P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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9. Data collection and processing Station Reference station(s) used for processing of Broadband Long-period data pic001 pic020 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic011, pic013, pic015 pic002 pic003 - pic003 pic037 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic011, pic013, pic015 pic004 pic004 - pic005 pic007 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017 pic006 pic003 - pic007 pic005 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017 pic009 pic003 pic009, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic022, pic023 pic011 pic020 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019 pic013 pic020 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic009, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic023 pic015 pic003 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic009, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic023 pic017 pic003 pic005, pic007, pic009, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic022, pic023 pic019 pic003 pic009, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic022, pic023 pic020 pic037 - pic022 pic003 pic009, pic017, pic019, pic022, pic023, pic027 pic023 pic003 pic009, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic022, pic023, pic027 pic025 pic003 pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic041 pic027 pic003 pic022, pic023, pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035 pic029 pic003 pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041 pic031 pic031 pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041 pic033 pic033 pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041 pic035 pic035 pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041 pic037 pic003 pic025, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041 pic040 pic003 pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041 pic041 pic003 pic025, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041 Tab. 9.3.: Station pairs for remote reference processing of PICASSO Phase I data. For processing of broadband stations remote (or local) reference sites are chosen based on the quality of resulting response estimates; for long-period processing all stations with overlapping recording times are used (multi-site remote referencing). See Table 9.1 Figure 9.2 for location and recording times of all stations. can be detected by comparing the three E-field estimates with each other. The optimal channel (with respect to data quality), or a time-segment of a channel, can then be determined for usage in further processing steps. Erroneous records can be due to either damaged electric cables connecting the electrode pair, or disturbance of one of the electrodes (e.g. polarisation effects or very localised small-scale features). Figure 9.4 illustrates one case in which the centre-south (South) electrode pair underwent severe disturbance during the 21st of October whereas the north-centre (North) pair suffers from the effect of slow saturation of the northern electrode at the beginning of the recording time. Both circumstances affect the combined north-south electrode pair data (Average). Furthermore, the two electrode pairs provide different base levels for the estimated electric field. From these three time-series datasets an optimal subset is culled based on the coherence with the related orthogonal magnetic field measurements (see Section 6.2 for details on coherence estimation in MT data processing). Among others, this is to ensure that the obtained change in electric field behaviour, measured by the centre-south dipole (South), is indeed due to disturbance and does not originate from natural sources. The effect related to the 206

9.4. Segregation of data acquired with the long-period systems according to phase values N Recording station Fluxgate Electric l i di dipoles l magnetometer Fig. 9.3.: Modified station layout for the Lviv LEMI-417 recording system, featuring four electric dipoles, in order to utilise the new design of the recording system, possessing four separate input channels for the electric fields; for logistic reasons the same centre-electrode is used for all dipoles and as ground electrode. disturbance of the centre-south dipole is more severe, requiring the respective data to be omitted, whereas the slow saturation of the northern electrode has only a minor effect. As a result of this analysis, data from the north-centre dipole are selected to be used in subsequent processing steps. 9.4. Segregation of data acquired with the long-period systems according to phase values PICASSO Phase I stations with long-period recordings, processed with the algorithm of Smirnov [2003], can be divided into three groups according to their phases values (cf. Fig. 9.5): a stations that contain only phase estimates of more than 25 degrees for the whole period range, b stations that exhibit phase estimates around 0 degrees for most of the periods, c stations that exhibit phase estimates around 0 degrees for shorter periods only. Two stations that are part of group b, i.e. pic013 and pic015, are located in the proximity of a DC railway line (see Fig. 9.1), hence abnormal phase characteristics of these stations are most likely caused by contamination of the respective datasets by EM noise emitted by the railway line (see Section 4 for details about noise in EM data). Neighbouring GPS ~1m 207

9. Data collection and processing<br />

Station<br />

Reference station(s) used for processing of<br />

Broadband Long-period data<br />

pic001 pic020 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic011, pic013, pic015<br />

pic002 pic003 -<br />

pic003 pic037 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic011, pic013, pic015<br />

pic004 pic004 -<br />

pic005 pic007 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017<br />

pic006 pic003 -<br />

pic007 pic005 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017<br />

pic009 pic003 pic009, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic022, pic023<br />

pic011 pic020 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019<br />

pic013 pic020 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic009, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic023<br />

pic015 pic003 pic001, pic003, pic005, pic007, pic009, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic023<br />

pic017 pic003 pic005, pic007, pic009, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic022, pic023<br />

pic019 pic003 pic009, pic011, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic022, pic023<br />

pic020 pic037 -<br />

pic022 pic003 pic009, pic017, pic019, pic022, pic023, pic027<br />

pic023 pic003 pic009, pic013, pic015, pic017, pic019, pic022, pic023, pic027<br />

pic025 pic003 pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic041<br />

pic027 pic003 pic022, pic023, pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035<br />

pic029 pic003 pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041<br />

pic031 pic031 pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041<br />

pic033 pic033 pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041<br />

pic035 pic035 pic025, pic027, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041<br />

pic037 pic003 pic025, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041<br />

pic040 pic003 pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041<br />

pic041 pic003 pic025, pic029, pic031, pic033, pic035, pic037, pic040, pic041<br />

Tab. 9.3.: Station pairs for remote reference processing of PICASSO Phase I data. For processing of broadband stations remote (or<br />

local) reference sites are chosen based on the quality of resulting response estimates; for long-period processing all stations with<br />

overlapping recording times are used (multi-site remote referencing). See Table 9.1 Figure 9.2 for location and recording times of all<br />

stations.<br />

can be detected by comparing the three E-field estimates with each other. The optimal<br />

channel (with respect to data quality), or a time-segment of a channel, can then be determined<br />

for usage in further processing steps. Erroneous records can be due to either damaged<br />

electric cables connecting the electrode pair, or disturbance of one of the electrodes<br />

(e.g. polarisation effects or very localised small-scale features). Figure 9.4 illustrates one<br />

case in which the centre-south (South) electrode pair underwent severe disturbance during<br />

the 21st of October whereas the north-centre (North) pair suffers from the effect of<br />

slow saturation of the northern electrode at the beginning of the recording time. Both circumstances<br />

affect the combined north-south electrode pair data (Average). Furthermore,<br />

the two electrode pairs provide different base levels for the estimated electric field. From<br />

these three time-series datasets an optimal subset is culled based on the coherence with<br />

the related orthogonal magnetic field measurements (see Section 6.2 for details on coherence<br />

estimation in MT data processing). Among others, this is to ensure that the obtained<br />

change in electric field behaviour, measured by the centre-south dipole (South), is indeed<br />

due to disturbance and does not originate from natural sources. The effect related to the<br />


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