Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University


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very general st<strong>at</strong>ement for such variables is easy to prove in classical st<strong>at</strong>istical<br />

mechanics. Suppose we have one component c of the 6N-dimensional vector X<br />

in phase space which appears in the Hamiltonian in a quadr<strong>at</strong>ic way:<br />

H( X) = H ′ + αc 2<br />

(7.41)<br />

where H ′ does not depend on c. The partition function then has the form<br />

Z = Z ′<br />

∞<br />

αc2 − k dce B T<br />

<br />

′ πkBT<br />

= Z<br />

α<br />

(7.42)<br />

−∞<br />

where Z ′ does not contain any reference to the component c anymore. The<br />

internal energy U is rel<strong>at</strong>ed to Z by U = − ∂<br />

∂β log(Z) and hence we find<br />

U = U ′ + 1<br />

2 kBT (7.43)<br />

Hence the energy associ<strong>at</strong>ed with a quadr<strong>at</strong>ic variable is simply 1<br />

2 kBT .<br />

Di<strong>at</strong>omic gas.<br />

For an ideal mono-<strong>at</strong>omic gas we have kinetic energy only, and since this<br />

involves 3N components, the internal energy of an ideal gas is 3<br />

2 NkBT . For an<br />

ideal di<strong>at</strong>omic gas the situ<strong>at</strong>ion is more complic<strong>at</strong>ed. At rel<strong>at</strong>ively low temper<strong>at</strong>ures<br />

only the motion of the center of mass plays a role and the internal energy<br />

is again 3<br />

2 NkBT . At intermedi<strong>at</strong>e temper<strong>at</strong>ures the molecules will rot<strong>at</strong>e freely,<br />

adding two quadr<strong>at</strong>ic variables to the Hamiltonian, e.g. the two rot<strong>at</strong>ional<br />

momenta. Hence the energy is 5<br />

2 NkBT . At high temper<strong>at</strong>ures the <strong>at</strong>oms are<br />

able to vibr<strong>at</strong>e. This now adds two quadr<strong>at</strong>ic coordin<strong>at</strong>es to the Hamiltonian,<br />

one momentum variable and one variable representing the distance between the<br />

<strong>at</strong>oms. Hence the energy is 7<br />

2 NkBT . At very high temper<strong>at</strong>ures the molecules<br />

will start to break apart and we lose the vibr<strong>at</strong>ional bond energy associ<strong>at</strong>ed<br />

with the position coordin<strong>at</strong>e. The two <strong>at</strong>oms together are now described by six<br />

momentum coordin<strong>at</strong>es and the energy becomes 3NkBT .<br />

7.8 Effects of the potential energy.<br />

The ideal gas is an exceptional system, since it contains no potential energy term<br />

in the Hamiltonian. As a result D is proportional to V N and the only volume<br />

dependence of the entropy is a term NkB log(V ). Because <br />

∂S<br />

p<br />

∂V = U,N T we<br />

find pV = NkBT . Hence the ideal gas law holds for any system for which<br />

the Hamiltonian does not depend on the generalized coordin<strong>at</strong>es, but only on<br />

the momenta! A second case occurs when we assume th<strong>at</strong> each molecule has<br />

a finite volume b. The integr<strong>at</strong>ion over each sp<strong>at</strong>ial coordin<strong>at</strong>e then excludes<br />

a volume (N − 1)b and D is proportional to (V − Nb) N for large values of N,<br />

where (N − 1)b ≈ Nb. This gives rise to the factor V − Nb in the van der Waals<br />

equ<strong>at</strong>ion of st<strong>at</strong>e.

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