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FIG. 2.13: A schematic of the 2L21 and 2L22 regions of CEBAF and the location of the quadrupoles used to measure the emittance. 2.4.3 Data Analysis Scanning the quadrupole at 2L22 to measure the vertical emittance constitutes a simple quadrupole-drift scheme. Based on simulated emittance measurements using design optics, measuring the horizontal emittance using the 2L22 quadrupole would require huge changes in field strength which create very large beta functions downstream. To remedy the problem, the quadrupole at 2L21 was used to measure the horizontal emittance. During the experiment a new cryomodule installed in the slot between the 2L21 and 2L22 quadrupoles was being commissioned. During emittance measurements the cavities in the cryomodule were set to zero accelerating gradient thereby effectively making the cryomodule a drift space. Consequently, the horizontal emittance is based on a quadrupole-drift-quadrupole-drift scheme where the 2L22 quadrupole remains at a fixed field and the 2L21 quadrupole strength is varied. Figure 2.13 shows a layout of the region. In terms of the analysis in Section 2.4.1, Eqs. (2.7), (2.8) and (2.9) remain the same and only Eq. (2.10) is modified to reflect the new beam line configuration. While the preceding analysis has modeled the quadrupoles as thin lenses, the program used to fit the experimental data was modified to model a thick lens quadrupole. The major difference in terms of analysis is that now, not only does the M11 transfer matrix element depend on the quadrupole strength, but so too does the M12 element. From Eq. (2.9) this rules out being able to perform a simple 43

quadratic fit and a multiple regression fit is required. The data for the four emittance measurements - two transverse planes (ver- tical and horizontal) for each of the two injector energy setups - are presented in Fig. 2.14 and Fig. 2.15. Before discussing the specifics of each measurement, some general comments are in order. Each plot displays the beam size squared versus the magnification, or M11 matrix element. The red data points in each plot represent the data on which the multiple-regression fit is being performed, whereas the blue data points represent those points which have been omitted (for reasons discussed below). The error bars on the data points are the errors associated with extracting the beam sizes from the raw wire scans. Horizontal Emittance: Einj= 56 MeV The limited number of data points reflects the fact that this was the first at- tempt at an emittance measurement. As with all future emittance measurements there was some local steering required to ensure that the signal of interest from the wire scan was not overlapping an adjacent peak. Despite the limited data the beta function passed through a minimum, which is critical for getting a good fit with a quadratic function. The leftmost data point - corresponding to a quadrupole strength furthest from the nominal set point - was omitted in the fit. The rea- son is that a fit on all data points results in an unphysical solution, namely ɛ 2 g < 0. Omitting the point results in a physically realizable emittance. Judiciously omitting data points which lead to nonsensical emittances was often required in subsequent measurements. Vertical Emittance: Einj = 56 MeV Despite the large number of data points, because the quadrupole was not scanned far enough to allow the beta function to pass through a minimum, fit- 44

quadratic fit and a multiple regression fit is required.<br />

The data for the four emittance measurements - two transverse planes (ver-<br />

tical and horizontal) for each of the two injector energy setups - are presented in<br />

Fig. 2.14 and Fig. 2.15. Before discussing the specifics of each measurement, some<br />

general comments are in order. Each plot displays the beam size squared versus the<br />

magnification, or M11 matrix element. The red data points in each plot represent<br />

the data on which the multiple-regression fit is being performed, whereas the blue<br />

data points represent those points which have been omitted (for reasons discussed<br />

below). The error bars on the data points are the errors associated with extracting<br />

the beam sizes from the raw wire scans.<br />

Horizontal Emittance: Einj= 56 MeV<br />

The limited number of data points reflects the fact that this was the first at-<br />

tempt at an emittance measurement. As with all future emittance measurements<br />

there was some local steering required to ensure that the signal of interest from<br />

the wire scan was not overlapping an adjacent peak. Despite the limited data the<br />

beta function passed through a minimum, which is critical for getting a good fit<br />

with a quadratic function. The leftmost data point - corresponding to a quadrupole<br />

strength furthest from the nominal set point - was omitted in the fit. The rea-<br />

son is that a fit on all data points results in an unphysical solution, namely ɛ 2 g < 0.<br />

Omitting the point results in a physically realizable emittance. Judiciously omitting<br />

data points which lead to nonsensical emittances was often required in subsequent<br />

measurements.<br />

Vertical Emittance: Einj = 56 MeV<br />

Despite the large number of data points, because the quadrupole was not<br />

scanned far enough to allow the beta function to pass through a minimum, fit-<br />


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