P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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1. Introduction thermal modelling, which are inherently non-unique, requiring a range of assumptions regarding values and distribution of related parameters within the Earth. Accordingly, MT is steadily gaining popularity among geoscientist since its development by Rikitake [1948], Tikhonov [1950] and Cagniard [1953] in the middle of the last century and has been used to study various aspects in different regions of the world. For this investigation, MT data were acquired in the Iberian Peninsula during the first phase of the multinational, multi-disciplinary PICASSO (acronym for Program to Investigate the Convective Alboran Sea System Overturn) program, which studies tectonic processes and internal structure of the western Mediterranean lithosphere and surrounding regions. In order to derive structures of the Iberian Peninsula subsurface, MT recordings were carried out along the approximately 400 km long, north-south oriented PICASSO Phase I profile situated in the Spanish Tajo Basin and Betic Cordillera regions. In the Tajo Basin, comprising the northern half of the PICASSO Phase I profile, a difference of approximately 70 degrees is determined for the geoelectric strike directions of the crust (≈N41W) and lithospheric-mantle (≈N29E) regions. The different strike directions are most likely related to the different tectonic events forming the approximately NW- SE stretching Pyrenees in the northeast of the peninsula and the approximately NE-SW stretching Betics in the south of the peninsula. Oblique geoelectric strike directions for different subsurface regions, e.g. at crust and mantle depths, are a known problem in MT investigation [e.g. Marquis et al., 1995; Eaton et al., 2004; Miensopust et al., 2011]. Crustal structures can usually be recovered in a straightforward manner by confining the modelled frequency range to crustal penetration depths; recovery of mantle structures, on the other, hand is more challenging when the structures have a different strike from the overlying crust. Commonly employed 2D inversion approaches are likely to yield models with inversion artefacts due to misrepresentation of the strike direction in at least one of the regions. Therefore, Miensopust et al. [2011] conducted separate inversions for regions with different geoelectric strike directions along their profile using datasets adapted to meet the strike characteristics in the respective regions. Ultimately, the authors decomposed their impedance vectors according to a N35E strike direction for most parts of their profile and used a N55E strike direction for a subset. For more oblique geoelectric strike directions, however, inversion artefacts in the mantle model will prevail, owing to effects of the significantly erroneous decomposition of the impedance tensor at crustal depth. Hence, a simple ‘stitching’ of inversion models from different strike directions does not adequately recover structures in the deeper regions. Three-dimensional (3D) inversion of MT data, capable of dealing with more complex subsurface structures like oblique strike direction, is computationally expensive, which usually permits detailed inversion of a region with the size of the Tajo Basin. The problem of oblique geoelectric strike directions in two-dimensional (2D) inversion, previously requiring costly 3D inversion, motivated development of a novel 2D inversion approach. This inversion approach uses electric anisotropy to image 2D structures, enabling the investigator to derive a subsurface model with oblique geoelectric strike di- 2

ections from enhanced one-dimensional (1D) and 2D inversion procedures for which otherwise 3D inversion is required. Relations between effects of electric anisotropy and regional-scale heterogeneities on MT have been discussed, among others, by Heise and Pous [2001] and Pek and Santos [2006]; previously, however, the focus has only been on how to distinguish between anisotropy and regional-scale heterogeneities. There has been no published report about the use of anisotropic inversion codes for the recovery of oblique strike directions so far, meaning that this study breaks new ground. Performance of this novel approach is examined in this thesis in a synthetic model study and subsequently used to investigate the Tajo Basin subsurface. The synthetic model comprises orthogonal geoelectric strike directions at depths associated with crust and mantle. MT response data are modelled for numerous locations on top of the model, thereby facilitating inversions along various profiles and a comprehensive assessment of results for the different inversion approaches. In addition to the development of a novel inversion approach, this thesis comprises an investigation of tectonic processes that shaped the Iberian Peninsula. Therein, models of the Tajo Basin subsurface are presented that were obtained with the anisotropic inversion approach developed in this thesis as well as from isotropic 2D and 3D inversions of the PICASSO Phase I dataset. Results of the different inversion schemes are contrasted and petrological implication of model features are discussed. Obtained models provide a remarkable new insight into the local geology of central Spain, permitting conclusions about a reservoir that is responsible for volcanic events throughout Europe as well as about interaction between the Tajo Basin subsurface and subducted lithospheric material beneath the western Mediterranean Sea and Betic Cordillera. The content of this thesis is divided into five parts, which illustrate the different aspects related to this work. A thorough discussion of the MT method is given in Part I: Theoretical background of magnetotellurics. Therein, sources of the MT method (Chapter 2) and related mathematical relations (Chapter 3) as well as effects of subsurface characteristics (Chapter 4) are illustrated, followed by descriptions of Earth’s electric conductivity properties (Chapter 5) and application of the MT methods in order to derive subsurface structures (Chapter 6). In Part II: Geology of the study area the tectonic evolution of the Iberian Peninsula is examined and results of previous geological and geophysical studies in the Betic Cordillera and central Spain are discussed (Chapter 7). In this Part, the two regions along the profile, Betics Cordillera and Tajo Basin, are discussed individually accounting for their very distinct geology. The novel inversion approach for MT data, motivated by the significantly oblique geoelectric strike directions of the Tajo Basin crust and mantle is presented in Part III: A novel inversion approach for oblique geoelectric strike directions in crust and mantle. The approach is first tested in a synthetic model study and results are compared with results of commonly used isotropic 2D inversions (Chapter 8). Satisfactory performance in the 3

