P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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9. Data collection and processing 204 Fig. 9.2.: Timeline plot of the broadband (blue) and long-period (orange) MT recording systems used during the PICASSO Phase I fieldwork campaign. At two sites (pic003, pic020) broadband systems are re-installed to provide continuous data for remote reference processing (cf. Sec. 6.2.3).

Geological region Stations Geological region Tajo Basin pic001 - pic011 Loranca Basin pic013 Manchega Plain pic015 - pic020 Campo de Montiel 9.2. Analysis of collected data Central Iberian Zone pic022 + pic023 Central Iberian Zone Betic Cordillera pic025 - pic033 External Betics pic035 - pic041 Internal Betics Tab. 9.2.: Separation of the PICASSO Phase I profile into different regions according to the geological setting (cf. Figs. 7.1, 9.1). 9.2. Analysis of collected data After field layout correction and standard pre-processing, as described in Section 6.2.1, data are processed using different remote reference robust processing algorithms (see Section 6.2.3 for an overview about the respective principles). Applied algorithm are the SSMT2000 software [Phoenix Geophysics, 2005] (based on a scheme by Jones and Jödicke [1984]) and the EMTF algorithm [Egbert, 1997] for broadband systems, and the BIRRP [Chave and Thomson, 2003] and tscascade [Jones et al., 1989] algorithms as well as a program developed by Smirnov [2003] for long-period systems. Among these, the algorithms by Egbert [1997] and Smirnov [2003] yield superior results in terms of the usable period range and scattering of the impedance estimates, and are therefore used for further processing. The list of stations used for remote reference processing of the PICASSO Phase I data is given in Table 9.3. 9.3. Correction of faulty records in electric channels of long-period instruments Due to a novel design of the Lviv instruments (Sec. 6.1.1), equipped with four separate electric input channels allowing for a simultaneous recording of the voltage difference between four electrode pairs, it is possible to identify faulty records in the time-series data of an electrode pair and correct for this using information from other channels. During the PICASSO Phase I fieldwork campaign the four channels record the voltage difference between one central electrode (c) and four distal electrodes located to the north (n), south (s), east (e), and west (w) (in a geomagnetic coordinate system) (see Fig. 9.3). This yields two separate measurements for the north-south direction (n-c and c-s) and for the east-west direction (e-c and c-w). Moreover, since the voltage differences are measured end-to-end a third voltage difference can be deduced for each direction using the sum of the two aligned pairs, i.e. n-c+c-s (n-s) and e-c+c-w (e-w). This layout is superior to previous setups, as erroneous records in one of the channels 205

9. Data collection and processing<br />

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Fig. 9.2.: Timeline plot of the broadband (blue) and long-period (orange) MT recording systems used during the PICASSO Phase I fieldwork campaign. At two sites (pic003, pic020)<br />

broadband systems are re-installed to provide continuous data for remote reference processing (cf. Sec. 6.2.3).

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