Exploration for porphyry-style copper mineralisation near Llandeloy

Exploration for porphyry-style copper mineralisation near Llandeloy

Exploration for porphyry-style copper mineralisation near Llandeloy


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There is some variation in the alteration of primary<br />

amphibole. One rock from <strong>near</strong> the bottom of borehole 7<br />

contains pseudomorphs after amphibole with lath-like<br />

tremolite crystals among the other replacement minerals<br />

(E 53300). In another (E 53301) the pseudomorphs consist<br />

entirely of aggregates of small crystals of pale green<br />

tremolite-actinolite.<br />

The amount of sericite alteration of plagioclase, in<br />

addition to clinozosite, is locally high in boreholes 2, 4<br />

and 6. The associated amphibole may be only mildly<br />

chloritised (E 53235, 53255) or replaced by chlorite and<br />

epidote (E 53294). Pseudomorphs of these two minerals<br />

replace magmatic biotite and there are veins of epidote,<br />

chlorite, pyrite and minor quartz. This alteration is<br />

typical of the late stage propylitic assemblage, but in<br />

these rocks the plagioclase has not been albitized. It is<br />

considered possible there<strong>for</strong>e that a mild version of the<br />

late stage propylitic alteration might have been imposed<br />

on the earlier event here.<br />

Late-stage propylitic alteration The full assemblage of<br />

minerals in this alteration includes albite, sericite,<br />

chlorite, epidote (and clinozoisi te), magnetite, pyrite and<br />

chalcopyrite. It is the dominant alteration in the area<br />

and appears to have been imposed on all others. The<br />

alteration is pervasive, but there is a widespread<br />

development of veins with it.<br />

Typically plagioclase is altered to albite and sericite,<br />

the latter varying from a light peppering to a dense mass<br />

totally replacing plagioclase. Muscovite is commonly<br />

present as well. In some rocks a rim of clear albite may<br />

be preserved around a mica pseudomorph and it is not<br />

unusual <strong>for</strong> original zoning to be represented by zones of<br />

alteration minerals. Minor chlorite and clinozoisi te may<br />

be present with the sericite and in some rocks chlorite<br />

<strong>for</strong>ms a partial rim around sericitised feldspar.<br />

Original amphibole phenocrysts are most commonly<br />

replaced by pale green chlorite, usually with magnetite<br />

and less commonly with sericite. Primary biotite is<br />

replaced by chlorite with lenticles of sphene or ilmenite<br />

or magnetite.<br />

Veinlets of chlorite and chlorite with sericite,<br />

commonly with a little pyrite and magnetite, are<br />

widespread. Larger veins of quartz, albite, epidote,<br />

minor chlorite and pyrite are common as are veins of<br />

qumtz alone (up to 58 cm thick) or quartz with pyrite<br />

and chalcopyrite. Disseminated and veinlet pyrite, alone<br />

or with sericite and epidote, in places with chalcopyrite,<br />

is ubiquitous. Pyrite is com monly concentrated in<br />

pseudomorphs after amphibole. Magnetite is present in<br />

veins with pyrite and disseminated.<br />

This alteration is both prograde and retrograde in its<br />

effects. Quartz diorite at the bottom of borehole 4<br />

contains an alteration assemblage characteristic of<br />

primary propylitic alteration in its upper part and late-<br />

stage propylitic below. In the latter rock there is no<br />

textural or other evidence of an earlier higher<br />

temperature alteration assemblage. This is also true of<br />

the volcanic rocks in borehole 6 in which there is<br />

abundant sericite, in places with only minor chlorite,<br />

pervading the rock and totally replacing feldspar<br />

crystals. The rocks are riddled with veins and veinlets of<br />

quartz, some of which contain opaque dust. Veinlets of<br />

chlorite or quartz-chlorite are uncommon. Disseminated<br />

cubes of pyrite are rarely present. Pyrite also occurs<br />

sparsely in veins and in a network fracture system in<br />

borehole 1. The alteration assemblage in the volcanic<br />

rocks has been determined largely by their original acid<br />

composition.<br />

Evidence of earlier biotite alteration is present in<br />

borehole 7 where the quartz-diorite at around 22 m<br />

depth contains plentiful green or brown chlorite (E<br />

53297) in diffuse veins, patches and <strong>for</strong>ming a close<br />

network, all of which appears to be after secondary<br />

