P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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4. Distortion of magnetotelluric data Fig. 4.9.: The two types of electric anisotropy ρx = ρz ρy and ρx ρz = ρy refer to two different geological settings, i.e. anisotropic sheets (e.g. dyke swarms) and anisotropic tubes (e.g. ore veins). Fig. 4.10.: Illustration of basic anisotropy parameters; from Pek and Santos [2002] distortion (Z ani 2D ) can be written as product of the undisturbed 2D impedance tensor (Z2D) and a tensor containing the anisotropic contribution (A) Z ani 2D = A · Z2D = (1 + S 2 D) −1/2 1+S D Thus, the off-diagonal elements of (Z ani 2D ) Z ani 1 + S D xy = Zxy √ 1 + S D 0 0 1−S D 0 Zxy Zyx 0 . (4.11) > Zxy, (4.12) and Z ani 1 − S D yx = Zyx √ < Zyx, (4.13) 1 + S D are always greater for Zxy and smaller for Zyx since S D is a positive, real number (cf. Sec. 4.3). Given a sufficiently large array of MT recording station it is possible to investigate whether the subsurface comprises either regional 2D structures or a 1D subsurface with anisotropic structures. Whereas for the 2D case TE and TM modes exhibit significant variation for stations at different distances to the location of the conductivity interface (cf. Fig. 3.4), the horizontal transfer function and the phase split are constant over a large horizontal region in case of a anisotropic 1D subsurface. Moreover, it is in principle possible to distinguish between a 2D subsurface and a 1D subsurface with anisotropy by 60

4.1. Types of distortion the use of vertical magnetic field data. In the 1D anisotropic case no vertical magnetic field should be prominent, whereas for the case of a 2D subsurface a vertical magnetic field, related to the horizontal magnetic field parallel to the conductivity interface, is observable [Kurtz et al., 1993; Kellett et al., 1992; Bahr et al., 2000; Heise and Pous, 2001]. However, the presence of noise or deviation of the source from the plane wave assumption (cf. Sec. 2.3) result in a vertical magnetic field, making impeding the separation of 2D and anisotropic 1D cases. For the 2D case, the deviation of the induction arrows from the expected 2D behaviour can be used as an indicator for potential presence of anisotropic conductivity structures in the subsurface. The induction vectors in such cases are no longer perpendicular to the strike direction, but they cannot be directly related to the anisotropy direction either [Heise and Pous, 2001]. In many cases, determination of electric anisotropy can be aided by geological observations, e.g through knowledge about dyke swarms in the study area or from the tectonic history. Possible reasons for electric anisotropy in the upper mantle are directional variation in connectivity of highly conducting mineral phases [Jones, 1992; Mareschal et al., 1995] or hydrogen diffusion induced conductivity increase along olivine a-axes [Bahr and Simpson, 2002]. One recently proposed cause of electric anisotropy in the transition zone between lithosphere and asthenosphere is lattice preferred orientation of the present minerals [e.g. Simpson, 2001; Bahr and Simpson, 2002; Hamilton et al., 2006]. The maximal anisotropy for this latter case is controlled by the difference between highest and lowest conducting direction of the present minerals, viz. 2.3 for dry olivine [Shankland and Duba, 1990]. For wet (or hydrous) olivine the relation between conductivities of the three axes is much more complex due to their H2O - dependent conductivity characteristics. Poe et al. [2010] showed that the activation energy of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconduction for olivine is H2O - dependent and that P-T - changes result in different σ - variation for the three axes of wet olivine. As a result of this study, σ - ratios of the three wet olivine axes are assumed to be P,T, and H2O - dependent, but further studies are needed to determine reliable quantitative relations. Anisotropy at the LAB is further proposed to originate from relative motion between lithosphere and asthenosphere, “dragging along” and aligning material at the LAB. Anisotropy direction in that case should coincide with relative plate motion direction. Identifying features at such depth and relatively small thickness, however, is highly challenging given the associated low resolution. Links between electric anisotropy at the LAB and seismic anisotropy derived for the same depth [e.g. Vinnik et al., 1995; Silver et al., 2001; Simpson, 2002b; Eaton et al., 2004; Debayle et al., 2005; Deschamps et al., 2008; Darbyshire and Lebedev, 2009] are likely, since both parameters are presumably related to the same tectonic mechanisms (cf. Chapter 5). Details about the relationship between seismic and MT observations are presently still under debate, though [e.g. Ji et al., 1996; Hamilton et al., 2006; Eaton et al., 2009; Roux et al., 2009] 61

