High Brightness Electron Beam Diagnostics and their ... - CASA

High Brightness Electron Beam Diagnostics and their ... - CASA

High Brightness Electron Beam Diagnostics and their ... - CASA


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-10<br />

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hor.<br />

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ver.<br />

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-20<br />

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100<br />

(RF-deg)<br />

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Energy .<br />

8<br />

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7<br />

Figure6.5:Focallengthoftherst(cavity#4)<strong>and</strong>second(cavity#3)cryounitcavitiesversus<br />

6<br />

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5<br />

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4<br />

Energy<br />

duetothefactthatthekickisdependentontheparticlepositioninsidethebunch,<strong>and</strong>therefore yieldsadierentialmotionbetweenthehead<strong>and</strong>thetailofthebunch.Thisinturnreultsin<br />

3<br />

.<br />

anincreaseofthebunch(projected)emittance.Itisstraightforwardtoestimatetheemittance<br />

hor. 2<br />

growthduetothiseect:itdependsonthebunchlength<strong>and</strong>thebeamparametersatthelocation<br />

.<br />

oftheconsideredcoupler.Thegeneralexpressionfortheemittancegrowthis[62]: ,thephasedierencew.r.t.themaximumenergyphase(so-called\crestphase")<br />

1 ver. .<br />

0<br />

~"x'z<br />

-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200<br />

2~"x0A2x+B02 x (6.13)<br />

(RF-deg)<br />

thecorrespondingeectonemittancegrowthissmallerthanthehead-taileectinduceddilution emittanceistheskewcouplingeectinducedbytheskewquadrupolemomentoftheelectriceldin thecavity:itintroducesacouplingbetweenthevertical<strong>and</strong>horizontaltransverseplane.Generally <strong>and</strong>itcanbereducedwithapropercorrectionscheme[62];thislattereectwillbeignoredinthe forthcomingdiscussion. atthecouplerlocation,<strong>and</strong>A<strong>and</strong>Baccountsforthesteeringeectsofthecavity,theselattertwo termscanbeestimatedusingtrackingcode.Theothercontributionthatcanspoilthetransverse where~"0istheinitialemittance,z,x<strong>and</strong>0xarerespectivelythermsbeamsize<strong>and</strong>divergence<br />

6.1.4The10MeVRegion Aspreviouslymentioned,wehaveinstrumentedthe10MeVregionwithavarietyofdiagnostics devices:beamdensitymonitors,emittancemeasurementdevices,atime-of-ightpickup<strong>and</strong>a<br />

Focal Length (m)<br />

Cav #4<br />

Cav #3<br />

10<br />

E out (MeV)

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