Schmucker-Weidelt Lecture Notes, Aarhus, 1975 - MTNet

Schmucker-Weidelt Lecture Notes, Aarhus, 1975 - MTNet

Schmucker-Weidelt Lecture Notes, Aarhus, 1975 - MTNet


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Electromagnetic Induction<br />

in the Earth<br />

<strong>Lecture</strong>s <strong>Notes</strong> <strong>Aarhus</strong> <strong>1975</strong><br />

Ulrich <strong>Schmucker</strong> and Peter <strong>Weidelt</strong><br />

Laboratoriet for anvendt geofysik<br />

<strong>Aarhus</strong> Universitet

Electromagnetic Induction -- in the Earth<br />

Contents<br />

1. Intrcduction, bas5.c equati.ons<br />

1.1 . General ideas<br />

1.2. Basic equations<br />

2. Electromagnetic induction i r ~ one-diniensional structures<br />

2. ? . The yenerai solution<br />

2.2. Free modes of d-ecay<br />

2-3. .Ca.lculation of the TE-field for a layered structure<br />

2.4. Particular source fields<br />

2,5. Definition of the transfer function C (w ,K)<br />

2.6. Properkies of C(W, K)<br />

3. I.4odel calculations For two-dimensional struc-tures<br />

3.1 . General equations<br />

3.2, Air-half -space and conductor as basic domain<br />

3,3. A~lomalous slab as basic domain<br />

3.4. Anoinalous region as basic domain<br />

4. Model. calculations for three-diwensional structures<br />

4-7. Introduction<br />

4.2. Integral equation metb-06<br />

. 4.3. The surface integral approach to the mndell-iny<br />

p?:obl.em<br />

5. Conversion formu:lae for a t~~7o-d:i1aensi.ol1al TE-field<br />

5.1 . Separation formulae<br />

5.2, Conversion formulae for the f ield components of<br />

a two.-dimensional YE-fri.el-il at the surface of<br />

a one-dimensional st-ructure<br />

6. Approaches to the inverse problem of electromagnetic<br />

iaduction by linearization<br />

6.1. The Backus-Gilbert method<br />

6. 1 . I. Lntroiiuction<br />

..G , I .2. The linear inverse prol~l.em . .<br />

6.1.3. The non~linear inverse problem

6.2. Generalized matrix inversion<br />

6.3. Derivation of the kernels of the 1-inearized inverse<br />

problem of electromagl~etic induction<br />

6.3.1. The. one-dimensional case<br />

6.3.2. Pa.rtial. derivatives in two and three<br />

diniensions<br />

6.4. Quasi-linearization of the one-dimensional inverse<br />

problem of electromagnetic inducti.0~ (Schlfiucker's<br />

Psi-algoritlun)<br />

7, Basic concept of geomagnetic and magnetotell.u~ic<br />

depth sonding<br />

7.1. Gelleral chaxacteristics of the method<br />

7.2. The data and physical properties of internal<br />

matter which arc involved<br />

7.3, Electromagnetic wave propagation and diffusion<br />

through uniform do~nains<br />

Appendix to 7.3.<br />

7.4. Penetration depth of various .types of geomagnetic<br />

variations and the overall distribution of con-<br />

ductivity within the Earth<br />

8. Cats collection and analysis<br />

8.1. Instruments<br />

8.2. Organisation and objectives of field operatLons<br />

8.3. Spectral arlaLysis of ge0magneti.c' induction data<br />

8.4. Data analysis in the time domain, pilot studies<br />

9. Data interpretation as the basLs of selected models<br />

9.1. Layered half-space<br />

9.2. Layered sphere<br />

9 .'3. Non-uniform thin sheet abo-$e layelred substructure<br />

9.4 Non-uniform Layer above layered subs.bructure<br />

10. Geo;?hysical and geological rel.evance ofgeornagnetic in-<br />

duk.kion studies<br />

11. References for general reading

- 1. Introduction. basic equations<br />

-- I.. 1.. General. ideas<br />

The fo1.lowing rnodel j.s the basis ~fall e1ectromagne'ti.c lne-thods<br />

which try to infer the electrical conductivity stl2ucture in the<br />

Earth's subsurface from an anal.ysis of the natural or art.lfici.a~l<br />

electromagnetic surface field: On or above the surface of -the Earth<br />

is situated a tine-dependent electr'omagnetic source. By Fiiraday's<br />

1.a.w the time-varying inagnetic field - 13 induces an elec.trica1 field<br />

- -<br />

this cu~,rent<br />

F, which drives within the conductor a current 1. By kinp5re's law<br />

has a magnetic fi.eld which again is an inducing ageri-t,<br />

and so on. Hence, there is the closed chain<br />

. induction<br />

__I_ i -><br />

.-source<br />

l5<br />

//<br />

E<br />

-. -<br />

*mp.res '011.ct:o.<br />

law<br />

-<br />

The mathematical exprfssion of this closed chain is a second orde-r<br />

~art?.al. differen-tia:l equation resulting after the e1iminati.c.n of<br />

two field quantities from the two first order equations 1 + 3 and<br />

At the surface the ~lectrornagnetic field of the source is dl.sturbcd<br />

by the internal fie1.d~. This di.sirurbance depends on the conduc'ti-

A1~Lernativel.y<br />

p = 30. m, where T in h. (lb 1<br />

Eqs, (la,b) can also be used as a rule of thumb if p varies with<br />

depth and an average resistivity is inserted.<br />

The natural magnetic source fields of the ionospheric and magneto-<br />

spheric currents offer periods approxiniately between 0.1 see and 20<br />

permitting crustal and upper mantle surveys down to a depth of<br />

approximately 800 - 1000 km. On the other side periods between 0.91<br />

and 0.002 sec are most commonly used for Sounding of? -?he first 300 c<br />

with artificial fields.<br />

Electromagnetic methods are applicab1.e for two objectives:<br />

1) ~nvestigation of the change of conductivity with depth, in par.ti-<br />

cular detection and delineation of horizontal interfaces marking<br />

a change of stratigraphy or temperature.<br />

2) Investigation of lateral conductivity variations, in particular<br />

search for local regions wiCh abnormal conductivities (e.g.<br />

meta1lj.c ore deposi-ts, salt domes, sedimeni-dry' basins, zones of<br />

eleva-ted temperature).<br />

.The results of the first investigation are often used. to construct<br />

a normal. conductivi-ty model from which local deviations are measure1<br />

In an interpretation of natural fields the c:-.ange of the electro-<br />

magnetic field quantities both with frequency and with position are<br />

used. Broadly speaking .the dependence on the position provides the<br />

lateral reso1.u-tion and the dependence on frequency gives the reso-<br />

lu-tion with depth.<br />

1.2. Dasic equations -<br />

Let - r be .the position vector and let H, g, 2nd + I he the vectoi-s of<br />

the magnetic field, electrical field and curl-2n.t density, ~?especti-<br />

vely. Using SI u11.i.-ts and a vacuurrl permeability throughout:, the<br />

0<br />

pertinent equations are<br />

cupl - H = - I i- L<br />

11.2)<br />

. -e<br />

CUI?].' - E = --kt H<br />

(1.3)<br />

0-<br />

. .<br />

'- 1 = 0- C<br />

(l.4)<br />

div - !i = 0<br />


All field quanti-ties are functions of position _r and time t. Al.so tl:c<br />

(isotropic) conductivi.-t)~ u is a func.tion of position. -e I 3,s the<br />

current density of the external cilrrent sources being different from<br />

0 only at source points. The displacement current c 0- E is generally<br />

neglected in induction studies. This is justified as follows: within<br />

the conductor -- .the conduc-tion current UC - exceeds the displ.acement<br />

current even in the case of ].owest periods (0.001 sec) and highest<br />

5 2<br />

resis1:ivities (10 Rm) still 10 times. In the vacuum where .the<br />

conduction current is absent the inclusion of the, displacsment<br />

current merely introduces a slight phase shift of the external field<br />

at different points. for in this case the solution of (1.2) and (1.3<br />

(including at the RFIS of (1.2) ) are electromagnetic waves, e. g.<br />

the plane wave e i(k*r - - - u ~ ) where , w is the angular frequency and<br />

.- k the wave vector along the direction of propagation. The phase<br />

difference<br />

4<br />

between P and P2 is<br />

1<br />

,/ case<br />

- .<br />

PI Ax P2<br />

MAX<br />

l,j&t = -- coscl<br />

C<br />

.Z in the very pessimistic<br />

of Ax = 1000 km and T = lse<br />

- H ar~d - .I can he eliminated fPonl (1.. 2 - (1.4). It results<br />

L Induction equation<br />

----- - I<br />

6!t using C1.2) and (1.4) the elec-trical charge density p(1') - is<br />

given by<br />

p = E div - E = - c E - grad I.oga, (1.7)<br />

0 0 -<br />

i.e. there is charge accumulated if an electrical field compunclnt :<br />

parallel to the gradj.en.t. of the conductivi-ky. Physically 'this is<br />

cl.ear,, since the normal. componen-t of .the current density is conti-<br />

nuous whereas the charges accoun-i: for tl-~e corresponding discon-ti-<br />

nuity of the normal electri.cal. field.

The e1ectrica:L effect - of the changes is vel?y important. They modify<br />

by a-ttraction and repulsion .the 'curren-t flow; in particul.ar surface<br />

changes deflec-t the current lines in such a way tllat the norinal<br />

current coriiponent vanishes a-t the surface. Iil con-tras-t the magnetj-c -<br />

effect i.s of the ordel- of that of the disp1acemel-i-t current and<br />

can be neglected.<br />

2. E1ectromagneti.c induction in I-di.mensiona1 structures<br />

2.1. The q,eneral solution<br />

The following vector analytical. identities are used in the sequel<br />

(A<br />

- is a vector, $ a scalar).<br />

div curl - A = 0<br />

(2.1)<br />

curl grad + = 0 (2.2)<br />

div(A+) - = @ div - A -1. & a grad 41 (2.3)<br />

curlCA+) -- = + curlA - Ax - grad @ (2.4)<br />

curl"+ - = grad divA - - AA - (2.5)<br />

In this cha-pter it is assumed -1-hat the el.ec.trica1 conductivity o is<br />

a fun~tion of depth z (positive downwa~ds) on1.y. In this case -the<br />

electromagnetic field inside and outside the conductor can be re-<br />

presented in terix of two scalars and $N(~) denoting the elec-<br />

L -<br />

tric and magr,e"ric. type of solution. These fields are defined as<br />

'% .<br />

follows IS the vector in z-direc-tion):<br />

h A<br />

On using t11.e. ident::.t)i- curlC$z) - = '-z - x gl~adC, Cfrom (2. 4 ) 1, i-t is se@!<br />

.that -the ?$-type solu.!:ion has no nagne-tic z.-component and .the E-type<br />

solution has no electrical .- z-component.

.<br />

The electric field of the E-type solution is tangential to the planes<br />

6 = const. IIence, 2-t is called a TE-mode. (tangei~tial -- e:!ectric). Conversely<br />

the M-type solutj.on is name3 a TM-mode.!!~ required from (1.5)<br />

-the 111agnetic field. of both modes is sol.enoidal (i.e. divl-I - = 0). In<br />

addition the E-field of the TE-mode is also solenoidal.. In this<br />

mode there is no accumulation of charge, all current flow is parallel<br />

to the (x,y)-plane.<br />

ldow we have to derive the differen.ti.al equatior~s for the scala~s<br />

GE and $M. The TE-field (2.8a,b) satisfies already (1.. 3) - (1.5).<br />

It remains to satisfy<br />

~u1~l.H~ = 0 g*.<br />

Using (2.5), (2.2), and (2.4) it results<br />

from which Eollows<br />

(fop if afiax = 0 and af/ay : 0 and fi.0 for x,y -> -, then f=O).<br />

From -this equation fol.lows with the same argurnc1-i-ts<br />

lil urliform domains, (2.9) and (2.10) agree. Using (2.9), (2.10),<br />

(2.5), and (2.4) the TE- and TM-fields in the vacuun oiltside the<br />

sources are<br />

11 = 0, 11: = grad -<br />

--M -PI a L<br />

wL 0.<br />

-E H = grad - az' -.E<br />

E = y z x grad $E<br />

O-<br />

Fields on-tside the conductor<br />

-- II<br />

. ..<br />


The vari.ables x,y, and t which do not explici.tly occu~ i.n (2.9)<br />

and (2.10) can be separa-ted from Q E and OM by exponential factors.<br />

Let for OE or OM<br />

- x - Y<br />

A<br />

where K = K x + K and K~ = -<br />

,-.<br />

Then (2.3) and (2.10) mad<br />

K = - K . (2.14a,l<br />

The general solution of (1.2) - (1.5) for a. one-dimensional conduc-<br />

tivity structure is the superposition of a TE- and TM-field. The<br />

total field then reads in components:<br />

--- .--a<br />

a20E<br />

H = -Co$ ) + --x<br />

ay M ax;)~<br />

a ae QE<br />

H = - -(uQ ) +<br />

Y ax M ay a z<br />

H = -(- a<br />

z<br />

ax2 ay2<br />

WE<br />

-<br />

1 a "~l$~) -<br />

Ex-o axaz a~<br />

., 7<br />

1<br />

E = -<br />

y o ayaz<br />

3 - "8,<br />

a I - (-- + a<br />

E~ :)OM<br />

ax2 ay<br />

+ "0 ax<br />

General expression of fie1.d components<br />

- -<br />

At a l>.orizontal di.scon-l-inuity the tangential. compone~~fs of - E and - H<br />

