P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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6. Using magnetotellurics to gain information about the Earth and Mackie, 2001; Siripunvaraporn and Egbert, 2007]. The different computation results in a significant reduction of the computational cost [e.g. Siripunvaraporn, 2010]. GN-CG inversion is divided into two loops: the outer inversion loop, and the inner CG loop replacing the direct solver (e.g. LU-factorisation [Smith and Booker, 1991]). The efficiency of the GN-CG method is controlled by the number of CG iterations (NCG) [Avdeev, 2005; Siripunvaraporn and Egbert, 2007; Siripunvaraporn and Sarakorn, 2010], which in turn is anti-proportional to the smoothing parameter τ [Siripunvaraporn and Egbert, 2007; Siripunvaraporn and Sarakorn, 2010]. A pre-conditioner, such as the QN method, can be included to reduce the inversion time by speeding up the CG solver [Haber et al., 2005]. In the nonlinear conjugate gradient inversion (NLCG) method the computation of H is replaced by a line search determining the step length parameter in the CG approach. The direction for the CG iteration step is usually derived using either the Fletcher-Reeves [Fletcher and Reeves, 1964] or the Polyak-Ribiere [Polyak and Ribiere, 1969] methods. Computational requirements of the NLCG method are similar to the QN method and are dominated by the computation of ∇ T m and the line search [Newman and Alumbaugh, 2000; Rodi and Mackie, 2001]. The efficiency of the NLCG method is controlled by the number of NLCG iterations and the line search step, the former can be significantly reduced using a pre-conditioner [Newman and Alumbaugh, 2000; Rodi and Mackie, 2001; Newman and Boggs, 2004]. The overall CPU time is in the order of the model space GN- CG method [Rodi and Mackie, 2001]. Inversion programs for MT data A list of commonly-used, freely-available inversion programs for MT data is given in Table 6.3, with most of the programs being accessible via the MTNet website. Whereas a range of 1D and 2D inversion programs is today easily obtainable, only one noncommercial 3D inversion code (WSINV3DMT) is available at present. Even though the WSINV3DMT program is based on model space Occam’s inversion (cf. Sec. 6.3.3) it is computationally still very expensive, making inversion of larger datasets with a high resolution virtually impossible. Full 3D investigations of the subsurface with MT data are therefore presently limited to forward modelling processes. Further 3D inversion programs are under development, e.g. MCMT3DID [Miensopust, 2010], which will hopefully allow 3D inversion to become a common tool of MT investigation in the future. The MCMT3DID program has the advantage that it is set up to include the effects of distortion; however, because the algorithm uses a FE forward solver and the Gauss-Newton method for inversion it is computational very expensive. Therefore, faster and more powerful computing machines are required to facilitate detailed 3D inversion of MT data. One solution to the problem of required computational power might be parallelisation of the algorithms and intensive employment of cluster computers, carried out, among others, by Ritter et al. [1998]; Newman and Alumbaugh [2000]; Newman et al. [2003]. In principle, inversion programs can also be applied to cases of lower dimensionality investigation, such as 3D inversion of 2D MT profile data [e.g. Siripunvaraporn et al., 126

6.3. Deriving subsurface structure using magnetotelluric data 2005b]). Those inversions are able to cope with distortion effects by small-scale bodies (cf. Sec. 4), but they might exhibit an inferior performance (in terms of speed or resolution) due to a set-up that is adjusted to the respective dimensionality. It is therefore advised to first determine the dimensionality for the dataset (cf. Sec. 4.2) and then apply the adequate inversion tool. Using an inversion program for a case of higher dimensionality, e.g. 2D inversion of 3D structures, could significantly reduce computation time, therefore allowing for higher resolution. However, such inversion can result in serious misinterpretations of the subsurface when the effects of 3D structures are not adequately accounted for [e.g. Jones, 1983a; Wannamaker et al., 1984; Garcia et al., 1999; Ledo et al., 2002; Ledo, 2005] (cf. Sec. 4). Recent inversion programs (1Dai, in Tab. 6.3; MT2Dinv v6.7 [Baba et al., 2006]) also consider effects of anisotropic structures on MT responses. These inversion programs account for advances in instrumentation and the resulting enhanced resolution, as well as revised theoretical concepts. However, such inversion processes have to be carried out with caution in order to prevent mixing up dimensionality and anisotropy; e.g. anisotropic 1D instead of isotropic 2D, or anisotropic 2D instead of isotropic 3D (cf. Sec. 4.1.3). For all types of MT inversion, it has to be kept in mind that the resulting model is only a fit to the response data and is highly non-unique. Therefore, additional information from other geological and geophysical studies should be used wherever possible and careful considerations should be given to the physical implications of the model. 127

