Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University


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7.3 Ergodic theorem.<br />

Connection with experiment.<br />

Most experiments involve systems th<strong>at</strong> involve many degrees of freedom. In<br />

all those cases we are only interested in average quantities. All average quantities<br />

follow from the quantum mechanical formula, and can be expressed as classical<br />

averages if we change sums to integrals:<br />

< A >=<br />

1<br />

N!h 3N<br />

<br />

d Xρ( X)A( X) (7.21)<br />

The factor N! is needed for indistinguishable particles, and should be omitted<br />

for distinguishable particles.<br />

The previous formula does, of course, not describe the way we measure<br />

quantities! In a measurement we often consider time averaged quantities or<br />

space averaged quantities. In the first case, we start the system <strong>at</strong> an initial<br />

st<strong>at</strong>e <br />

∂pi<br />

∂H<br />

Xin <strong>at</strong> t = 0 and use Hamilton’s equ<strong>at</strong>ions ∂t = − and ∂xi<br />

∂xi<br />

∂t =<br />

<br />

+ to calcul<strong>at</strong>e X(t). We then evalu<strong>at</strong>e<br />

∂H<br />

∂pi<br />

< A >τ (t) = 1<br />

t+τ<br />

A(<br />

τ t<br />

X(t ′ ))dt ′<br />

(7.22)<br />

where X(t) is the st<strong>at</strong>e of the system <strong>at</strong> time t. The value of this average<br />

depends on the measurement time τ and on the initial st<strong>at</strong>e. Birkhoff showed<br />

th<strong>at</strong> in general limτ→∞ < A >τ (t) is independent of the initial conditions. So<br />

if we take τ large enough it does not m<strong>at</strong>ter where we start. Note th<strong>at</strong> in cases<br />

where we have external potentials th<strong>at</strong> vary with time we cannot make τ too<br />

large, it has to be small compared to the time scale of the external potential. In<br />

different words, the effects of external potentials th<strong>at</strong> vary too rapidly are not<br />

described by thermodynamic equilibrium processes anymore.<br />

Equivalency of averages.<br />

Now we ask the more important question. Under wh<strong>at</strong> conditions is this<br />

measured quantity equal to the thermodynamical ensemble average? In the<br />

quantum-mechanical case we argued th<strong>at</strong> all accessible quantum st<strong>at</strong>es are<br />

equally probable if the total energy U of the system is fixed. We needed to<br />

invoke some random external small perturb<strong>at</strong>ion to allow the system to switch<br />

quantum st<strong>at</strong>es. In the classical case we need a similar argument.<br />

The time evolution of a classical system is determined by Hamilton’s equ<strong>at</strong>ions:<br />

∂pi<br />

∂t<br />

= −∂H<br />

∂xi<br />

, ∂xi<br />

∂t<br />

= ∂H<br />

∂pi<br />


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