P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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11. Summary and conclusions structures in one depth range, whereas the other region is modelled with an isotropic 1D or 2D approach; as a result significantly reducing computational costs of the inversion. The 1D and 2D versions of the novel approach were tested using a synthetic 3D subsurface model with orthogonal strike directions at crust and mantle depths and later applied to the PICASSO Phase I dataset from central Spain. Performance of the novel approaches were therein compared to results of isotropic 2D and isotropic 3D inversion. Structures at crustal depths were reasonably well recovered by all inversion approaches in the synthetic model study, whereas recovery of mantle structures varied significantly between the different approaches. Isotropic 2D inversion models, despite decomposition of the electric impedance tensor and using a wide range of inversion parameters, exhibited severe artefacts in the synthetic model case and yielded implausible structures for the real dataset, confirming the requirement of either an enhanced or a higher dimensionality inversion approach. With the anisotropic 1D inversion approach, mantle structures of the synthetic model were recovered reasonably well with anisotropy values perpendicular to the mantle strike direction (in this study anisotropy was assigned to the mantle region), indicating applicability of the novel approach for basic subsurface cases. For the more complex Tajo Basin subsurface the anisotropic 1D inversion approach did not yield a plausible model of the electric resistivity distribution. Inadequacy of the derived model originates therein most likely from inapplicability of the 1D approximation to the complex structures of the Tajo Basin subsurface, exhibiting multiple indications of 2D and 3D features. Owing to the higher number of degrees of freedom, the anisotropic 2D inversion approach can cope with more complex subsurface cases and it yielded a reasonable reproduction of the synthetic model as well as a plausible model for the Tajo Basin subsurface using the PICASSO Phase I dataset. However, the anisotropic 2D inversion algorithm used in this study requires coincident directions of structural strike and anisotropy. Thus, the algorithm facilitates only a difference of 90 degrees between the strike directions of crust and mantle, rather than the approximately 70 degrees determined for the Tajo Basin. Hence, subsurface models obtained with the anisotropic 2D inversion approach for cases with oblique strike directions that are significantly different from the orthogonal case must currently be associated with a higher degree of uncertainty. 11.1.2. Suggestion for future work Further development of the anisotropic inversion approaches are strongly linked to enhancements of the inversion algorithms. Particularly useful enhancements of 2D algorithms that would improve applicability of this novel inversion approach are: 280 • Incorporation of anisotropy-axes directions that are independent of the inversion mesh orientation. The 1D inversion algorithm ai1d by Pek and Santos [2006] permits flexible anisotropy-axes directions, and the principle has been adopted for a 2D algorithm with some success Pek et al. [2011]. However, the 2D algorithm

11.2. PICASSO Phase I investigation is not yet optimised or adapted for parallel processing; thus, computation time of this algorithm is considerable long, limiting the realisation to a very small number of impedance estimates and making its application to datasets of the scale of the PICASSO Phase I project unfeasible. • Incorporation of “anisotropy zones” in the inversion algorithm; i.e. constraining anisotropy to a different degree for certain parts of the inversion model, similar to “tear zones”, which are already incorporated in current algorithms, e.g. by Rodi and Mackie [2001]. Respective suggestions regarding enhancements of the anisotropic 2D inversion codes have been made to the authors [R. Mackie, J. Pek, Pers. Comm., 2011], and their implementation will enable future studies to investigate applicability of this novel approach to more complex subsurface cases. In addition, it is suggested to employ the approach in a wide range of synthetic and real model studies in order to further asses its performance. 11.2. PICASSO Phase I investigation 11.2.1. Summary and conclusion For the PICASSO Phase I investigation, magnetotelluric (MT) data were acquired along an approximately 400 km long and north-south oriented profile in south-central Spain, crossing the Tajo Basin and the eastern Betic Cordillera regions. Deep-probing investigations of Iberia, particularly in its central regions, are currently very sparse with previous investigations mostly focussing on the boundaries of the peninsula, namely the Pyrenees, the Betic Cordillera, and the Cantabrian Mountains as well as the southwestern region of the Iberian Massif. Detailed a priori information about subcrustal structures were previously limited to global or European-scale seismic tomography studies. Information about the electric resistivity distribution from the PICASSO Phase I investigation provides enhanced insights into the geological processes that formed the Iberian Peninsula subsurface. The PICASSO Phase I investigation was complicated by low signal-to-noise ratios in some parts of the dataset, originating from exceptionally low solar activity during data acquisition and the well-developed DC railway line network in Spain. A range of advanced, robust data processing codes were used and deliberate rejection of corrupted impedance tensor estimates had to be carried out to provide a reliable dataset for subsequent analysis and modelling. Varying geoelectric strike directions were determined, both along the PICASSO Phase I profile and with depth. For the Tajo Basin, constituting the northern region of the profile, a NW-SE oriented strike direction was determined for the crust and a NNE-SSW direction for the mantle. For the Betics region, located to the south of the PICASSO Phase I profile, an approximately E-W oriented geoelectric strike direction was inferred, but the 281

