P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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Bibliography Colmenero, J., L. Fernandez, C. Moreno, J. Bahamonde, P. Barba, N. Heredia, and F. Gonzales (2002), Carboniferous, in Gibbons and Moreno [2002b], chap. 6, pp. 93–116. Condie, K. (1982), Plate tectonics and crustal evolution, 2 ed., Pergamon, New York. Constable, S., T. J. Shankland, and A. Duba (1992), The electrical conductivity of an isotropic olivine mantle, Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, doi:10.1029/ 91JB02453. Constable, S. C., R. L. Parker, and C. G. Constable (1987), Occam’s inversion: A practical algorithm for generating smooth models from electromagnetic sounding data, Geophysics, 52(3), 289–300. Crespo, E., F. J. Luque, M. Rodas, H. Wada, and F. Gervilla (2006), Graphite-sulfide deposits in Ronda and Beni Bousera peridotites (Spain and Morocco) and the origin of carbon in mantle-derived rocks, Gondwana Research, 9, 279–290. Dañobeitia, J. J., V. Sallarès, and J. Gallart (1998), Local earthquakes seismic tomography in the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 160, 225–239. Dachnov, V. (1959), Promyslovaja geofizika, Izdat. Gostoptechizdat, Moscow. Dachnov, V. (1962), Interpretazija resultatov geofiziceskich issledovanij razrezov skavzin, 2 ed., Izdat. Gostoptechizdat, Moscow, pp. 547. Dachnov, W. (1975), Geofiziceskie metody opredelenija kollektorskich svoistv is neftegasonasyscenija gornich porod, Izdat. Nedra, Moscow. Darbyshire, F. A., and S. Lebedev (2009), Rayleigh wave phase-velocity heterogeneity and multilayered azimuthal anisotropy of the Superior Craton, Ontario, Geophysical Journal International, 176(1), 215–234, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03982.x. Davies, G. F. (1995), Penetration of plates and plumes through the mantle transition zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 133(3-4), 507 – 516, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(95) 00039-F. de Groot-Hedlin, C., and S. Constable (1990), Occam’s inversion to generate smooth, two-dimensional models from magnetotelluric data, Geophysics, 55(12), 1613–1624. De Mets, C., R. Gordon, D. Argus, and S. Stein (1994), Effect of recent revision to the geomagnetic reversal time scale on estimate of current plate motion, Geophysical Research Letter, 21(20), 2191. de Vicente, G., and R. Vegas (2009), Large-scale distributed deformation controlled topography along the western Africa-Eurasia limit: Tectonic constrains, Tectonophysics, 474(1-2), 124–143. 332

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Bibliography<br />

de Vicente, G., J. Giner, A. Munoz-Martin, J. Gonzalez-Casado, and R. Lindo (1996), Determination<br />

of present-day stress tensor and neotectonic interval in the Spanish Central<br />

System and the Madrid Basin, central Spain, Tectonophysics, 266, 405–424.<br />

Debayle, E., B. Kennett, and K. Priestley (2005), Global azimuthal seismic anisotropy<br />

and the unique plate-motion deformation of Australia, Nature, 433(7025), 509–512,<br />

doi:10.1038/nature03247.<br />

DeMets, C., R. G. Gordon, D. F. Argus, and S. Stein (2006), Current plate motions,<br />

Geophysical Journal International, 165(1), 425–478.<br />

Deschamps, F., S. Lebedev, T. Meier, and J. Trampert (2008), Stratified seismic anisotropy<br />

reveals past and present deformation beneath the east-central United States, Earth and<br />

Planetary Science Letters, 274(3-4), 489 – 498, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.07.058.<br />

Dewey, J. F., M. L. Helman, S. D. Knott, E. Turco, and D. H. W. Hutton (1989), Kinematics<br />

of the western Mediterranean, Geological Society, London, Special Publications,<br />

45(1), 265–283, doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1989.045.01.15.<br />

Díaz, J., and J. Gallart (2009), Crustal structure beneath the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding<br />

waters: A new compilation of deep seismic sounding results, Physics of the<br />

Earth and Planetary Interiors, 173(1-2), 181–190, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2008.11.008.<br />

Dmitriev, V. I., and M. N. Berdichevsky (1979), The fundamental model of magnetotelluric<br />

sounding, Proceedings of the IEEE, 67(7), 1034–1044.<br />

Doblas, M., J. López-Ruiz, M. Hoyos, C. Martín, and J. Cebriá (1991), Late cenozoic<br />

indentation/escape tectonics in the eastern betic cordilleras and its consequences on the<br />

iberian foreland, Estudios Geológicos, 47, 193–205.<br />

Duba, A. G. (1976), Are laboratory electrical conductivity data relevant to the Earth?,<br />

Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica, Academy Sciences Hungary, 11, 485–<br />

495.<br />

Duba, A. G. (1977), Electrical conductivity of coal and coal char, Fuel, 56(4), 441 – 443,<br />

doi:10.1016/0016-2361(77)90074-6.<br />

Duba, A. G. (1983), Electrical conductivity of Colorado oil shale to 900°C, Fuel, 62(8),<br />

966 – 972, doi:10.1016/0016-2361(83)90172-2.<br />

Duba, A. G., and T. J. Shankland (1982), Free carbon & electrical conductivity in the<br />

Earth’s mantle, Geophysical Research Letters, 9(11), 1271–1274.<br />

Duba, A. G., J. N. Boland, and A. E. Ringwood (1973), Electrical conductivity of pyroxene,<br />

Journal of Geology, 81, 727–735.<br />


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