P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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11. Summary and conclusions high misfits associated with impedance tensor decomposition for every direction indicate invalidity of a 2D approximation for this region. Thus, further investigation was focussed on the Tajo Basin subsurface using the novel inversion approaches developed in the course of this thesis to cope with the issue of oblique geoelectric strike directions in the basin’s crust and mantle regions. In addition, extensive isotropic 2D and 3D inversions were conducted to further enhance knowledge about the geological setting. The final Tajo Basin subsurface model is the synthesis of results from the different inversion approaches. Crustal structures in the model were determined through isotropic 2D inversion of a dataset decomposed according to the crustal geoelectric strike direction with the period range limited to crustal penetration depths. Owing to inadequacy of isotropic 2D and anisotropic 1D inversion results, and uncertainties associated with the anisotropic 2D inversion results, mantle structures were mostly deduced from the 3D inversion model. Most striking features of models for the Tajo Basin crust are: 282 • A well-defined difference in terms of electric resistivity of the crust between the southern and northern parts of the Tajo Basin. The interface between the two regions coincides with a significant change in seismic velocity determined in a seismic tomography study. The southern region exhibits high electric resistivities and high seismic velocities, whereas the northern region comprises relatively low electric resistivities and low seismic velocities. Based on the correlation of the seismic velocity model with the border between the so-called ‘Variscan Spain’ and ‘Alpine Spain’ regions for most of the Iberian Peninsula, the southern high resistivity – high velocity region was inferred to be associated with Precambrian and Palaeozoic rocks of the Variscan Iberian Massif, whereas the northern region was attributed to the domain that underwent significant Alpine deformation. Alpine deformation of the northern Tajo Basin region is related to collisions of the Iberian Peninsula with the rest of Eurasia and Africa during Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic times that resulted in the orogeny of the Pyrenees and Betic Mountain chains. It is concluded that the difference of the Alpine Spain and Variscan Spain region in terms of electric resistivity values is due to compositional differences with additional temperature effects. The Precambrian and Palaeozoic rocks of the Iberian Massif, constituting the majority of the Variscan Spain region, are significantly older than the Alpine Spain region (Mesozoic and Cenozoic material). Thus, the Variscan Spain region has undergone a respectively longer cooling, a situation similar to cratonic regions when compared with surrounding mobile belts. Compositional differences may therein involve a higher amount of resistive olivine, pyroxene, garnet components for the Variscan Spain region in contrast to the higher amount of metallic elements as well as graphite and sulphide bearing oxides in the Alpine Spain region (cf. Sec. 5.2.1). Further, higher conductivity may be indicative of an enhanced connectivity of the conducting phases in the Alpine Spain region. The enhanced connectivity may originate from deformation events during the more recent Alpine orogeny in contrast to the relatively undeformed Iberian Massif. However, additional studies about the