and ille ndriaal. con~ponenl: of I1 arc coiitinuous. Let [ ] deno-te<br />

Z<br />

the j~unp of a p;lrticulaT quanti-ty, Theil frorr~ (2.15~) ]?OF )I z<br />

(2.15a)<br />

(2.15b)<br />

(2.15~<br />

(2.16a)<br />

(2.16b)<br />


[$J satisfies the two-dimensional Lapl-ace equa-tion, is bounded<br />

and \rani-shes at infinity because of the finite extent of the<br />

sources. Hence, from Liouvi.lleLs theorem of function theory<br />

[Q,] = 0, i.e. @ C continuous. Differentiating (2.15a) with respect<br />

to x and (2.15b) with respect to y and adding we infer along the<br />

same lines thxt a$ /az j.s coiltinuous. Conversely differentiating<br />

C<br />

C2i15a) with respect to y and (2.15b) with respect to x and sub-<br />

tracting one obtains oQM continuous. Fina1l.y differentiate (2.16a)<br />

with rbspec-t to x and (2.1.6b) with respect to y and add. It re-<br />

sults that ('licr) a(oQ )/az is con.tinuous 01- 34 /2z is<br />

r! M<br />

continous<br />

if cf tends to a constant value at both sides.<br />

Summarizing: - 1<br />

+EJ a~ M<br />

-- 1<br />

a az<br />

continuous<br />

I Conti.nuity conditions I<br />

This result shows that the TE- and TM-field satisfy disioinl ingab;<br />

k.bLrJ<br />

boundary conditions. Hence, they are comp1etel.y independent and<br />

not coupled.<br />

Frc~n (2.17~) follows<br />

@ (z = 4-0) = 0 (2.18;<br />

M<br />

This boundary coilditioll has a serious drawback for the TM-field:<br />

As a result within the conductor no TM-field can be excited by<br />

external sources.<br />

From (2.18) follows via (2.13) fM(o) = 0. Now<br />

K.iultip:lyi.ng (2.9a) by ~ c f and ~ integrating ) ~ over z from 0 Co z,<br />

integra-tion by parts yj-elds in virtue of fM(o) = 0<br />

From (2.20) and (.2.19). fo1.3.oi..ls for yet?]. Er,equencies

- d<br />

IufM12 > 0 .<br />

dz - -<br />

On the other hand f has to tend to a limit f0r.z -t m. Iience,<br />

M<br />

- f (z)<br />

M<br />

0,<br />

-<br />


1<br />

2.2 Free modes of decay-<br />

Whereas external fields can exci-te only the TE-mode within the<br />

conductor, there exist free modes of current decay for both TE-<br />

and TM-fields, Consider the typical potential<br />

where @ and f stand for OE, $M and f,, fM, respectively. First it<br />

L<br />

wlll be shown that the decay constants B (ei.genvalues) must be<br />

positive quantities. Inserting (2.23) in (2.9) and (2.10) we ob-<br />

tain<br />

fECz) =. { K ~ - f3~~0(z)l 'fE(z), (2.24)<br />

where K' = K' -1- K'. The ej-genfunctions have -to satisfy the boundary<br />

X Y<br />

conditions<br />

fE = (km) = 0, f (to) = 0, fr(m) = 0<br />

M M<br />

If there is a perfect conductor at finite depth d then<br />

(2.26)<br />

fE(d) = 0, fi(d) = 0 (2.2Ea)<br />

Multiplying (2.24) and (2.25) by f" aid of" and integrating over z'<br />

E M<br />

from -m to +m and 0 to -, respectively, we obtain on integrating<br />

by parts and using (2.26)<br />

Hence, all decay constants f3 are real and positive. The currcnt<br />

flow for TE-decays is in horizontal planes, whereas the TM-decay<br />

currcnts flow predominantly in vertical planes.<br />

Example :<br />

u = O<br />

0 + 0,-<br />

- z - 0

a) TM-mode<br />

From (2.251, (2.26); (2.26a) foll.ous<br />

f (0) = 0 yields fM[z) = sinyz, whereas f' (d) = 0 requires cosyd=O.<br />

M M<br />

Hence,<br />

The unnormalized eigenfunctions are<br />

Theye exists also an electrical (po-ten.tj.al) field outside the con-<br />

ductor. Find it!<br />

b) TE-mode -<br />

From (2.24), (2.251, (2.26~1) follows<br />

"CZ) = K" fd), Z < 0<br />

fE E<br />

2.. .<br />

f;[z)+Y.'f (z)=O, 0 < z < d, y -f3000 - K2 .<br />

E<br />

with f ( -m) = 0, fE, fc continuous across z = 0, f (dl = 0.<br />

E E E<br />

Then f (d) = 0 leads to the eigenvalue condition<br />

E<br />

casyd -I- (a/y)sinyd = 0.<br />

For I: = 0 the ei.genval.u.es zgree with those of 'i'JI, For 1:c1

The TE-decay systems occur as transients to fit the initial con-<br />

ditions, e.g, whcn sn external fie2.d is switched on.<br />

2.3, Calculation of f,Cz) for a layered structure<br />

Let .the half--space collsist of L uniform layers with conductivi-ties<br />

ul., u2, -", u<br />

the upper. edge of layer m being at h (h = 0). Let<br />

L n~ 1<br />

the index 0 reier to the air half-space.<br />

0 =o<br />

hl=O o Then given in z - < 0 the potential of the source<br />

h~-l<br />

we have to solve (2.9a). i.e.<br />

L- l f"(z) E =.{~"tiw~i a(z))fE(z;.<br />

With the abbreviations<br />

and .the understandin g that 11<br />

I* 1<br />

0<br />

- -, we have<br />

In Eq.. (2.33) h > 0 is -the height of the lo!

with<br />

"<br />

the abbreviation<br />

+ - 1 - ?<br />

=<br />

: - 1<br />

- 2' gm 2 exp{i.a m ( 1 1 l m<br />

, m = L-I , . . . , 1 .<br />

Having computed u:, Eqs. (2.32) and (2.33) yield<br />

-<br />

&=f;/Bo.<br />

Thus the field is specified.<br />

E -.<br />

to calculate B: and 6"<br />

m<br />

separately. Instead only the ratio<br />

~f we are interested in f (2) for z < O only, it is not necessary<br />

y m<br />

- +<br />

-- nm / B;<br />

is requi-red. Because of (2.33) ar?d (2.32) f (z) is given by<br />

E<br />

-KZ 4% Z<br />

f (z) = f-{e + y e ), O

2.4. ~articul'ar source fields<br />

Notation: Xn the sequel only fields with a periodic time function<br />

, --<br />

exp(iwt) are considered. For any field quantity .A(s,t)<br />

,+<br />

we write A(r,w) - with the understanding<br />

that the real or imaginary part of A(g,t) exp(iwl;) is<br />

meant. Furthermore, since only the TE-mode is of interest<br />

we shall drop the subscript "E".<br />

In the last section an algorithm for the cal.culation of the $-poten-<br />

tial in a layered half-space has been given. As input occurs<br />

fe(~,K;w) = fi (Krw) exp(-KZ) , tIie representation of - the source - potential.<br />

in t.he wave-nurnber space. Frolu (2.12a) , i .e. - 13=grad (a@/az)<br />

-<br />

follows that - a$/az is the magnetic scalar potential. Between<br />

f- (K, w) and the source potential be (2,~) exist the following reci:-<br />

0 -<br />

- -- 1<br />

2 SS ie(r,w)e dx dy<br />

--. General field<br />

------<br />

- -<br />

If I$ i.s symmetrical. wi.th respect to a vertical axis, i.e. @ is a<br />

(2.35)<br />

function of r = (x" +y2)1'2 only, e4s.. (2.35) and (2.36) simplify t:o<br />

In the derivation of (2.35a) and (2.3Ga) the cartesian coordinates<br />

were replaced by circular. polar coordinates<br />

x = rcos0, y = rsin0, K = KCOS$, K~ = ~siilq<br />

>:<br />

and use was 1nad.e of the identity

2n -i~cr cos (8-$1 -iKrcU<br />

J e ~B=J e c's8d0-2.fcos (~rcos0)ci0=2n~<br />

0 0 0<br />

11<br />

(icr)<br />

0<br />

- 2.<br />

) 1/2<br />

2 1/2<br />

Froin (2.35a), (2.3Ga) follovis that if 4 is function of r= (x2-I-Y<br />

then fo is a function of K = (I:* f K ) . In certain cases (e.cj.<br />

X Y<br />

example h! below), it is on1.y possible to obtain the potential on<br />

the clrlj-ndrical axis (r = o) in closed form. Then (2.35a) reads<br />

Eq. (2.35b) can be considered as a Laplace-Transform for which the<br />

inversion is<br />

where E is. an appropriate real constant (thus that all singill.arj.-<br />

e<br />

ties of 41 (o,z) are at the left of z = E). Simpler wou.ld be the use<br />

of a table of Laplace transforms.<br />

The spectxal representation of the source is now calculated. for<br />

simple sou-rces :<br />

' &) Vertica.:L magnetic dipo1.e ,-<br />

Locate the dipole at r = (o,o,-h), ki > o and let i.ts moment be<br />

-0 -<br />

*<br />

M - = Mz. - When it is produced by means of a small current loop then<br />

!4 = current x area of the loop. ($5 i.s positive if the di.rect:ion of<br />

the current forms with - 2 a right-handed sys::.em, and negative else.)<br />

From the scalar potential<br />

follows<br />

-<br />

Since 4 shows cylindrical symmetry, v7e obtain front (2.3Sa) on using<br />

the resu1.t<br />

I<br />

Ver kical. magnetic dipole

.<br />

b) CLrcular current loop<br />

Let a and I be the radius and the current of the loop. The potential<br />

has cylindrical syr~.nlctry,but can be expressed by means of simp1.e<br />

functi.ons only on the. axis r =: 0. For t.he n~oment we assume that<br />

the current loop is in the plane z = o. For symnetry reasons there<br />

is only a H z component on the axis.<br />

1 Biot-Savart's law yields<br />

whence<br />

- 1a2 A8<br />

' I a h 6 a<br />

c4 . . .<br />

ILZ = -<br />

4n (z2+a 2) 3/2<br />

I a2<br />

z 2 (z2-ka 2)3i2<br />

- .<br />

l\roli xZ = -av/az = + a2+e/az2. Kence integrating twice on using<br />

Vcm) = 0 = ie(m) we obtain<br />

Now we have to solve (2.35b) , i. e.<br />

Looking up in a table of Laplace transforms:<br />

Sf the plane of thc loop is z = -hI 1 - > 0, then a si1npl.e change<br />

of origin yiel-ds<br />

1 Circular current loop I<br />

I<br />


In the 1irnl.t a -+ o, I +- m, M = va2 I fixed,this leads to the result,<br />

(2.37) for the vertical ~nagnetic dipole (5 (x) =x/2 -I-<br />

1<br />

0 (x3) ) .<br />

- - %---<br />

C) IIorPzontal maqnetj-c d:ii>ole<br />

A<br />

IIere M = M s and<br />

- --<br />

-e - . . . ,<br />

' ' -- a$ = - Ms<br />

M: ' '<br />

7.- ,$ €2 =<br />

P<br />

a z<br />

41iR3 4n R (R->z-l-11)<br />

With this result, suppressing al.1 further details the eval.uation of<br />

(2.35) vields<br />

d) Line current<br />

--<br />

Current I at y = 0, z = -h. It results the scalar potential<br />

The corresponding source function is<br />

Line current<br />

- J<br />

The delta function. 6 (K ) occurs since there is no dependence on x.<br />

X<br />

6) ' "P1:arie<br />

--- wave"' ' (elementary\indula-Led - 'field)<br />

Assun:e a wavenumher rc = w and let the scalar magnetic source po-<br />

Y<br />

tential be<br />

leading to a magnetic field<br />

- 1 ~ 1 " lIe=;-TJ - 1 ~ 1 1<br />

H~ = H cos (vy) e I si-n (ply) e<br />

Z 0<br />

Y 0<br />

z<br />


IIence,<br />

- I<br />

---<br />

"e Q -- sin (wy) e- I w ( z<br />

I{o<br />

and -<br />

2 8 ' ~ ~<br />

f--.(~) =<br />

~ ( K ~ )<br />

0 - j.w 1 ~5~ 1<br />

' { ~ C+w) K<br />

Y<br />

- 6 ( ~ -w)} ,<br />

Y<br />

Elementary undulated field<br />

-- -<br />

tghen the source can be considered as elementary harmonic.field, as<br />

in this case, the Fourier integral representation (2.35) cori>plicates<br />

things only.<br />

In the limi-k w + 0 we obtain a uniform source field in y-d.i.rection<br />

For the induction process a strictly uniform source field is useless<br />

since only a vertical magnetic field component induces. Hcnce w<br />

must be non-zero, no matter how small. If we confine our attention<br />

to a finite part of the infinite horizontal. plane, the dimensions<br />

of that part being smaller than l/lw(, then --.- formally we may put<br />

.w = o and can profit from the particularly simple resulting equations.<br />

Such a source field is called a - quasi-uniform - fie1.d. To the<br />

unrealistic uniform field belongs the source potential<br />

which can no longer be represented in terms of (2.35)

-- 2.5. Definition -- of the transfer function C (10, K)<br />

The TE-potentia.1 is<br />

With this potential we define as the basic transfer function for a<br />

half-space with one--dimensional conductivity structure<br />

C<br />

Note that f depends on K and K separately via, the<br />

X Y<br />

function as an amplitude factor. In the ratio f/fl this factor<br />

v,<br />

drops out and it remains only the dependence on K = since<br />

f is a solution of (2.9a), i.e.<br />

How can C be determined from a. knowledge of the surface electro-<br />

magnetic field, at least theoretically?<br />

From (2.8a,h) results<br />

- -, -I-- i~*r - -<br />

- I I = C U ~ (QZ)=IJ{~K~'+K~~Z~~<br />

~ - ~ - - dx dK<br />

- (0 * Y<br />

Let<br />

A +a, - ..- i ,< * r -- -<br />

- H(K,w) - = -- I /I - ~(x,y~~,w)e dxdy<br />

( 2 ~ -m ) ~<br />

- -<br />

A<br />

t-m , -i~c *r<br />

1<br />

- E(_K,w) = /I g(x,y,O,w)e dxdy (2.46b<br />

( 2 ~ -m ) ~<br />

denote the surface fields in the wavenumnber-frequency space. Then<br />

from (2.45a,b), (2.46arb)<br />

* A<br />

- -<br />

' + K = ~ f' K .i- K~ f z<br />


There are several ways to determine C:<br />

a) From the ratio bctween two orthogonal components - of tj>h<br />

- horizonha1 electric and magnetj.~ fisld -<br />

*<br />

Vectorial multiplication of (2.47a) with z and use of (2.43) yields<br />

* A A<br />

E = -iwu C z x H<br />

.- 0 - -<br />

A<br />

or with any horizontal unit vector - e<br />

A A<br />

- -<br />

e - E<br />

C = .. A*- (2.48)<br />

iwyo'(~xg) *' - K .<br />

A * A A<br />

In particular - e = - x and - e L- yields<br />

b) Prom the ratio of vertical and horizontal - l~agne'iic fi~ld<br />

components<br />

(2.47a) yields immediately<br />

c) Froln the ratiq of internal to external -- part of. a lnagnetj-c<br />

horizontal component<br />

i<br />

In z - < 0 f reads,<br />

(2.49a<br />

- -KZ -,- f+<br />

. , f = f e (2.51<br />

0 0<br />

A<br />

A A<br />

Let Xxe and H be the source part and internal part of Hx. Then<br />

xi<br />

from (2.47a) and (2.51)<br />

Defining<br />

A *<br />

s (K, w) = Hxi (5,'" //IS'xe (5, (6)

we arrive at -<br />

v<br />

The same appl-ies to H Y'<br />

. ~<br />

d) Prom the ratio of vertical. gradients 'at' z = 4-0 --- to the<br />

corresponding field compone~lts at z-o<br />

I'/<br />

Let H~(E,~)<br />

be the vertical gradie!.lt of IIx at z = -1-0 in the wave-<br />

number - frequency domain. Then<br />

On applying (2.44) Eq. i2.47a) yields<br />

A<br />

The same applies to I*,,. For applications of (2.55) the surface<br />

1<br />

value of u must be known. C can also be obta.ined from other field<br />

ratios involving vertical. gradients.<br />

The 111et11ods a) and d) are also appl-icable for a quasi-unifozrr!<br />

source fie,ld; b) ancl c) break down in this case.<br />

The apparent resistivity of magnetotellur~cs is defined as<br />

.- A<br />

According to (2.49a,b) its re:.ation to C is<br />


2.6. Properties of C(W~K)<br />

a) Signs, limiting values<br />

According to (2.43) the response function C is defined as<br />

where f satisfies<br />

f" (2) =' I K 1- ~ iwu0u (z) 15 (z)<br />

C has the dimension of a lenqtl~.. Let<br />

-i+<br />

C = g - ih or C = [~[e<br />

Then g - > 0, h - > 0 or 0 - c - < s/2<br />

(2. GO)<br />

Proof: Talce the comp1.e~ conjugate of (2.59) , mu1 tip1.y by f and in-<br />

-<br />

tegrate over z. Integration by parts yields<br />

-f(o) frX(0) = I C [fl<br />

m<br />

0<br />

[2-i-(~2--iw~00)<br />

[fl21dz.<br />

Division by 1 f' (0) 1 leads to the result.<br />

The limiting values of C for w -* 0 and w + CQ are<br />

1<br />

f ; tanh (KH) for W+O<br />

I I for LO+ m -<br />

Ji.wuocr (0)<br />

- In (2.62a) H is the depth of a possib1.e perfect conduc-tor. If<br />

absent, then 1-1 i. 'm, C I jk.<br />

Proof: For w=O the solution of (2,59) vanislling at z=X is<br />

f - sinlz~c(H-z), - whence (2.G2a). - For high frequencj.es f tends t(<br />

.---<br />

'the solutio~l for a uniform ha1.f-space, i.e. f -. exp{fidll,~)~ yield:<br />

(2.62b). This limit is attainecl, if the penetration depth for a<br />

uniform halfspace with u - ~'(oJ,<br />

V<br />

is small co~npared with the scale leng-Lh I/K of the external fie12<br />

and the scale l.engt11 lu(o)/ol (0) 1 of corducti-vity variatiol?.

