P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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4. Distortion of magnetotelluric data Fig. 4.11.: Simple models of (isotropic) subsurface dimensionality, representing typical cases observed in MT measurements. Coloured blocks denote regions of different electric resistivity (the region representing the conductivity of free air on top each model is implied but not shown here). Models in the top row, left to right: 1D (electric resistivity varies only with depth), 2D (lateral change of resistivity along a vertical interface), 3D/1D (small-scale body imbedded in an otherwise homogeneous 1D body). Models in the bottom row, left to right are 3D/2D (small-scale body in area of regional 2D structure), 3D (3D bodies dominate the responses and no regional structure of lower dimensionality can be found). 4.2. Dimensionality In MT, dimensionality of a body is usually defined by the number of directions in which boundaries of the body are sensed. The simplest models, comprising only vertical variations of electric resistivity, are referred to as 1D. Such models contain at least one horizontal boundary, located at the air-ground interface for cases where the Earth is modelled as a homogeneous halfspace, an no lateral changes of electric resistivity. Other 1D model contain a multitude of parallel layers with different resistivities, in American literature occasionally referred to as layer cake model. 2D models comprise resistivity changes in vertical as well as in one horizontal direction, for which the x-axis of the coordinate system is usually aligned with the lateral interfaces. The simplest 2D model contains two blocks of different resistivity, with the contact zone parallel to one of the axis of the coordinate systems (Fig. 3.4). In the 3D case, boundaries are detected vertically and in both horizontal directions, resulting in a much more complicated structure of the MT response (Fig. 4.2). Presently the interpretation of 3D MT data is intricate and simplification of the 3D situation are often strived for in order to ease the interpretation. For certain cases, measured data can be described by a superposition of bodies with different dimensionality, e.g. a small-scale 3D body imbedded in a regionally 1D (3D/1D) or 2D (3D/2D) host medium (see Figure 4.11 for an illustration of models with different dimensionality). 62

4.2. Dimensionality Fig. 4.12.: The four figures represent the induction area for different period ranges at the same station (indicated by the inverted black triangle); the longest period is increased from left to right. The subsurface model is the same for all figures (two quarter-spaces, one with an imbedded small-scale 3D body), only the observed dimensionality varies with period range. 4.2.1. Frequency-dependent dimensionality To illustrate the phenomenon of frequency dependent dimensionality, the model of a small-scale surficial 3D body, imbedded in one half of a regional 2D structure is considered. The regional structure contains two homogeneous quarter-spaces (except for the small 3D body) with different electric resistivity (cf. rightmost model in Figure 4.12). The response from a MT station, located on top of the 3D body (inverted black triangle in Figure 4.12), is examined first theoretically and later by studying a synthetic model (Sec. 4.2.1). For short periods, the station is sensitive to the boundaries of the 3D body and the response curve simply represents the resistivity of the body, exhibiting 1D behaviour. Once longer periods are included, effects of the boundaries between the 3D body and the surrounding material are observed, indicated by a change in the shape of the response curve. Assuming that responses are only affected by the lateral boundary of the 3D body and not by its bottom, the data are 2D in nature. Further increasing the period range yields data that are also sensitive to bottom and the other lateral interfaces of the 3D body, resulting in the so-called 3D/1D case (it is assumed here that the distance between the 3D body and the contact zone of the two quarter-spaces is sufficient large). Data at the longest periods contain effects of the 3D body, superimposed on the regional 2D structure response, which is referred to as 3D/2D case. When the coordinate system is aligned to the 2D regional strike direction, the 3D body will only cause a frequency independent shift in the long-period apparent resistivity response curves. This static shift is due electric galvanic distortion, i.e. electric charge build up on the faces of the 3D body. Synthetic model A synthetic model study is conducted to illustrate the effect of a local 3D distorter embedded in a regional 2D structure on the response for a MT stations located on top of the distorting body. The 3D/2D model (‘3D body’ in Fig. 4.13) was created using the WinGLink software package [WinGLink, 2005] wherein the MT3DFWD forward algorithm [Mackie et al., 1994] was used to calculated the response data. A second model is gen- 63

4. Distortion of magnetotelluric data<br />

Fig. 4.11.: Simple models of (isotropic) subsurface dimensionality, representing typical cases observed in MT measurements.<br />

Coloured blocks denote regions of different electric resistivity (the region representing the conductivity of free air on top each model<br />

is implied but not shown here). Models in the top row, left to right: 1D (electric resistivity varies only with depth), 2D (lateral change<br />

of resistivity along a vertical interface), 3D/1D (small-scale body imbedded in an otherwise homogeneous 1D body). Models in the<br />

bottom row, left to right are 3D/2D (small-scale body in area of regional 2D structure), 3D (3D bodies dominate the responses and no<br />

regional structure of lower dimensionality can be found).<br />

4.2. Dimensionality<br />

In MT, dimensionality of a body is usually defined by the number of directions in which<br />

boundaries of the body are sensed. The simplest models, comprising only vertical variations<br />

of electric resistivity, are referred to as 1D. Such models contain at least one horizontal<br />

boundary, located at the air-ground interface for cases where the Earth is modelled<br />

as a homogeneous halfspace, an no lateral changes of electric resistivity. Other 1D model<br />

contain a multitude of parallel layers with different resistivities, in American literature<br />

occasionally referred to as layer cake model. 2D models comprise resistivity changes in<br />

vertical as well as in one horizontal direction, for which the x-axis of the coordinate system<br />

is usually aligned with the lateral interfaces. The simplest 2D model contains two<br />

blocks of different resistivity, with the contact zone parallel to one of the axis of the coordinate<br />

systems (Fig. 3.4). In the 3D case, boundaries are detected vertically and in both<br />

horizontal directions, resulting in a much more complicated structure of the MT response<br />

(Fig. 4.2). Presently the interpretation of 3D MT data is intricate and simplification of<br />

the 3D situation are often strived for in order to ease the interpretation. For certain cases,<br />

measured data can be described by a superposition of bodies with different dimensionality,<br />

e.g. a small-scale 3D body imbedded in a regionally 1D (3D/1D) or 2D (3D/2D) host<br />

medium (see Figure 4.11 for an illustration of models with different dimensionality).<br />


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