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FIG. 5.2: The Schottky diode assembly showing the directional coupler, attenuator and Schottky diode. Each of the 16 Schottky diodes were calibrated by measuring the output voltage as a function of incident power using an RF signal generator at a frequency of 2000 MHz (the HOM signals of primary interest are around 2100 MHz, however the signal generator did not extend that far in frequency). The resulting data was fit with a polynomial up to second order in the voltage. 5.2.2 Observations of BBU A thorough experimental investigation of BBU commenced in early 2005. The nominal machine setup for the extent of the study was an 88 MeV configuration with decoupled transverse optics. The injector was set to provide 7.3 MeV electrons into the linac where the accelerating gradients were set such that zone 2, zone 3 and zone 4 provided 28.7 MeV, 15.1 MeV and 36.3 MeV of energy gain, respectively. Operating in cw mode, the average beam current was slowly increased until exponential growth of the HOM power was observed from cavity 7, which occurred 115 simultaneously with a machine trip caused by excessive beam losses. These trips

occurred at approximately 2 mA of average beam current. The process of slowly ramping up the current was repeated several times to ensure that the instability developed at the same current each time. With the FEL Upgrade Driver in a configuration to readily observe beam breakup, the mode causing the instability was identified (Section 5.3) and measurements of the threshold current were conducted (Section 5.4) to benchmark BBU simulation codes. 5.3 HOM Voltage Upon identifying cavity 7 as containing the unstable mode, the next measure- ment was identifying the frequency of the mode. To do this, the signals from the HOM coupler are split further after the −20 dB directional coupler, with one part connected to a Schottky diode to measure the power while the other part is sent di- rectly to an oscilloscope to measure the voltage. A schematic of this setup is shown in Fig. 5.3. If the oscilloscope is fast enough and the signal sufficiently sampled, the frequency of the offending mode can be extracted by Fourier analysis. A screen shot of the oscilloscope screen showing the HOM power and voltage during BBU is given in Fig. 5.4. Taking the FFT of the voltage signal reveals that the mode frequency is 2106.007 MHz (see Fig. 5.5). The results of the measurements show that with nominal, decoupled optics for an 88 MeV machine configuration, the most dangerous mode is at a frequency of 2106.007 MHz and located in cavity 7. This is in agreement with simulation results presented in Section 4.8.2. The 2106 MHz mode was considered one of the prime candidates for causing BBU because it has the second highest impedance, (R/Q)QL, of the 224 modes measured in zone 3. In fact, the highest impedance mode is also in cavity 7, at a frequency of 2116 MHz. However subsequent measurements, described 116 in Section 5.4.3, confirmed that this HOM was not a threat for causing BBU because

FIG. 5.2: The Schottky diode assembly showing the directional coupler, attenuator and<br />

Schottky diode.<br />

Each of the 16 Schottky diodes were calibrated by measuring the output voltage<br />

as a function of incident power using an RF signal generator at a frequency of<br />

2000 MHz (the HOM signals of primary interest are around 2100 MHz, however the<br />

signal generator did not extend that far in frequency). The resulting data was fit<br />

with a polynomial up to second order in the voltage.<br />

5.2.2 Observations of BBU<br />

A thorough experimental investigation of BBU commenced in early 2005. The<br />

nominal machine setup for the extent of the study was an 88 MeV configuration<br />

with decoupled transverse optics. The injector was set to provide 7.3 MeV electrons<br />

into the linac where the accelerating gradients were set such that zone 2, zone 3 and<br />

zone 4 provided 28.7 MeV, 15.1 MeV and 36.3 MeV of energy gain, respectively.<br />

Operating in cw mode, the average beam current was slowly increased until<br />

exponential growth of the HOM power was observed from cavity 7, which occurred<br />

115<br />

simultaneously with a machine trip caused by excessive beam losses. These trips

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