P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS P. Schmoldt, PhD - MTNet - DIAS

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5. Earth’s properties observable with magnetotellurics Xu et al., 2000 EMIS Egbert and Booker, 1992 Schultz et al., 1993 Lizarralde et al., 1995 Yoshino et al., 2008 Fig. 5.10.: Compilation of resistivity–depth profiles derived by deep-probing electromagnetic (EM) induction studies (MT, GDS) and laboratory experiments on mantle minerals. The dashed red oval indicates the region related to the upper mantle, for which significant difference between EM induction studies and laboratory experiments is observable. light-green shaded area: common resistivity range for deep-reaching EM induction studies in (not tectonically active) regions, cf. e.g. Eaton et al. [2009]; black shaded area: thin lithosphere and partial melt-bearing mantle region beneath the western US [Egbert and Booker, 1992]; yellow shaded area: stable Archean craton region in the south-central part of the Canadian Shield (Superior Province) [Schultz et al., 1993]; light-blue shaded area: oceanic setting in the Northeastern Pacific region [Lizarralde et al., 1995]; light-grey shaded area: range of laboratory results with most conductive values derived by Xu et al. [2000a] and most resistive values derived by Yoshino et al. [2008] for a relatively dry mantle (water content ≤ 0.1 wt.%). resulting in a shift of theoretical curves towards more conductive values. ten Grotenhuis et al. [2004] derived an inverse relation between bulk conductivity and grain size of a region, proposing that upper mantle shear zones can exhibit a conductivity increase of 1.5 – 2 orders of magnitude in respect to less deformed lithospheric regions. The relative motion between lithosphere and sublithospheric-mantle can potentially yield a similar fine grained region, which facilitates a local conductivity increase. Hypotheses C: the increased conductivity of the uppermost asthenosphere region is due to special properties of the layer that are not considered by laboratory studies. If those special properties are restricted to the related depth range and reduction of conductivity occurs below the asthenosphere, EM induction studies would meet the results of laboratory studies for subjacent regions. Potential properties (presuming a significant amount) that can facilitate high conductivity values at that depth: (i) partial melt (small fractions of, particularly carbonotite, melts can significantly reduce the resistivity [e.g. Gaillard et al., 2008; Yoshino et al., 2010]), originating from shear processes along the LAB, (ii) hydrogen, originating from dehydration of subducting slabs, (iii) a refertilised mantle. Certainly, such anomalous properties require special settings of related processes and a global extend is therefore unlikely. Additional long-term EM induction studies are required to investigate existence of the electric asthenosphere in different regions of the 94

5.2. Variation of electric conductivity with depth Fig. 5.11.: Mineral proportions and phase transitions in the Earth’s mantle assuming pyrolitic composition, with the shaded areas indicating the mantle transition zone between the 410 and 660 km discontinuities; from Yoshino [2010]. PX: pyroxene, OPX: orthopyroxene, CPX: clinopyroxene, GRT: garnet, MJ: majorite garnet, OL: olivine, WD: wadsleyite, RW: ringwoodite, FP: ferro-periclase (magnesiowüstite), PV: silicate perovskite, Ca-PV: Ca-perovskite. world. Such studies would enable investigators to evaluate the hypotheses of a laterally confined anomalous region by comparing the EM induction results with findings from other methods, and in the long run to aid the merging of data from induction and laboratory studies in the depth range of the LAB. Until then, exact electrical properties of the upper asthenosphere will remain controversial. Below the LAB, Xu et al. [2000a] infer an increase in resistivity at around 300 km depth, coinciding with the disappearance of orthopyroxene (opx) in favour of clinopyroxene (cpx) proposed for a pyrolitic bulk composition [Ringwood, 1975; Irifune and Ringwood, 1987] (cf. Fig. 5.11), due to the relatively higher resistivity of cpx derived in laboratory experiments [Xu and Shankland, 1999]. However, in global seismic models no discontinuity is inferred for this depth, raising the question about sharpness of this boundary, and its lateral extent. This finding supports the idea that the replacement of opx by cpx takes place within a broader zone, and potentially, regionally at different depth ranges. The MTZ is located in the depth region between approximately 410 km and 670 km with its boundaries electromagnetically defined by increases of conductivity, commonly attributed to phase changes of olivine to its high-pressure polymorph wadsleyite, and from ringwoodite to perovskite. Today, the existence of an additional phase change from wadsleyite to ringwoodite is widely accepted and considered to occur at a depth of around 510 km. Exact composition of the MTZ and nature of its boundaries are still the subject of ongoing debate (cf. Secs. 5.2.2 and 5.3). MTZ conditions are of particular interest for geophysical studies as the MTZ plays an important role in Earth convection models. The MTZ can provide a restraint and aggre- 95

5. Earth’s properties observable with magnetotellurics<br />

Xu et al., 2000<br />

EMIS<br />

Egbert and Booker, 1992<br />

Schultz et al., 1993<br />

Lizarralde et al., 1995<br />

Yoshino et al., 2008<br />

Fig. 5.10.: Compilation of resistivity–depth profiles derived by deep-probing electromagnetic (EM) induction studies (MT, GDS) and<br />

laboratory experiments on mantle minerals. The dashed red oval indicates the region related to the upper mantle, for which significant<br />

difference between EM induction studies and laboratory experiments is observable. light-green shaded area: common resistivity range<br />

for deep-reaching EM induction studies in (not tectonically active) regions, cf. e.g. Eaton et al. [2009]; black shaded area: thin<br />

lithosphere and partial melt-bearing mantle region beneath the western US [Egbert and Booker, 1992]; yellow shaded area: stable<br />

Archean craton region in the south-central part of the Canadian Shield (Superior Province) [Schultz et al., 1993]; light-blue shaded<br />

area: oceanic setting in the Northeastern Pacific region [Lizarralde et al., 1995]; light-grey shaded area: range of laboratory results<br />

with most conductive values derived by Xu et al. [2000a] and most resistive values derived by Yoshino et al. [2008] for a relatively dry<br />

mantle (water content ≤ 0.1 wt.%).<br />

resulting in a shift of theoretical curves towards more conductive values. ten Grotenhuis<br />

et al. [2004] derived an inverse relation between bulk conductivity and grain size of a<br />

region, proposing that upper mantle shear zones can exhibit a conductivity increase of<br />

1.5 – 2 orders of magnitude in respect to less deformed lithospheric regions. The relative<br />

motion between lithosphere and sublithospheric-mantle can potentially yield a similar<br />

fine grained region, which facilitates a local conductivity increase.<br />

Hypotheses C: the increased conductivity of the uppermost asthenosphere region is<br />

due to special properties of the layer that are not considered by laboratory studies. If<br />

those special properties are restricted to the related depth range and reduction of conductivity<br />

occurs below the asthenosphere, EM induction studies would meet the results<br />

of laboratory studies for subjacent regions. Potential properties (presuming a significant<br />

amount) that can facilitate high conductivity values at that depth: (i) partial melt (small<br />

fractions of, particularly carbonotite, melts can significantly reduce the resistivity [e.g.<br />

Gaillard et al., 2008; Yoshino et al., 2010]), originating from shear processes along the<br />

LAB, (ii) hydrogen, originating from dehydration of subducting slabs, (iii) a refertilised<br />

mantle. Certainly, such anomalous properties require special settings of related processes<br />

and a global extend is therefore unlikely. Additional long-term EM induction studies are<br />

required to investigate existence of the electric asthenosphere in different regions of the<br />


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