P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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10. Data inversion Short period range (0.001 - 10 s) Long period range (0.001-100 s) Model: Depth (km) Depth (km) 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 a3b1t6 1 2 Log 10 resistivity (Wm) 1 2 3 Log 10 resistivity (Wm) Depth (km) Depth (km) 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 a2b1t10 1 2 Log 10 resistivity (Wm) 1 2 3 Log 10 resistivity (Wm) a5b1t3 1 2 Log 10 resistivity (Wm) 1 2 3 Log 10 resistivity (Wm) Stations averaged: All (pic001-pic020) DC train line (pic013-pic017) Northernmost (pic001 –pic003) Fig. 10.3.: Resistivity–depth profiles of horizontally averaged models for different regions of the Tajo Basin subsurface, obtained through inversion of PICASSO Phase I response data from two different period ranges and three sets of smoothing parameters; see text for details. Different regions are indicated by colour, with solid and dashes lines denoting average values and variance of electric resistivity for the different regions, respectively. Variance curves for the northernmost stations (dashed green lines) are covered by their average value curves due to the small lateral variation of electric resistivity in the respective regions. lines in Figure 10.2), the distribution of electric resistivity along the profile is also examined. For that purpose horizontal averages of electric resistivities from two distinct regions are calculated (red and green lines in Figure 10.3, respectively): structures beneath stations pic013 – pic017, located in the proximity of the DC train line with response curves truncated at longer periods (see Section 9.4 for details); and stations pic001 – pic003, located at the northern end of the profile, thus considerably far away from the DC train lines. Average resistivity–depth profiles for these two regions are calculated separately for the different smoothing parameters and period ranges, respective results are compared with each other and the average resistivity for the whole profile. The resulting Figure 10.3 infers noticeable variations in resistivity along the profile, with a more resistive nature of the stations close to the train line. The increased resistivity for the region in close proximity to the train line is likely to originate from data truncation (cf. Sec. 9) and 230 Depth (km) Depth (km) 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50

10.1. Inversion for crustal structures Depth (km) Description Resistivity (Ωm) 0 - 3 Sediments 20 3 - 5 Sediments with fluid intrusion 10 5 - 10 Upper crust 15 10 - 24 Intermediate crust 70 24 - 31 Lower crust 100 ≥ 31 Lithospheric-mantle 100 Tab. 10.2.: Layers of the Tajo Basin lithosphere with layer boundaries based on seismic reflection studies and estimates of electric resistivity values inferred from horizontal averaging of inversion models constructed using different sets of smoothing parameters; see text for details. Therein, average resistivity values of the layers contain contributions of the (more resistive) crustal rocks and conductive anomalies such as fluid phases and ore bodies. The lithospheric-mantle resistivity is underestimated, presumably a result of low sensitivity to the mantle region for the used period range (10 −3 – 10 2 s), which was chosen to suit investigation of the crust. Note that thicknesses of sedimentary and upper crustal layer are increased to facilitate a minimum thickness of 2 km. resulting decreased sensitivity at greater depths. The average resistivity determined for the whole length of the PICASSO Phase I profile is certainly affected by the increased resistivities inverted for the subsurface region in proximity of the train line. Therefore, average resistivity values are potentially too high. Even though they only represent part of the profile, average resistivities for the northernmost stations are more reliable given their lower disturbance and untruncated response curves. The starting model for subsequent inversions is therefore created on the base of the average resistivity–depth profile for the longer period range and northernmost stations (green lines in plots at the bottom of Figure 10.3); note that the difference between average resistivity–depth profiles from inversion with different smoothing parameters is negligible. Resulting electric resistivity values for crust and lithospheric-mantle are summarised in Table 10.2. 10.1.3. Investigating characteristics of TE and TM mode response data The two modes in 2D MT investigation, TE and TM, relate to the off-diagonal elements of the 2D MT impedance tensor (Eq. 3.39) and are affected to different degree by the characteristics of the subsurface; see Section 4 for a detailed discussion of subsurface characteristics and their effect on the two modes. It is therefore usually useful to invert each of the modes separately to identify similarities and differences of the models in order to infer contribution of the modes to the combined-mode inversion model. The PICASSO Phase I dataset for the Tajo Basin crust is inverted for each of the modes individually (‘TE-only’ and ‘TM-only’), as well as for both modes together. The inversion follows the Jones Catechism (Sec. A.2.3) and uses the optimal smoothing parameter combination determined in the previous Sections 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 with a 100 Ωm halfspace as starting model. Resulting inversion models are displayed in Figure 10.4. The RMS misfit of the three models is above acceptable: 3.01 (TE and TM mode), 3.13 (TE-only), and 2.63 (TM-only); however, the aim of this inversion process step is not to determine 231

10. Data inversion<br />

Short period range (0.001 - 10 s)<br />

Long period range (0.001-100 s)<br />

Model:<br />

Depth (km)<br />

Depth (km)<br />

0<br />

10<br />

20<br />

30<br />

40<br />

50<br />

0<br />

10<br />

20<br />

30<br />

40<br />

50<br />

a3b1t6<br />

1 2<br />

Log 10 resistivity (Wm)<br />

1 2 3<br />

Log 10 resistivity (Wm)<br />

Depth (km)<br />

Depth (km)<br />

0<br />

10<br />

20<br />

30<br />

40<br />

50<br />

0<br />

10<br />

20<br />

30<br />

40<br />

50<br />

a2b1t10<br />

1 2<br />

Log 10 resistivity (Wm)<br />

1 2 3<br />

Log 10 resistivity (Wm)<br />

a5b1t3<br />

1 2<br />

Log 10 resistivity (Wm)<br />

1 2 3<br />

Log 10 resistivity (Wm)<br />

Stations averaged: All (pic001-pic020) DC train line (pic013-pic017) Northernmost (pic001 –pic003)<br />

Fig. 10.3.: Resistivity–depth profiles of horizontally averaged models for different regions of the Tajo Basin subsurface, obtained<br />

through inversion of PICASSO Phase I response data from two different period ranges and three sets of smoothing parameters; see<br />

text for details. Different regions are indicated by colour, with solid and dashes lines denoting average values and variance of electric<br />

resistivity for the different regions, respectively. Variance curves for the northernmost stations (dashed green lines) are covered by<br />

their average value curves due to the small lateral variation of electric resistivity in the respective regions.<br />

lines in Figure 10.2), the distribution of electric resistivity along the profile is also examined.<br />

For that purpose horizontal averages of electric resistivities from two distinct regions<br />

are calculated (red and green lines in Figure 10.3, respectively): structures beneath stations<br />

pic013 – pic017, located in the proximity of the DC train line with response curves<br />

truncated at longer periods (see Section 9.4 for details); and stations pic001 – pic003, located<br />

at the northern end of the profile, thus considerably far away from the DC train<br />

lines. Average resistivity–depth profiles for these two regions are calculated separately<br />

for the different smoothing parameters and period ranges, respective results are compared<br />

with each other and the average resistivity for the whole profile. The resulting Figure<br />

10.3 infers noticeable variations in resistivity along the profile, with a more resistive nature<br />

of the stations close to the train line. The increased resistivity for the region in close<br />

proximity to the train line is likely to originate from data truncation (cf. Sec. 9) and<br />

230<br />

Depth (km)<br />

Depth (km)<br />

0<br />

10<br />

20<br />

30<br />

40<br />

50<br />

0<br />

10<br />

20<br />

30<br />

40<br />


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