSE cHRiST | 02. JEWEllERY TREE, blAcK cHRomE dESiGn louiSE cHRiST | 03. JEWEllERY HAnGERS dESiGn louiSE cHRiST |<br />

04. RubbER vASE, blAcK, SmAll dESiGn HEnRiETTE mElcHioRSEn | 05. RubbER vASE, blAcK, lARGE dESiGn HEnRiETTE mElcHioRSEn | 06. JEWEllERY HAn-<br />

GERS, blAcK cHRomE dESiGn louiSE cHRiST | 07. mASSAGE Top dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 08. dumbbEllS, mAGnETic dESiGn HEnRiETTE mElcHioRSEn<br />

01<br />

4794039<br />

05<br />

6000059<br />

04<br />

6000039<br />

06<br />

6000009<br />

02<br />

4792019<br />

03<br />

4792059<br />

07<br />

6000019 08<br />

6000049<br />

01. SAvinGS ToWER dESiGn pil bREdAHl | 02. clASSic GlobE, dESiGn louiSE cHRiST/JAKob WAGnER | 03. HAnGinG GlobE, dESiGn louiSE cHRiST/JAKob<br />

WAGnER | 04. cHARGER TRAY, blAcK TiTAnium dESiGn AuRÉliEn bARbRY | 05. cARd box, blAcK TiTAnium dESiGn AuRÉliEn bARbRY | 06. KEY cHAin, blAcK<br />

TiTAnium dESiGn AuRÉliEn bARbRY | 07. luGGAGE TAG, blAcK TiTAnium dESiGn AuRÉliEn bARbRY | 08. cARd bEEpER , blAcK TiTAnium dESiGn AuRÉliEn<br />


64 i product index i dininG dininG i product index i 65<br />

05<br />

4512049<br />

01<br />

5407219<br />

02<br />

5406019<br />

03<br />

4512039<br />

04<br />

4512029<br />

01. SAlT & pEppER SHAKERS, poRcElAin dESiGn cHRiSTiAn bJØRn | 02. liGHTHouSE HEATER dESiGn cHRiSTiAn bJØRn | 03. STAcKAblE ovEndiSH 17x12x7<br />

cm dESiGn cHRiSTiAn bJØRn | 04 STAcKAblE ovEndiSH 24x17x7 cm dESiGn cHRiSTiAn bJØRn | 05. STAcKAblE ovEndiSH 35x24x7 cm dESiGn cHRiSTiAn<br />

bJØRn<br />

01<br />

4501229<br />

05<br />

4503049<br />

08<br />

4500219<br />

11<br />

4501439<br />

14<br />

4514049<br />

09<br />

4500029<br />

12<br />

4502229<br />

06<br />

4503039<br />

10<br />

4500039<br />

13<br />

4502239<br />

15<br />

4514039 16<br />

4514069<br />

04<br />

4503229<br />

17<br />

4514059<br />

02<br />

4509239<br />

18<br />

4514079<br />

07<br />

4779539<br />

03<br />

4501059<br />

blAcK conTouR dESiGn pERnillE vEA:<br />

01. plATES 30 cm | 02. SidE plATES | 03. SERvinG diSH | 04. SuGAR & milK SET | 05. TEA JuG W. TEAbAll | 06. piTcHER 2.0 l | 07. THERmo JuG | 08. THERmo<br />

cup, SmAll | 09. THERmo cup, mEdium | 10. THERmo cup, lARGE | 11. THERmo cup, mEdium foREST | 12. THERmo cup, mEdium nEW | 13. THERmo cup,<br />

lARGE nEW | 14. poRcElAin boWl 14 cm | 15. poRcElAin boWl 12 cm | 16. poRcElAin boWl 22 cm | 17. poRcElAin boWl 18 cm | 18. poRcElAin boWl 26 cm

66 i product index i dininG dininG i product index i 67<br />

01<br />

4407039<br />

04<br />

4420019<br />

10<br />

4790069<br />

07<br />

4722929<br />

05<br />

4782079<br />

02<br />

4459539<br />

08<br />

4820019<br />

03<br />

4770019<br />

06<br />

4770029<br />

09<br />

4771059<br />

11<br />

4782049<br />

01. SAucETTE W. cAndlE, WHiSK & lAdlE dESiGn bEnT fAlK | 02. TRivET 2 in 1, blAcK dESiGn mEnu | 03. coffEE pRESS 0,35 l, bEAn dESiGn pERnillE vEA |<br />

04. SAlT & pEppER TumblERS, finE dESiGn HEnRiETTE mElcHioRSEn | 05. SAlAd SERvERS, STEEl dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 06. coffEE pRESS 1 l, bEAn dESiGn<br />

pERnillE vEA | 07. pipETTE GlASS 150 ml, 2 pcS WiTH TRAY dESiGn lovoRiKA bAnovic | 08. HERb lAddER dESiGn lovoRiKA bAnovic | 09. TEA poT 1,3 l,<br />

GlASS dESiGn bEnT fAlK | 10. nuTcRAcKER dESiGn bRuno cHRiSTESEn | 11. SAlAd TonGS dESiGn bEnT fAlK<br />

01<br />

4800639<br />

04<br />

4861139<br />

05<br />

4791079<br />

06<br />

4790539<br />

02<br />

4800009<br />

03<br />

4810539<br />

07<br />

4446539<br />

08<br />

4448539<br />

09<br />

4407219<br />

01. SoAp bRuSH, blAcK/WHiTE dESiGn JAKob munK | 02. SoAp bRuSH, STEEl dESiGn JAKob munK | 03. finGERpRinT poTHoldER dESiGn JAKob WAGnER |<br />

