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FIG. 3.4: View of the second (as seen by the beam) Bates style endloop in the FEL Upgrade Driver. The dipoles are represented in blue, the quadrupoles in red and the sextupoles in green. endloop as a whole is achromatic. The endloops are achromatic in the sense that the outgoing orbit is independent of the incoming momentum [53]. This means that the M16, M26, M36 and M46 matrix elements are zero. A simple example is a magnetic chicane comprised of four dipoles and illustrated in Fig. 3.5. An off-momentum beam, one with a lower momentum than the reference beam for example, will follow a different orbit and make a longer excursion through the system. However, by symmetry, the off-momentum beam is brought parallel to the reference trajectory at the symmetry point and will exit with the same trajectory as the on-momentum, reference beam. The Bates-style endloop is simply a modification of the four dipole chicane, wherein a 180 ◦ dipole is inserted at the symmetry point as illustrated in Fig. 3.6 [54]. The underlying 69

eason for making the endloops achromatic is to support a large momentum spread, particularly in the second endloop following the undulator. The endloop has a momentum compaction, M56, of +0.2 m. Note that for storage rings, the momentum compaction is defined as αc ≡ ∆L/L ∆p/p 70 (3.1) whereas in the context of this dissertation, the momentum compaction refers to the M56 transfer matrix element which maps a change in momentum to a change in path length. Together with the momentum compaction of the downstream optical cavity chicane, the long bunch from the injector is rotated by 90 ◦ to a short bunch at the undulator. Trim quadrupoles and sextupoles located immediately upstream (downstream) of the 180 ◦ dipole’s entrance (exit) provide tunable linear (M56) and quadratic (T566) compactions from the linac to the undulator. In addition to providing longitudinal phase space matching to the undulator, the endloops are used to vary the path length of the electron beam. In earlier demonstrations of energy recovery, such as the injection line of CEBAF and at Stanford’s SCA, the required path length differential was achieved by physically moving a portion of the recirculator. In the FEL Driver, correction coils embedded in the 180 ◦ dipoles are used for path length management [55]. For a small deflection, θ, from the coils at the entrance of the magnet, the path length becomes (π + 2θ)ρ where ρ is the bending radius of the dipole. This is shown schematically in Fig. 3.7. Consequently a path length differential of 2θρ is created. To generate a path length differential of λRF /2 in a single 180 ◦ magnet (in practice both bends are used) with ρ = 1 m, requires a deflection of 0.05 radians. For complete energy recovery, the path length of the machine must be (n + 1 2 )λRF , where n is an integer and λRF is the wavelength of the accelerating RF frequency.

FIG. 3.4: View of the second (as seen by the beam) Bates style endloop in the FEL<br />

Upgrade Driver. The dipoles are represented in blue, the quadrupoles in red and the<br />

sextupoles in green.<br />

endloop as a whole is achromatic.<br />

The endloops are achromatic in the sense that the outgoing orbit is independent<br />

of the incoming momentum [53]. This means that the M16, M26, M36 and M46 matrix<br />

elements are zero. A simple example is a magnetic chicane comprised of four dipoles<br />

and illustrated in Fig. 3.5. An off-momentum beam, one with a lower momentum<br />

than the reference beam for example, will follow a different orbit and make a longer<br />

excursion through the system. However, by symmetry, the off-momentum beam<br />

is brought parallel to the reference trajectory at the symmetry point and will exit<br />

with the same trajectory as the on-momentum, reference beam. The Bates-style<br />

endloop is simply a modification of the four dipole chicane, wherein a 180 ◦ dipole<br />

is inserted at the symmetry point as illustrated in Fig. 3.6 [54]. The underlying<br />


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