biotite. In other rocks, <strong>for</strong> example in borehole 5, pale<br />

brown and green chlorite in pseudomorphs after<br />

amphibole also appears to be after secondary biotite.<br />

In borehole 1 thin veinlets of quartz and K-feldspar<br />

occur in rocks with propylitic alteration suggesting<br />

earlier potassic alteration. In borehole 4 there is<br />

chloritised pale green amphibole with relict cores of<br />

bro wnish-green hornblende and abundant c hlor i tised<br />

secondary biotite. In one of the rocks containing<br />

unaltered secondary biotite (E 53233) a vein of epidote,<br />

chlorite and quartz has a chlorite envelope where it<br />

crosses a biotite pseudomorph after an amphibole<br />

phenocryst, providing clear evidence of the retrograde<br />

effect of this alteration.<br />

Rocks least effected by the retrograde propylitic<br />

alteration are the sedimentary and intrusive rocks in<br />

borehole 8. It is reflected in the intrusions, but the<br />

effect, particularly the alteration of phgioclase, is mild<br />

and the feldspar does not appear to have been albitised.<br />

In the sedimentary rocks the late-stage alteration is<br />

most evident in zones of brecciation and fracturing<br />

within which there is abundant veining, wall rock<br />

alteration and *hide <strong>mineralisation</strong>. Most common is a<br />

fine network of chlorite and chloritequar tz veinlets<br />

with pyrite. Veins of quartz-aibite-pyrite are less<br />

common. The quartz in them may be strained and such<br />

veins are intersected by others carrying unstrained<br />

quartz. The wallrock adjacent to these early veins is<br />

sericitised locally. Sulphides may be evenly disseminated<br />

or <strong>for</strong>m a network of irregular trains of euhedral to<br />

subhedral crystals throughout the rock, in places<br />

associated with some chlorite erbichment. Pyrite also<br />

occurs in quartz-chlorite veidets and in veins<br />

intersecting them.<br />

The quartz-chlorite-sericite-pyrite assemblage also<br />

dominates the breccias. These minerals fill the voids in<br />

the intrusive breccias and comprise the veins in the<br />

"cracklen breccia. Pyrite usually concentrates at the rim<br />

of breccia fragments. Sericitisation of fragments is<br />

locally intense.<br />

Epidote-bearing veins, which may be intersected by<br />

chlorite-sulphide veins, are characteristic of the late-<br />

stage propylitic alteration and it is not likely that<br />

epidotisation is a separate event. There are, however,<br />

many places in both intrusive and sedimentary rocks<br />

where epidote veining is intense and adjacent wallrock is<br />

patchily or totally replaced by yellow epidote. Indeed,<br />

throughout the rocks affected by the late-stage event<br />

yellow epidote is confined to parts of the rock <strong>near</strong><br />

epidote veins. Specular hematite occurs locally with<br />

epidote in epidotised breccias.<br />

Carbonate alteration Veins of carbonate are<br />

consistently the last event recorded in these rocks. They<br />

are widespread and associated with patchy replacement<br />

of the host rock; carbonate, there<strong>for</strong>e, occurs as an<br />

additional mineral in most types of pseudomorph. It is<br />

present additionally in veins of all types and commonly<br />

shows replacement texture with other minerals in the<br />

veins.<br />

Mineralisa tion<br />

Because of the widespread effect of the late-stage<br />

propylitic alteration it is difficult to determine the<br />

extent of earlier phases of sulphide mineralistion. The<br />

main sulphide minerals identified are pyrite and<br />

chalcopyrite and both occur in veins with epidote, quartz<br />

and other minerals associated with the late event. It is<br />

likely, there<strong>for</strong>e, that this is a mineralising event, but<br />

geochemical evidence (see later) shows that rocks little<br />

effected by the retrograde alteration are <strong>copper</strong> rich and<br />

an earlier m ineralisa tion, probably during the potassic<br />

alteration, seems likely.<br />

Pyrite is the most abundant sulphide reaching levels of<br />

up to 4% in borehole 2. It is more or less altered to<br />

heaatite within the weathered zone. The pyrite is evenly<br />

or patchily disseminated, in places <strong>for</strong>ming cubes up to<br />

1 cm wide, and it occurs in veins, veinlets and<br />

concentrated in network fracture systems. Veins of solid

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