P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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10. Data inversion TM+TE Depth (km) TE-only Depth (km) S N Campo de Montiel M.P. Loranca Basin 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 TM-only 0 Depth (km) 5 10 15 20 25 30 pic020 pic019 c c c pic017 pic015 d d d pic013 pic011 pic009 pic007 b a b b pic005 pic004 a e pic003 pic002 pic001 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 118 144 Distance (km) log10 (Wm) 0 1.1 2.2 3.3 Fig. 10.4.: Comparison of results from isotropic 2D inversion for the Tajo Basin crust using a 100 Ωm halfspace as starting model and data from both MT modes (TM+TE, top plot), only from the TE mode (TE-only, middle plot), and only from the TM mode (TM-only, bottom plot). Location of PICASSO Phase I stations and the geological regions (based on the USGS EnVision map for Europe, Figure 9.1) are shown on the top of this figure; M.P: Manchega Plain minimum-misfit models, but instead to contrast features of inversion models from the two modes individually and simultaneously. A common feature in all three inversion models is a near-surface conductive layer, labelled ‘a’ in Figure 10.4. For the majority of the profile, layer ‘a’ is in a depth range associated with the bottom of the sedimentary layer proposed by seismic studies (cf. Sec. 7.3.2). The increase in conductivity is likely to originate either from accumulation of fluid or from an increase in salinity of the fluid at the bottom of the sedimentary layer. All three inversion models indicated a vertical downward displacement of the conductive layer for two regions located at the Manchega Plain – Loranca Basin boundary and at the northern end of the profile (labelled ‘b’ in Figure 10.4). Another feature evident in each of the three models is the conductive region at the 232 a e f b b b

10.1. Inversion for crustal structures southern edge of the profile at a depth of approximately 5 – 15 km (labelled ‘c’ in Figure 10.4). Existence of a conductor in this region is supported by inversions of each of the modes as well as by the fact that a conductive structure is also apparent in the station response data of the TE mode (for an impedance tensor decomposition according to the crustal strike direction) at around 10 s beneath the southernmost stations; cf. Figure 9.12. However, the depth extent of this feature is less well-constrained due to the reduced sensitivity of MT inversion below a conductive region (cf. Sec. 6.3). The highly resistive region, modelled at the bottom of the southern half of the Tajo Basin crust, (labelled ‘d’ in Figure 10.4) is present in all three inversion models; however, its lateral extent, as well as its maximum resistivity, differs significantly between the modes. In the TM-only inversion the anomaly is mostly confined to a region below stations pic009 to pic019, whereas inverting data from the TE mode produces a more extensive resistor, extending from beneath station pic007 to the southern edge of the profile. The TE mode is commonly assumed to be more affected by 3D off-profile bodies (cf. Sec. 4); given its location, it is possible that the feature is related to the Iberian Massif (cf. Sec. 7). In that case, the anomaly could originate from charge accumulation along the north-south oriented, thus parallel to the profile located, interface between the lower crust of the Tajo Basin and the easternmost extent of the Iberian Massif. Alternatively, the resistive feature may be related to distortion of MT data by the DC train line (cf. Sec. 4). The two anomalies ‘e’ and ‘f’ are only supported by data of the TE and TM mode, respectively (however, anomaly ‘e’ is also introduced into the combined mode inversion model). For this initial inversion process, potential explanations of the two features are the presence of a 3D body (anomaly ‘e’) and difference in induction depth of the two modes, due to the different conductance modelled for the conductive layer ‘a’ above (anomaly ‘f’). Investigation, using refined and more detailed inversion as well as additional constraints, will help to confine the different anomalies, thereby providing better information about their possible causes. 10.1.4. Evaluating proposed layered crustal model As illustrated in Section 6.3, MT inversion is non-unique, i.e. a range of models fit station response data equally well within the given uncertainty levels. Conversely, a model that can be rejected on the basis of its MT response misfit is definitely not representative of the studied subsurface area. Therefore, MT is a formidable tool in rejecting proposed subsurface structures. Based on findings of seismic reflection and refraction studies a relatively levelled layer structure has been presented for the Tajo Basin crustal region located slightly to the west of the PICASSO Phase I profile (cf. Sec. 7.2.1). Seismic model were created by projecting results from different studies in the proximity of the region; therefore, layering beneath the PICASSO Phase I profile is potentially different from the seismic model. The hypothesis of a levelled layer structure beneath the PICASSO Phase I profile is tested using sharp-boundary inversion with so-called conductivity interfaces (in the following referred 233

10. Data inversion<br />

TM+TE<br />

Depth (km)<br />

TE-only<br />

Depth (km)<br />

S N<br />

Campo de Montiel M.P.<br />

Loranca Basin<br />

0<br />

5<br />

10<br />

15<br />

20<br />

25<br />

30<br />

0<br />

5<br />

10<br />

15<br />

20<br />

25<br />

30<br />

TM-only 0<br />

Depth (km)<br />

5<br />

10<br />

15<br />

20<br />

25<br />

30<br />

pic020<br />

pic019<br />

c<br />

c<br />

c<br />

pic017<br />

pic015<br />

d<br />

d<br />

d<br />

pic013<br />

pic011<br />

pic009<br />

pic007<br />

b a<br />

b<br />

b<br />

pic005<br />

pic004<br />

a<br />

e<br />

pic003<br />

pic002<br />

pic001<br />

0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 118 144<br />

Distance (km)<br />

log10 (Wm)<br />

0 1.1 2.2 3.3<br />

Fig. 10.4.: Comparison of results from isotropic 2D inversion for the Tajo Basin crust using a 100 Ωm halfspace as starting model and<br />

data from both MT modes (TM+TE, top plot), only from the TE mode (TE-only, middle plot), and only from the TM mode (TM-only,<br />

bottom plot). Location of PICASSO Phase I stations and the geological regions (based on the USGS EnVision map for Europe, Figure<br />

9.1) are shown on the top of this figure; M.P: Manchega Plain<br />

minimum-misfit models, but instead to contrast features of inversion models from the two<br />

modes individually and simultaneously.<br />

A common feature in all three inversion models is a near-surface conductive layer,<br />

labelled ‘a’ in Figure 10.4. For the majority of the profile, layer ‘a’ is in a depth range<br />

associated with the bottom of the sedimentary layer proposed by seismic studies (cf. Sec.<br />

7.3.2). The increase in conductivity is likely to originate either from accumulation of fluid<br />

or from an increase in salinity of the fluid at the bottom of the sedimentary layer. All three<br />

inversion models indicated a vertical downward displacement of the conductive layer for<br />

two regions located at the Manchega Plain – Loranca Basin boundary and at the northern<br />

end of the profile (labelled ‘b’ in Figure 10.4).<br />

Another feature evident in each of the three models is the conductive region at the<br />

232<br />

a<br />

e<br />

f<br />

b<br />

b<br />


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