04. WATER JuG 1,3 l dESiGn pil bREdAHl | 05. TooTHpicK mAn, blAcK dESiGn ToRbEn RASmuSSEn | 06. TooTHpicK mAn, AnTHRAciTE dESiGn ToRbEn<br />

RASmuSSEn | 07. TRivET mAGnETic, blAcK dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 08. TRivET pRopEllER dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 09. cHocolATE fonduE, SET dESiGn<br />


68 i product index i dininG dininG i product index i 69<br />

01<br />

4661049<br />

03<br />

4658059<br />

05<br />

4662009<br />

06<br />

4662539<br />

04<br />

4108039<br />

08<br />

4659039<br />

07<br />

4658039<br />

02<br />

4655039<br />

01. cARAfE 1l dESiGn JAKob munK | 02. WinE RunnER dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 03. WinE coolER dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 04. WAiTER’S SERvinG TRAY<br />

34 cm viGnon dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 05. WinE RAcK, miRRoR dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 06. WinE RAcK, blAcK dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 07. icE bucKET /<br />

WinE coolER dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 08. WinE dEcAnTER dESiGn louiSE cHRiST<br />

12<br />

4657009<br />

01<br />

4653059<br />

13<br />

4656439<br />

09<br />

4657249<br />

10<br />

4653249<br />

02<br />

4653439<br />

14<br />

4656039<br />

03<br />

4653039<br />

15<br />

4656239<br />

07<br />

4657069<br />

04<br />

4653139<br />

11<br />

4657039<br />

16<br />

4657029<br />

05<br />

4653239<br />

06<br />

4657019<br />

08<br />

4657059<br />

01. coRKScREW viGnon dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 02. dEcAnTinG pouRER SElEcTion dESiGn mARTin SonnE | 03. dEcAnTinG pouRER viGnon, dESiGn mAR-<br />

Tin SonnE | 04. dEcAnTinG pouRER pREmium dESiGn mARTin SonnE | 05. dEcAnTinG pouRER vinTAGE dESiGn mARTin SonnE | 06. WinE pouRER viGnon<br />

dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 07. WAiTER’S coRKScREW dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 08. AiR pRESSuRE coRKScREW viGnon dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 09. boTTlE<br />

coASTER viGnon dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 10. foilcuTTER viGnon dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 11. WinE THERmomETER dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 12. WinE-<br />

SToppER viGnon dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 13. vAcuum SToppER SElEcTion dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 14. vAcuum SToppER viGnon dESiGn JAKob WAGnER |<br />

15. vAcuum SToppER vinTAGE dESiGn JAKob WAGnER | 16. coRK pRESEnTER dESiGn JAKob WAGnER

70 i product index i ouTdooR<br />

05<br />

4750839<br />

01<br />

4747019<br />

06<br />

4750339<br />

02<br />

4747039<br />

07<br />

4750239<br />

03<br />

4750309<br />

04<br />

4747069<br />

08<br />

4750319<br />

o1. ToRcH dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 02. HuRRicAnE dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 03. mini mAGmA STonES dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 04. fEEdER STRinG, 1 SET dESiGn<br />

pERnillE vEA | 05. mAGmA STonE 20 cm, YElloW STAndinG dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 06. mAGmA STonE 20 cm, REd STAndinG dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 07.<br />

mAGmA STonE 20 cm, oRAnGE STAndinG dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 08. mAGmA STonE 12 cm, REd lYinG dESiGn pERnillE vEA<br />

03<br />

4751559<br />

05<br />

4751579<br />

01<br />

4749139<br />

ouTdooR i product index i 71<br />

02<br />

4751569<br />

04<br />

4751549<br />

01. oRGAnic bEE TRAp dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 02. oRGAnic oil lAmp 50 cm, blAcK dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 03. oRGAnic oil lAmp 30 cm, blAcK dESiGn pERnillE<br />

vEA | 04. oRGAnic oil lAmp 20 cm, blAcK dESiGn pERnillE vEA | 05. oRGAnic oil lAmp 10 cm, blAcK dESiGn pERnillE vEA

72 i product index i ouTdooR<br />

01<br />

5406059<br />

05<br />

5200019<br />

06<br />

5306039<br />

02<br />

5406079<br />

07<br />

5306049<br />

08<br />

5306059<br />

03<br />

5306019<br />

04<br />

5306029<br />

09<br />

5306069<br />

liGHTHouSE dESiGn cHRiSTiAn bJØRn:<br />

01. liGHTHouSE 600, WAllmounTEd ToRcH | 02. liGHTHouSE SundiAl | 03. liGHTHouSE 75, HuRRicAnE | 04. liGHTHouSE 120, HuRRicAnE | 05. liGHTouSE<br />

TAll ToRcH, blAcK | 06. liGHTHouSE 220, oillAmp | 07. liGHTHouSE 350, oillAmp | 08. liGHTHouSE 500, oillAmp | 09. liGHTHouSE 650, oillAmp<br />

pHoto: peter M . MAdSen .WWW .peterMMAdSen .dk | iMAgeS p . 54 courteSy oF Mikkel WeStFAll + 45 23 38 71 58 | iMAgeS p . 26, 40 deSign HotelS

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