) Computation of ---- C for a laxezed half-space --<br />

When interested in the electric field within a layered structure,<br />

we have to compute a set of coefficients Bf according to the rul.es<br />

m<br />

of Sec. 2.3. These coefficients can be used also to express C:<br />

The latter form is also applicable for K'O, whereas a limiting pro-<br />

cess is involved in the former one in this case. If we are only<br />

interested in C then we may proceed as follows: C can be con-<br />

sidered as a continuous function of depth. Then<br />

-+ 1<br />

where % = - exp{?a d 1,d -<br />

2<br />

Hence, (2.65) and (2.66) yield<br />

- hm+l-l~ ~2 = ~ ~ + i ~<br />

m m m m' 1n o 1%<br />

+ tanh(c, d )<br />

I "mCm+l m in -<br />

m a 1 ~ . u ~ C tanh , ~ - (a ~ d ~ )<br />

m<br />

m m<br />

c = --<br />

Starting with C- = l/a baclcvrard recursion using (2.67) leads to<br />

L L<br />

c) A=rox:i.inate . - interpretation of a - one-dimensional - con+uctivity ---<br />

structure<br />

--<br />

If we can assume K = 0, i.e. scale length of external field large<br />

0 .<br />

compared with penetration depth (as generally done in maqneto-<br />

tellurics) then there exists a simple method tc chtain from<br />

C a first approxi.mation of the underl-ying conductivity structure<br />


X X<br />

Let C = g - 5-11. Then a first approximation u (z ) of u(z) is ob-<br />

tained by setting<br />

(2.G8)<br />

This cannot be proved rigorous1.y but the' following arguments are<br />

in favour of it:<br />

1) zX = g can be considered as the depth of the "centre of gravity"<br />

.of the in-phase induced current system.<br />

2) It w ill be shorvn below that z" continuously increases when the<br />

frequency decreases. According to a) its maximum value is 3.<br />

3) For a uniform half-space and K=O we have h = T. I-rence,<br />

X<br />

ax is correct in this case. For perfect conductions u +m since<br />

h+O.<br />

This approximate method performs prrticularly well when there is a<br />

monotone increase in con6uctivi.ty. The following .two figures (P- 24)<br />

illustrate capabilities and limitations of the method.<br />

dl Properties of C in the comul'ex frequency plane<br />

For the following considerations it is useEull to coilsider the fre-<br />

quency w as a comples quan-tity. Then in the coniplex frequency<br />

plane outside the -- positive - imasinar~ .> axis C is an analytical func- --<br />

tion of frequency. - For s proof multiply (2.59) by fX and inteqrate<br />

over z. Then the integration by parts yields<br />

Hence, for w not on the positive imaginary axis f' (0,w) cannot<br />

vanish. There are neither isolated poles nor a dense spectrun of<br />

poles (branch cut).<br />

Division of (2.63) by 1 f ' ( 0,~) 1 yields<br />

We can easily deduce Eroni (2.70) that

The approximate interpretation of C using (2.60). In<br />

the left figure .(monotone increase of conductivity)<br />

the zero order approximation interpretes .the data<br />

already complete1.y. When there is a resistive layer<br />

(left hand) the zero order interpretation needs re-<br />

finement.. In the dott.ed line at the left hand, an<br />

approxj-mate phase of C was used. This approximate<br />

phase has been obtained by differentiation of the<br />

double-logarithmic plot of p a (T) (cf. Eq. 2.771.

AS a consequence of (2.71a,b)Cis also free of zeros outside the<br />

positive imaginary axis.<br />

e) Dispersion rel.ntions .<br />

Because of the analytical properties of C, its.rea:L and imaginary<br />

part are not indepc!ndent functions of frequency. Let wo be a point<br />

in the upper w-plane and L be a closed contour consisting of the<br />

real. axis and a large semi-circle Ln the lower w half-plane.<br />

Then ~wO=w+ic<br />

1 C(u')dwr =<br />

-J<br />

n i L w'-wo<br />

since the integrand.is analytical<br />

in L. Due to (2.6213) the large<br />

semicircle does not contribute w ' -plane<br />

and the contour can he confined<br />

to th.e real axis, tIere &ut wl=x and let DJ~=w+~.E (W real, > 0)<br />

tend to the real axis. T.len<br />

where<br />

1 ' . E<br />

lim - = SIX - w)<br />

r+4-0 " ~~+(x-w)<br />

has been used. f denotes the Cauchy principal value of the integral<br />

1.e.t for real frequeilcies<br />

Here g is an even and h an odd function of frequency, i.e.<br />

g(-w) = ~ ( w ) P h(--w) = -h(~).<br />

This is a consequence of (2.70). lience a separation of (2.72) in<br />

its real a.nd imaginary part yiel-ds

I<br />

~ispersi-on relations I<br />

Dispersion relations of this kind occur in many branches of physics.<br />

They are a direct consequence of the causalLty requirement.<br />

Relations corresponding to (2,73a.,b) exist also for modulus and<br />

phase of C. Due to (2.71a) C is also free of zeros in the lower<br />

frequency halfplane. Hence the function<br />

....<br />

log{ C (w) 1<br />

is analytical there and vanishes for lwl + due to (2.62b). Let<br />

-i+ (w)<br />

C(w) = [ ~ ( w ) l e<br />

(2.74)<br />

and assume w > 0. Then the relation corresponding to (2.73b) is<br />

or introducing the apparent resistrivi.ty from (2.57)<br />

where p = l(~(o). There exists a simple approximate version of<br />

0<br />

C2.75). Integration by parts yields<br />

dlog pa(x)<br />

= - w-xdx<br />

J - ' l o g l ~ ~ l - ,<br />

27r 0 dlog x<br />

-1<br />

or since x loglW - '1 is an integrable function pea1:ed at w=x,<br />

w -1- X<br />

in an approsimate evaluation one may draw out of fhe integral the<br />

term dlogpajdlogx! . Hence<br />

>:=w<br />

where the result

has been used. With T = 2 dlogw=-dlogT. The final result is<br />

W'<br />

Since in general double-logarithmic plots of pa(T) are used, a first<br />

approximation of the phase can immediately be obtained from the<br />

slope of a sounding curve. The degree of accuracy can he asserted'<br />

from two examples given at the<br />

left. True phase in broken<br />

. . lines, approximate phase in<br />

nwe,.' -7<br />

full lines.<br />

The simple approximate method<br />

- - - - -. - -<br />

60' ,..-<br />

4). --__ of inversion described in c)<br />

.<br />

w 80.<br />

'. /'<br />

(<strong>Schmucker</strong>-Kuckes relation)<br />

---.-.wc m.3.<br />

II. ..------,' I,. - ".","rn , combined with the approximation<br />

\<br />

-I<br />

' sis&ivity.<br />

Q. I 1 (2.77) provides an extremely<br />

simple tool to derive a zero<br />

'/ ipL'<br />

,m<br />

Ea<br />

70<br />

!D<br />

100 ,000 IOOo3ar< .-- 1 0,<br />

a '? v-<br />

order app?:oximati.on of the true<br />

conductivity from appa.rent re-<br />

f) Inequalities for the freguencyependence of - C<br />

Cauchys formula is

where L is a positively oriented closed contour enclosing only a<br />

domain where C is analytical and the point w. We choose the par-<br />

ticular contour shown at the left. When the radius of the circle<br />

. .<br />

tends to infinity the circle does<br />

not contribute since C (w) = 0(l/&)<br />

for Iwl+-. Hence the contour can be<br />

confined to both sides of the posi-<br />

tive-imaginary axis. On the right<br />

hand side put w'=ih+~, E >' 0. Then<br />

(2.79) yields<br />

m m<br />

= - 1 Im C(iA+E) dh = a q(?,)dA<br />

liin - r x+iw 71<br />

X+i.w '<br />

E++O 0 0<br />

1<br />

where q(h) = - lim - Im C(iA-*E) > 0<br />

1T<br />

E"+O<br />

in virtue of (2.71h) . Summarizing:<br />

The non-negativity of q(X) has the consequence that C must he a<br />

smooth function of frequency. Again let w be a positive frequency<br />

and 1.et<br />

- C=g-'ih.<br />

DeZining<br />

Df: = w -- df - df - d f<br />

dw dlogw dl.0gT<br />

-<br />

- - --<br />

then the fo1lowLn.g constraints apply

(2.82a1b) simply results when (2.80) is split into real and. imagL- ,<br />

nary; it has already been given above (Eq. (2.61 a,b) ) . (2.83) is<br />

proved as follows<br />

The other constraints are proved in a similar way. There are other<br />

constraints involving second and higher derivatives. In terms of<br />

apparent resistivity and phase $ Rqs. (2,83b1a) read:<br />

The slope of a double-logarithmically plotted sounding curve is<br />

- Dpa/pa. As a consequence of (2.85a,b) we have alvrays<br />

The monotone decrease of the real part of C with frequency is a<br />

consequence of<br />

The following figure shows data (full lines) which are inconsistent<br />

a<br />

on the basis of one-dimensional model., since the constraints (2.83a, b) :<br />

are partly-violated. Then the least corrections to the data are<br />

determined that the inequal-ities are satisfied. Since this is only<br />

a necessa-ry coridition, interpretability is not yet granted.

1 2 3 4 CPD 1 2 3 4 CPD<br />

-<br />

g) Dependence of interpretation - on wave-ru~S7er<br />

The fundamental equation is<br />

By the transformations - 1<br />

z = - tanh(~z)<br />

K<br />

it is transformed into<br />

in such a way that<br />

remains unchanged. Hence any C can first be interpreted by a uni-<br />

- -<br />

form external field (K=o) and the result @(z) is then transformed<br />

to the true conductivity by<br />

- -1 1<br />

o(z) = sech4 (ez) .a (- tan11 (KZ) )<br />

K (2.87)<br />


For this interpretation the condition<br />

1<br />

C(O) ( K<br />

has to be satisfied on C (w) .<br />

An application of (2.87) is given in the following figure*<br />

When K increases attenuation is interpreted<br />

by geometrical dampping at the expense of<br />

electromagnetic damping due to a perfect<br />

conductor.<br />

.3... M.o.del. .cal.c.ul.at.ions. for. .tw,o-.dimension.al. structures<br />

.-- ~- .- ~ ~~<br />

-- -<br />

3. I.' General. 'equations<br />

We are considering now induction prbblems, where both the conducti-<br />

vity structure and the inducing field are independent of one hori-<br />

zontal coordinate, say x. Compared with Ch,. 2, the class of in-<br />

ducing fields has become more restricted, hut the class of ad-<br />

mitted conductivity structures has been enlarged.<br />

For x-independence, Maxwell's equations<br />

are split into two disjoint sets

The TE-mode has no vertical electric field, ?he TM-mode has no ver-<br />

tical magnetic field. In the treatment of the;+? modes the use of<br />

- -<br />

electromagnetic potentials is not necessary since E x and H x can serve<br />

as pertinent potentials. For conciseness let<br />

- -<br />

H: = Hx I E: = Ex (3.4b,a!<br />

Then E and H satisfy the equations ,<br />

In uniform domains both equations. agree. Eq. (3.5b) resembles the<br />

equation of heat conduction in a non-unifor15 heat conductor.<br />

The continuity of the tangential electric and magnetic field components<br />

at conductivity discontinuities leads to the conditions<br />

-- ..<br />

I -1<br />

E, -- continuous :<br />

an<br />

TE<br />

(3.6a)<br />

H, - 1 - aH<br />

continuous : TM<br />

a -<br />

(3.613)<br />

an<br />

- a is the derivative in direction to the normal of the discontinuity.<br />

an<br />

The E- and H-polarization - shores very different patterns. From (3.lb),<br />

(3.2b) follows that Ex is constant in the air half-space (u=o). Hence<br />

the Tbl-mode admits only a quasi.-uniform inducing magnetic field. In<br />

contrast in the TE-mode any two-dimensional inducing magnetic field<br />

is allowed.<br />

Hence, t17.e source terms to he added on the PJKS of (3. I a, b) are<br />

je(y1z) and Ho 6 (z+h),<br />


assuming that the TM magnetic source field j.s due to a uniforrn<br />

sheet current at height z = -h, h > 0. T1lj.s assun~ptj-on, however,<br />

is immaterial for the following.<br />

In the sequel all field quantities are split into a normal and<br />

anoinalous part, denoted by the subscripts "nu and "a" , respectivel-y.<br />

The normal part refers to a one-dimensional conductivity structure.<br />

Let<br />

u(y,zl = un(z) + U,(Y,Z) (3.7)<br />

H(y,z) = Hn(z) + Ha(y,z)<br />

E and H are defined as solutions of the equations<br />

n n<br />

(3.3b)<br />

e<br />

AEn = k2 E + j (3.10a)<br />

n 11<br />

d l d<br />

-(- - 1-1 ) = H z > Or H (0) =<br />

dz ,?2 dz n n ' - n<br />

vanishing for z + m.<br />

In virtue of (3.5a,b), (3.9arb), and (3.103,b) Ea and H satisfy<br />

a<br />

1 d 1. 1 dIln<br />

div (- gradH ) = H a - - - , z > 0<br />

k<br />

a<br />

k * k2 dz -<br />

n<br />

If the anomalous domain is of fin2te extent, E has to vanish uni-<br />

a<br />

forinly at infinity. Under the same condition Ha has to vanish uni-<br />

formly in the lower half-space. At z=o H is zero.<br />

a<br />

If the anomalous domain is of infi.nite extent in horizontal direc-<br />

tion, we can demand only that Ear H +O for z + m.<br />

a<br />

For a numerical solution of (3.11 a) the following three clioices of<br />

a basic dornain are possible (boundaries hatched).<br />

In approach A, (3.11 a) is solved by Finite differences subject to<br />

the boundary condition Ea=O or better subject to an inpedance<br />

boundary collclition (below). In approach B (3.11a) is solved by<br />

finite differences only in the anomal.ous slab. At the ho~izontal<br />

boundaries boundary conditions involicity the normal structure<br />

above and below the slab are applied. I approach C (3.11~~) is re-<br />

duced to an integral equation over the anon~alous domain. These<br />

approaches will now be discussed in details.

i<br />

I Earth<br />

Anomalous<br />

domain<br />

3.2. Air half-space and conductor. as basic domain<br />

(Finite difference method)<br />

For the TE- and TM-mode we have to solve the differential equa-<br />

tions (3.Sa,b), i.e.<br />

with the boundary condltion that the differences E =E-E and<br />

a n<br />

Ha=H-HI> vanish' at infinity. E has to be computed for any given<br />

n<br />

two-dimensional external source field al.ong the lines of Sec.2.3.<br />

The H -field belongs to a uniform external magnetic field.<br />

n<br />

In the finite difference method, the differential operators in<br />

(3.12a,b) are reduced to finite differences. For simplicity a<br />

d<br />

square grid.with grid ~11th h is assumed. Consider the following<br />

configuration of a nodal point 0 and its four neighbours:

Then the evaluation of (3.12a) in uniform subdomains yields<br />

or<br />

E 4-E CE CE - 4Eo = ll2k2E0<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

Within uniform subdomains the same formula qplies to H. Differences<br />

occur if the nodal point 0 is at an interface. Consider as exarrple<br />

a vertical discontinuity:<br />

li<br />

~egio'. I. Region 2<br />

In the absence of region 2 one can write a central difference equa-<br />

tion for E at nodal point O as<br />

where the bracketed superscript indicates the region. In the ab--<br />

sence of region 1 the central difference equation at O is<br />

At the vertical discontinuity we have because of the continuity of<br />

Since also the normal gradient of E is continuous,<br />

The field values E2 (2) and E4 (I) are fictitious and have to be elimi-<br />

nated with the aid of (3.16) and (3.17) fro12 (3.14) and (3.15). The<br />

result is<br />

- where E2 = E2<br />

(1<br />

and E4 Z4<br />


Hence, the conductivity is to be averaged in the TE-case. Now con-<br />

sider the TM-case:<br />

1<br />

The continui.ty of H and 2 dH(dn yields<br />

I , ,<br />

I~(~)=H(~)=II<br />

H;l 1 =KA2) =<br />

H1 -1 0 0 0' -H3<br />

from where we obtain on eliminating 1-1<br />

.2<br />

(1<br />

and H4<br />

Similar formulae hold for a horizontal discontinuity.<br />

The normal values 05 En and Hn are used as starting as initial<br />

values. At the boundaries we have two choices<br />

a) The boundary values are kept fixed, i.e. E = E<br />

n'<br />

b) Or free boundary values are uked as - ieance - boundary condition,<br />

where n is the direction of the -- outward normal.<br />

--<br />

(3.24) is obtained under the assumption that the anomalous fields<br />

diffuses in form of plane waves outwards, a valid approximation only<br />

if the local penetration depth is small compared with the scale<br />

length of coaductivity changes. It performs poorly at edges and in<br />

isolators. However, better then Ea=O.<br />

Eq. (3.24) yields ascondition at the upper edge of the air layer:<br />

aEa(az = 0 Ci.e, constant horizontal magnetic field). '