6. Using magnetotellurics to gain information about the Earth<br />

and Mackie, 2001; Siripunvaraporn and Egbert, 2007]. The different computation results<br />

in a significant reduction of the computational cost [e.g. Siripunvaraporn, 2010]. GN-CG<br />

inversion is divided into two loops: the outer inversion loop, and the inner CG loop replacing<br />

the direct solver (e.g. LU-factorisation [Smith and Booker, 1991]). The efficiency<br />

of the GN-CG method is controlled by the number of CG iterations (NCG) [Avdeev, 2005;<br />

Siripunvaraporn and Egbert, 2007; Siripunvaraporn and Sarakorn, 2010], which in turn<br />

is anti-proportional to the smoothing parameter τ [Siripunvaraporn and Egbert, 2007;<br />

Siripunvaraporn and Sarakorn, 2010]. A pre-conditioner, such as the QN method, can be<br />

included to reduce the inversion time by speeding up the CG solver [Haber et al., 2005].<br />

In the nonlinear conjugate gradient inversion (NLCG) method the computation of H<br />

is replaced by a line search determining the step length parameter in the CG approach.<br />

The direction for the CG iteration step is usually derived using either the Fletcher-Reeves<br />

[Fletcher and Reeves, 1964] or the Polyak-Ribiere [Polyak and Ribiere, 1969] methods.<br />

Computational requirements of the NLCG method are similar to the QN method and are<br />

dominated by the computation of ∇ T m and the line search [Newman and Alumbaugh,<br />

2000; Rodi and Mackie, 2001]. The efficiency of the NLCG method is controlled by<br />

the number of NLCG iterations and the line search step, the former can be significantly<br />

reduced using a pre-conditioner [Newman and Alumbaugh, 2000; Rodi and Mackie, 2001;<br />

Newman and Boggs, 2004]. The overall CPU time is in the order of the model space GN-<br />

CG method [Rodi and Mackie, 2001].<br />

Inversion programs for MT data<br />

A list of commonly-used, freely-available inversion programs for MT data is given in Table<br />

6.3, with most of the programs being accessible via the <strong>MTNet</strong> website. Whereas<br />

a range of 1D and 2D inversion programs is today easily obtainable, only one noncommercial<br />

3D inversion code (WSINV3DMT) is available at present. Even though the<br />

WSINV3DMT program is based on model space Occam’s inversion (cf. Sec. 6.3.3) it is<br />

computationally still very expensive, making inversion of larger datasets with a high resolution<br />

virtually impossible. Full 3D investigations of the subsurface with MT data are<br />

therefore presently limited to forward modelling processes. Further 3D inversion programs<br />

are under development, e.g. MCMT3DID [Miensopust, 2010], which will hopefully<br />

allow 3D inversion to become a common tool of MT investigation in the future. The<br />

MCMT3DID program has the advantage that it is set up to include the effects of distortion;<br />

however, because the algorithm uses a FE forward solver and the Gauss-Newton method<br />

for inversion it is computational very expensive. Therefore, faster and more powerful<br />

computing machines are required to facilitate detailed 3D inversion of MT data. One<br />

solution to the problem of required computational power might be parallelisation of the<br />

algorithms and intensive employment of cluster computers, carried out, among others, by<br />

Ritter et al. [1998]; Newman and Alumbaugh [2000]; Newman et al. [2003].<br />

In principle, inversion programs can also be applied to cases of lower dimensionality<br />

investigation, such as 3D inversion of 2D MT profile data [e.g. Siripunvaraporn et al.,<br />


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