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FIG. 4.7: Schematic of the experimental setup used to measure dipole HOM polarizations. of a chosen HOM. A schematic of the setup is given in Fig. 4.7. To ensure that only the voltage of the chosen HOM was measured, the intermediate frequency (IF) bandwidth of the NWA was limited to 30 kHz. Note that only the input of the NWA was used to measure the signal while the output was terminated. Therefore, a spectrum analyzer could be used for this measurement as well. This process was repeated for eight of the most dangerous HOMs in zone 3, taking care to measure each pair of the dipole modes. Assume that initially the electron beam travels along the axis of the cavity and does not excite the dipole HOM. The position of the beam can be described by the vector 103 r = (xo, yo) (4.49) while the polarization of the HOM of interest is described by the unit vector êHOM = (cos α, sin α) (4.50) where α is the measured angle with respect to the horizontal plane. The induced voltage for a dipole HOM is proportional to the displacement of the electron bunch.

The projection of the beam displacement on the HOM is given by the dot product of Eq. (4.49) with Eq. (4.50) 104 V ∝ r · êHOM = xo cos α + yo sin α (4.51) As described above, the method of measuring the polarization requires varying the horizontal displacement of the electron beam while measuring the response of the induced HOM voltage ∆Vx ∝ ∆x cos α + yo sin α (4.52) and then varying the vertical beam displacement while measuring the response ∆Vy ∝ xo cos α + ∆y sin α (4.53) Because the beam is initially on-axis, (xo, yo), and cannot couple to the dipole HOM, by taking the ratio of Eq. (4.53) with Eq. (4.52), the polarization can be calculated using the following relation α = tan −1 ∆Vy ∆Vx where ∆Vy and ∆Vx are extracted from fits of the measured data. (4.54) An example of measured data is displayed in Fig. 4.8 which shows the results for a mode in cavity 7 with a frequency of 2106.007 MHz. From just an inspection of the HOM response, it is clear that this mode is polarized nearly vertically. A more thorough analysis where ∆Vy and ∆Vx were extracted and Eq. (4.54) used, yielded a polarization of (88 ± 2) ◦ . A summary of the measurements for all the HOMs is given in Table 4.1. Within each dipole HOM, the two polarizations are separated in frequency by a few hundred kHz, making it possible to excite each independently. In addition, one polarization typically has a loaded Q an order of magnitude larger

FIG. 4.7: Schematic of the experimental setup used to measure dipole HOM polarizations.<br />

of a chosen HOM. A schematic of the setup is given in Fig. 4.7. To ensure that only<br />

the voltage of the chosen HOM was measured, the intermediate frequency (IF)<br />

bandwidth of the NWA was limited to 30 kHz. Note that only the input of the<br />

NWA was used to measure the signal while the output was terminated. Therefore,<br />

a spectrum analyzer could be used for this measurement as well. This process was<br />

repeated for eight of the most dangerous HOMs in zone 3, taking care to measure<br />

each pair of the dipole modes.<br />

Assume that initially the electron beam travels along the axis of the cavity and<br />

does not excite the dipole HOM. The position of the beam can be described by the<br />

vector<br />

103<br />

r = (xo, yo) (4.49)<br />

while the polarization of the HOM of interest is described by the unit vector<br />

êHOM = (cos α, sin α) (4.50)<br />

where α is the measured angle with respect to the horizontal plane. The induced<br />

voltage for a dipole HOM is proportional to the displacement of the electron bunch.

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