11.2. PICASSO Phase I investigation composition of the Tajo Basin subsurface, in particular regarding conducting phase constituents, are required before instructive assumption can be made about the connectivity of those phases. It should be noted that the PICASSO Phase I investigation and the seismic tomography model revealed an extension of the Iberian Massif beneath large parts of the southern Tajo Basin, further to the east than suggested by surface geology maps. In surface geology maps the Iberian Massif is only mapped to the west of the Tajo Basin, due to the fact that in the basin relevant outcrops are covered by sediments. • An electrically conductive – seismically slow anomaly in the middle and lower crust beneath the Campo de Montiel region (southern Tajo Basin). The anomaly is situated in the region associated with the Iberian Massif, and remnants of asthenospherederived melt intruded during Pliocene times are inferred as the origin of the anomaly. The intrusion is associated with the second sequence of volcanic activity in the Calatrava Volcanic Province (CVP), located to the west of the PICASSO Phase I profile. The proposed source region for the asthenospheric melt is situated to the east of the PICASSO Phase I profile, with the assumed connection path between source region and volcanic province intersecting the PICASSO Phase I profile in the Campo de Montiel region. Due to a lack of a significant high surface heat flow expression in the southern Tajo Basin region, contribution of a hydrous phase was concluded, which lowers the solidus, increases electric conductivity, and lowers seismic velocity in the region. Dehydration processes of the slab subducting beneath Alboran Domain and Betic Cordillera were identified as the potential source for the hydrous phase in the Tajo Basin crust, based on reduced electric resistivities and seismic velocities of the mantle in-between the region associated with the slab and the crustal anomaly. However, large-scale fluid circulation as discussed in Jones [1992, and references therein] cannot be excluded as the source of the conducting phase. • An extensive region of significantly reduced electric resistivity in the lithosphericmantle beneath the central Tajo Basin area, coinciding with low seismic velocities. Low resistivity – low velocity features at mantle depths are indicative of significant melt or fluid phases or increased temperatures, and it is concluded that this anomaly is an expression of a HIMU-like 7 reservoir, the source of volcanic events throughout central and western Europe as well as in northern Morocco. A contribution of fluids originating from dehydration of the subducting slab beneath Alboran Domain and Betic Cordillera is possible. More detailed constraints on the deep-seated features in the Tajo Basin mantle are, however, impeded by the low signal-to-noise ratio of long-period impedance estimates in the PICASSO Phase I dataset. 283

11.2. PICASSO Phase I investigation<br />

composition of the Tajo Basin subsurface, in particular regarding conducting phase<br />

constituents, are required before instructive assumption can be made about the connectivity<br />

of those phases. It should be noted that the PICASSO Phase I investigation<br />

and the seismic tomography model revealed an extension of the Iberian Massif beneath<br />

large parts of the southern Tajo Basin, further to the east than suggested by<br />

surface geology maps. In surface geology maps the Iberian Massif is only mapped<br />

to the west of the Tajo Basin, due to the fact that in the basin relevant outcrops are<br />

covered by sediments.<br />

• An electrically conductive – seismically slow anomaly in the middle and lower crust<br />

beneath the Campo de Montiel region (southern Tajo Basin). The anomaly is situated<br />

in the region associated with the Iberian Massif, and remnants of asthenospherederived<br />

melt intruded during Pliocene times are inferred as the origin of the anomaly.<br />

The intrusion is associated with the second sequence of volcanic activity in the Calatrava<br />

Volcanic Province (CVP), located to the west of the PICASSO Phase I profile.<br />

The proposed source region for the asthenospheric melt is situated to the east of<br />

the PICASSO Phase I profile, with the assumed connection path between source region<br />

and volcanic province intersecting the PICASSO Phase I profile in the Campo<br />

de Montiel region. Due to a lack of a significant high surface heat flow expression<br />

in the southern Tajo Basin region, contribution of a hydrous phase was concluded,<br />

which lowers the solidus, increases electric conductivity, and lowers seismic velocity<br />

in the region. Dehydration processes of the slab subducting beneath Alboran<br />

Domain and Betic Cordillera were identified as the potential source for the hydrous<br />

phase in the Tajo Basin crust, based on reduced electric resistivities and seismic velocities<br />

of the mantle in-between the region associated with the slab and the crustal<br />

anomaly. However, large-scale fluid circulation as discussed in Jones [1992, and<br />

references therein] cannot be excluded as the source of the conducting phase.<br />

• An extensive region of significantly reduced electric resistivity in the lithosphericmantle<br />

beneath the central Tajo Basin area, coinciding with low seismic velocities.<br />

Low resistivity – low velocity features at mantle depths are indicative of significant<br />

melt or fluid phases or increased temperatures, and it is concluded that this anomaly<br />

is an expression of a HIMU-like 7 reservoir, the source of volcanic events throughout<br />

central and western Europe as well as in northern Morocco. A contribution of fluids<br />

originating from dehydration of the subducting slab beneath Alboran Domain and<br />

Betic Cordillera is possible. More detailed constraints on the deep-seated features<br />

in the Tajo Basin mantle are, however, impeded by the low signal-to-noise ratio of<br />

long-period impedance estimates in the PICASSO Phase I dataset.<br />


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