The iteration is carried out either alonq rows or colums. Generally<br />

the GauO-Seidel iteration procedure is used with a successive over-<br />

relaxation factor to speed up convergence..<br />

3.3. P.nomalous slab as basic domain<br />

In practice it is not necessary to solve the diffusion equation by<br />

finite differences in t.he total conductor and the air half-space.<br />

Instead it is sufficient to treat the equation only in that slab<br />

which contains the anomalous domain.<br />

Let the anomalous slab be confined to the depth range zl 5 z 5 z2.<br />

Within this domain we have to solve the inho3nogeneous equation<br />

(considering for the moment only the TE-case)<br />

subject to two homogeneous boundary conditiolls at z = z and z2,<br />

1<br />

~Thich involve a for z < z and z > z2 respectively and account for<br />

n 1<br />

the vanishing anomalous field for z -t 2 m. Yihen (3.25) is solved<br />

by finite differences, the discretization invol.ves also the field<br />

values one grid point width above and below the anomalous slab.<br />

The idea is to express these values in terms of a line integral<br />

over Ea at z = z and z2 respectively.<br />

I<br />

Let V and V2 be the half-planes z - < zl and z -- > z2, respectively.<br />

~ e G t r [r). 2, r, be Green's functions which satisfy<br />

" "m<br />

(-0 -<br />

subject to the boundary condition<br />

In V and V2, E is a solution of<br />

1 a<br />

Now Green's formula for two-dimensions states that

The RHS i.s a closed line integral bordering the area over which the<br />

LIIS integral is performed. I11 the RHS differentiation in direction<br />

to the outr,?ard normal is involved.<br />

From (3.28) and (3.26) fol.lows<br />

Identi.fying U with GI V with Ea, Eq. (3.29) yields in virtue of<br />

(3.27)<br />

E -<br />

a Q<br />

around Vm<br />

I<br />

r - a an G ( ~ (&IL)ds.<br />

)<br />

Now G'") and its normal derivative vanish at infinity. Hence, only<br />

the part of the line integral along the axis z = z contrihut-.es.<br />

a a m<br />

Por m=? : - a - - m=2 : - a =--<br />

2n az' an az'<br />

Hence,<br />

Because of (3.26) , Eq. (3.30) depends only on the difference y-yo.<br />

Defining<br />

q . (3.30) reads shorter<br />

For a layered structure in Vm, the kernels R (m)' are easily deter-<br />


Let us first consider the case m = 2. Assume that there are L uni-<br />

------ (3 ------<br />

I<br />

z =o form layers below z = z2 with conz=zl<br />

ductivities (3 I' (3 2~ * s t a1,r and<br />

upper edges at z = hlr h2, ..., hL<br />

' (hl = z2). In applications, the<br />

z=z,=h, vertical grid width z - z2 will be<br />

'. 4<br />

' so small that zo is in the first<br />

z=z<br />

o uniform layer. Then a solution of<br />

?=h - -2<br />

,r (3.26) having the correct singu-<br />

U<br />

2 z=h3 larity is<br />

.,<br />

IIowever, the boundary condition (3.27) is not yet satisfied. and the<br />

normal conductivity structure has not yet been taken into account.<br />

To achieve this let in<br />

m . o: (z-z ) -a (z-z )<br />


4.<br />

Having determined B;, the coefficients 6o and 6L are determined<br />

from the fact that the difference between upward (downward)<br />

travelling waves of (3.33a) ar:d (3.33b) at z = zo must be due to<br />

the primary excitation given by (3.32). Hence,<br />

whence<br />

From (3.30~~)<br />

+ --<br />

Since (3.35) involves only the ratio B1(B1, it can be expressed<br />

in terms of the transfer function C'at z = jz2 (cf. (2.64)):<br />

For a uniform half space 13.35) is simply<br />

(2<br />

x . . .~y-y~.,.z~)<br />

1 - -a1 (2-2 ) (zo-z2)k<br />

= ; 1 e O cos~(y-y~)iix= 1 ~ 1<br />

o<br />

. r: - -0<br />

For kl + 0 (isolator) this yields<br />

[ r-r. [. . . . . . .<br />

(kl l_r_-hll

The case m = 1 can be treated in a quite analogue way. If the<br />

d<br />

anomalous slab extens till the surface, i.e. z = 0, the pertinent<br />

1<br />

kernel is easily derived from (3.36a):<br />

(Because of (3.30a) there has been a change of sign. 1<br />

If there are more normal layers (in addition to the air half-space),<br />

the problem is treated as for m = 2, with the air half-space as<br />

+<br />

last (L-th) layer, we have to calculate 6L and hence B; separately.<br />

We can't use C.<br />

The kernels K (m) are nicely peaked functions. The halfwidth is<br />

approximately 2[zm-zo[, i.e. ttrice the vertical grid width. For an<br />

insulator the tails are comparatively long (-l/y2), for a conductor,<br />

an exponential decrease is inferred from (3.36). In general. two<br />

points to the left and the right of the central point will give a<br />

,<br />

satisfactory approximation:<br />

where<br />

h /2<br />

CO<br />

y: 3h /2<br />

'm)=2 i K(~) (u,zo)du, p1 (m)= JY ~(~)(u,z~)du, pp)= K(~)(U,U~<br />

Po<br />

0 3h /2<br />

J2 Y<br />

-<br />

PWi - Pi# C pi = 1, hy = horizontal griqwidth.<br />

(3.38) expresses in any application of the finite difference formu1<br />

the anoma1.ous part of the electric field outside the anomalous slab<br />

in terms of anomalous .field values at the boundary. At the vertical<br />

boundaries the impedance boundary condition (3.24) is applied.<br />

So far only the TE-case has been considered. The TI$-mode can be<br />

handled similarly, taking only the different boundary condition<br />

into account. The approprate formulas can be worked out as an<br />

exercise.<br />


3.4. Anomalous region as basic domain<br />

Inteqral equation method<br />

In the integral equation approach Maxwell's equatiol-Gare transformed<br />

into an integral equation for the electric field over the anomalous<br />

domain. With the usual splitting<br />

o = \ + V a' E = E n + E ~ , k2 = k2 n + k2 a'<br />

we have<br />

or subtracting<br />

AE = k2n + iwv j ,<br />

0<br />

(3.39)<br />

Let Gn be Green's function for the normal conductivity structure, i.e.<br />

AG (r Ir) = ki(g)~~(&l~) - &(L - 5)'<br />

n-o-<br />

G (r [r) can be conceived as the electric, field of a unit line<br />

n -o -<br />

.current placed at % and observed at - r.<br />

Multipl-y (3.41) by Gn, (3.42) by E subtract and intesjrate with<br />

a<br />

respect to - r over the whole space: It results<br />

Greent s theorem (3.29) yields<br />

since Ea and Gn vanish at infinity. Hence, introducing into (3.43)<br />

E instead of Ea,we obtain the integral equation<br />

In (3.44), the inhomogerleous tern En can be computed for a given<br />

normal structure and given external field in a well--known way.<br />

It remains to determine the kernel. G 11 (r -a [r). - It satisfies the reci-<br />

prdcdty relation

i.e. source and receiver are interchangeable. For a proof write<br />

(3.42) for G (r 1 rt ) and a corresponding equation for G (r 1 Y:* ) .<br />

n -a - 1 - -<br />

Multiply these equations crosswise by G (r (r' ) and Gn (rolr' ) , subn-tract<br />

and integrate over the full space. Then the result is ob-<br />

tained on using Green's theorem.<br />

For a sol.ution of (3.44) we have to put a line current at each point<br />

r of the anomalous domain and have to compute the resulting elec-<br />

--O<br />

tric field at each point of this domain replacing its anomaious<br />

structure by the normal conductivity. Assume a rectangular anomalous<br />

don~ain wLth NY cells in. y-direction and iqZ cells in z-direction.<br />

Because of horizontal isotropy the field depends in horizontal d.irec-<br />

tion only on the distance between source axid receiver. Hence, we<br />

need field values only f0r.N.Y horizontal distances. Due to the<br />

layering there is no isotropy in vertical direction. Here we have<br />

to put the line current into the center of each cell. Because of<br />

reciprocity the sorresponding field v.alues have to be calculated<br />

in and below the depth of the source. Hence, for the kernel Gn a<br />

1<br />

total of NY - TNZa(NZ+l) field values has to be calculated.<br />

A second set of kernels is required which transform on using (3.44)<br />

the electrical field in the anomalous domain into the electromagne-<br />

tic surface field for all three components E xr H yr H z . The number of<br />

required kernel data depends on the range where the field is to be<br />

ev~luated.<br />

It remains to calculate G (r ir) for a layered structure. Assume L<br />

n -a -<br />

layers with conductivities oo = 0, al, ...r csL and upper edges<br />

h, ~ 2 ' "'I hL' hL+, - O0.<br />

-<br />

Let the source and observation point be placed in the m-th and p-<br />

layer, respectively, and let in the m-th layer<br />

+ +<br />

6 A-f-(z),<br />

omm<br />

z - < z<br />

0<br />

+ + 6 F3-f (Z),<br />

. Lmm Z > Z - 0

-<br />

6 and 6= can be so adjusted that A: = BL = 1. Since there are no<br />

0<br />

sources in z - < 0 and in z - > zo if z is in the L-th layer,<br />

-<br />

0<br />

= B' = 0. With these starting values the continuity of G and<br />

A. L n<br />

aG /az across interfaces yields the forward and backward recurrence<br />

n<br />

relations<br />

- -<br />

+ + + - 4 -<br />

B-=(l+u /am)qm<br />

m mi- I<br />

Bm,~l+(li-am+l/amlgm Bmtl, m = L-I, ..., 1-1<br />

with<br />

+ +<br />

g-=I /2, g-= (I /2) expf'am (hmtl<br />

0 m<br />

-11 )If m = I, ...f L-I.<br />

In the case )J = L 110 recurrence is required for the B-terms. The<br />

coefficients 60 and 6L are determined from the fact that in (3.46)<br />

the difference in the upward (downward) travelling waves for z -- > zo<br />

and z - < z must be due to the primary excitation given by<br />

0<br />

+ +<br />

where f- = f-(zo). The nominator (including a ) is a Wronskian of<br />

?J u Fr<br />

the differential equation<br />

which is a constant thus ensuring reciprocity. (Proof?)<br />

In applications the anomalous domain is split into rectangul-ar cells,<br />

the electric field is assumed to be constant wlthin each cell. Then<br />

C3.44) reduces to a system of linear equations, which is easily<br />

solved because of its dominant diagonal due to the logarithmic<br />

singularity of the kernels. Either direct elimination or GauB-Seidel<br />

iteration can be applied, the latter being in general quickly<br />

convergent. When E is assumed to be constant withi-n each cell., the<br />

integration over the kernel is easily effected by adding in (3.46)<br />

the factor<br />

4sin (Xhy/2) sinh(a ,h /2) / (XU<br />

* , . 1- z 11 '<br />

_I. r. . . " , _

The integral equation method for the H-polarization case looks<br />

sligh-tly nlore complicated. This is related to the fact that even<br />

for three-dimensional structures Maxiqell's equations l.oo?c simp1.e<br />

when formulated for - E, whereas in the 2-formulation additional gra-<br />

dien'ts of the conductivity arise:<br />

The pertinent equa.tion for H-polarization is (3.5) , i. e.<br />

with the usual splitting<br />

1<br />

div (- gradB) = iwpoH<br />

u<br />

and the additional definitions<br />

the equations for the normal and anomalous part are<br />

and<br />

d l d<br />

-(--- H ) = iwll H , H (o) = H~<br />

dz an dz n o n n ,<br />

1 --<br />

div(pll gradHal = iwpoHa - div(pa gradH)<br />

This equation corresponds to (3.41) for the E-polarization case.<br />

Green's function appropriate to (3.51) is defined as<br />

Physically G can be interpreted as the magnetic field due to an<br />

11<br />

infinite straight line of oscillating magnetic dipoles along the<br />

x-axis.<br />

(3.48)<br />

Multiply (3.51) by Gn and (3.52) by IIa, subtract and integrate over<br />

the whole space. Then

From the generalized Green's theorem<br />

= I ${u - av au<br />

a 11 - v -<br />

an Ids<br />

follows that the LHS of (3.53) vanishes. Applying (3.54) also to<br />

the KHS of (3.53) we obtain, introducing H =<br />

a<br />

N - Hn:<br />

r 7<br />

This is an integral equation for H . It call be cast in a slightly<br />

a<br />

different form, which is particularly suitable for applications<br />

since the high degree of singularity due to a two-fold differentiation<br />

of Gn at - r = r is removed. Because of<br />

-a<br />

div(p a grad~~)=-{iwp~G~-6 (r-r ) 3+pllgradGnegrad (pa/",)<br />

"n - -0<br />

Eq. (3.55) reads alternatively ,<br />

The kernel. of the integral equation consists of two parts. The first<br />

part takes account of the changing concentration of current lines<br />

in anomalous domains. It is a volume effect. The second effect<br />

results from the bending of current lines where conductivity changer<br />

It is essentially a surface effect.<br />

In the case of discontinuous changes in conductivity, which is the<br />

most common assumption, (3.56) needs a slight modification. Assul~c<br />

that the anomalous domain consists of rectangular cells, where the<br />

conductivity is allowed to differ from cell to cell. H is assumed<br />

to be constant in each cell.

Then the discontinuity between cell (i, j) and 1 j contribu-tes<br />

to the integral<br />

It has been used that H and p E are continuous across interfaces.<br />

an<br />

The contributioll frcm the i + i j + I interface is<br />

The integral equation is decomposed into a set of linear equations<br />

for the Ha-values at each cell. The electric fLeld is then obtained<br />

by differentiating (3.56) with respect to the coordinates of E ~ .<br />

-<br />

It remains to calculate Gn. At z = 0 G has to sat.i.sfy the boundary<br />

n<br />

condition of Ha, i.e. Ha = 0, : Gn = 0. The boundary condi.tions at<br />

interfaces are G and(l/cr)a~~/az continuous. Assume aqain L uniform<br />

n<br />

layers with conductivities ol, 02, . . . , and upper edges at<br />

OL<br />

hl = 0, h2, ...I hLI h -<br />

~4.1<br />

- -'.<br />

Let the field in the m-th layer be<br />


and y can again be so adjusted that C; = DL = 1. = 0 for<br />

Yo L - Gn +<br />

z = 0 requires then C = - I, and Gn + 0 for z + m demands DL = 0<br />

1<br />

Starting with these initial values, the boundary conditions yield<br />

the forward and backward recurrence relations<br />

where<br />

c 1<br />

@ = a /a and gn, = - exp{?a -h 1)<br />

~n in m 2<br />

m h m<br />

p is the source layer. There is no recurrence required. for the C-<br />

term if u = 1 and for the D-terms if y = L.<br />

The free factors follow again frorn the source.represcntation<br />

which must account for the difference for upward and downward<br />

travel-ling waves at z = z . Hence,<br />

0<br />

With the present determination of the field Gn satisfies again<br />

the reciprocity relation G .(r Ir) = G (r 1 r ) . (Proof?)<br />

1 -0 n - -0<br />


4. Model calculations. for tl1.r,ee--d~nei~sioi~a1. structures<br />

- -<br />

4.1. Introduction -<br />

In the three-dimensional case the TE- and TM-mode become mixed and<br />

cannot longer be treated separately. Now the differential equation<br />

for a vector field instead of a scalar field is to be solved. In<br />

numerical solutions questions of storage and computer time become<br />

important. Assume as example that in approach A a basic domain with<br />

20 cells in each direction is chosen. In this case, only the storage<br />

of the electric field vector would require 48000 locations. For an<br />

iterative improvement of one field component at least 0.0005 sec<br />

are needed for each cell. This yields 12 sec for a complete itera-<br />

tion, and 20 min for 100 iterations. This appears to be the ].east<br />

time required for this model. Hence methods for a reduction of com-<br />

puter time and.storage are particularly appreciated in this case.<br />

The equation to be solved is<br />

cur1213 - (r) - -t k2 (r) E (r) = - i ~ l(g) i ~ ~ ~<br />

---<br />

where k2.(r) = i~p~c(g).<br />

-<br />

1 (r) is the source current density.<br />

-e -<br />

After the splitting<br />

where E is that solution of<br />

-11<br />

curlZE (r) + k2(r)F, (r) = -impo&<br />

-11 - n--n-<br />

(4.3)<br />

which vanishes at infinity, we obtain for the anomalous field the<br />

two alternative equations<br />

c ~ r l . + ~ k2E ~ = - k2E<br />

-a n-a a<br />

Eq. (4.4a) is the starting point for the volume integral or integral<br />

equation approach, Eq. (4.4b) is the point or-' starting for the sur-<br />

face integral approach.

