Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University


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as expected. The system is in the ground st<strong>at</strong>e, which is non-degener<strong>at</strong>e. For<br />

large values of the temper<strong>at</strong>ure we get<br />

T → ∞ : U ≈ 2kBT, S ≈ 2kB − 2kB log( ω<br />

) (2.65)<br />

kBT<br />

This makes sense too. When the temper<strong>at</strong>ure is large, the details of the quantum<br />

levels are unimportant and the internal energy should be proportional to kBT .<br />

and the entropy should<br />

The number of quantum st<strong>at</strong>es <strong>at</strong> energy kBT is kBT<br />

ω<br />

be proportional to log( kBT<br />

ω ).<br />

The he<strong>at</strong> capacity is also easy to get:<br />

C(T ) = ω d ω (ω)2<br />

coth( ) =<br />

dT 2kBT 2kBT 2<br />

The he<strong>at</strong> capacity takes the simple limiting forms<br />

1<br />

sinh 2 ( ω<br />

2kBT )<br />

(2.66)<br />

T → 0 : C ≈ 0 (2.67)<br />

T → ∞ : C ≈ 2kB<br />

(2.68)<br />

In a l<strong>at</strong>er chapter we will derive the result th<strong>at</strong> a classical harmonic oscill<strong>at</strong>or<br />

in D dimensions has an internal energy of the form DkBT . If the temper<strong>at</strong>ure is<br />

large, our quantum system will mainly be in st<strong>at</strong>es with large quantum numbers,<br />

and the correspondence principle tells us th<strong>at</strong> such a system behaves like a<br />

classical system. Our calcul<strong>at</strong>ed value of the internal energy in the limit T → ∞<br />

is consistent with this idea.<br />

In order to introduce other extensive variables, we have to make assumptions<br />

for ω. Suppose the frequency ω is a linear function of volume, ω = αV , with<br />

α > 0. In th<strong>at</strong> case we have F(T,V) and the pressure is given by<br />

pV = −ω coth( ω<br />

) (2.69)<br />

kBT<br />

This pressure is neg<strong>at</strong>ive! This is an immedi<strong>at</strong>e consequence of our rel<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

between frequency and volume, which implies th<strong>at</strong> the energy increases with<br />

increasing volume, opposite to the common situ<strong>at</strong>ion in a gas of volume V.<br />

The previous formula also shows th<strong>at</strong> the pressure is directly rel<strong>at</strong>ed to the<br />

temper<strong>at</strong>ure, as it should be when there are only two sets of conjug<strong>at</strong>e variables.<br />

The limiting values of the pressure are<br />

T → 0 : pV ≈ −ω (2.70)<br />

T → ∞ : pV ≈ −2kBT (2.71)<br />

We can compare these values with the formula for the pressure we derived before<br />

<br />

∂U<br />

p = −<br />

∂V<br />

<br />

∂S<br />

+ T<br />

∂V<br />

(2.72)<br />

T<br />


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