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3.2 Injector and Injection Line The injector region consists of a DC photocathode gun, two solenoids, a buncher, quarter cryomodule (two 5-cell niobium cavities), a matching and a merger section [50]. A view of the region is given in Fig. 3.2. The electron source is a DC photocathode gun which consists of a Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) cathode illuminated by a 527 nm laser with up to 6 W of power. A thin layer of Cesium on the surface of the cathode acts to decrease the work function. The photoelectrons are then quickly accelerated across a 350 kV voltage gap. The first solenoidal lens focuses the rapidly diverging electron beam to a waist in the buncher. The buncher is a 1497 MHz copper cavity whose gradient is set to minimize the longitudinal emittance. The second solenoid matches the beam transversely into the quarter cryomodule (cryounit) where the bunch is accelerated from 350 keV to 7 MeV. Typically the charge per bunch is 135 pC but can be varied continuously up to this value by changing the attenuation of the drive laser beam. Following the cryounit the beam travels to the matching section which consists of four quadrupoles and is used to generate upright phase spaces in both transverse planes. Nominal injection conditions are βx = βy = 10 m and αx = αy = 0. Longitudinally, the injector must produce a relatively long bunch length (2 ps rms) with a small momentum spread (0.1% rms) at the entrance to the linac. Accelerating a long bunch through the linac minimizes longitudinal HOM excitation and the attendant single bunch instabilities. Additionally, it reduces longitudinal emittance growth due to longitudinal space charge [51]. The merger section consists of a three bend achromatic geometry with each dipole providing a bending angle of 20 ◦ . The final dipole is common to the reinjection chicane which is used to merge the recirculated (high energy) beam with the injected 65

FIG. 3.2: Layout of the DC photocathode gun and injection line. (low energy) beam. 3.3 Linear Accelerator From the injector, the electron beam is accelerated from 7 MeV to 145 MeV by three cryomodules, each containing eight superconducting niobium cavities. The first cryomodule seen by the beam is denoted zone 2, the second zone 3 and the last zone 4. The RF cavities in zones 2 and 4 are the nominal 5-cell CEBAF cavity design, whereas the middle cryomodule, zone 3, contains a new high-gradient 7- cell cavity design. Quadrupole triplets are placed in the warm sections between cryomodules to allow for beam envelope control. Following zone 4 a dipole chicane separates and sends the energy recovered beam (7 MeV) to the beam dump, while the first pass beam begins traversing the recirculator. 66

3.2 Injector and Injection Line<br />

The injector region consists of a DC photocathode gun, two solenoids, a buncher,<br />

quarter cryomodule (two 5-cell niobium cavities), a matching and a merger section<br />

[50]. A view of the region is given in Fig. 3.2.<br />

The electron source is a DC photocathode gun which consists of a Gallium<br />

Arsenide (GaAs) cathode illuminated by a 527 nm laser with up to 6 W of power.<br />

A thin layer of Cesium on the surface of the cathode acts to decrease the work<br />

function. The photoelectrons are then quickly accelerated across a 350 kV voltage<br />

gap.<br />

The first solenoidal lens focuses the rapidly diverging electron beam to a waist<br />

in the buncher. The buncher is a 1497 MHz copper cavity whose gradient is set<br />

to minimize the longitudinal emittance. The second solenoid matches the beam<br />

transversely into the quarter cryomodule (cryounit) where the bunch is accelerated<br />

from 350 keV to 7 MeV. Typically the charge per bunch is 135 pC but can be varied<br />

continuously up to this value by changing the attenuation of the drive laser beam.<br />

Following the cryounit the beam travels to the matching section which consists<br />

of four quadrupoles and is used to generate upright phase spaces in both transverse<br />

planes. Nominal injection conditions are βx = βy = 10 m and αx = αy = 0.<br />

Longitudinally, the injector must produce a relatively long bunch length (2 ps rms)<br />

with a small momentum spread (0.1% rms) at the entrance to the linac. Accelerating<br />

a long bunch through the linac minimizes longitudinal HOM excitation and the<br />

attendant single bunch instabilities. Additionally, it reduces longitudinal emittance<br />

growth due to longitudinal space charge [51].<br />

The merger section consists of a three bend achromatic geometry with each<br />

dipole providing a bending angle of 20 ◦ . The final dipole is common to the reinjection<br />

chicane which is used to merge the recirculated (high energy) beam with the injected<br />


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