4.2. In3ral - --- equation method<br />

Let -1 G.(r --a [r), -- i = 1,2,3 be a solution of<br />

cur12c. .-I (r --0 lr)+k2 - n (r)G. - --I (r --0 Ir)<br />

,.<br />

A<br />

- = zi6(g-%), (4.5)<br />

vanishing at infinity. Here, the x. are unit vectors along the<br />

A h -l h A A A<br />

cartesian coordinate axes: x =x, x =<br />

-1 - -2 1, z3 = - 2. 14u'iul&31y (4.5) by<br />

E (r) and (4.4a) by G.<br />

-a - (r I?:) and integrate the difference with re-<br />

-1 -0 -<br />

spect to - r over the whole space. Green's vector theorem<br />

where d-r i.s a volume element, dA a surface element and - 1 the out-<br />

ward normal vector, yields<br />

since and G vanish at infinity. After combining all three compo--<br />

-i<br />

nents and introducing - E instead of E , the vector integral equation<br />

-a<br />

1 -gtg)d~ (4.7)<br />

--<br />

is obtained. Here is Green's tensor being defined as<br />

wj(rJ<br />

% --O<br />

3 3 A h<br />

A<br />

t(r Ir)= C x.G. (r [r)= Z G.. (r .Ir)x: x.<br />

- -1-1 -0 - ir j=1<br />

13 -0 -- -1 -3<br />

i= I<br />

(using dyadic notation). The tensor elements G.. admit a simple<br />

= 7<br />

physical interpretation: Gij (r _o [r) - is the j-th electric field coin-<br />

ponent of an oscillating electric di-pole of unit moment pointlng<br />

in x.-direction, placed in the normal conductivity structure at &;<br />

1 --<br />

the point of observation is - r. Note that the first subscript and<br />

argument refer to the source, the second subscript and argument to<br />

the receiver. Because of the fundamental reci.p~:ocity in electro-<br />

mag~~etl.sm, source and observer parameters axe interchangeable, i.e.<br />

For a proof replace in (4.5) - r by - r', write an analogous equation<br />

for G.(rlrl), multiply cross-wise by G and Gi, integrate the<br />

-3 - - - j -<br />

difference wit11 respect to - r' over the whole space, and obtain (4.9)<br />

on using (4 .G) . Due to (4.9) , the equation (4.7) is alternatj.vely<br />


Eq. (4.7) lnvolves integration over the coordinates of the receiver,<br />

(4.10) requires integration over the coordinates of the source.<br />

The kernel G and the inhomogeneous term Ell of the integral equation<br />

(4.7) or (4.10) depend only on the normal. conductivity structure.<br />

To determine the kernel 9 replace first the conductivity within<br />

the anomalous domain by its normal val-ues. Then place at each point<br />

of.the domain successively two n~utually perpendicular horizontal<br />

and one verti-cal dipole and calculate the resulting vector fields<br />

at each point of this domain. At a first glance the work involved<br />

appears to be prohibitive, but it is sharply reduced by the reci-<br />

prociky (4.9) and the isotropy of the normal conductor in horizon-<br />

tal di.rection. Because of (4.9) , from the elements of Green's<br />

tensor<br />

G G G<br />

xx xy xz<br />

the three elements Gxz , G xy' Gyz need not to be calculated when<br />

G G G is computed. From the remaining six elements G has<br />

zy' yxr zy Y Y<br />

the same structure as G xx' only rotated through 90'. The same re-<br />

lation holds between G and GZx. Hence, there are only the four<br />

z Y<br />

independent elements G G G (say). The particular<br />

XX' yx' GZxr zz<br />

symmetry of the Gxxr Gyx, Gzz-conponent in connection with the re-<br />

ciprocity (4.9) then shows that these components need to be eva1ua.-<br />

ted only for points of observation above source points. Consider<br />

for example a vertical dipole at xo=yo=O, zo. Then (4.9) yields<br />

Because of the isotropy of the conductor in horizontal di.recti.on<br />

(4.11 ) is alternatively written<br />

GZZ (O,O,zOI~,y,~) = GZZ (O,O,Z~-X~-Y~Z~).<br />

Now, GZZ has circular symmetry around the z-axis. Hence,

The element GZx is needed for all z and zo. Assume a rectangular<br />

anomal.ous domain, which is decomposed in-to cells with quadratic<br />

horizontal cross-section. It is sufficient to pose the dipoles in<br />

one corner of the ano&aly in the (x,y)-plane. Then assuming NX, NY,<br />

NZ ce1.l.s in x,y,z-direction the total number of required kernels is<br />

There is still a reduction up to a factor 2 possible, if instead<br />

of the corresponding conponents only some auxiliary functions de-<br />

pending only on the horizontal distance from the sourced are cad-<br />

culated .<br />

The corresponding kernels are inost easily computed using a sepalza-<br />

tion into TE- and Tbl-fields as done ,in Section 1.<br />

Let the normal structure consist of L uniform layers with conduc-<br />

tivities 5 , m = 1, ..., L with upper edges at z = h m = I, ..., L<br />

m in<br />

(h = 0).<br />

1<br />

The Green vector GL satisfies in the m-th layer the equation<br />

tie try a solution in the form<br />

where @ corresponds to the TM-potential and Qi to the TE-potential.<br />

i<br />

According to Sec. 2.1, at horizontal interfaces @ and @ satisfy the<br />

continuity conditions<br />

I<br />

a @<br />

041 =I<br />

I<br />

a$<br />

'4, continuous<br />

There is no coupling between $J and @ across boundari-es. Within<br />

uniform layers, but outside sources 4 and $ satisfy identical<br />

differential equations<br />

-*. 7-'<br />

The behaviour of 4 and $ near source p0i.nt.s can be obtained from<br />

. .<br />

the particular forms, which these functions show in a uniform whole-<br />

space :<br />

-kR<br />

.(r .[r) = (k28ij-a2 jaxiay le<br />

. Gij -a -<br />

'j 4nr\k2<br />

,<br />

~=lr-rl - -a<br />


For a dipole - in z-direction this is equal to<br />

a e-kR A e -kR<br />

G = (k" - - grad-) = - curl2 (z --<br />

4a~k'<br />

since<br />

-kR<br />

A (e-kR/@~r~) ) = lc2e / (4aR) -<br />

-z a~ 4Ta2 - 1 I<br />

Comparison of (4.16) and (4.12) shows that for a whole space<br />

The absence of a TE-potential is clear from physical reasons, since<br />

the magnetic field of a vertical. dipole must be confined to hori-<br />

zontal planes (i.e. no vertical. magnetic field, which can only<br />

be produced by a TE-field).<br />

Using Somrnerfeld's integral, C4.17) is written<br />

The f5.el.d of a horizontal electric dipole (in x-direction, say) has<br />

both an electric and magnetic component in z-direction. Hence, a<br />

TM- and TE-potential are needed. 9 +<br />

Since ,- J%i.<br />

a2 a2 1<br />

a2 e<br />

--kl?. m<br />

-a/ z-z ]<br />

G =-(- + -7) 4Jx=--y - -=-- I I A2e O J~ (Xr)dX cos$<br />

Xz ax2 ay 41~k axaz R 4ak20<br />

and<br />

we have<br />

and from<br />

then follows<br />

xsiqn(z-z )<br />

0<br />

J, (Xr)dXcos$ * sign (z-zo) (4.19)<br />


With this knowledge of the behaviour of $,, @,, QX in the uniform<br />

whole-space, these functions for a layered medium can be easily<br />

obtained.<br />

Let in the m-th layer hm < z < hmt1<br />

where<br />

where<br />

+ -1-<br />

~ ~ A i f i z - < z0<br />

+ -I-<br />

~ ~ B I ~ f i > z o<br />

z -<br />

+<br />

and f-. = (z-h )Il a2 = h2-tk2. Then starting with<br />

n~<br />

_<br />

in n~ m m<br />

- t - + - + -<br />

+ 1, A =O, B =Or BL=l1 C =I, C=O, D =01 D =I.<br />

ko 0 L 0 0 JJ 1,<br />

The boundary conditions(4.13) lead to the recurrence relations

+<br />

m )}(XI g-<br />

. .<br />

where gi = e~pI+-n~(h~+~-h o = I f2 and y is the layer of the<br />

sou-rce. In the case y = L there is no recurrence'required for the<br />

B and D terms. The free factors are determined in the usual way<br />

simply by ccn~paring upwards and dowriwards travelling \,raves at<br />

z -- z taking the source terms (4.18) - (4.20) into accoun-t.<br />

0 +<br />

Dropping the subscript y on , k2 8; I Bi, C' , D', fi for<br />

Fr U' V P U V<br />

conciseness, we obtain from t4,21) and (4.18)<br />

whence<br />

+<br />

where f- meacs ft (zo) . From (4.22) and (4.20) follows<br />

v<br />

whence<br />

Because of (4.19) +x is discontinuous across z = z o . Hence

After having determined Qzr VJ,; @,, Green's tensor G is obtained<br />

from (4.12). Al.so required is the magnetic field in z - < 0. Only<br />

the TE-part of a horizontal dipole' contributes.<br />

Let P (r lr), i = lr2 be the magnetic field at r due to a dipole<br />

-i -0 - -<br />

in x -direction at r . Then in z < 0<br />

i --o -<br />

0<br />

- 1?$) = curl2 (z*.) " 0 = grad a*i .<br />

0 -3. - 1 az<br />

Now the kernels for the integral equation (4.7) are determined a.nd<br />

it remains to discuss how this equation is sol-ved in practice. The<br />

simplest way certainly is to decompose the anomalous d0lr.ai.n into<br />

a set of N rectangular cells and to assume that the el-ectric field<br />

is constant within each cell. Then there results from (4.7) a set<br />

of 31V linear equations for 3N unknown$. The system has the form<br />

where - x is the vector of unknown field components, & the matrix of<br />

coefficients and 5 the given vector of the normal electric field<br />

values. A direct inversion of this matrix is only feasible for<br />

N - < 50 (say), because of the large amount of storage required. Hence<br />

iterative methods must be used in general.<br />

The simpl.est way would be to start an iterative procedure with<br />

x0 = - -. q. This sequence of approximations, however, converyes only<br />

if the eigenvalue of =z5 A with the largest modulus has a modulus less<br />

than 1, a condition which is certainly not satisfied if cr is large.<br />

a .<br />

Better convergence properties shows the GauB-Seidel iterative scheme,<br />

using during iteration already the updated approximation and a<br />

successive overrelaxation factor:<br />

Let the components of - & be aik. Then (4.28) reads

Then a' new approximation to xi is obtained by<br />

1 1<br />

i- I<br />

3N -<br />

new- old,- -- R<br />

new + c aikxk old - x old<br />

xi -x i 1-a. { C<br />

li k=l<br />

aikxk<br />

k=i<br />

i +gi}<br />

The successive overrelaxation factor R - > 1 has to be chosen suitably.<br />

In many cases R = I (i.e. no overrelaxation) is already a good<br />

choice. If the GauB-Seidel method does not converge then one can<br />

apply a s-pectruin displacement technique: As already mentioned,<br />

simple iteration without updating is only convergent, if the largest<br />

modulus of the eigenvalues is smaller than 1. Eq. (4.28) is equi-<br />

valent to .<br />

- - x = (A - al)x - - + ax<br />

- + 5<br />

(4.29)<br />

The iterative procedure (4.30) will be convexgent, if a can be<br />

chosen in such way that the eigenvalues of - B are of 1aodu1.u~ iess<br />

than 1. If A is an eigenvalue of - A then A - 1 is an eigenvalue<br />

of B. - Consider for example the following situation that - A<br />

has negative real eigenvalues from 0 to Amax, lXrnax 1 > 1. Then a<br />

choice of a = - IXmax[/2 is appropriate. The condition<br />

is then satisfied for all eigenvalues A. The requirements which<br />

m has satisfied can be put in that form that a circle around a<br />

has to include all eigenvalues of A - but has to exclude the point<br />

1. The following figure illustrates the case stated above.<br />

This case applies approximately<br />

to the three-dimensional modelli<br />

problem, where at least the<br />

largest eigenvalues are for a<br />

higher conducting insertion to<br />

a good approximati.on negative<br />

real. For a poor conducting in-<br />

sertion the largest eigenvalues<br />

are essentially positive, hut<br />

smaller than 1.

