High Brightness Electron Beam Diagnostics and their ... - CASA

High Brightness Electron Beam Diagnostics and their ... - CASA High Brightness Electron Beam Diagnostics and their ... - CASA

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driveraccelerator Figure5.21:ExperimentalsetuptomeasurebunchlengthwithzerophasingmethodintheIR-FEL Cavities tuned off 24 MeV dipole Quadrupole OTR To ER dump 12 10 0.036 mm 2 cavities -90 deg (SC OFF) 2 cavities -90 deg (SC ON) 2 cavities +90 deg (SC OFF) 4 8 2 cavities +90 deg (SC ON) Figure5.22:Horizontalbeamenvelopeevolutionfromtheexitofthefourcavitiesinthecryomodule 3 cavities -90 deg (SC OFF) 4 3 3 cavities -90 deg (SC ON) uptothebeamprolestationinthespectrometertransportlinefordierentnumbersofzerophasing 3 cavities +90 deg (SC OFF) 3 3 cavities +90 deg (SC ON) 6 cavities.Foreachcase,thespacechargeroutineinparmelaisturnedonando. 4 cavities -90 deg (SC OFF) 2 4 cavities -90 deg (SC ON) 4 cavities +90 deg (SC OFF) 2 4 cavities +90 deg (SC ON) 4 1 1 2 All cavity off 0 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 Distance (cm) x (mm) cavities off (SC OFF) cavities off (SC ON) 1 cavity -90 deg (SC OFF) 1 cavity -90 deg (SC ON) 1 cavity +90 deg (SC OFF) 1 cavity +90 deg (SC ON)

Figure5.23:picturaleectoflongitudinalspacechargeforceonthephasespacedistribution. δp/p Space charge force RF focussing z Space charge force RF focussing 25 20 15 Cav #4,3,2 +90 deg 10 Cav #4,3 +90 deg 5 Cav #4 +90 deg therstzero-phasingcavityuptotheentranceplaneofthespectrometerdipole.Thenumberof Figure5.24:Longitudinalphasespaceslopeevolutionalongthedriftbetweentheentranceof 0 cavitiesusedforthezerophasingisindicatedbeloweachcurve.Theslopeisnormalizedtothe Cavities turned off initialenergy.Foreachcasethesimulationisperformedwiththespacechargeroutineinparmela -5 Cav #4 -90 deg turnedon(uppercurve)ando(lowercurve). -10 Cav #4,3 -90 deg -15 Cav #4,3,2 -90 deg -20 Cav #4,3,2,1 -90 deg -25 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 Distance (cm) d /dz (%/cm) Cav #4,3,2,1 +90 deg

Figure5.23:picturaleectoflongitudinalspacechargeforceonthephasespacedistribution.<br />

δp/p<br />

Space charge force<br />

RF focussing<br />

z<br />

Space charge force RF focussing<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

Cav #4,3,2 +90 deg<br />

10<br />

Cav #4,3 +90 deg<br />

5<br />

Cav #4 +90 deg<br />

therstzero-phasingcavityuptotheentranceplaneofthespectrometerdipole.Thenumberof Figure5.24:Longitudinalphasespaceslopeevolutionalongthedriftbetweentheentranceof<br />

0<br />

cavitiesusedforthezerophasingisindicatedbeloweachcurve.Theslopeisnormalizedtothe<br />

Cavities turned off<br />

initialenergy.Foreachcasethesimulationisperformedwiththespacechargeroutineinparmela<br />

-5<br />

Cav #4 -90 deg<br />

turnedon(uppercurve)<strong>and</strong>o(lowercurve).<br />

-10<br />

Cav #4,3 -90 deg<br />

-15<br />

Cav #4,3,2 -90 deg<br />

-20<br />

Cav #4,3,2,1 -90 deg<br />

-25<br />

1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100<br />

Distance (cm)<br />

d /dz (%/cm)<br />

Cav #4,3,2,1 +90 deg

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