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VR = ω2 2c Io fRF /h (Rd/Qo) yc,1 91 (4.25) where VR is the real component of the HOM voltage and yc,1 is the first pass dis- placement of the bunch through the cavity. The real component of the voltage corresponds to the electric field and is the means by which the beam bunch couples to the HOM. 3. The bunch is deflected by the HOM excited by the passage of previous bunches according to ∆y ′ c,1 = VI where VI is the imaginary component of the voltage and corresponds to the Vb (4.26) magnetic field. The location of the kick, depending on the simulation code and the manner in which the input file is configured, can occur immediately before or after the location of the accelerating cavity where the energy gain is implemented. After its passage, the bunch coordinates are stored in an array. The array contains all bunches present in the linac on the first pass and in the recirculation pass. 4. Before the arrival of a recirculated bunch, the HOM voltage decays according to ⎛ ⎜ ⎝ VR VI ⎞ ⎟ ⎠ t+dt ωdt − 2Q = e L ⎛ ⎜ ⎝ cos(ω dt) − sin(ω dt) sin(ω dt) cos(ω dt) ⎞ ⎛ ⎟ ⎜ ⎠ ⎝ VR VI ⎞ ⎟ ⎠ t (4.27) where dt is the time interval between an injected bunch into the linac and a re- circulated bunch. 5. The first pass beam is propagated from the cavity through the recirculator and back to the cavity according to a user-input transfer matrix.

6. The second pass beam bunch then induces a voltage in the cavity according to Eq. (4.25) where yc,1 is replaced by the second pass displacement. 7. The bunch coordinates and the HOM voltages (real and imaginary) are written to a data file for off-line analysis. 8. The cavity voltage is allowed to decay according to Eq. (4.27) where now dt re- presents the time interval between the recirculated bunch and the next injected bunch. Steps 2 through 8 are repeated until the simulation time exceeds the specified run time. The simulations also utilize a binary search algorithm to automatically search for the threshold current. 4.3.2 TDBBU The first particle tracking BBU code developed was written in FORTRAN and called TDBBU [70, 71]. The code can handle transverse coupled motion as well as arbitrary mode polarizations. However, until the derivation of the two- dimensional threshold current formula, Eq. (4.21), the effect of mode polarization was not investigated in any detail. The code was used extensively at Jefferson Laboratory to study BBU in the CEBAF accelerator and in the IR FEL Demo. 4.3.3 ERLBBU The most recent code at Jefferson Laboratory was written in C++ in 2005 and is called ERLBBU [65]. In addition to being able to handle coupled transverse optics and arbitrary mode polarizations, it runs an order of magnitude or more faster than either TDBBU or MATBBU (discussed in Section 4.5.1). ERLBBU was 92

6. The second pass beam bunch then induces a voltage in the cavity according to<br />

Eq. (4.25) where yc,1 is replaced by the second pass displacement.<br />

7. The bunch coordinates and the HOM voltages (real and imaginary) are written<br />

to a data file for off-line analysis.<br />

8. The cavity voltage is allowed to decay according to Eq. (4.27) where now dt re-<br />

presents the time interval between the recirculated bunch and the next injected<br />

bunch.<br />

Steps 2 through 8 are repeated until the simulation time exceeds the specified run<br />

time. The simulations also utilize a binary search algorithm to automatically search<br />

for the threshold current.<br />

4.3.2 TDBBU<br />

The first particle tracking BBU code developed was written in FORTRAN<br />

and called TDBBU [70, 71]. The code can handle transverse coupled motion as<br />

well as arbitrary mode polarizations. However, until the derivation of the two-<br />

dimensional threshold current formula, Eq. (4.21), the effect of mode polarization<br />

was not investigated in any detail. The code was used extensively at Jefferson<br />

Laboratory to study BBU in the CEBAF accelerator and in the IR FEL Demo.<br />

4.3.3 ERLBBU<br />

The most recent code at Jefferson Laboratory was written in C++ in 2005<br />

and is called ERLBBU [65]. In addition to being able to handle coupled transverse<br />

optics and arbitrary mode polarizations, it runs an order of magnitude or more<br />

faster than either TDBBU or M<strong>AT</strong>BBU (discussed in Section 4.5.1). ERLBBU was<br />


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