P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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6. Using magnetotellurics to gain information about the Earth Fig. 6.7.: Plot of magnetotelluric (MT) data misfit versus Model Roughness (inverse of Model Smoothness) for a range of subsurface models; modified after Moorkamp [2007b]. The distribution of the model-values in the diagram follows a trend that is referred to as L-curve [e.g. Hansen, 1998], indicating that the final model has to be a compromise between sought low misfit and high smoothness (i.e. low roughness) values. Fig. 6.7). The applied error functional differs between inversion algorithm, but most of them belong to one of two forms; namely the unconstrained functional: ψu(m) = (d − f (m)) T R −1 dd (d − f (m)) − Υ 2 + τ · Ξ(m − m0), (6.32) or the constrained functional (also referred to as objective functional) [Tikhonov and Arsenin, 1977]: ψc(m) = (d − f (m)) T R −1 dd (d − f (m)) + τ · Ξ(m − m0), (6.33) with Rdd: error covariance matrix, Υ: desired level of misfit, Ξ: operator that provides a value of the model smoothness (usually the gradient ∇ or the laplacian ∆), m0: an a priori model 4 [Siripunvaraporn, 2010]. The unconstrained functional is used mostly in Occam’s inversion, whereas the constrained functional is used, for example, in nonlinear conjugate gradient (NLCG), Gauss-Newton (GN), quasi-Newton (QN), and GN with conjugate gradient (GN-CG). A detailed comparison of the methods and a list of references regarding their implementation in different inversion algorithms is given later in this Section. For 2D or 3D inversion processes, additional smoothness parameters can be applied to separately control the smoothness in horizontal and vertical direction. In the WinGLink 2D inversion program [WinGLink, 2005], based on the algorithm by Rodi and Mackie [2001], horizontal and vertical smoothness are controlled by the factors α and β, respectively. α is a multiplier of the horizontal derivatives in Equations 6.32 and 6.33 enforcing an increase of horizontal smoothness, whereas β controls weighting of the cell size dependent influence of the smoothness operator Ξ. Different values for the smoothing parameters have been proposed, e.g. Mackie [2002]: α = 1 (unless reasons for a higher 4 In this formulation of the functional an inversion model that is similar to the a priori model is sought; if the inversion model is supposed to be independent of an a priori model, the term m0 in Equation 6.33 is omitted. 122

6.3. Deriving subsurface structure using magnetotelluric data Regularisation operator Regularisation order Proposed value for β Standard grid ∇2 2 m ∇ m 3.0 2 1.0 Uniform grid ∇2 2 m ∇ m 1.0 2 0.3 Tab. 6.1.: Proposed values for the factor β by Mackie [2002]. degree of horizontal smoothness are found), β ∈ [0.3, 3] (dependent on regularisation, see Tab. 6.1), and τ ∈ [3, 300]. However, the optimal set of values is certainly dependent on the local subsurface and the mesh used during the inversion; it is therefore strongly advised to test a range of values in order to identify their effect on the final model. Stochastic methods Stochastic methods have the advantage that they randomly search the model space and are therefore unlikely to be trapped in a local minimum [e.g. Aster et al., 2005; Tarantola, 2005] (Fig. 6.5). Common stochastic methods are Monte Carlo [Metropolis and Ulam, 1949; Press, 1968] (and subsequent techniques, e.g. Markov chain Monte Carlo [Hastings, 1970] algorithms) and Genetic Algorithm [Goldberg, 1989]. Stochastic inversion methods have been applied to MT problems by different authors, e.g. Jones and Hutton [1979]; Agarwal and Weaver [1993]; Pérez-Flores and Schultz [2002]; Moorkamp et al. [2007]; Roux et al. [2009], and Moorkamp et al. [2010]. However, due to the significantly higher computational cost of stochastic methods, owing to the larger number of models involved, the application of stochastic methods is usually limited to grids with a small number of nodes. Accordingly, stochastic methods are usually only used for 1D inversion (or 2D inversions with a sparse grid). Iterative MT inversion algorithms Commonly used iterative inversion algorithms for MT applications, are presented in Table 6.2. In this Section, differences of the approaches are examined and their advantages and disadvantages are compared. In general, iterative inversion seeks a minimum of the error function (Eq. 6.31), which can be found as an extremal of its derivative with respect to the model parameters min(ψ(m)) → ∂ψ(m) ∂m = 0 =⇒ ∂ɛ(m) ∂m + τ · ∂ξ(m) ∂m = 0. (6.34) Iterative approaches can be divided into two main groups according to the implemented error functional: the unconstrained functional (Eq. 6.33) is mostly used in Occam’s inver- 123

6.3. Deriving subsurface structure using magnetotelluric data<br />

Regularisation operator Regularisation order Proposed value for β<br />

Standard grid<br />

<br />

∇2 2<br />

m<br />

∇ m<br />

3.0<br />

2 1.0<br />

Uniform grid<br />

<br />

∇2 2<br />

m<br />

∇ m<br />

1.0<br />

2 0.3<br />

Tab. 6.1.: Proposed values for the factor β by Mackie [2002].<br />

degree of horizontal smoothness are found), β ∈ [0.3, 3] (dependent on regularisation, see<br />

Tab. 6.1), and τ ∈ [3, 300]. However, the optimal set of values is certainly dependent<br />

on the local subsurface and the mesh used during the inversion; it is therefore strongly<br />

advised to test a range of values in order to identify their effect on the final model.<br />

Stochastic methods<br />

Stochastic methods have the advantage that they randomly search the model space and<br />

are therefore unlikely to be trapped in a local minimum [e.g. Aster et al., 2005; Tarantola,<br />

2005] (Fig. 6.5). Common stochastic methods are Monte Carlo [Metropolis and Ulam,<br />

1949; Press, 1968] (and subsequent techniques, e.g. Markov chain Monte Carlo [Hastings,<br />

1970] algorithms) and Genetic Algorithm [Goldberg, 1989]. Stochastic inversion<br />

methods have been applied to MT problems by different authors, e.g. Jones and Hutton<br />

[1979]; Agarwal and Weaver [1993]; Pérez-Flores and Schultz [2002]; Moorkamp et al.<br />

[2007]; Roux et al. [2009], and Moorkamp et al. [2010]. However, due to the significantly<br />

higher computational cost of stochastic methods, owing to the larger number of models<br />

involved, the application of stochastic methods is usually limited to grids with a small<br />

number of nodes. Accordingly, stochastic methods are usually only used for 1D inversion<br />

(or 2D inversions with a sparse grid).<br />

Iterative MT inversion algorithms<br />

Commonly used iterative inversion algorithms for MT applications, are presented in Table<br />

6.2. In this Section, differences of the approaches are examined and their advantages and<br />

disadvantages are compared. In general, iterative inversion seeks a minimum of the error<br />

function (Eq. 6.31), which can be found as an extremal of its derivative with respect to<br />

the model parameters<br />

min(ψ(m)) → ∂ψ(m)<br />

∂m<br />

= 0 =⇒ ∂ɛ(m)<br />

∂m<br />

+ τ · ∂ξ(m)<br />

∂m<br />

= 0. (6.34)<br />

Iterative approaches can be divided into two main groups according to the implemented<br />

error functional: the unconstrained functional (Eq. 6.33) is mostly used in Occam’s inver-<br />


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