P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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6. Using magnetotellurics to gain information about the Earth mean cross-spectral density (S xy), which in turn is the product of the respective FT’s X( f ) and Y( f ), i.e. C 2 xy( f ) = 〈S xy( f )〉 2 〈S xx( f )〉〈S yy( f )〉 = |〈X ∗ ( f )Y( f )〉| 2 〈X ∗ ( f )X( f )〉〈Y ∗ ( f )Y( f )〉 (6.3) where the asterisk denotes the complex conjugate of the function. Coherence weighting is implicitly applied during the impedance estimation using the remote reference method, in which modern processing schemes also consider partial and multiple coherence as indicators for the quality of an impedance estimate. To illustrate the application of this procedure to an MT dataset consider the explicit form of Equation 3.34 for the electric field component in x-direction (Ex), i.e. Ex = ZxxHx + ZxyHy (6.4) where both, the electric and magnetic channels Ex and Hy are assumed here to contain noise. Multiplication of this Equation with the complex conjugate of either the electric or magnetic field component in x-direction (R ∗ x) or in y-direction (R ∗ y) yields and 〈ExR ∗ x〉 = Zxx〈HxR ∗ x〉 + Zxy〈HyR ∗ x〉 (6.5) 〈ExR ∗ y〉 = Zxx〈HxR ∗ y〉 + Zxy〈HyR ∗ y〉, (6.6) respectively. Combining these two equations results in an estimate of the Zxy component Zxy = 〈ExR∗ y〉〈HxR∗ x〉 − 〈ExR∗ x〉〈HxR∗ y〉 〈HxR∗ x〉〈HyR∗ y〉 − 〈HxR∗ y〉〈HyR∗ . (6.7) x〉 Expressions for all components of the impedance tensor can be derived in a similar manner, therefore the general form can be stated as Zi j = 〈EiR∗ ∗ ∗ j 〉〈HkRk 〉 − 〈EiRk 〉〈HkR∗ j 〉 , (6.8) DET with DET = 〈HxR ∗ x〉〈HyR ∗ y〉 − 〈HxR ∗ y〉〈HyR ∗ x〉, and i, j, k ∈ [x, y], with k j. Whether processing with the electric or the magnetic component as reference provides superior results depends on the type of noise and its effect on each channel. The magnetic component is commonly assumed to be less contaminated by noise and usually chosen as remote, however the choice is often a rather subjective one. To use a combination of remote references from different components or stations can often be useful. 112 For the case of a perfectly 2D subsurface and according rotation of the magnetic field

data, Hx and Hy are uncorrelated and Equation 6.8 reduces to Zi j = 〈EiH ∗ j 〉 〈H jH ∗ j 〉, 6.2. Processing of magnetotelluric data (6.9) in situations where the magnetic field is used as remote reference. Separating the electric and magnetic components into a term containing the noise (NEi and NH ) and a noise free j term (Ei f and H j ) yields f Zi j = 〈Ei f H∗ j 〉 + 〈NEi H∗ j 〉 〈H j f H∗ j 〉 + 〈NH jH∗ j 〉. (6.10) In Equation 6.10 it is shown that the effect of noise on the impedance estimate depends on the correlation between the noise in either the electric or magnetic channel and the chosen remote reference channel. For dominant correlation between the noise in the electric channel and the remote reference, the term 〈NEi H∗ j 〉 will cause an overestimation of the impedance, whereas, in the opposite case where 〈NH jH∗ j 〉 dominates, the impedance will be underestimated. Estimates of the magnetic transfer function in the presence of disturbances are derived accordingly, i.e. 〈HzR ∗ 〉 = Tx〈HxR ∗ 〉 + Ty〈HyR ∗ 〉 (6.11) with R∗ denoting the respective remote reference. Therefore transfer function components are estimated as Ti = 〈HzR∗ i 〉〈H jR∗ j 〉 − 〈HzR∗ j 〉〈HiR∗ i 〉 , (6.12) DET with DET as defined for Equation 6.8, and i, j ∈ [x, y] with j i. Robust processing methods A processing method is considered robust when it is relatively insensitive to the presence of a moderate amount of bad data [Jones et al., 1989], and thus able to cull out a superior set of estimates from a contaminated data set. Robust processing methods have been adapted for MT processing and their application was discussed, among others, by Egbert and Booker [1986]; Chave et al. [1987]; Chave and Thomson [1989]; Larsen et al. [1996]; Smirnov [2003]. Common applications of robust processing in MT include bounded influence estimator, M-estimator [Huber, 1981], or Jack-knife processing and iterative rejection of estimates to either increase the coherence of the estimates or decrease the variance (or standard deviation) of the resulting impedance estimate. Errors of the resulting estimates are then calculated on a statistical basis using Bootstrap analysis. The crucial point of a processing algorithm, i.e. its robustness, is the breakdown point ε ∗ , which describes the maximal fraction of erroneous data that can be handled by the algorithm [Hampel et al., 1986]. Certainly the optimal breakdown point is 50 %, common robust algorithms, using the M-estimator and linear regression, approach 30 %; LS 113

