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ever, linacs are limited to accelerating small amounts of average beam current due to the prohibitively expensive radio-frequency (RF) power required. An energy recovering linac (ERL) is a powerful alternative accelerator concept which combines the desirable characteristics of both storage rings and linacs, by having the potential to accelerate hundreds of milliamperes of average current to several giga-electron volts in energy while maintaining excellent beam quality. 1.1 Energy Recovering Linear Accelerators The idea of energy recovery was first proposed in 1965 for use in a collider [1]. While such a collider has yet to be realized, within the last decade energy recovery has found a niche in drivers for light sources. A schematic for a generic ERL based light source is given in Fig. 1.1. Electrons are generated in a high brightness injector, accelerated through a linac and then transported to a region where the desired radiation is generated (e.g. an undulator or a wiggler). After performing their intended purpose, the electrons are returned to the linac 180 ◦ out of phase with respect to the RF accelerating field for energy recovery. At the exit of the linac, the energy of the decelerated beam is approximately equal to the injection energy and the beam is directed to a beam dump. In ERLs the decelerated beam cancels the beam loading effects of the accelerated beam. Therefore ERLs can, in principle, accelerate very high average currents with only modest amounts of RF power. Because the net RF current seen in the linac is negligible, high average currents can be accelerated economically. Furthermore, since the electron beam only exists in the accelerator for a short time (typically two passes), the equilibrium that is unavoidable in a storage ring does not have time to develop. Thus the beam quality in an ERL is determined, to a large extent, by the injector. This combination of 3

FIG. 1.1: Schematic of a generic light source based on an energy recovering linac driver. high average current capability and high beam quality make ERLs attractive as, among other things, drivers for oscillator FELs and synchrotron light sources. Another advantage of ERLs results from the fact that the energy recovered beam loses energy as it gets decelerated and is dumped at an energy close to its injection energy. Thus the beam dump design is simplified because the energy of the beam is reduced by a factor of (Emax/Einj) where Emax is the energy of the beam before energy recovery and Einj is the injection energy. Energy recovering linacs are not without their challenges, however. One of the most severe limitations to ERL performance is a form of regenerative beam breakup (BBU), called multipass, multibunch BBU, and is the primary subject of this dissertation. The mechanism for BBU begins when a beam bunch passes through an RF cavity off-axis, thereby exciting dipole higher-order modes (HOMs). The magnetic field of an excited mode deflects following bunches traveling through the cavity. Depending on the details of the machine optics, the deflection produced by the 4

FIG. 1.1: Schematic of a generic light source based on an energy recovering linac driver.<br />

high average current capability and high beam quality make ERLs attractive as,<br />

among other things, drivers for oscillator FELs and synchrotron light sources.<br />

Another advantage of ERLs results from the fact that the energy recovered<br />

beam loses energy as it gets decelerated and is dumped at an energy close to its<br />

injection energy. Thus the beam dump design is simplified because the energy of the<br />

beam is reduced by a factor of (Emax/Einj) where Emax is the energy of the beam<br />

before energy recovery and Einj is the injection energy.<br />

Energy recovering linacs are not without their challenges, however. One of<br />

the most severe limitations to ERL performance is a form of regenerative beam<br />

breakup (BBU), called multipass, multibunch BBU, and is the primary subject of<br />

this dissertation.<br />

The mechanism for BBU begins when a beam bunch passes through an RF<br />

cavity off-axis, thereby exciting dipole higher-order modes (HOMs). The magnetic<br />

field of an excited mode deflects following bunches traveling through the cavity.<br />

Depending on the details of the machine optics, the deflection produced by the<br />


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