4.3. The surface inteyral approach to the modelling problem<br />

In the surface integral approach, within the anolr[alous slab the<br />

equation (4.4b) , i. e.<br />

cur-2~ + k 2 ' ~ = - k 2 ~<br />

-a .-a a-n<br />

is solved by finite differences or an equivalent method. The re-<br />

quired field values one grid point width above the upper horizontal<br />

boundary at z = z and below the lower boundary at z = zL are<br />

1<br />

expressed as surface integrals in terms of the tangential component<br />

of ga at z = z and z2, respectively.<br />

.<br />

1<br />

~<br />

Le-t V and V2 be the half-spaces z < z and z > z respectively,<br />

1 1<br />

and let S m = 1.2 be the planes z = z . Let C!mi (r r , r E Vm.<br />

mr in -1 -0 - -0<br />

- r E vm U S be a solution of<br />

m<br />

(i=1,2,3; m=1,2) satisfying for - r E S the boundary condition<br />

m<br />

In Vl and V2, Ea is a solution of .<br />

cur12i3 + k2 E = 0<br />

-a n -a<br />

Multiply (4.34) by G!~), (4.32) by E , integrate the difference with<br />

-1 -a<br />

respect to - r over Vm, and obtain on using (4.61, (4.33) and ga + 0<br />

-<br />

for r -t -:<br />

' r E Vm, or in tensor notation<br />

-0'<br />

,<br />

where<br />

E (r) = (-I)~J curl<br />

-a --o<br />

'm<br />

3 ,-.<br />

x.<br />

(m)<br />

curlG. .<br />

-1 -1<br />

A<br />

(r Irl;{z x E (r)}d~<br />

-0- - -a

Eqs. (4.35aIb) admit a representation of the field values outside<br />

the anomalous layer in terms of the boundary values of the con-<br />

tinuous tangential component of E .<br />

-a<br />

A physical interpretation of Green's vector G subject to (4.33)<br />

-i<br />

is as follows: Reflect the normal conductivity structure for<br />

z < z and z > z2 at the planes z = z and z = z and place a unit<br />

1 1 2<br />

dipole in x -direction at r and an image dipole at<br />

i ,. --o " 'm<br />

r' = r + 2 (zm - z0)zI the moment being, the same for the vertical<br />

-0 -0<br />

dipole and the opposite for the two horizonta~l dipoles. Then the<br />

tangential. component of G!") vanishes at z = z and G!~) is a<br />

-1 111' -1<br />

solution of (4.32) for - r E Vm.<br />

Hence, if Vm is a uniform half-space, G (m) is constructed from the<br />

-i<br />

whole-space formula (4.15) . Eq. (4.3'5) then reads :<br />

m<br />

Eaz = (-1) / J? ( ~ {x-x j )E (g)+ (y-yo)Eo<br />

(5) ld~,<br />

ax CIY<br />

'm<br />

where R = [r - - r 1, k2 = iww cr<br />

--O 0<br />

Eqs. (4.36a-c) contain as important subcase the condition at the<br />

air-earth interface (m = 1, zl = 0, k = 0).<br />

0<br />

Because of the limited range of the kernelstin applications of the<br />

surface integral on1y.a small portion of Smm:ust be cocsj.dered.<br />

For Eax and E the contribution of the region nearest to r is<br />

aY -0<br />

most important. Assuming E and E to be cionstant within's sma1.l<br />

ax aY<br />

disc of radius p centered perpendicularly over r the weight from<br />

-0<br />

(4.36a.b) is<br />

where h = lz - zo[ . There is a contributiorr to E onl-y if Ea,, and<br />

m az<br />

E have a gradient along x and y direction kespectively.<br />


F<br />

At the vertical boundaries the condition E = 0<br />

--a<br />

is relaxed to the<br />

impedance boundary condition<br />

A A<br />

kga.t = n x curl zar - n b E =Of<br />

-a<br />

whiere gat is the tangential component and - & the outward normal.<br />

5. Conversion - formulae for a two-dbensional TE-field<br />

5.1. Separation formu1.ae<br />

In this subsection 5.1. it is assumed that the conductivity does<br />

not change in x-direction and that the inducing magnetic field is<br />

in the (y,z)-plane, i.e. the conditions for the E-polarization<br />

case of Sec. 3.1. Then from a knowledge of the H and Hz component<br />

Y<br />

along a profile from -a to +a at z = o it is possible to separate<br />

the magnetic field into its parts of internal and external origin<br />

without having an additional knowledge of the underlying conducti-<br />

vity structure.<br />

The pertinent differential equation is C3.5a), i.e.<br />

which reducing in z - < 0 to<br />

which has the general solution<br />

where A: describes the external and A: the internal part of the fie1<br />

The magnetic field components at z = 0 are (cE. (3.2.3) and (3.3a)):<br />

Let . .<br />

- - - - . .<br />

H =W +H HZ = H i.I.Izi,<br />

Y ye yi' z e

where the subscripts "en and "i" denote the parts of external and<br />

internal origin at z = o.<br />

Further, let the Fourier transform of any one of the above six<br />

- ~ K Y dy.<br />

quantities be<br />

A<br />

1 +m _ H(K) = - J H(y,o)e<br />

2~ -m<br />

Then (5.4a,b) yields<br />

A A A A<br />

H /xZe =.-i<br />

Ye Y 1<br />

sgn (K) , H . /HZi = +isynCK) (5.7alb)<br />

A product between Fourier transforms in the x-domain transforms to<br />

a convolution integral in the y-domain:<br />

Hence we obtain from (5.7aIb1<br />

- . - -.<br />

H =+KxHze, H . = -I< x<br />

Ye Yl Hzi<br />

-. - - .<br />

= - K x H H =+ICxH<br />

'ze ye' z i. .yi<br />

- €*K<br />

Convergence was forced by a factor e . The resulting convolution<br />

integral exists only in the sense of a Cauchy principzl val-ue, i..e.<br />

(5.8a) for example reads explicitly<br />

+m<br />

. -<br />

H (y) = 1 K (~-~)IX~~(TI)~~<br />

Ye -m

The four equations<br />

A A A A<br />

H = i sgn (K) HZe , H = + isign(~) H<br />

Ye Y i z i<br />

A A A A<br />

can easily be solved for H yer Hze' $ir 'zi*<br />

When transformed into the y-domain it results 4<br />

I Two-dimensional separation formulae I<br />

For practisal purpuses these separation formulae are not very con-<br />

venient, since the kernel decays rather slowly requiring a long<br />

profile to determine the internal and external part at a given '<br />

surface point.<br />

5.2. Conversion - formulae for the field components - of a two- -<br />

dimensional TE-fielci at the surface of a one-dimensional structure<br />

For the separation of the magnetic field components no knowledge<br />

of the two-dimensional conductivity structure is required. However,<br />

the conductivity enters if it is attempted to deduce for instance<br />

r<br />

the total ver-tical component of the magnetic field at the surface<br />

from *he corresponding tangential componenk. If the conductivity<br />

structure is one-dimensional, the conversicn between two component.:<br />

can be effected using a convolution integral, where the kernel is<br />

derived from the one-dimensional structure via the trans5er funs-<br />

'?here S([K[,W) is the ratio between internal and external part of<br />

A h<br />

H i.e. H . /H in the frequency wavenuder domain.<br />

Y' Yl yer<br />

From (5.9a-c) the,yarious conversion formuias for the durface com!31<br />

nents can be derived. The following table gives the definition of

the pertinent kernels and their form for two particularly simple<br />

structures. Note that in the case of a vanishing conductor (i.e.<br />

in the examples h -> m, or k + 0) the kerne1.s K- and M have to<br />

agree with the kernels of (5.8a) and (5.8~1, respectively. Tile<br />

function L occurring in the P-kernel of the uniform half-space<br />

2'<br />

model is the modified Struve function of the second order (cf.<br />

Abramowitz and Stegun, p. 498).

6.<br />

Approaches to the inverse problem of electromaqnetic induction<br />

by linearization<br />

6.1. The Backus-Gilbert method<br />

6.1.1. Introduction<br />

The method of Backus and Gilbert is in the first line a method to<br />

estimate the information contents of a given data set; only in the<br />

second line it is a method to solve a linear inverse problem. The<br />

procedure takes into account that observational errors and incom-<br />

plete data reduce the reliability of a solution of an inverse<br />

problem. It is strictly applicable only to linear inverse problems.<br />

Assume that we are going to investigate an "earth model." - m (r),<br />

where m is a scalar quantity which for simplicity depends only on<br />

one coordinate. For the following examples it w ill be chosen as<br />

the distance from the centre of the earth (to be as close aa<br />

possible to the original approach of Rackus and Gilbert). Then in<br />

a linear inverse problem there exist N linear, functionals - ("rules"),<br />

whLch ascribe to m(r) via data kernels G. (r) numbers 7. (m) in the<br />

3. 1<br />

way<br />

a<br />

gi(m) = j m r)Girdr i = I, ..., N. (6.1)<br />

0<br />

The measured values of gi(m) are the N data yi, i = 1, ..., N. The<br />

"gross earth functionals" g. (m) are linear in m, since it is .<br />

1<br />

assumed that the data kernels G.(r) are independent of m. The in-<br />

1<br />

verse problem consists in choosing m(r) in such a way that the<br />

calculated functionals gi agree with the data y The Backus-Gilber.;<br />

i'<br />

method shows how m(r) is constraint by the given data set. Bcfore<br />

going into details let us give an example. Assume that we are<br />

interested Ln the density distribu{:ion of spherically symmetrical<br />

earth, i.e. m(r) = p (r) , and that our data consist in the ?\ass 1.1<br />

and moment of inertia 0. Then<br />


6.1.2. The llnear inverse problem<br />

The data may have two defects:<br />

a) insufficient<br />

b) inaccurate<br />

Certainly in the above problem the two data M and 0 are insufficient<br />

to determine the continuous function p(r). Generally, the properties<br />

a) and b) are inherent to all real data sets when a continuous func-<br />

tion is sought. The lack of data smoothes out details and only<br />

some average quantities are available, the observational error in-<br />

troduces statistical uncertainties in the model. (If we were looking<br />

for a descrete model with fewer parameters than data, then incon-<br />

sistency can arise as a third defect.) Because of the lack of data,<br />

instead of m at r we can obta.in only an averaged quantity ,<br />

0<br />

which is still. subject to statistical incertainties due to errors<br />

in the data. Let<br />

a<br />

< m(ro) > = I A(ro[r)m(r)dr, (6.2)<br />

0<br />

where a is subject to<br />

The latter condition ensures that agrees with m, if m is a con-<br />

stant. A(r ( r) is the window, througlil which the real but unknown<br />

0<br />

function m(r) can be seen. It is the - averaqinq - or resolution Punctio -<br />

The more A at ro resembles a &-function the better is the resolution<br />

at ro. Resolvable are only the projections of m(r1 into the<br />

space of the data kernels Gi. The part of m, which is orthogonal<br />

to the data kernels cannot be resolved. Hence, it is reasonable<br />

to write A as a linear combination of the data kernels<br />

where the coefficients a. (ro) have to be determined in such a way<br />

I<br />

that A is as peaked as possible at ro. The aost obvious choice<br />

would be to minimize<br />

subject to (6.3). For'c~rn~utational ease Backus and Gilbert prefer

to minimize the quantity<br />

a<br />

s = 12 / A2(ro[r) (r-ro)'dr.<br />

0<br />

(6.6)<br />

Since (r-r )2 is small near rot A can be large there. The factor 12<br />

0<br />

is chosen for the fact that if A is a box-car function of width L<br />

1, 0, else<br />

then s = L, i.e. if A is a peaked.function then s in the definition<br />

of (6.6) gives approximately the width of the peak. s(r0) is called<br />

the spread at ro.<br />

We have also taken into account that our measurements y have ob-<br />

i<br />

servational errors Ay i.e.<br />

it<br />

Insertion of (6.4) into (6.2) using (6.1) yields<br />

From (6.7) and (6.8)<br />

and the mean variance is<br />

N<br />

is the covariance matrix of the data errors, which in general is<br />

assumed to be diagonal.<br />

Of course, we would appreciate if the error of m(ro), i.e. E' would<br />

be very small. But also the spread (6.6)<br />

a . N<br />

s = 12 / A' (rolr) (r-ro) ' = C ai (ro) %(rO)s. (rO)<br />

lk<br />

o i., k=l<br />

with a ~ ~<br />

SikCro) = 12 / Gi(r)G -(r) (r-r )'dr<br />

0 k 0<br />


should be small. Hence it required to minimize simultaneously the<br />

quadratic forms<br />

N N<br />

s= C ai% sik 7 c2= C a a E .<br />

i k lk<br />

i,k=l<br />

i , k=l<br />

subject to the condition (6.3), i-e.<br />

There does not ex'ist a set of a. which minimizes s and E' separately.<br />

L<br />

As a compromise only a combination<br />

can be minimized. In (6.15) , c is an arbitrary positive scaling<br />

factor which accounts for the different dimensions of s and E' and<br />

W is a parameter<br />

which weighs the particular importance of s and E ~ For . W == 1 the<br />

spread is minimized without regarding the error of the spatially<br />

averaged quantity . Conversely .for W = 0 the spread s is<br />

large and the error E' is a minimum. Hence, in general there is a<br />

trade-off between resoluti.on - and accurac~, which for a particular<br />

is shown in the following figure.<br />

ro<br />

EZ max<br />

E'<br />

2 -- - -L ---min<br />

I<br />

W=O<br />

I --<br />

s<br />

S<br />

min max<br />

Near s = s . the trade-off curve i.s rather steep. Hence, a small<br />

m m<br />

sacrifice of resolving power will largely reduce the error of the<br />

.average . This uncertainty relation between resolution and<br />

accuracy is the central point 05 the Backus-Gilbert procedure.<br />

, S

It remains to show a way to minimize Q, subject to (6.15). The way,<br />

however, is well-known. One simply intrsduces as (N+1 )-st unknown<br />

a Lagrangian parameter X and minimizes the quantity<br />

a<br />

Q' = Q + h (Cai~li - 1 ) , ui = / Gi (r)dr (6.16)<br />

0<br />

The differentiation of (6.16) with respect to the (N4-1) unknowns<br />

yields the (N+1) linear equations<br />

where Qik = W Sik + (l-W) c Eik.<br />

This system of equations is easily solved. The meaning of X is<br />

revealed by multiplying (6.17a) by ak, adding and using (6.17b)<br />

and (6.15) . It results<br />

In the case W = 1, we have X = -2s. With a knowledge of a (roll<br />

i<br />

is obtained from (6.8) with gi = y. and E' from (6.9).<br />

3-<br />

When is inserted in (6.1) instead of m(r) , it w ill in<br />

general not exactly reproduce the data.<br />

The minimization (6.15)<br />

N<br />

subject to the constraint C aiui = 1 admits for two data (N:=2)<br />

i=1<br />

a simple geometrical interpretation: For constant s and E' these<br />

positive definite quantities are represented by ellipses, the con-<br />

straint is a line in the (al,a2)-plane. For uncorrelated errors,<br />

the principal axes of E~ are the al and a2 axis.<br />

hT1a W varies from 0 to 1 the combinatiomof (al ,a2) on the fat<br />

line are obtained. s and. E' are determined from the ellipses<br />

throughthese points,Sj-nce all s-(~~)-elli~ses are similar, s and^<br />


are proportional to the long axes of these ellipses.<br />

6.1.3. The nonlinear inverse problem<br />

The Backus-Gilbert procedure applies only to linear inverse<br />

problems, where according to<br />

a<br />

the gross earth functionals gi have the property that<br />

This means for instance that the data are bui1.t up in an aclditive<br />

way from different parts of the model, i.e., that there is no<br />

coupling between these parts. This certainly does not hold for<br />

electromagnetic inverse problem, where each part of the conductor<br />

is coupled with all other parts.<br />

In nonlinear problems the data kernel Gi(r) will depend on m. Here<br />

it is in general possible to replace (6.18) by<br />

.<br />

a<br />

gi.(mr)-gi~m)=f(m'(r)-m(r))~i(x,m)dr + ~(m'-m)~, (6.18a)<br />

0<br />

where m and m' are two earth models. The data kernel Gi(r,m) is<br />

called the Fr6chet derivative or functional derivative at<br />

model m.

