P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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Bibliography Ji, S., S. Rondenay, M. Mareschal, and G. Senechal (1996), Obliquity between seismic and electrical anisotropies as a potential indicator of movement sense for ductile shear zones in the upper mantle, Geology, 24(11), 1033–1036. Jin, Z.-M., J. Zhang, H. Green, and S. Jin (August, 2001), Eclogite rheology: Implications for subducted lithosphere, Geology, 29(8), 667–670, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2001) 029〈0667:ERIFSL〉2.0.CO;2. Jiracek, G. R. (1990), Near-surface and topographic distortions in electromagnetic induction, Surveys in Geophysics, 11, 163–203. Jones, A. (1983a), The problem of current channelling: A critical review, Geophysical Surveys, 6, 79–122. Jones, A. (1992), Electrical properties of the lower continental crust, in Continental Lower Crust, edited by D. Fountain, pp. 81–131, Elsevier, Amsterdam. Jones, A. (2009), The eLAB, in DefLAB workshop, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Jones, A., and R. Hutton (1979), A multi-station magnetotelluric study in southern scotland - ii: Monte-carlo inversion of the data and its geophysical and tectonic implications, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 56, 351–368. Jones, A., T. Katsube, and P. Schwann (1997), The longest conductivity anomaly in the world explained: Sulphides in fold hinges causing very high electrical anisotropy, Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 49(12), 1619–1629. Jones, A. G. (1980), Geomagnetic induction studies in scandinavia: I. determination of the inductive response function from the magnetometer array data, Journal of Geophysics, 48, 181–194. Jones, A. G. (1983b), On the equivalence of the Niblett and Bostick transformations in the magnetotelluric method, Journal of Geophysics, 53, 72–73. Jones, A. G. (1988), Static shift of magnetotelluric data and its removal in a sedimentary basin environment, Geophysics, 53(7), 967–978. Jones, A. G. (1999), Imaging the continental upper mantle using electromagnetic methods, Lithos, 48(1-4), 57 – 80, doi:10.1016/S0024-4937(99)00022-5. Jones, A. G. (2006), Electromagnetic interrogation of the anisotropic Earth: Looking into the Earth with polarized spectacles, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 158, 281–291. Jones, A. G., and J. A. Craven (1990), The North American Central Plains conductivity anomaly and its correlation with gravity, magnetic, seismic, and heat flow data in Saskatchewan, Canada, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 60, 169–194. 342

Bibliography Jones, A. G., and R. W. Groom (1993), Strike angle determination from the magnetotelluric tensor in the presence of noise and local distortion: rotate at your peril!, Geophysical Journal International, 113, 524–534. Jones, A. G., and H. Jödicke (1984), Magnetotelluric transfer function estimation improvement by a coherence-based rejection technique, in 54th Annual International Meeting, Expanded Abstracts, Soc. of Expl. Geophys. Jones, A. G., A. D. Chave, G. Egbert, D. Auld, and K. Bahr (1989), A comparison of techniques for magnetotelluric response function estimation, Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), 94(10), 14,201–14,213. Jones, A. G., R. L. Evans, and D. W. Eaton (2009), Velocity-conductivity relationships for mantle mineral assemblages in archean cratonic lithosphere based on a review of laboratory data and Hashin-Shtrikman extremal bounds, Lithos, 109(1-2), 131–143, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2008.10.014. Jones, A. G., J. Plomerova, T. Korja, F. Sodoudi, and W. Spakman (2010), Europe from the bottom up: A statistical examination of the central and northern European lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary from comparing seismological and electromagnetic observations, Lithos, 120, 14–29. Jones, C. (1987), Is extension in Death Valley accommodated by thinning of the mantle lithosphere beneath the Sierra Nevada, California?, Tectonics, 6(4), 449–473. Jones, F., and L. Pascoe (1972), The perturbation of alternating geomagnetic fields by three-dimensional conductivity inhomogeneities, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 27, 479–484. Julià, J., and J. Mejía (2004), Thickness and Vp/Vs ratio variation in the Iberian Crust, Geophysical Journal International, 156(1), 59–72, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004. 02127.x. Julià, J., J. Vila, and R. Macià (1998), The receiver structure beneath the Ebro Basin, Iberian Peninsula, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 88(6), 1538–1547. Kalscheuer, T., L. B. Pedersen, and W. Siripunvaraporn (2008), Radiomagnetotelluric two-dimensional forward and inverse modelling accounting for displacement currents, Geophysical Journal International, 175(2), 486–514, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008. 03902.x. Kao, D. (1984), Geoelectromagnetic induction by a line current in the ionosphere, Submitted to Ann. Geophys. Karato, S. (1990), The role of hydrogen in the electrical conductivity of the upper mantle, Nature, 347, 272–273. 343

Bibliography<br />

Ji, S., S. Rondenay, M. Mareschal, and G. Senechal (1996), Obliquity between seismic<br />

and electrical anisotropies as a potential indicator of movement sense for ductile shear<br />

zones in the upper mantle, Geology, 24(11), 1033–1036.<br />

Jin, Z.-M., J. Zhang, H. Green, and S. Jin (August, 2001), Eclogite rheology: Implications<br />

for subducted lithosphere, Geology, 29(8), 667–670, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2001)<br />

029〈0667:ERIFSL〉2.0.CO;2.<br />

Jiracek, G. R. (1990), Near-surface and topographic distortions in electromagnetic induction,<br />

Surveys in Geophysics, 11, 163–203.<br />

Jones, A. (1983a), The problem of current channelling: A critical review, Geophysical<br />

Surveys, 6, 79–122.<br />

Jones, A. (1992), Electrical properties of the lower continental crust, in Continental Lower<br />

Crust, edited by D. Fountain, pp. 81–131, Elsevier, Amsterdam.<br />

Jones, A. (2009), The eLAB, in DefLAB workshop, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.<br />

Jones, A., and R. Hutton (1979), A multi-station magnetotelluric study in southern scotland<br />

- ii: Monte-carlo inversion of the data and its geophysical and tectonic implications,<br />

Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 56, 351–368.<br />

Jones, A., T. Katsube, and P. Schwann (1997), The longest conductivity anomaly in the<br />

world explained: Sulphides in fold hinges causing very high electrical anisotropy, Journal<br />

of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 49(12), 1619–1629.<br />

Jones, A. G. (1980), Geomagnetic induction studies in scandinavia: I. determination of the<br />

inductive response function from the magnetometer array data, Journal of Geophysics,<br />

48, 181–194.<br />

Jones, A. G. (1983b), On the equivalence of the Niblett and Bostick transformations in<br />

the magnetotelluric method, Journal of Geophysics, 53, 72–73.<br />

Jones, A. G. (1988), Static shift of magnetotelluric data and its removal in a sedimentary<br />

basin environment, Geophysics, 53(7), 967–978.<br />

Jones, A. G. (1999), Imaging the continental upper mantle using electromagnetic methods,<br />

Lithos, 48(1-4), 57 – 80, doi:10.1016/S0024-4937(99)00022-5.<br />

Jones, A. G. (2006), Electromagnetic interrogation of the anisotropic Earth: Looking into<br />

the Earth with polarized spectacles, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 158,<br />

281–291.<br />

Jones, A. G., and J. A. Craven (1990), The North American Central Plains conductivity<br />

anomaly and its correlation with gravity, magnetic, seismic, and heat flow data in<br />

Saskatchewan, Canada, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 60, 169–194.<br />


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