Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University


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the next chapter we will see th<strong>at</strong> Bose-Einstein condens<strong>at</strong>ion is an example of<br />

a n<strong>at</strong>ural phenomenon th<strong>at</strong> would not be described <strong>at</strong> all if we ignored such an<br />

error analysis. In fact, in the description of many phase transitions one needs<br />

to be careful!<br />

3.8 Problems for chapter 3<br />

Problem 1.<br />

The Helmholtz free energy of a system <strong>at</strong> an appropri<strong>at</strong>e temper<strong>at</strong>ure is given<br />

by F (V, N) = N log( N<br />

V ) − N.<br />

1. Calcul<strong>at</strong>e the pressure and chemical potential.<br />

M such systems, all with volume V, are in diffusive contact and in equilibrium.<br />

In addition, there is a potential energy per particle Φi in system i. The total<br />

number of particles in the M combined systems is N.<br />

2. Find the number of particles in each of the subsystems.<br />

Problem 2.<br />

The quantum st<strong>at</strong>es of a given system have a variable volume. The energy of<br />

st<strong>at</strong>e n is ɛn, while the volume of st<strong>at</strong>e n is νn. This system is <strong>at</strong> a given pressure<br />

p.<br />

a) Show th<strong>at</strong> the probability of finding the system in st<strong>at</strong>e n is proportional to<br />

e−β(ɛn+pνn) .<br />

b). In this case we define a partition function Z(T, p, N) = <br />

e−β(ɛn+pνn) . Show<br />

th<strong>at</strong> the Gibbs energy G = U − T S + pV is rel<strong>at</strong>ed to Z by G = −kBT log(Z).<br />

c) Find a formula rel<strong>at</strong>ing the fluctu<strong>at</strong>ions in volume to the isothermal compressibility.<br />

Problem 3.<br />

A system contains an ideal gas of <strong>at</strong>oms with spin 1<br />

2 in a magnetic field<br />

B(r). The concentr<strong>at</strong>ion of the spin up (down) particles is n↑(r) ( n↓(r) ). The<br />

temper<strong>at</strong>ure is T.<br />

(A) Evalu<strong>at</strong>e the total chemical potential for the spin up and down particles.<br />

(B) These two chemical potentials have to be the same and independent of r.<br />

Explain why.<br />

(C) Calcul<strong>at</strong>e the magnetic moment of this gas as a function of position.<br />

(D) Show th<strong>at</strong> the concentr<strong>at</strong>ion of magnetic particles is high in regions with<br />

a large magnetic field.<br />


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