P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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8. Recovering a synthetic 3D subsurface model using lower-dimensional inversion schemes 8.4. Summary and conclusions Oblique geoelectric strike directions in the crust and mantle are a common issue in MT investigation, particularly causing problems during 2D inversion due to the requirement of defining a common strike direction. Different approaches can be conceived, of which constrained isotropic 2D inversion, anisotropic 1D inversion, and anisotropic 2D inversion attempts were studied in this Chapter. After illustrating general applicability of anisotropic inversion approaches using basic mathematical relations for anisotropy effects on MT data, the different approaches were applied to data from a synthetic 3D model with orthogonal strike direction in crust and mantle (Fig. 8.3) and results for different profiles over the 3D model were analysed. In particular, inversion models for a profile containing a set of stations that represent MT recording sites of the PICASSO Phase I investigation were evaluated and results of the different approaches were contrasted. For isotropic 2D inversion, a set of inversion parameters was identified which yields a subsurface model closest to the original model (for this inversion approach). Whereas crustal structures were reconstructed reasonable well, the electric resistivity distribution of the mantle was not particularly well recovered (Fig. 8.8). Even the optimal isotropic 2D model contained significant inversion artefacts, in particular a resistive body at mantle depth. Using only TM mode data for the isotropic 2D inversion process did not result in a more adequate reproduction of mantle structures. Results of isotropic 2D inversion for subsurface cases similar to the 3D model used in this study are therefore to be used with caution and its applicability to the Tajo Basin subsurface is questionable. Anisotropic 1D inversion yielded models that are close to the 3D subsurface model, thereby indicating the potential of anisotropic inversion for the case of complex subsurface structures. In the anisotropic 1D inversion approach the crust was approximated by a quasi - isotropic 1D layer and the mantle was imaged by an anisotropic 1D structure. Crustal structures of the synthetic 3D model were in general adequately reproduces by the anisotropic 1D inversion; the vertical electric resistivity interface at crustal depth were imaged by a step-like change of resistivity between stations at the respective location (Fig. 8.11). Mantle structures were recovered reasonably well using resistivity values for the anisotropy direction perpendicular to the mantle strike direction. This finding demonstrates practicality of anisotropic inversions in resolving certain types of 3D subsurface models. However, due to inherent limitations of 1D inversion (e.g. less likely to adequately recover a model containing more complex structures) its results may not be used as a final model, but rather to aid subsequent 2D inversion. In anisotropic 2D inversion, anisotropic structures can be introduced for certain regions of the model in order to account for effects of oblique geoelectric strike directions in different depth regions, e.g. crust and mantle. Those effects originate from the inevitable erroneous assignment of TE and TM mode in either crustal or mantle region during the 2D inversion. For the case of two oblique strike directions at different depth regions the coordinate system used for the inversion was aligned with one of the strike directions, thereby facilitating isotropic 2D inversion of the respective region. The electric resistivity distri- 194

8.4. Summary and conclusions bution of the other region can be recovered by models with anisotropy direction parallel to the strike direction at the respective depth. Due to limitations of anisotropic inversion algorithms, it is currently required that the isotropic region is located above the anisotropic region. The alternative approach, containing anisotropic inversion of the crustal range and isotropic inversion of the mantle range, has the potential to yield optimal inversion results given the inherent isotropic inversion of the mantle using the mantle strike direction. Is is strongly recommended that investigation of the alternative approach is accomplished once respective suggestions have been implemented in inversion algorithms. The current approach, consisting of isotropic 2D inversion for the crust and subsequent anisotropic inversion for the mantle, wherein initially obtained crustal structures are kept fixed, yielded electric resistivity distributions that are similar to the 3D model. Details about location of the electric conductivity interface and values at mantle depth are subject of smoothing parameters used in the inversion, but generally inversion models provided useful information about the subsurface structures. It can therefore be concluded that anisotropic 2D inversion is a reasonable approach for investigations of subsurface regions with oblique geoelectric strike directions that does not require computational expensive and time-consuming inversion in the order of 3D inversion. Given the similarity of the synthetic 3D model and the assumed characteristics of the Tajo Basin subsurface, application of this anisotropic 2D inversion approach to data from the PICASSO Phase I investigation is likely to provide useful insight into the local geology. 195

8. Recovering a synthetic 3D subsurface model using lower-dimensional inversion schemes<br />

8.4. Summary and conclusions<br />

Oblique geoelectric strike directions in the crust and mantle are a common issue in MT<br />

investigation, particularly causing problems during 2D inversion due to the requirement<br />

of defining a common strike direction. Different approaches can be conceived, of which<br />

constrained isotropic 2D inversion, anisotropic 1D inversion, and anisotropic 2D inversion<br />

attempts were studied in this Chapter. After illustrating general applicability of anisotropic<br />

inversion approaches using basic mathematical relations for anisotropy effects<br />

on MT data, the different approaches were applied to data from a synthetic 3D model with<br />

orthogonal strike direction in crust and mantle (Fig. 8.3) and results for different profiles<br />

over the 3D model were analysed. In particular, inversion models for a profile containing<br />

a set of stations that represent MT recording sites of the PICASSO Phase I investigation<br />

were evaluated and results of the different approaches were contrasted.<br />

For isotropic 2D inversion, a set of inversion parameters was identified which yields<br />

a subsurface model closest to the original model (for this inversion approach). Whereas<br />

crustal structures were reconstructed reasonable well, the electric resistivity distribution<br />

of the mantle was not particularly well recovered (Fig. 8.8). Even the optimal isotropic<br />

2D model contained significant inversion artefacts, in particular a resistive body at mantle<br />

depth. Using only TM mode data for the isotropic 2D inversion process did not result in<br />

a more adequate reproduction of mantle structures. Results of isotropic 2D inversion for<br />

subsurface cases similar to the 3D model used in this study are therefore to be used with<br />

caution and its applicability to the Tajo Basin subsurface is questionable.<br />

Anisotropic 1D inversion yielded models that are close to the 3D subsurface model,<br />

thereby indicating the potential of anisotropic inversion for the case of complex subsurface<br />

structures. In the anisotropic 1D inversion approach the crust was approximated<br />

by a quasi - isotropic 1D layer and the mantle was imaged by an anisotropic 1D structure.<br />

Crustal structures of the synthetic 3D model were in general adequately reproduces<br />

by the anisotropic 1D inversion; the vertical electric resistivity interface at crustal depth<br />

were imaged by a step-like change of resistivity between stations at the respective location<br />

(Fig. 8.11). Mantle structures were recovered reasonably well using resistivity values for<br />

the anisotropy direction perpendicular to the mantle strike direction. This finding demonstrates<br />

practicality of anisotropic inversions in resolving certain types of 3D subsurface<br />

models. However, due to inherent limitations of 1D inversion (e.g. less likely to adequately<br />

recover a model containing more complex structures) its results may not be used<br />

as a final model, but rather to aid subsequent 2D inversion.<br />

In anisotropic 2D inversion, anisotropic structures can be introduced for certain regions<br />

of the model in order to account for effects of oblique geoelectric strike directions in different<br />

depth regions, e.g. crust and mantle. Those effects originate from the inevitable erroneous<br />

assignment of TE and TM mode in either crustal or mantle region during the 2D<br />

inversion. For the case of two oblique strike directions at different depth regions the coordinate<br />

system used for the inversion was aligned with one of the strike directions, thereby<br />

facilitating isotropic 2D inversion of the respective region. The electric resistivity distri-<br />


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