Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University


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6.5. PROBLEMS FOR CHAPTER 6 137<br />

A system is described by a st<strong>at</strong>e in a two-dimensional Hilbert space. The<br />

Hamiltonian is given by<br />

<br />

∗ ɛ α<br />

H =<br />

α 2ɛ<br />

Assume th<strong>at</strong> ɛ ≫ |α| and th<strong>at</strong> βɛ ≪ 1.<br />

(A) Calcul<strong>at</strong>e the partition function up to second order in β.<br />

(B) Calcul<strong>at</strong>e the high temper<strong>at</strong>ure limit of the he<strong>at</strong> capacity.<br />

(C) Suppose th<strong>at</strong> α = N<br />

V and th<strong>at</strong> the density is small. Calcul<strong>at</strong>e the pressure<br />

in the large volume and high temper<strong>at</strong>ure limit.<br />

Problem 4.<br />

A quantum mechanical system is described by a Hamiltonian H = H0 + κV ,<br />

with [H0, V ] = 0. κ is a small constant. The Helmholtz free energy is Fκ(T ).<br />

Calcul<strong>at</strong>e the change in Helmholtz free energy, ∆F = Fκ − F0 for this system<br />

up to second order in κ<br />

kBT .<br />

Problem 5.<br />

In a two-dimensional Hilbert space the density oper<strong>at</strong>or is given by its m<strong>at</strong>rix<br />

elements:<br />

<br />

x R<br />

ρ =<br />

R∗ <br />

1 − x<br />

This form is clearly Hermitian and has trace one. Calcul<strong>at</strong>e the entropy as<br />

a function of x and R, and find the values of x and R th<strong>at</strong> make the entropy<br />

maximal. Note th<strong>at</strong> you still need to check the condition th<strong>at</strong> the m<strong>at</strong>rix is<br />

positive! Also, show th<strong>at</strong> it is a maximum!<br />

Problem 6.<br />

A quantum mechanical system is described by a simple Hamiltonian H,<br />

which obeys H 2 = 1. Evalu<strong>at</strong>e the partition function for this system. Calcul<strong>at</strong>e<br />

the internal energy for T → 0 and T → ∞.<br />

Problem 7.<br />

A system is described by a density oper<strong>at</strong>or ρ. In this problem, the eigenvalues<br />

of this oper<strong>at</strong>or are either 0 or 1. The number of particles in the system<br />

is N and the volume of the system is V.

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