Agai-n, from a finite erroneous data set we can extract only averaged<br />

estimates with statistical uncertainties, i.e.<br />

As in the linear case A(r Ir) is built up from a linear combination<br />

0<br />

of the data kernels<br />

N<br />

A(rolr) = C a. (rorm)Gi(ro,m).<br />

i= 1 I<br />

Introducing (6.1 9) into (6.20) we obtain<br />

which for nonlinear kernels is different from (6.8) , since i.11 this<br />

nonlinear case gi (m) qi (m) .<br />

In the linear case, two models m and m' which both sa.tisfy the<br />

data lead to the same average model in1 (r ) >. In the nonlinear case,<br />

0<br />

the average models are different; the difference, however, is of<br />

the second order in (m' -m) . (Exercise! )<br />

The Backus-Gilbert procedure in the nonlinear case requires a model<br />

which already nearly fits the data. Then it can give an appraisal<br />

of the inforn~ation contents of a given data set.<br />

6.2. Generalized - matrix inversion<br />

The generalized matrix inversion is an alternative procedure to<br />

the Backus-Gilbert method. It is strictly applicable only to linear<br />

problems, where the model under consideration consists of a set of<br />

discrete unknown parameters. Nonlinear problems are generally<br />

linearized to get in the range of this method. Assume that we :mnt<br />

T<br />

to determine the M component parameter vector p with - p = (plr...,pb5:<br />

and that we have' N functidnalr, (rules) g. i = 1, . . . , N which<br />

1'<br />

assign to any model E a number, which when measured has the average<br />

value y . and variance var (y . ) :<br />

1 1

Suppose that an approximation & to p is known. Then neglecting<br />

terms of order 0 (E - %) ', we have<br />

. Eq. (6.22) constitutes a system of N equations for the M parameter<br />

changes pk - pko. The generalized matrix inversion provides a so-<br />

lution to this system, irrespective of N = M, N < M, or N > M. If<br />

the rank of the system matrix agi/apk is equal to Min (M, N), the<br />

generalized matrix inversion provides in the case M = N (regular<br />

system): the ordinary solrition,M < N (overconstrained system): the<br />

least squares solution,M > N (underdetermined system): the<br />

smallest correction vector p - %.<br />

The generalized inverse exists also in the case when the rank of<br />

agi/apk is smaller than Min(M, N).<br />

After solving the system, the correction is applied to and this<br />

vector in the next step serves as a new approximation to p, thus<br />

starting an iterative scheme.<br />

It is convenient to give all data the same variance ci2 thus<br />

0'<br />

defining as new data and matrix elements<br />

thus weighing in a least squares solution the residuals according<br />

to their accuracy which makes sense. Let<br />

be the parameter correction vector. Then (6.22) reads<br />

corresponds to the data kernels Gi(r) in the Backus-Gilbert<br />

theory). In the generalized matrix inversion first G - is decomposed<br />

into data eigenvectors u and parameter eigenvectors v :<br />

-1 -j<br />

G = U A<br />

T<br />

~<br />

(6.26)<br />

- =--

Here lJ - is a N x P matrix containing the P eigenvectors belonging<br />

to non-zero eigenvalues of the problem<br />

and 1 - is a M x P matrix with the P eigenvectors of the problem<br />

associated with non-zero eigenvalues. P is the rank of 5. - Finally<br />

= A is a P x P diagonal matrix containing just the P nonzero eigenvalues<br />

X . Then the generalized 'inverse of G .- is<br />

j<br />

- H always exists. In the cases mentioned above, - g specializes as<br />

follows<br />

For the proof one has to take into account that because of the<br />

orthogonality and normalization of the eigenvectors one al.ways has<br />

and in addition for<br />

T v v = I (=P-component unit matrix)<br />

=== = (6.30a)<br />

P<br />

For P < Min(M,N) H - cannot be expressed i3 terms of G. -<br />

The generalized inverse provides a solution vector<br />

- -<br />

< x > = H y .<br />

Its relation to the true solution - x is given by<br />

.=_Ax, -- -<br />

where - A is the (M x 21) resolution matrix

- Only for P M, _A - is the M component unit matrix, admitting an<br />

exact determination of - x. (A corresponds approximately to the resolution<br />

function A (ro 1 r) in the Backus--Gilbert theory. But there<br />

are differences: - is symmetrical, A(s[r) not, the norm of A - is<br />

small if the resolution is poor, the norm of A(ro[r) is always 1. )<br />

In generalized matrix inversion exists the same trade-off as in the<br />

Backus-Gilbert method. Cbnsider the covariance matrix of the change:<br />

of.< - x > due to random changes of x:<br />

In particular the variance of is<br />

P . Vk<br />

var (x ) = a2 ZI (3)<br />

Z ,<br />

j=l j<br />

k 0 k = 1,2, .:., M<br />

showing that the variance of xk is largely due to the small eigenvalues<br />

X By discarding small eigenvalues and the corresponding<br />

j'<br />

eigenvectors, the accuracy of x can be increased at the expense<br />

k<br />

of the resolution, since A - will deviate more from a (M x M) unit<br />

matrix if instead of the required M eigenvectors a smaller number<br />

is used. -<br />

The model will in general not.reproduce the data. The repro-<br />

duced data are<br />

= G - - =GWy - - =Ex -<br />

with the information density matrix<br />

T - B=GH=LJQ. - - - -<br />

(6.36)<br />

. . Only in the case N = PI 2 is a unit matrix. In particular, B -<br />

describes the linear dependence of the data in the overconstrained<br />

case. High diagonal values will show that this date contains<br />

specific information on the model which is not contained in other<br />

data. On the other hand a large off-diagonal value shows that this<br />

information is also contained in another data.<br />

Valuable insight in the particular inverse problem can be obtained<br />

by considering the parameter eigenvectors corresponding to high and

small eigenvalues. The parameter vector of a high eigenvalue shows<br />

the parameter combination which can be resolved well, the parameter<br />

eigenvector of a small eigenvalue gives the combination of para-<br />

meters for which only a poor resolution can be obtained.<br />

The generalized inverse is used both to invert a given data set and<br />

to estimate the information contents of this data set when the<br />

final solution is reached.<br />

hring the inversion procedure one has two too1.s to stabilize the<br />

notable unstable process of linearization:<br />

a) application of only a fraction of the con~puted parameter correc--<br />

tion, leading to a trade-off between convergence rate and sta-<br />

bility;<br />

b) decrease of number of eigenvalues taken into account.<br />

In the final estimation of the data contents one might prescribe<br />

for exh parameter a maximum variance. Then one has to determine<br />

from (6.35) the number of eigenvalues leading to a value nearest<br />

to the prescribed one. Finally the row of the resolution matrix<br />

for this particular parameter is calculated.<br />

6.3. 'mri.vation of the kernels for the linearized inverse problem<br />

of electromagnetic induction<br />

6.3.1. The one-dimensional case<br />

Both for the Backus-Gilbert procedure and for the generalized linear<br />

inversion a knowledge of the change of the data due to a small<br />

change in the conductivity structure is required.<br />

In the one-dimensional case the pertinent differential equation and<br />

datum are<br />

, flr(z,w) = I K ~ + iwp0o(z)}f (zrw)<br />

Consider two conductivity profiles o and o with correspondicg<br />

1 2<br />

fields fl and f2. Multiplying the equation for fl with f2 and the<br />

equation for f2 with flr subtracting the resnltinq equations and<br />

-<br />

integrating the difference over z from zero to infinity, we obtain<br />

.I (f;'f2 - f:fl)dz = iwp o 1 (ol-cr2)flf2 dZ<br />

0 0

Now<br />

m<br />

Division by f !, (0) :f; (0) yields<br />

If the difference 60 = a - o is small, f2 in the integral may<br />

2 I<br />

be replaced by fl, since the difference f2 - fl is of the order<br />

of 60 = a2 - o leading to a second order term in 6C = C2<br />

1'<br />

- C1.<br />

Hence to a first order in 6s<br />

m<br />

6C(w) = - iwp l6a(z){ f (z,w) 12 dz<br />

O 0 f' (0,~)<br />

Therefore in the Backus-Gilbert procedure the FrGchet derivative<br />

of C is -iwpb{f(~)/f'(o)}~. In the generalized inversion the deri-<br />

vatives of C with respect to layer conductivities and layer thick-<br />

nesses is required, if a structure with uniform layers is assumed.<br />

Let there be L layers with conductivity am and thickness d in<br />

m<br />

the m-th layer, h < z 2 hm+l (hL+l = -).<br />

m - Then (6.38) yields<br />

since in the last case all layers below the m-th layer are dis-<br />

placed too.'<br />

' '6':3 :2 : Pa,rt?al - derivatives in two- and 'three-dimensions<br />

For two-dimensions only the E-polarization case is considered. The<br />

pertinent equation is (cf . (3.5a) )<br />

AE = iwp a E .<br />

0<br />

Considef again two conductivity structures a and a2.<br />


Then<br />

- 77 -<br />

A(E2 - E ) = iwu U (E -E ) + iwc (G -U )E2<br />

1 0 1 2 1 0 2 1<br />

Let GI (r' - [r) - be Greent s function for u i.e.<br />

1'<br />

- and (6.40) by GI (r' I:), integrate<br />

Multiply (6.41) by E2(r1) - El (rr)<br />

the difference with respect to - r.' over the whole (y,z)-plane. Then<br />

Green's theorem (3.29) yields<br />

With the same arguments as in the one-dimensional case we obtain<br />

for small conductivity changes, neglecting second order terms,<br />

i I<br />

The kernel G(rt - [r) - must be determined from the solution of the<br />

integral equation<br />

-<br />

i-<br />

G(rl[r) - - = G ( r r - f ua(rn)Gn(r'[r")~(r"[r)d~"<br />

n- - o - - - - -<br />

Eq. (6.44) results from (6.42) by replacing<br />

This substitution becomes possible, since the 6-function in the<br />

Green's function equations drops out when the difference A(EZ-El)<br />

is formed.<br />

The changes of the magnetic field components are obtained from (6.43<br />

and (6.44) by differentiation with respect to - r. - Methods for the<br />

computation of Gn(rtlr) - - are given in Sec. 3.4.<br />

In the three-dimensional case one obtains in analogy to (6.43) and<br />

(6.44)<br />

where ?is competed by solving the tensor integral equation<br />

(6.44)<br />

Again the magnetic field kernels are obtained by taking the curl<br />

of (6.45) and (6.46) with respect to - r. Methods for calculatincj /.<br />

are given in Sec. 4.2. At the moment, three-dimensional inversion 6<br />

appears to be prohibitive!<br />

-<br />


6.4. Quasi-linearization - of the one-dimensional inverse problem<br />

of electromaqnetic induction (Sc1~mucl:er's PSI-alqorithm)<br />

In the one-dimensional problem it is possible to a certain extent<br />

to linearize the inverse problem by introducing new suitable parameters<br />

and data instead of the old ones.<br />

Assume a horizontally layered half-space with L layers having conductivities<br />

u , , . u and thicknesses d<br />

L 1' d2' ..-, dL-l<br />

CdM = m). Let the upper edge of layer m be at z = h and assume<br />

m<br />

that layer conductivLties and thicknesses satisfy the condition<br />

Let k = q. Then the pertinent equation for a quasi-uniform<br />

m<br />

external field is<br />

The transfer function is, as usual,<br />

C(w) = - f,(o)/£;(o) .<br />

Introduce instead of f the new function<br />

m<br />

In the TE-case f and ff are continuous across boundaries, i.e.<br />

As a consequence of (6.48) and<br />

(6.49) + is discontinuous across<br />

boundaries:<br />

'?<br />

z=h<br />

m<br />

The variation of. £ in the m-th layer is<br />

m<br />

. .<br />

-k (z-h )<br />

m<br />

fm(z) = A; e +<br />

+km ( z -hm)<br />

~ m + e<br />


whence<br />

2k d -2k d<br />

where a = CA:(A;)~ mm, y=e . m m<br />

I +a<br />

log t-) I -ay<br />

I +a<br />

log (-) I -a<br />

Because of the condition (6.47), y is independent of m.<br />

The quantity la[ is the ratio between the reflected and incident<br />

wave at z = h . Due to the conservation of energy the amplitude<br />

mi 1<br />

of the reflected wave is never larger than the amplitude of the<br />

incident wave. Hence,<br />

i Equality applies to a perfect conductor or insulator. For (a[

Introducing the new transfer function<br />

where u is an arbitrary reference conductivity, we obtain by con-<br />

0<br />

tinued application of (6.53)<br />

.(To "1<br />

= log - + y log - + y a2(h2)<br />

1 O2 .<br />

0 G u<br />

0 1<br />

2<br />

= log - + y log & + y2 log ;;- + y2 Q3(h3)<br />

"1 2 3<br />

L y(w) = (y-I) C ym-I<br />

m<br />

L- 1 0 o<br />

L-<br />

log - - y<br />

I L<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . .<br />

m=l. 0 0<br />

log -,-<br />

In the derivation of (6.55) it has been used that (hL) = 0. Eq.<br />

L<br />

(6.55) is the desired result: it expresses the new data y(w1<br />

linearly in terms of the new model parameter log(o/cro).<br />

, When (6.55) is used for the solution of an inverse problem, one<br />

chooses first an arbitrary oo, and prescribes the constants<br />

c/a m o<br />

d<br />

m<br />

and L. If the occuning conductivity contrasts are not too<br />

sharp, the inversion of (6.55) will already give good estimates<br />

for the layer conductivities. For these estimates the correct<br />

,<br />

response values are calculated, and with the difference between<br />

the data and these values the inversion of (6.55) is repeated,<br />

giving corrections Alog(u /o ) to the previous outcome. At the<br />

m o<br />

end of the iteration procedure, the true thicknesses of the layers<br />

are calculated using (6.47). The errors of u are finally transm<br />

formed into the errors of d . m

.<br />

7. Basic concepts of geomagnetic and magnetotelluric depth sounding<br />

.<br />

. 7.1. . General characteristics of the method<br />

Two types of geophysical surface data can be distinguished to in-<br />

vestigate the distribution of some physical property m(g) of matter<br />

beneath the Earth's surface. The first type is connected with<br />

static or quasi-static phenomena (gravity and magnetic fields), the<br />

second type with time-dependent phenomena (seismic wave propagation)<br />

or with controlled experiments under vartable experimental con-<br />

ditions (DC-geoelectric soundings). Geomagnetic and magnetotellur7ic<br />

soundings utilize the skin-effect of transient electromagnetic<br />

fields. Their penetration into the Earth represents a time-depen-<br />

dent diffusion process, thus the observation of these fields at<br />

the surface produces data of the second type.<br />

The interpretation of static data y = y(R) ...- is non-unique alld an<br />

arbitrary choice can be made among an unlimited number of possible<br />

distributions m(r), - explaining y(R) - equally well. The interpretation<br />

of transient data is with certain constraints unique in the<br />

sense that oniy - one distribution m(r) - can explain the surface data<br />

y = y(R,t), basically because opeadditional variable t (time,<br />

variable parameter of controlled experiment) is involve?,<br />

If the observation of the transient process or the perforrfiance of<br />

the experiment is made at .a single site, the data y '= .~(t) permit<br />

a vertical sounding of the property m = 'm(z), assumed to be a sole<br />

function of depth z beneath that site, If the observations or ex-

'periments are done with profiles or arrays, the data y = y(R,t)<br />

permit a structural sounding of the property m = F(z) + Am(r)<br />

with particular emphasis on lateral variations Am(2).<br />

- .<br />

Here m(z) represents either a global or regional mean distribution.<br />

It may also be the result of vertical soundings at "normal sLtesn<br />

wheqzthe surface data show no indications for lateral variations<br />

of m. Since the dependence of y(R,t) - on m(r) - will be non-linear,<br />

anomalies Ay(R,t)<br />

and<br />

-<br />

-. = y(R,t) - yn(t) will be dependent on Am -<br />

m(z) , i.e. the inierpretation of. second-type -data must proceed on<br />

the basis of a known mean or nornlal distribution F(z) consistent<br />

with data yn("c at a normal site. It should be noted that in the<br />

case of static data of the first type usually no ii~terdependence<br />

between Ay and will exist, i.e, the interpretation of their<br />

anomalies is gependent of global or regional mean distributions<br />

of the relevant property n.<br />

Suppose that for data of the second type the lateral variations<br />

bm(r) - are small in relation to G(z). Then the results of vertical<br />

soundings at many different single sites may be combined to -<br />

approximate a structural distribution m = m + Am. For geomagnetic<br />

induction data the relevant property, namely the electrical. re-<br />

sistivity has usually substantial lateral variations and a one-<br />

dimensional intezpretation as in the case of vertical soundings<br />

will not be adequate. Instead a truly multi-dimensional inter-<br />

pretation of the data is required which is to be based on "normal<br />

data" at selected sites (cf. 8.2). Such normal sites are her@ rather<br />

the exception than the rule.<br />

7.2 The data and physicai properties of internal matter which<br />

are involved<br />

The Earth's magnetic field is subject to small fluctuations g(rtt).<br />

.<br />

They arise from primary sources in the high atmosphere and from<br />

seconda-y sources within the Earth. At the Earth's surface their '<br />

r. amplitude is<br />


orders of magnitude smaller' than the clu'asi-stntic main field.<br />

Their depth of ~enetration into the Earth is limited by the "skin-<br />

4Z.L<br />

effect", i.e. by opposing action of electromagnetically induced<br />

eddy currents in conducting matter below the surface . These<br />

currents produce the already mentioned secondary component of H.<br />

They are driven by the eLectric field - E(r,t3 generated by the<br />

changing magnetic flux according to Farad y 's induction law (cf.<br />

7,3), The the-fluctuations in - Fi are referred to "geomagnetic' variations,<br />