ections from enhanced one-dimensional (1D) and 2D inversion procedures for which<br />

otherwise 3D inversion is required. Relations between effects of electric anisotropy and<br />

regional-scale heterogeneities on MT have been discussed, among others, by Heise and<br />

Pous [2001] and Pek and Santos [2006]; previously, however, the focus has only been<br />

on how to distinguish between anisotropy and regional-scale heterogeneities. There has<br />

been no published report about the use of anisotropic inversion codes for the recovery of<br />

oblique strike directions so far, meaning that this study breaks new ground. Performance<br />

of this novel approach is examined in this thesis in a synthetic model study and subsequently<br />

used to investigate the Tajo Basin subsurface. The synthetic model comprises<br />

orthogonal geoelectric strike directions at depths associated with crust and mantle. MT<br />

response data are modelled for numerous locations on top of the model, thereby facilitating<br />

inversions along various profiles and a comprehensive assessment of results for the<br />

different inversion approaches.<br />

In addition to the development of a novel inversion approach, this thesis comprises an<br />

investigation of tectonic processes that shaped the Iberian Peninsula. Therein, models<br />

of the Tajo Basin subsurface are presented that were obtained with the anisotropic inversion<br />

approach developed in this thesis as well as from isotropic 2D and 3D inversions of<br />

the PICASSO Phase I dataset. Results of the different inversion schemes are contrasted<br />

and petrological implication of model features are discussed. Obtained models provide<br />

a remarkable new insight into the local geology of central Spain, permitting conclusions<br />

about a reservoir that is responsible for volcanic events throughout Europe as well as<br />

about interaction between the Tajo Basin subsurface and subducted lithospheric material<br />

beneath the western Mediterranean Sea and Betic Cordillera.<br />

The content of this thesis is divided into five parts, which illustrate the different aspects<br />

related to this work.<br />

A thorough discussion of the MT method is given in Part I: Theoretical background of<br />

magnetotellurics. Therein, sources of the MT method (Chapter 2) and related mathematical<br />

relations (Chapter 3) as well as effects of subsurface characteristics (Chapter 4) are<br />

illustrated, followed by descriptions of Earth’s electric conductivity properties (Chapter<br />

5) and application of the MT methods in order to derive subsurface structures (Chapter<br />

6).<br />

In Part II: Geology of the study area the tectonic evolution of the Iberian Peninsula is examined<br />

and results of previous geological and geophysical studies in the Betic Cordillera<br />

and central Spain are discussed (Chapter 7). In this Part, the two regions along the profile,<br />

Betics Cordillera and Tajo Basin, are discussed individually accounting for their very<br />

distinct geology.<br />

The novel inversion approach for MT data, motivated by the significantly oblique geoelectric<br />

strike directions of the Tajo Basin crust and mantle is presented in Part III: A novel<br />

inversion approach for oblique geoelectric strike directions in crust and mantle. The approach<br />

is first tested in a synthetic model study and results are compared with results<br />

of commonly used isotropic 2D inversions (Chapter 8). Satisfactory performance in the<br />


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