P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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3. Mathematical description of electromagnetic relations Fig. 3.3.: Illustration of apparent resistivity ρa and phase φ behaviour in the complex plane using the relevant period range for the case of (a) a resistive medium underlying a more conductive layer, and (b) a conductive medium underlying a more resistive layer. ρa(m1) and ρa(m2) refer to the values of the upper and lower layer respectively, observed for periods that are unaffected by the resistivity interface. only the downward term F0 exists. The impedance Z in every layer m can be derived from wave number k, and thickness t of the layer, and impedance of the layer m+1 below using a modified version of Wait’s recursion formula [Wait, 1954], i.e. Zm = Γm (kmZm+1 + Γm+1 tanh(kmtm)) , (3.59) Γm+1 + kmZm+1 tanh(kmtm) with Γm = ıωµm. The resistivity measured at the surface for a certain frequency is therefore not related to the resistivity of a single layer but can be pictured as the weighted integral over the electric parameters of all layers, usually referred to as apparent resistivity ρa(T) = 1 µω |Zz=0(T)| 2 . (3.60) From Equations 3.32, 3.59, and 3.60 it can be deduced that for the case of a resistive medium underlying a more conductive layer, for the period range sensitive to the transition zone, the apparent resistivity increases with period, whereas the phase decreases. For longer periods, the phase will then re-establish its original value of 45 degrees, presuming that no other effects exert influence on the present EM fields. For the opposite case of a conductive medium underlying a more resistive layer, the effect is reversed, exhibiting a decrease of apparent resistivity and an increase of phase. In both cases, the phase effect is usually observable at shorter periods than the resistivity change (cf. Sec. 4.2.1); however, this is simply due to the greater relative response of the phase at shorter periods. The different behaviour of apparent resistivity and phase at an interface becomes obvious when displayed in terms of real and imaginary values of resistivity; respective curves in the complex rho-plane for two layered 1D models are shown in Figure 3.3. 42

3.5. The influence of electric permittivity Fig. 3.4.: Behaviour of TE and TM mode for the same period in the presence of a conductivity contact zone, displaying a smoothly varying continuous TE mode and a jump in the TM mode at the interface with the adjustment distance depends on the local resistivity values. 3.4.2. Lateral interfaces The behaviour of electric currents, and hence of electric and magnetic fields, in the presence of lateral conductivity interfaces can be derived from Maxwell’s Equations (Sec. 3.1.1) and is summarised in Table 3.2; a comprehensive overview about lateral boundary effects is given in Chapter 4 and here only the basic principles are illustrated. For MT it is useful to consider EM fields in terms of their contribution to the TM and TE modes, i.e. the combination of normal electric field EN and transverse magnetic field HT forming the TM mode, and transverse electric ET and normal magnetic field HN forming the TE mode. For the sake of demonstration, two homogeneous quarter-spaces are considered here, exhibiting different values of resistivity and are connected along an interface parallel to the x-axis. In order to investigate the behaviour of the two modes, it is assumed that MT data have been continuously collected along a profile parallel to the y-axis, crossing the conductivity interface from the relatively conductive to the resistive side (Fig. 3.4). Far away from the contact zone, in an inductive distance sense, both modes will simply represent the conductivity of each quarter-space. For the TE mode the transition between the two regions will be smooth since only EN is discontinuous on conductivity interfaces. The TM mode, on the other hand, exhibits a jump at the interface caused by the deviation of electric currents towards the interface on the resistive side and parallel to the interface on the conductive side, making TM the favourable mode to detect lateral conductivity changes. The adjustment distance, i.e. the distance from the interface where the effect of the conductivity contact is comparably small, is dependent on period range and resistivity for each quarter-space analogue to the vertical skin depth (Sec. 3.3). 3.5. The influence of electric permittivity In MT, it is commonly assumed that the influence of electric permittivity is small in comparison with the effect of electric conductivity, which is dominating the relationship be- 43

3. Mathematical description of electromagnetic relations<br />

Fig. 3.3.: Illustration of apparent resistivity ρa and phase φ behaviour in the complex plane using the relevant period range for the case<br />

of (a) a resistive medium underlying a more conductive layer, and (b) a conductive medium underlying a more resistive layer. ρa(m1)<br />

and ρa(m2) refer to the values of the upper and lower layer respectively, observed for periods that are unaffected by the resistivity<br />

interface.<br />

only the downward term F0 exists. The impedance Z in every layer m can be derived from<br />

wave number k, and thickness t of the layer, and impedance of the layer m+1 below using<br />

a modified version of Wait’s recursion formula [Wait, 1954], i.e.<br />

Zm = Γm (kmZm+1 + Γm+1 tanh(kmtm))<br />

, (3.59)<br />

Γm+1 + kmZm+1 tanh(kmtm)<br />

with Γm = ıωµm. The resistivity measured at the surface for a certain frequency is therefore<br />

not related to the resistivity of a single layer but can be pictured as the weighted<br />

integral over the electric parameters of all layers, usually referred to as apparent resistivity<br />

ρa(T) = 1<br />

µω |Zz=0(T)| 2 . (3.60)<br />

From Equations 3.32, 3.59, and 3.60 it can be deduced that for the case of a resistive<br />

medium underlying a more conductive layer, for the period range sensitive to the transition<br />

zone, the apparent resistivity increases with period, whereas the phase decreases. For<br />

longer periods, the phase will then re-establish its original value of 45 degrees, presuming<br />

that no other effects exert influence on the present EM fields. For the opposite case of<br />

a conductive medium underlying a more resistive layer, the effect is reversed, exhibiting<br />

a decrease of apparent resistivity and an increase of phase. In both cases, the phase<br />

effect is usually observable at shorter periods than the resistivity change (cf. Sec. 4.2.1);<br />

however, this is simply due to the greater relative response of the phase at shorter periods.<br />

The different behaviour of apparent resistivity and phase at an interface becomes obvious<br />

when displayed in terms of real and imaginary values of resistivity; respective curves in<br />

the complex rho-plane for two layered 1D models are shown in Figure 3.3.<br />


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