4.1. Types of distortion<br />

the use of vertical magnetic field data. In the 1D anisotropic case no vertical magnetic field<br />

should be prominent, whereas for the case of a 2D subsurface a vertical magnetic field,<br />

related to the horizontal magnetic field parallel to the conductivity interface, is observable<br />

[Kurtz et al., 1993; Kellett et al., 1992; Bahr et al., 2000; Heise and Pous, 2001]. However,<br />

the presence of noise or deviation of the source from the plane wave assumption (cf.<br />

Sec. 2.3) result in a vertical magnetic field, making impeding the separation of 2D and<br />

anisotropic 1D cases. For the 2D case, the deviation of the induction arrows from the<br />

expected 2D behaviour can be used as an indicator for potential presence of anisotropic<br />

conductivity structures in the subsurface. The induction vectors in such cases are no<br />

longer perpendicular to the strike direction, but they cannot be directly related to the<br />

anisotropy direction either [Heise and Pous, 2001].<br />

In many cases, determination of electric anisotropy can be aided by geological observations,<br />

e.g through knowledge about dyke swarms in the study area or from the tectonic<br />

history. Possible reasons for electric anisotropy in the upper mantle are directional variation<br />

in connectivity of highly conducting mineral phases [Jones, 1992; Mareschal et al.,<br />

1995] or hydrogen diffusion induced conductivity increase along olivine a-axes [Bahr and<br />

Simpson, 2002]. One recently proposed cause of electric anisotropy in the transition zone<br />

between lithosphere and asthenosphere is lattice preferred orientation of the present minerals<br />

[e.g. Simpson, 2001; Bahr and Simpson, 2002; Hamilton et al., 2006]. The maximal<br />

anisotropy for this latter case is controlled by the difference between highest and lowest<br />

conducting direction of the present minerals, viz. 2.3 for dry olivine [Shankland and<br />

Duba, 1990]. For wet (or hydrous) olivine the relation between conductivities of the three<br />

axes is much more complex due to their H2O - dependent conductivity characteristics. Poe<br />

et al. [2010] showed that the activation energy of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconduction<br />

for olivine is H2O - dependent and that P-T - changes result in different σ - variation for the<br />

three axes of wet olivine. As a result of this study, σ - ratios of the three wet olivine axes<br />

are assumed to be P,T, and H2O - dependent, but further studies are needed to determine<br />

reliable quantitative relations.<br />

Anisotropy at the LAB is further proposed to originate from relative motion between<br />

lithosphere and asthenosphere, “dragging along” and aligning material at the LAB. Anisotropy<br />

direction in that case should coincide with relative plate motion direction. Identifying<br />

features at such depth and relatively small thickness, however, is highly challenging<br />

given the associated low resolution. Links between electric anisotropy at the LAB and<br />

seismic anisotropy derived for the same depth [e.g. Vinnik et al., 1995; Silver et al., 2001;<br />

Simpson, 2002b; Eaton et al., 2004; Debayle et al., 2005; Deschamps et al., 2008; Darbyshire<br />

and Lebedev, 2009] are likely, since both parameters are presumably related to<br />

the same tectonic mechanisms (cf. Chapter 5). Details about the relationship between<br />

seismic and MT observations are presently still under debate, though [e.g. Ji et al., 1996;<br />

Hamilton et al., 2006; Eaton et al., 2009; Roux et al., 2009]<br />


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