Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University


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specify one of them, the other two are determined. We have found two recipes<br />

for these functions. If the energy U is the independent variable, the entropy<br />

S(U) is constructed by counting st<strong>at</strong>es with ɛs = U. The temper<strong>at</strong>ure T(U)<br />

follows from <br />

∂S<br />

∂U V,N = T −1 . On the other hand, if the temper<strong>at</strong>ure T is<br />

the independent variable, we calcul<strong>at</strong>e the Boltzmann factor and the partition<br />

function Z(T ). The energy U(T) then follows from the deriv<strong>at</strong>ive of log(Z),<br />

while the entropy follows from a calcul<strong>at</strong>ion of the probabilities P(s). Note th<strong>at</strong><br />

in calcul<strong>at</strong>ing the partition function we often use the multiplicity function, since<br />

Z(T ) = <br />

E<br />

E − k g(E)e B T (2.24)<br />

which is a simple Laplace transform<strong>at</strong>ion. This transform<strong>at</strong>ion can be inverted<br />

and used to obtain the multiplicity function g(E) from the partition function,<br />

but th<strong>at</strong> requires an integr<strong>at</strong>ion in the complex temper<strong>at</strong>ure plane. Interesting,<br />

since complex temper<strong>at</strong>ure corresponds to time. We obtain factors like e ıEt .<br />

Field theory?? But th<strong>at</strong> is for another course.<br />

2.3 Work and pressure.<br />

A system which remains in a given equilibrium st<strong>at</strong>e is r<strong>at</strong>her boring. We would<br />

like to change the st<strong>at</strong>e of a system. This can be done by varying some of the<br />

external parameters. For example, if a system is in contact with a reservoir,<br />

we can change the temper<strong>at</strong>ure of the reservoir. The system will adjust itself<br />

until it is again in thermal equilibrium with the reservoir. This is an example<br />

of a process in which the system is brought from an equilibrium st<strong>at</strong>e with<br />

temper<strong>at</strong>ure Ti to an equilibrium st<strong>at</strong>e with temper<strong>at</strong>ure Tf . Wh<strong>at</strong> is happening<br />

in between, though? If we suddenly switch the temper<strong>at</strong>ure of the reservoir, it<br />

will take some time before thermal equilibrium is restored again. The st<strong>at</strong>es in<br />

between are non-equilibrium st<strong>at</strong>es and the entropy of the system will increase.<br />

We can also change the temper<strong>at</strong>ure very slowly, in such a way th<strong>at</strong> <strong>at</strong> each time<br />

the system is in thermal equilibrium with the reservoir. A process for which a<br />

system is always in thermal equilibrium in all of the intermedi<strong>at</strong>e st<strong>at</strong>es is called<br />

reversible. If we reverse the change in temper<strong>at</strong>ure of the reservoir, the system<br />

will go back to its initial st<strong>at</strong>e. If we suddenly switch the temper<strong>at</strong>ure back and<br />

forth, the system will end up in a different st<strong>at</strong>e with higher entropy. For the<br />

l<strong>at</strong>ter to happen we have to allow other variables to change too, if only T,S, and<br />

U can change the st<strong>at</strong>es are completely determined by T. Reversible processes<br />

are nice, since they can easily be described in m<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ical terms. It is much<br />

harder to deal with irreversible processes.<br />

An important extensive parameter of a system is its volume. We will in this<br />

chapter still assume th<strong>at</strong> the number of particles does not change. A change<br />

in volume will in general affect the energy eigenvalues of the quantum st<strong>at</strong>es in<br />

this system and we write ɛs(V ). If we introduce changes in the volume of the<br />

system, we need a force to produce these changes. We assume th<strong>at</strong> this force is<br />

homogeneous, and hence the only thing we need is an external pressure p. The

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