P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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9. Data collection and processing Parameter Value Intervals per decade 4 Step width along profile ≈ 5.5. km Interpolation radius 7 Spline weight 7 Smoothing factor 7 Tab. 9.4.: Gridding parameters used to create the pseudo-sections (Figs. 9.12 and 9.13) from the PICASSO Phase I datasets at the LAB, are mistaken for 2D structural strike (cf. Sec. 4.1.3). 9.6.2. Decomposition of the impedance tensor The aim of this study is, among others, the investigation of lithospheric-mantle structures. Therefore, two datasets are derived through decomposition of the original dataset: one according to the geoelectric strike of the crust (N40.9W), and a second according to the geoelectric strike direction of the Tajo Basin mantle (N29.4E). No further separation of the mantle is made, e.g. into lithospheric and asthenospheric regions, owing to the lower resolution to structures below the LAB. The two resulting datasets can be used for separate inversion during investigation of crust and mantle structures (Ch. 10). After geoelectric strike directions for crust and mantle of the Tajo Basin are determined, common distortion parameters for each region are derived for the stations associated with the basin (pic001 – pic020), using the program strike by McNeice and Jones [2001]. Therein, parameters are derived in the Niblett-Bostick depth range (cf. Sec. 6.3.1) 0.003 m to 30 km and 35 km to 350 km, related to crust and mantle regions, respectively. Resulting parameters are used to decompose the impedance tensor of each station into TE and TM mode contributions, wherein uncertainty levels are determined on a statistical base. 9.7. Analysis of TE and TM mode response data Data of the TE and TM mode can be visualised by so-called ‘pseudo-sections’. Pseudosections are obtained through gridding of MT station period–resistivity (and period– phase) data under consideration of the station locations along the profile. For the PI- CASSO Phase I profile pseudo-sections are created for TE and TM modes of both, the dataset decomposed for the crustal strike direction (N40.9W, Figure 9.12) and the dataset decomposed for the mantle strike direction (N29.4E, Figure 9.13). Parameters used for the gridding are summarised in Table 9.4. The pseudo-sections from the dataset decomposed in respect to the crustal geoelectric strike direction will in the following be referred-to as ‘crustal strike pseudo-sections’, whereas the opposite case will be referred to as ‘mantle strike pseudo-sections’ (Fig. 9.13). 218

Pseudo-sections crustal strike direction TE mode TM mode N N S S a b b a a c a c d 9.7. Analysis of TE and TM mode response data b b c c d d Fig. 9.12.: Pseudo-section of PICASSO Phase I data for a profile with an orientation orthogonal to the crustal geoelectric strike direction (N40.9W) and respective decomposition of the dataset. TE mode data are plotted on the left-hand side, TM mode data on the right-hand side; apparent resistivity is plotted on the top, impedance phase on the bottom. Note that the apparent resistivity colour ranges are set to fit values of the individual mode, thus differ between modes. Black dots indicate at which periods apparent resistivity and phase estimates are used at each station. 219

9. Data collection and processing<br />

Parameter Value<br />

Intervals per decade 4<br />

Step width along profile ≈ 5.5. km<br />

Interpolation radius 7<br />

Spline weight 7<br />

Smoothing factor 7<br />

Tab. 9.4.: Gridding parameters used to create the pseudo-sections (Figs. 9.12 and 9.13) from the PICASSO Phase I datasets<br />

at the LAB, are mistaken for 2D structural strike (cf. Sec. 4.1.3).<br />

9.6.2. Decomposition of the impedance tensor<br />

The aim of this study is, among others, the investigation of lithospheric-mantle structures.<br />

Therefore, two datasets are derived through decomposition of the original dataset: one<br />

according to the geoelectric strike of the crust (N40.9W), and a second according to the<br />

geoelectric strike direction of the Tajo Basin mantle (N29.4E). No further separation of<br />

the mantle is made, e.g. into lithospheric and asthenospheric regions, owing to the lower<br />

resolution to structures below the LAB. The two resulting datasets can be used for separate<br />

inversion during investigation of crust and mantle structures (Ch. 10).<br />

After geoelectric strike directions for crust and mantle of the Tajo Basin are determined,<br />

common distortion parameters for each region are derived for the stations associated<br />

with the basin (pic001 – pic020), using the program strike by McNeice and Jones<br />

[2001]. Therein, parameters are derived in the Niblett-Bostick depth range (cf. Sec. 6.3.1)<br />

0.003 m to 30 km and 35 km to 350 km, related to crust and mantle regions, respectively.<br />

Resulting parameters are used to decompose the impedance tensor of each station into<br />

TE and TM mode contributions, wherein uncertainty levels are determined on a statistical<br />

base.<br />

9.7. Analysis of TE and TM mode response data<br />

Data of the TE and TM mode can be visualised by so-called ‘pseudo-sections’. Pseudosections<br />

are obtained through gridding of MT station period–resistivity (and period–<br />

phase) data under consideration of the station locations along the profile. For the PI-<br />

CASSO Phase I profile pseudo-sections are created for TE and TM modes of both, the<br />

dataset decomposed for the crustal strike direction (N40.9W, Figure 9.12) and the dataset<br />

decomposed for the mantle strike direction (N29.4E, Figure 9.13). Parameters used for the<br />

gridding are summarised in Table 9.4. The pseudo-sections from the dataset decomposed<br />

in respect to the crustal geoelectric strike direction will in the following be referred-to as<br />

‘crustal strike pseudo-sections’, whereas the opposite case will be referred to as ‘mantle<br />

strike pseudo-sections’ (Fig. 9.13).<br />


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