11.2. PICASSO Phase I investigation<br />

is not yet optimised or adapted for parallel processing; thus, computation time of<br />

this algorithm is considerable long, limiting the realisation to a very small number<br />

of impedance estimates and making its application to datasets of the scale of the<br />

PICASSO Phase I project unfeasible.<br />

• Incorporation of “anisotropy zones” in the inversion algorithm; i.e. constraining<br />

anisotropy to a different degree for certain parts of the inversion model, similar to<br />

“tear zones”, which are already incorporated in current algorithms, e.g. by Rodi<br />

and Mackie [2001].<br />

Respective suggestions regarding enhancements of the anisotropic 2D inversion codes<br />

have been made to the authors [R. Mackie, J. Pek, Pers. Comm., 2011], and their implementation<br />

will enable future studies to investigate applicability of this novel approach to<br />

more complex subsurface cases. In addition, it is suggested to employ the approach in a<br />

wide range of synthetic and real model studies in order to further asses its performance.<br />

11.2. PICASSO Phase I investigation<br />

11.2.1. Summary and conclusion<br />

For the PICASSO Phase I investigation, magnetotelluric (MT) data were acquired along<br />

an approximately 400 km long and north-south oriented profile in south-central Spain,<br />

crossing the Tajo Basin and the eastern Betic Cordillera regions. Deep-probing investigations<br />

of Iberia, particularly in its central regions, are currently very sparse with previous<br />

investigations mostly focussing on the boundaries of the peninsula, namely the Pyrenees,<br />

the Betic Cordillera, and the Cantabrian Mountains as well as the southwestern region<br />

of the Iberian Massif. Detailed a priori information about subcrustal structures were<br />

previously limited to global or European-scale seismic tomography studies. Information<br />

about the electric resistivity distribution from the PICASSO Phase I investigation provides<br />

enhanced insights into the geological processes that formed the Iberian Peninsula<br />

subsurface.<br />

The PICASSO Phase I investigation was complicated by low signal-to-noise ratios in<br />

some parts of the dataset, originating from exceptionally low solar activity during data acquisition<br />

and the well-developed DC railway line network in Spain. A range of advanced,<br />

robust data processing codes were used and deliberate rejection of corrupted impedance<br />

tensor estimates had to be carried out to provide a reliable dataset for subsequent analysis<br />

and modelling.<br />

Varying geoelectric strike directions were determined, both along the PICASSO Phase<br />

I profile and with depth. For the Tajo Basin, constituting the northern region of the profile,<br />

a NW-SE oriented strike direction was determined for the crust and a NNE-SSW direction<br />

for the mantle. For the Betics region, located to the south of the PICASSO Phase I<br />

profile, an approximately E-W oriented geoelectric strike direction was inferred, but the<br />


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