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with Eq. (7.4). It follows that KF B ≡ etoωk(R/Q)M eff 2(c/e)pb where M eff takes the place of M ∗ in Eq. (4.37) and is given by 171 (7.5) M eff = M34 + gM p 34M k 34e iωtd (7.6) After explicitly performing the sum, a modified dispersion relation is found 1 Io = KF Be iΩTr ξ sin(ωto) 1 − 2ξ cos(ωto) + ξ2 (7.7) where ξ is given by Eq. (4.42). After assuming a perturbative solution and expanding in Ω, the threshold current is found to be where 2Vb Ith = − (7.8) k(R/Q)QLM F B M F B = M34e ωTr 2Q L sin(ωTr) + gM p 34M k 34e ω(Tr+t d ) 2Q L sin(ω(Tr + td)) (7.9) As expected, with no feedback g = 0, the threshold current derived in Section 4.2 (and using an alternative method in Section 4.4) is recovered. For a physically viable solution, the threshold current must be a positive quan- tity. This condition requires that M F B < 0 for Eq. (7.8) to be valid. Equation (7.8) is based on a perturbative treatment of the problem. Thus, for the perturbative solu- tions to be valid, the gain, g, must be less than |M34/M p 34M 34 k | for sin(ω(Tr +td)) > 0 and greater than |M34/M p 34M 34 k | for sin(ω(Tr + td)) < 0. When these conditions are not met, the system is said to be in a pseudo-stable regime, where the negative threshold current implies beam stability. As discussed

in Section 4.2.1, however, in the pseudo-stable regime the threshold can be on the order of Amperes. For the 10 mA FEL Upgrade, and even for the proposed 100 mA ERL-based drivers, this represents, for all practical purposes, a stable system. Because it is assumed that the pickup can generate a position signal for each beam bunch and likewise, that the kicker can impulsively kick each bunch indepen- dently, this represents an idealized model. In reality, the signal produced by a single bunch through a pickup-amplifier-kicker system will affect more than a single bunch [95]. This model does not take these effects into account, nevertheless, important insights can be gained about the performance of a feedback system. 7.2.3 BBU Code with Feedback The ultimate goal of the feedback system is to put the system in the pseudo- stable regime, effectively pushing the threshold current to several Amperes. While the analytic models provide insights into the behavior of the system in the regime where M F B < 0, the region of greatest interest is the pseudo-stable regime, for which the analytic model can offer no information. Therefore it is necessary to investigate this region with numerical methods using computer simulation codes. Initial studies were performed in 2003 by modifying the code TDBBU to in- clude a simple feedback system for the case of td = 0. Results from those simulations indicated that an unstable system could be stabilized by implementing such a feed- back [94]. A code to simulate beam dynamics in a two-pass machine for a cavity containing a single HOM which is assumed to be oriented either purely horizontally or vertically was developed. The code was written using Igor Pro so that generating input files, executing the code and post-run analysis could be performed with the same program. 172 The tracking algorithm is the same as described in Section 4.3.1 except that

in Section 4.2.1, however, in the pseudo-stable regime the threshold can be on the<br />

order of Amperes. For the 10 mA FEL Upgrade, and even for the proposed 100 mA<br />

ERL-based drivers, this represents, for all practical purposes, a stable system.<br />

Because it is assumed that the pickup can generate a position signal for each<br />

beam bunch and likewise, that the kicker can impulsively kick each bunch indepen-<br />

dently, this represents an idealized model. In reality, the signal produced by a single<br />

bunch through a pickup-amplifier-kicker system will affect more than a single bunch<br />

[95]. This model does not take these effects into account, nevertheless, important<br />

insights can be gained about the performance of a feedback system.<br />

7.2.3 BBU Code with Feedback<br />

The ultimate goal of the feedback system is to put the system in the pseudo-<br />

stable regime, effectively pushing the threshold current to several Amperes. While<br />

the analytic models provide insights into the behavior of the system in the regime<br />

where M F B < 0, the region of greatest interest is the pseudo-stable regime, for which<br />

the analytic model can offer no information. Therefore it is necessary to investigate<br />

this region with numerical methods using computer simulation codes.<br />

Initial studies were performed in 2003 by modifying the code TDBBU to in-<br />

clude a simple feedback system for the case of td = 0. Results from those simulations<br />

indicated that an unstable system could be stabilized by implementing such a feed-<br />

back [94].<br />

A code to simulate beam dynamics in a two-pass machine for a cavity containing<br />

a single HOM which is assumed to be oriented either purely horizontally or vertically<br />

was developed. The code was written using Igor Pro so that generating input files,<br />

executing the code and post-run analysis could be performed with the same program.<br />

172<br />

The tracking algorithm is the same as described in Section 4.3.1 except that

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