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1.2.1 Figures of Merit Radio frequency accelerating structures utilize the electromagnetic fields within microwave cavities to accelerate beams of charged particles. One of the most im- portant properties of a cavity is the accelerating gradient, which is quoted in units of accelerating voltage per meter. Typical values for SRF cavities in operation at CEBAF are 7 MV/m, although gradients exceeding 15 MV/m have been demon- strated in the FEL Upgrade Driver [3]. The maximum energy gained through a single cavity by an electron, for example, is (e × the gradient × the length of the cavity). Another important figure of merit is the quality factor of cavity modes. The unloaded quality factor is defined as the ratio of the energy stored to the energy dissipated in the cavity walls in one RF period and is written as Qo = ωU Pdiss 7 (1.1) where U is the energy stored in the cavity, ω is the angular frequency of the mode and Pdiss is the power dissipated on the cavity walls. Often it is more useful to quote the loaded quality factor of a mode which takes into account the total power loss due to leaks in the cavity couplers in addition to the ohmic heating of cavity walls. The loaded Q is defined as QL = ωU Ptot (1.2) where Ptot is the total power dissipated. The QL indicates how many oscillations it will take for the mode to dissipate its stored energy. For a cavity whose RF power source is turned off, the stored energy evolves as dU dt = −Ptot = − ωU . (1.3) QL

The solution to Eq. (1.3) is U(t) = Uoe −t/τL (1.4) where Uo is the stored energy at t = 0 and τL = QL/ω, is the decay time constant. Because SRF cavities are characterized by their very high quality factors, they are exceptionally good at storing energy. For example, an SRF cavity operating at 1500 MHz with a QL of 2×10 7 would have a time constant of 13 ms. On the other hand, for a normal conducting cavity operating at the same frequency, the loaded Q is typically 3 orders of magnitude lower and leads to a time constant of 13 µs. While a high quality factor for the accelerating mode is desirable, care must be taken to reduce, or damp, the quality factors of HOMs. If not sufficiently damped, the energy deposited into these modes by the beam will remain on time scales long enough such that multibunch instabilities, like beam breakup, develop. The shunt impedance is a quantity used to characterize losses in a cavity and is defined as Ra = V 2 acc Pdiss 8 (1.5) where Vacc is the accelerating voltage and Pdiss is the power dissipated on the cavity walls. From Eq. (1.5) it is clear that the goal is to maximize the shunt impedance for the accelerating mode in order to minimize the power dissipated. The reverse is true for higher-order modes, where the aim is to decrease the shunt impedance. Taking the ratio of Eq. (1.5) and Eq. (1.1) results in another useful figure of merit Ra Qo = V 2 acc ωU (1.6) which depends solely on the geometry of the cavity. The ratio (R/Q) of a mode is used to indicate the extent to which the mode is excited by passing charges. In that

1.2.1 Figures of Merit<br />

Radio frequency accelerating structures utilize the electromagnetic fields within<br />

microwave cavities to accelerate beams of charged particles. One of the most im-<br />

portant properties of a cavity is the accelerating gradient, which is quoted in units<br />

of accelerating voltage per meter. Typical values for SRF cavities in operation at<br />

CEBAF are 7 MV/m, although gradients exceeding 15 MV/m have been demon-<br />

strated in the FEL Upgrade Driver [3]. The maximum energy gained through a<br />

single cavity by an electron, for example, is (e × the gradient × the length of the<br />

cavity).<br />

Another important figure of merit is the quality factor of cavity modes. The<br />

unloaded quality factor is defined as the ratio of the energy stored to the energy<br />

dissipated in the cavity walls in one RF period and is written as<br />

Qo = ωU<br />

Pdiss<br />

7<br />

(1.1)<br />

where U is the energy stored in the cavity, ω is the angular frequency of the mode<br />

and Pdiss is the power dissipated on the cavity walls. Often it is more useful to<br />

quote the loaded quality factor of a mode which takes into account the total power<br />

loss due to leaks in the cavity couplers in addition to the ohmic heating of cavity<br />

walls. The loaded Q is defined as<br />

QL = ωU<br />

Ptot<br />

(1.2)<br />

where Ptot is the total power dissipated. The QL indicates how many oscillations it<br />

will take for the mode to dissipate its stored energy. For a cavity whose RF power<br />

source is turned off, the stored energy evolves as<br />

dU<br />

dt = −Ptot = − ωU<br />

. (1.3)<br />


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