Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University

Statistical Mechanics - Physics at Oregon State University


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Chapter 6<br />

Density m<strong>at</strong>rix formalism.<br />

6.1 Density oper<strong>at</strong>ors.<br />

Different ways to look <strong>at</strong> st<strong>at</strong>istical mechanics.<br />

The theory of st<strong>at</strong>istical mechanics is easily formul<strong>at</strong>ed in a quantum mechanical<br />

frame-work. This is not the only possibility, however. All original<br />

developments were, of course, in terms of classical mechanics. Different questions<br />

arise and we will address some of those questions in the next chapter. But<br />

even in quantum mechanics there are different ways to obtain inform<strong>at</strong>ion about<br />

a system. Using the time-independent Schrödinger equ<strong>at</strong>ion, like we did, is one<br />

way. We can also use m<strong>at</strong>rices, like Heisenberg, or more general, oper<strong>at</strong>ors.<br />

In st<strong>at</strong>istical mechanics we start with a definition of the entropy. A different<br />

formul<strong>at</strong>ion of st<strong>at</strong>istical mechanics, as given in this chapter, essentially is based<br />

on a different definition of the entropy. Our task is to show th<strong>at</strong> the resulting<br />

theories are equivalent. In order to make efficient use of the definition of entropy<br />

introduced in this chapter we have to introduce density m<strong>at</strong>rices.<br />

Density m<strong>at</strong>rices are an efficient tool facilit<strong>at</strong>ing the formul<strong>at</strong>ion of st<strong>at</strong>istical<br />

mechanics. A quantum mechanical description of a system requires you to solve<br />

for the wave-functions of th<strong>at</strong> system. Pure st<strong>at</strong>es are represented by a single<br />

wave function, but an arbitrary st<strong>at</strong>e could also contain a mixture of wave<br />

functions. This is true in st<strong>at</strong>istical mechanics, where each quantum st<strong>at</strong>e is<br />

possible, and the probability is given by the Boltzmann factor. Density m<strong>at</strong>rices<br />

are designed to describe these cases.<br />

Suppose we have solved the eigenvalue system<br />

H |n〉 = En |n〉 (6.1)<br />

with normaliz<strong>at</strong>ion 〈n ′ | n〉 = δn ′ n and closure <br />

n |n〉 〈n| = 1. If the probability<br />

for the system of being in st<strong>at</strong>e |n〉 is pn, the expect<strong>at</strong>ion value of an arbitrary<br />

oper<strong>at</strong>or A is given by<br />


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