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and vertical betatron oscillations [31]. In standard CEBAF operation this effect is mitigated by the use of a magnetic skew quadrupole field between cryomodules to produce a compensating gradient integral. However, in CEBAF-ER operation, the sign of the induced skew quadrupole changes since the second pass beam is 180 ◦ out of phase with the first pass. Therefore, although the external skew quadrupoles can locally correct the coupling for a single pass through the linac, the effect of the coupling will double on the other pass. This effect makes it difficult operationally to propagate the beam through the machine. To alleviate the consequences of the coupling, a so-called “up-down” correction scheme was implemented in which the lower energy beams in each linac were cor- rected using skew quadrupoles. Although the coupling is not fully suppressed with this configuration, it was the most attractive solution based on simulations showing that the initial projected emittances would be recovered after energy recovery [32]. In addition to the fields in the HOM coupler, a transverse electric field gradient exists in the 5-cell cavity’s fundamental power coupler. This field gradient not only can transversely deflect the bunch centroid but can also differentially steer the head and tail of a bunch [33]. While the effects of centroid steering can be minimized using correctors, the differential steering of the electron bunch can lead to emittance growth and presents a more difficult problem. Similar to the HOM coupler skew quadrupole coupling, the dipole steering is a phase dependent effect. Unlike the coupling, the effect of the dipole steering depends strongly on the RF feed geometry. That is, the strength of the steering depends on whether the FPC is located at the downstream or upstream end of the cavity and whether the RF power is fed in from the left or right side (as seen by the beam). Therefore the magnitude of the effect can be minimized with an appropriate choice of RF feed geometry. Because cavities are joined in pairs and the FPCs placed at the center of each cavity pair, alternating the feed direction for each cavity is not feasible technically. 31

FIG. 2.8: Illustration of the cryomodule RF feed geometry used to minimize the FPC induced dipole kick. The RF feed geometry that minimizes the emittance dilution due to head-tail steer- ing, while remaining technically viable, is illustrated in Fig. 2.8 [33]. Within each cavity pair, the downstream FPC is followed by a cavity with an upstream FPC. The RF power to the two outer cavity pairs is fed from the same direction, while the two middle cavity pairs are fed in the opposite direction. Note that these SRF-induced effects are due to particular features of the CE- BAF 5-cell cavity design and do not represent fundamental limitations of the energy recovery process. In principle, a well designed SRF cavity can avoid these problems altogether. 2.2.4 Balancing Linac Energy An important step in configuring CEBAF for energy recovery was balancing the north and south linac energy gains to within the machine acceptance. This is to ensure that arc 1 can cleanly transport the two co-propagating, yet equal energy, beams. Operationally, the linac energies were balanced using a deceleration exper- iment, wherein beam was accelerated through the north linac, decelerated through the south linac and sent to the energy recovery beam dump [34]. Decelerating the beam through the south linac was accomplished by changing the RF ganged phases by 180 ◦ . The linac energies are balanced when the injected energy is equal to the 32

FIG. 2.8: Illustration of the cryomodule RF feed geometry used to minimize the FPC<br />

induced dipole kick.<br />

The RF feed geometry that minimizes the emittance dilution due to head-tail steer-<br />

ing, while remaining technically viable, is illustrated in Fig. 2.8 [33]. Within each<br />

cavity pair, the downstream FPC is followed by a cavity with an upstream FPC.<br />

The RF power to the two outer cavity pairs is fed from the same direction, while<br />

the two middle cavity pairs are fed in the opposite direction.<br />

Note that these SRF-induced effects are due to particular features of the CE-<br />

BAF 5-cell cavity design and do not represent fundamental limitations of the energy<br />

recovery process. In principle, a well designed SRF cavity can avoid these problems<br />

altogether.<br />

2.2.4 Balancing Linac Energy<br />

An important step in configuring CEBAF for energy recovery was balancing<br />

the north and south linac energy gains to within the machine acceptance. This is<br />

to ensure that arc 1 can cleanly transport the two co-propagating, yet equal energy,<br />

beams. Operationally, the linac energies were balanced using a deceleration exper-<br />

iment, wherein beam was accelerated through the north linac, decelerated through<br />

the south linac and sent to the energy recovery beam dump [34]. Decelerating the<br />

beam through the south linac was accomplished by changing the RF ganged phases<br />

by 180 ◦ . The linac energies are balanced when the injected energy is equal to the<br />


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