data, Hx and Hy are uncorrelated and Equation 6.8 reduces to<br />

Zi j = 〈EiH ∗ j 〉<br />

〈H jH ∗ j 〉,<br />

6.2. Processing of magnetotelluric data<br />

(6.9)<br />

in situations where the magnetic field is used as remote reference. Separating the electric<br />

and magnetic components into a term containing the noise (NEi and NH ) and a noise free<br />

j<br />

term (Ei f and H j ) yields<br />

f<br />

Zi j = 〈Ei f H∗ j 〉 + 〈NEi H∗ j 〉<br />

〈H j f H∗ j 〉 + 〈NH jH∗ j 〉.<br />

(6.10)<br />

In Equation 6.10 it is shown that the effect of noise on the impedance estimate depends on<br />

the correlation between the noise in either the electric or magnetic channel and the chosen<br />

remote reference channel. For dominant correlation between the noise in the electric<br />

channel and the remote reference, the term 〈NEi H∗ j 〉 will cause an overestimation of the<br />

impedance, whereas, in the opposite case where 〈NH jH∗ j 〉 dominates, the impedance will<br />

be underestimated.<br />

Estimates of the magnetic transfer function in the presence of disturbances are derived<br />

accordingly, i.e.<br />

〈HzR ∗ 〉 = Tx〈HxR ∗ 〉 + Ty〈HyR ∗ 〉 (6.11)<br />

with R∗ denoting the respective remote reference. Therefore transfer function components<br />

are estimated as<br />

Ti = 〈HzR∗ i 〉〈H jR∗ j 〉 − 〈HzR∗ j 〉〈HiR∗ i 〉<br />

, (6.12)<br />

DET<br />

with DET as defined for Equation 6.8, and i, j ∈ [x, y] with j i.<br />

Robust processing methods<br />

A processing method is considered robust when it is relatively insensitive to the presence<br />

of a moderate amount of bad data [Jones et al., 1989], and thus able to cull out<br />

a superior set of estimates from a contaminated data set. Robust processing methods<br />

have been adapted for MT processing and their application was discussed, among others,<br />

by Egbert and Booker [1986]; Chave et al. [1987]; Chave and Thomson [1989]; Larsen<br />

et al. [1996]; Smirnov [2003]. Common applications of robust processing in MT include<br />

bounded influence estimator, M-estimator [Huber, 1981], or Jack-knife processing and iterative<br />

rejection of estimates to either increase the coherence of the estimates or decrease<br />

the variance (or standard deviation) of the resulting impedance estimate. Errors of the<br />

resulting estimates are then calculated on a statistical basis using Bootstrap analysis.<br />

The crucial point of a processing algorithm, i.e. its robustness, is the breakdown point<br />

ε ∗ , which describes the maximal fraction of erroneous data that can be handled by the<br />

algorithm [Hampel et al., 1986]. Certainly the optimal breakdown point is 50 %, common<br />

robust algorithms, using the M-estimator and linear regression, approach 30 %; LS<br />


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