P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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7. Geology of the Iberian Peninsula Fig. 7.26.: Filtered heat flow map of the Iberian Peninsula; from Fernandez et al. [1998]. Squares, dots, and triangles denote the location of sea floor heat-flow measurements, measurements in oil wells, and measurements in water or mining exploration wells, respectively. The approximate location of the PICASSO Phase I profile is indicated by the red line. The bathymetry is indicated every 200 m. lower tLAB, a region of enhanced thermal conductivity, or increased radiogenic activity beneath these southern regions. Tejero and Ruiz [2002] created 1D thermal models for the Tajo Basin based on surface heat flow data by Fernandez et al. [1998] and using seismic data of Banda et al. [1981]; Surinach and Vegas [1998]; ILIHA DSS Group [1993]; Gallart et al. [1995]; Pulgar et al. [1996] for constraints of the lithosphere layer thickness. The authors use heat flow values of 65 and 70 mW/m 2 for southern and northern Tajo Basin regions, respectively; as well as a lithosphere consisting of five layers (sediments, upper crust, middle crust, lower crust, uppermost mantle) with a Moho temperature of 650°C , tLAB temperature of 1350°C , and a tLAB depth of 110 km. Details about the layer properties used for the calculation of the thermal model are summarised in Table 7.4. The tLAB depth derived by Tejero and Ruiz [2002] is in agreement with results by Artemieva [2006] inferring depths between 100 km and 125 km for the tLAB beneath central Spain using a 1300°C isotherm and statistical analysis to determine the global lithosphere model TC1; therein, data coverage was low for the central Spain region though. From their results, Tejero and Ruiz [2002] derive the geotherms for the Tajo Basin shown in Figure 7.27, inferring that in this region the Moho does not represent a strong mechanical discontinuity and that the upper and middle crust are competent layers, with 162

Layer Density Thermal conductivity 7.3. Tajo Basin and central Spain Thickness Heat production North South North South (kg m −3 ) (W m −1 K −1 ) (km) (µW m −3 ) Sediment layer 2400 2.5 2 1 2.5 2.5 Upper crust 2700 2.5 12 13 3.3 2.5 Middle crust 2850 2.5 9 Lower crust 2900 2.1 8 0.8 Tab. 7.4.: Parameters of the thermal model for the Tajo Basin, assuming the thermal conductivity of the lithospheric-mantle to be 3.4 Wm −1 K −1 ; after Tejero and Ruiz [2002]. Fig. 7.27.: Geotherms of the Tajo Basin calculated for the parameters given in Table 7.4; modified from Tejero and Ruiz [2002]. the lower crust acting as an incompetent layer (Fig. 7.28). The concept of a weak lower crust, as proposed by Tejero and Ruiz [2002], is in agreement with the observed seismicity in this region, exhibiting no events in the lower crust of central Spain [Instituto Geografico Nacional, 2010] (cf. earthquake locations depict in Figure 7.22). The seismic–aseismic boundary is accordingly related to the brittle–ductile boundary of the crust; observed events are assumed to be transmitted through inherit fault zones and flexural bounding stresses from regional compression [Tejero and Ruiz, 2002]. However, the assumption of an exponential decay of heat production with depth used by the authors for the calculation of their model is questionable (cf. Vilà et al. [2010]), and the obtained thermal structure could be significantly different for the case of a constant heat production within each layer. Recently European scale models of the lithosphere’s thermal and rheological proper- 163

7. Geology of the Iberian Peninsula<br />

Fig. 7.26.: Filtered heat flow map of the Iberian Peninsula; from Fernandez et al. [1998]. Squares, dots, and triangles denote the<br />

location of sea floor heat-flow measurements, measurements in oil wells, and measurements in water or mining exploration wells,<br />

respectively. The approximate location of the PICASSO Phase I profile is indicated by the red line. The bathymetry is indicated every<br />

200 m.<br />

lower tLAB, a region of enhanced thermal conductivity, or increased radiogenic activity<br />

beneath these southern regions.<br />

Tejero and Ruiz [2002] created 1D thermal models for the Tajo Basin based on surface<br />

heat flow data by Fernandez et al. [1998] and using seismic data of Banda et al. [1981];<br />

Surinach and Vegas [1998]; ILIHA DSS Group [1993]; Gallart et al. [1995]; Pulgar et al.<br />

[1996] for constraints of the lithosphere layer thickness. The authors use heat flow values<br />

of 65 and 70 mW/m 2 for southern and northern Tajo Basin regions, respectively; as well as<br />

a lithosphere consisting of five layers (sediments, upper crust, middle crust, lower crust,<br />

uppermost mantle) with a Moho temperature of 650°C , tLAB temperature of 1350°C ,<br />

and a tLAB depth of 110 km. Details about the layer properties used for the calculation of<br />

the thermal model are summarised in Table 7.4. The tLAB depth derived by Tejero and<br />

Ruiz [2002] is in agreement with results by Artemieva [2006] inferring depths between<br />

100 km and 125 km for the tLAB beneath central Spain using a 1300°C isotherm and<br />

statistical analysis to determine the global lithosphere model TC1; therein, data coverage<br />

was low for the central Spain region though.<br />

From their results, Tejero and Ruiz [2002] derive the geotherms for the Tajo Basin<br />

shown in Figure 7.27, inferring that in this region the Moho does not represent a strong<br />

mechanical discontinuity and that the upper and middle crust are competent layers, with<br />


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