P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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9. Data collection and processing Fig. 9.14.: Magnitude of the magnetic transfer function for the Tajo Basin subsurface; see text for details. reveal a significant distortion of the area around stations pic011, pic013, and pic015, indicated by a transfer function magnitude greater one. A magnitude greater one is physically implausible as this implies that Hz > Hx, Hy, meaning that the strength of the secondary field is greater than the strength of the primary field. The interpolated area of distortion has an approximately parabolic shape with its vertex beneath station pic013, at periods of approximately 10 3 s. The area of distortion widens at shorter periods, extending to the regions in-between stations pic009 and pic011 and stations pic015 and pic017 at periods around 10 s. The centre of the anomalous area coincides with the intersection of the PICASSO Phase I profile with a DC railway line at the surface, a known source of EM noise (cf. Fig. 9.1, Sec. 9.4). In contrast to processing results by the EMTESZ working group [e.g. Kreutzmann et al., 2005] for station in proximity of DC railroad lines in Poland, the DC railroad noise in the PICASSO Phase I cannot be removed by current remote robust processing schemes; similar cases of prevailing DC railroad noise has been reported, for example, by Pádua et al. [2002] for an MT investigation in Brazil. Accordingly, data from the respective region along the PICASSO Phase I profile are to be interpreted meticulously or even to be rejected. In contrast to these exceptionally high magnitudes, some regions of particularly low magnitude of the magnetic transfer function are observable beneath the profile; namely one region beneath stations pic001 – pic005, and one region beneath most of the profile at periods greater than 10 3 s. The latter could be an indication for a more 1D mantle beneath the Tajo Basin. The increase in magnitude for data of the longest periods beneath station pic009 might suggest a deep-seated 2D feature, but such a feature is not well constraint due to the low resolution at this period range. Analysis of the real induction vectors reveals a preferred direction between N10W and N40W (Parkinson convection: vectors pointing to conducting anomalies) for most of the 222

9.8. Analysis of vertical magnetic transfer function data Fig. 9.15.: Real induction vectors (Parkinson convention) for the Tajo Basin subsurface denoted by red arrows; the arrows are plotted for a projection with North located to the top and East located to the right of this figure. The dashed blue lines indicates an area of magnitude greater one (cf. Fig. 9.14), see text for further details. profile (Fig. 9.15). Since real induction vectors are orthogonal to electric resistivity interfaces, presuming no prevailing disturbance, this relates to a geoelectric strike direction between N100W and N130W. This direction is similar to the results of the strike analysis for the crustal region using the MT impedance tensor (cf. Sec. 9.6.1). Deviations from these directions are observed particularly for a) data in the area of disturbance, discussed in the previous paragraph, for b) longest-period data of most stations, and for c) shorter period data of the southernmost station (pic019). Anomalies a and b are probably caused by low signal-to-noise ratio, wherein the long-period deviation (b) could be due to low resolution and related disturbance of the data by small amount of noise. The deviation in the area of exceedingly high magnitude (a) most likely originates from disturbances generated by the nearby DC railway line. The deviation at station pic019 (c) is probably related to a conductive region to the west; inversion of the MT data should provide further information about this feature. 223

9. Data collection and processing<br />

Fig. 9.14.: Magnitude of the magnetic transfer function for the Tajo Basin subsurface; see text for details.<br />

reveal a significant distortion of the area around stations pic011, pic013, and pic015, indicated<br />

by a transfer function magnitude greater one. A magnitude greater one is physically<br />

implausible as this implies that Hz > Hx, Hy, meaning that the strength of the secondary<br />

field is greater than the strength of the primary field. The interpolated area of<br />

distortion has an approximately parabolic shape with its vertex beneath station pic013, at<br />

periods of approximately 10 3 s. The area of distortion widens at shorter periods, extending<br />

to the regions in-between stations pic009 and pic011 and stations pic015 and pic017<br />

at periods around 10 s. The centre of the anomalous area coincides with the intersection<br />

of the PICASSO Phase I profile with a DC railway line at the surface, a known source<br />

of EM noise (cf. Fig. 9.1, Sec. 9.4). In contrast to processing results by the EMTESZ<br />

working group [e.g. Kreutzmann et al., 2005] for station in proximity of DC railroad lines<br />

in Poland, the DC railroad noise in the PICASSO Phase I cannot be removed by current<br />

remote robust processing schemes; similar cases of prevailing DC railroad noise has<br />

been reported, for example, by Pádua et al. [2002] for an MT investigation in Brazil.<br />

Accordingly, data from the respective region along the PICASSO Phase I profile are to<br />

be interpreted meticulously or even to be rejected. In contrast to these exceptionally high<br />

magnitudes, some regions of particularly low magnitude of the magnetic transfer function<br />

are observable beneath the profile; namely one region beneath stations pic001 – pic005,<br />

and one region beneath most of the profile at periods greater than 10 3 s. The latter could<br />

be an indication for a more 1D mantle beneath the Tajo Basin. The increase in magnitude<br />

for data of the longest periods beneath station pic009 might suggest a deep-seated 2D<br />

feature, but such a feature is not well constraint due to the low resolution at this period<br />

range.<br />

Analysis of the real induction vectors reveals a preferred direction between N10W and<br />

N40W (Parkinson convection: vectors pointing to conducting anomalies) for most of the<br />


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