those in - E as geo-electric .or "telluric" variations.<br />

The connection between - ti and - E is established by three phy~icai<br />

properties of internal matter: the conductivity a (or its recipro-<br />

cal the resistivity p), the permeability p asid the dielectric con-<br />

stant E. The permeability of ordinary rocks 2s very close to unity<br />

and the approxirnat5,on p = 1 is adequate. The rnagnetic erfect of<br />

displace~~ent durrents which is proportional to E can be neglected<br />

within the earth (cf, Sec. 7.31, leaving the conductivity a as<br />

,the sole prope-i+~':c~nnecting 2 and K. Bcth fzelds tend to zero At<br />

sufficiently great depth, the skin-depth . -<br />

being a characteristic scale length for the depth of penetration<br />

of an oscillatory field exp(iwt) lnto . a . medhm of, resistivity p.<br />

. Geomagnetic induction data are usually presented in terms of trans-<br />

fer functions which connect as -functions of frequency and locations<br />

certain components of - E and - Ii. Examples are the imagneto-telluric<br />

transfer functions:between the tansentidl components 15 C-el I+<br />

and the magnetic transfer functions between the vertical and hori-<br />

zontal conponents of H only. These transfer functions form input<br />

data for - magneto-telluric - and - geomagnetic - depth soundings,<br />

..abbreviated NTS and GDS. . ,<br />

C.<br />

i4otations and units. Rectangular coordinates (x,y,z) are used with<br />

2 positive down. If x is towards local rlagnetic north and y towards<br />

local rnagnetic east, the f ollor~ing<br />

notations of the magnetic and<br />

. .<br />

electric field components are common:<br />


The vertical magngtic component HZ is usually simply denoted as Z.<br />

kn<br />

All equations are SI-units, but for H - the tradional geomagnetic<br />

unit ly = GauA may be quoted. A convenient unit for the<br />

telluric field is (mV/km). The magneto-telluric transfer function<br />

between (Ex,E ) and (Hx,H ) will'have in these units the dimension<br />

Y Y<br />

'{mV/km]/y with the conversion<br />

to SI-units. Measuring the period T = 2s/w of time-harmonic field<br />

variations in seconds,<br />

1<br />

p = - km,<br />

2-<br />

if T is measured in hours,<br />

p = 30.2 fi. km,<br />

the unit of p being in either case (am); po = 4s 10'~ volt sec/<br />

. .<br />

Ampin.<br />

7.3 Electromagnetic wave propagation and diffusion through<br />

uniform domains<br />

Consider a volume V for which the physical properties ~,E,u are<br />

constants. Then - E and - H are non-divergent within V and connected<br />

by Maxwell's field equations (. = .a/at)<br />

.... .<br />

rot E = -ppo H, ,<br />


Elimination of - E or .,. H yields a second<br />

.<br />

order partial.differentia1<br />

equation .<br />

. V- 2 ~ = pllo(oF - + E E ~<br />

where - F denotes either the electric or the magnetic field vector<br />

(div - F = 0). This equation can be interpreted as a wave equation<br />

or as a diffusion equation, depending on the fastness of the field<br />

variations in relation to the decay time<br />

of free electric charges within V.<br />

. .<br />

Let w be the angular frequency of harmonic field variations., i,e.<br />

- - - -<br />

F = iwF and F = -w~F, Then the basic differential equation is<br />

conveniently written as a wave equation<br />

for WT >> 1 and as a diffusion equation<br />

0<br />

for w~~

the surface. Only near certai-n sulfidic ow-veins the "effective"<br />

decay time T may be in the order of fractions of seconds due to<br />

0<br />

induced polarisation and the propaga-tion terrrt may not be necessarily<br />

small against unity.<br />

The air just above the ground nas'a resistivity in the order of<br />

loi4. Qm, yielding a time constant T of about 10 minutes, Hence,<br />

0<br />

fast fluctuations "propagate"<br />

><br />

while slow variations "diffuse"<br />

.from their ionospheric sources to the Earth's surface,<br />

For geomagnetic soundings only the field at and below the Earth's<br />

surface matters, regardless how the primary field reaches the<br />

surface. It is necessary, however, to make --- one definite assumption -<br />

about the nature of the primary field in the following sense:<br />

Non-di'.'ergent vector fields such as .... E and - H 5n uniform domains<br />

can be decomposed into two parts<br />

-<br />

F = fI +<br />

ZI1<br />

* 6<br />

- -<br />

= rot(rT) + rot ro't(rsS)<br />

h<br />

where - r denotes a unit vector in some specified direction, here<br />

the z-direction. T and S are scalar Cunctions of position, It is<br />

readily seen that the so-called "toroidal" part fI is orthogonal<br />

A<br />

to 2, i.e, in tne here considered case XI is tangential to planes<br />

z = const. The remaining so-called "poloidaln' part zII of F has<br />

three components:<br />

rF"<br />

\ I<br />

VI /<br />

\ \ 1 1 / r<br />

Let now PI and gII be a "toroidal" and a "poloidal" diffusion<br />

vector, both satisfying<br />

V'P - = iwpoo(l +. T~)I',<br />

from which the toroidal and poloidal parts of .-. H are derived by<br />

definition as follows:<br />


Observing that<br />

rot pot rot g = - rot(~'p-~rad - divP) - = -iwp o a rotg, the electric<br />

vectors follow then from Maxwell's field equations as<br />

2i<br />

P<br />

E = - rot rot PI; E<br />

-I -I I<br />

= rot PII. '<br />

p2 i(l-ki)<br />

Since the field which is derived from PI has a - tangential ~agnetic<br />

field, it is termed the "TM-mode" of the total field, The field<br />

derived from PII , on the other hand, has a - tangential electric<br />

field and represents the "TE-mode" of the total field.<br />

Suppose that the conductivity is a sole function of depth, o = a(a),<br />

and therefore the diffusion vector vertical ?ownward: - P = (O,O,PZ).<br />

Let Pz be in planes a = const. a harmonic osci.llaCing function<br />

of x and y with the "wave numbers" kx and k Y in x and y-direction:<br />

Then<br />

p(r)<br />

ik . x : po(z) -e - - with - - = (k,,k Y ), ij. (",s?*<br />

rot g = (ik -ikx,O) Pa<br />

Y'<br />

rot rot - P = (ikx/C, iky/C, ]klz) PZ<br />

1 =. ap0/az<br />

where - C and lk1<br />

0<br />

= k:. + k2, It can be shown that C is<br />

Y<br />

a scale length for the depth of penetration of the field into the<br />

uni.form domain. Insert now rot - P and rot rot P into the equations<br />

, . as given above and obtain the following relations between field<br />

components setting wro=O:

Since CI and CII cannot be zero for a finite wave number lkl, TM-<br />

modes will have in the here considered quasi-stationary approxi.ma-<br />

tion zero magnetic fields in nonconducting matter as in air above<br />

the ground. Hence, the existence of TM-modes within the primary<br />

field cannot be ruled out by magnetic observations,sj.nce it' w i l l<br />

be seen above the ground only in.the vertical electric field EZ,<br />

provided that this vertical. electric field i.s not due to local<br />

anomalies of the secondary induced field (s, below), In reality<br />

J<br />

the detection of a primary EZ will be nearly impossible because<br />

changes of the vertical electric field due to changing atmospheric<br />

conditions appear to be orders of magnitude greater than those<br />

connected with ionospheric sources, Therefore it is an ---<br />

assumption<br />

that the primary fields in geomagnetic induction studies are TEfields<br />

.<br />

In that case the secondary induced field above and within a layered<br />

substructure cs = cs (z) is likewise a TE-field. The sum of both<br />

n<br />

fields w i l l be referred to as the "normalt1 field H and E for the<br />

-n -n<br />

considered substructure. Its depth of penetration is characterized<br />

by the response function CII = C which according to the basic re-<br />

n<br />

lations given 'above can be derived from the magneto-telluric "im-<br />

pedance" of the field<br />

-<br />

E E<br />

nx = - 3 = iwPocn<br />

H<br />

ny Hnx<br />

or from the geomagnetic ratios<br />

(MTS=magneto tclluric sounding)<br />

H H<br />

. --.. nz - . v<br />

1kxCn , = ik C (GDSrgeomagnetic depth<br />

H<br />

Hnx nY Yn sounding)<br />

Suppose the internal resistivity is within a limited range also<br />

dependent on - one horizontal coordinate, say x:<br />

u =.un(z)'+ aa(y,z).<br />

Now a local anomaly H~(~,Z) and Ea(y,z) w i l l appear within the<br />

secondary field.

Two special types of such anomalies can be distinguished. If the<br />

electric vector of .the primary fields is linearly polarized in<br />

x-direction, i.e.<br />

and consequently<br />

E = (E , 0, 0)<br />

-n nx<br />

H = (0, H , Hnz),<br />

-n nY<br />

the anomaly has an electric vector likewise only in x-direction:<br />

because the flow of eddy currents will not be changed in direction.<br />

Hence, the anomalous field is a TE-field -<br />

This polarisation of the primary field vector is termed 3ol.arisati<br />

If the electric vector of the primary field is 1inearl.y polarised<br />

in y-direction, the normal field is<br />

and consequently<br />

E = (0, Eny' 0)<br />

-n<br />

H = (H 0, 0)<br />

-n nx'<br />

provided that its depth of penetration is small in comparison to<br />

its reciprocal wave number, yielding H = 0. Only with this con-<br />

the n z<br />

straint is flow of eddy currents to vertical planes<br />

x = const. and the resulting anomalous field w i l l be a TM-fie1.d -<br />

with zero magnetic field above the ground:<br />

E = (0, E<br />

-a ayy Eaz)<br />

H = (Hax, 0, 0).<br />

-a<br />

This pola.risation .of the primary field is termed "H-polarisation". - -.<br />

For three-dimensional structures<br />

O = Ci(x,y,z) = u Cz) + Cia(x,y,z)<br />

n<br />

the anomaly of the induced field will be composed of TE-and TM-<br />

fields which cannot be separated by a special choice of coord:. 7 nates.<br />

There is, however, the following possibility to suppress in model<br />

calculation the TM-mode of the anomalous field:

Suppose the lateral variations u are confined -to a "thin sheet".<br />

a<br />

This sheet may bz imbedded into a layered conductor from which it<br />

must be separated by thin non-conducting layers. Then no currents<br />

can leave or enter the non-uniform sheet and the TM-mode of the<br />

induced field is suppressed. Such models are used to describe the<br />

induction in oceans, assumed to be separated from zones of high<br />

mantle conductivity by a non-conducting crust.<br />

Schemat:ic summary:<br />

Source field Induced field<br />

,,,\~. x,'~ - . . normal anomalous<br />

TE {<br />

TEtTM(genera1)<br />

TE (thin sheet)<br />

xAppGn?3iX to'?, 3 : Recurrence formula for the calculation of the<br />

depth of penetration C for a layered substratum (cf. chapter 2)<br />

7,<br />

r<br />

Definition: C = - 0<br />

aPolaz<br />

a2p<br />

Differentjal equation to be solved: -L? = (iw~~~o + lkI2)po<br />

which satisfies<br />

az2<br />

V - ~ = P iwpo~ .<br />

Continuity condictions:<br />

1. TE-field: - H and E must be continuous which implies<br />

that C-is continuous<br />

-<br />

2. TM-field: H and (Ex,E ,oEZ) are continuous which imp]-ies<br />

v<br />

that oC is continuous.

Model :<br />

wo+<br />

Solution for uniform half-space: CI = CII = lk(<br />

(a = oO)<br />

Recurrence formula foY layered half-space'{Cn = C(zn)}:<br />

-<br />

C~~ - C~~~<br />

= Jioy o + [kr2<br />

0 L<br />

The TE-field within the n'th layer at the depth z = zn + E,<br />

Z < Z + E < Z<br />

n+l'<br />

can be calculated from its surface value<br />

n n<br />

according to:<br />

with gtzr,zs) = cosh Bps - sinh Brs/(K,Cr)<br />

h(zr,z ) = cosh @, - sinh B K C<br />

s rs r r<br />

for s.< - n<br />

and gCzn, z~+E) = cosh(Kn~)-sinh(K n E)/K n C n

, ,<br />

The formula for E applies also to E and HZ, the formula for<br />

X Y<br />

Hx also to H .<br />

Y<br />

7.4 Penetration depth of various types of geomagnetic variations<br />

and the overall distribution of conductivity within the Earth<br />

Three types of conduction which vary by orders of magnitude have<br />

to be distinguished:<br />

1. Conduction through rock forming minerals<br />

2. Conduction through fluids in pores and cracks between rockfor-<br />

mine minerals<br />

3. Metallic conduction<br />

li: Since the minerals of crustal and mantle material are expected<br />

to be silicates, the conduction through these minerals will<br />

be that of semi-conductors. Their resistivity is in the order<br />

5<br />

of 10 Om at room temperature but decreases with temperature<br />

T is the absolute temperate, k Boltzmann's constant; a and A<br />

0<br />

are pressure-dependent and composition-dependent constants<br />

within a limited temperature range, for which one specific<br />

mechanism of semi-conduction is predominant. Hence, in plots<br />

of in o versus T-' the o-T dependence should be represented<br />

by joining segments of straight lines. Laboratory experiments<br />

with rocks and minerals at high temperature and varying<br />

pressure have confirmed this piece-wise linear dependence of<br />

lno from T-l. Furthermore, they showed that the composition-<br />

dependence of u is mainly contained in the pre-exponential

parameter u and that the pressure dependence of o and A should<br />

0 0<br />

not be the determining factor for the conductivity down the depth<br />

of several hundred kilometers.<br />

7 (, "C The u-T dependence of Olivin (Mg,<br />

1200 3 b0 60 0 11<br />

Fe ) Si04 has been extensively<br />

T--- 2<br />

investigated by various authors<br />

for temperaturs up to 1400~~ and<br />

pressures up to 30 kbar. This<br />

mineral is thought to be the main<br />

constituent of the upper mantle<br />

with a Mg : Fe ratio of 9 : 1 :<br />

I Si04. The diagram<br />

(Mg0.9 Fe~.l 2<br />

shows the range of u(T)--curves<br />

as obtained for Olivin with 90%<br />

Forsterite CMg2Si041. It is beli.eved that the discrepancies among<br />

-the curves over orders of magni:tude are mainly due to different<br />

degrees of oxydati-on of ~e" to Fe 'I within the olivLn samples<br />

used for the measurement. In fact, the samples may have been oxy-<br />

dized in some cases during the heating experiment as evidenced by<br />

the irreproducibility of the u (TI-curves. However, the r>ar.ge of<br />

possible conductivities for olivin with 10% forsterite is greatly<br />

narrowed in at the high temperature end, where we may expec-t a<br />

resistivity of 10 to 100 Qm for 1400°c, corresponding to a depth<br />

of 100 to 200 km within the mantle.<br />

2.:Electrolytic conduction through salty solutions, filling pores and<br />

cracks of unconsolidated rocks, gives clastic sediments resistivi-<br />

ties from 1 t o 50 Qm. The resistivity of sea water with 3.5 gr<br />

NaCl/liter is 0.25 am. There should be an increase of resistivity<br />

by one or two orders of magnitude at the top of the crystalline<br />

basement beneath sedimentary basins.<br />

Near to the surface the conduction in crystalline rocks is also<br />

electrolytic. Their resistivity may be here as low as 500 Qm, but<br />

it increases rapidly with depth, when the cracks and pores close<br />

under increasing pressure. Below the Mohorovicic-discontinuity<br />

the conduction through grains can be expected to be more effective<br />

than the conduction through pore fluids. If, however, partial

h<br />

melting occurs, the conduction through even a minor molten<br />

fraction of crystalline rocks could Pouer the resistivity by,<br />

say, one order of magnitude.<br />

3.: Metallic conduction is expected to give the material in the oute<br />

core a resistivity of Om. This law value is required by<br />

dynamo theories for the explanation of the main field of the<br />

Earth.<br />

8 6 'f 2 -5 0 + 5 + l'f<br />

.<br />

0 -1<br />

4.0<br />

-&?-xu- 197'<br />

~ ;pa*'?<br />

t<br />

3.2 ES 't<br />

s*nri- ~"r\da~tirr, 1, L- Waf-<br />

I 6. -,b~ loo-l~ok<br />

s~!-,--<br />

4:c ru-,o-r<br />

- ...... > ... .- . -. . -. - - d<br />

3. CI~L~JI.~ KC(;~.L.~~<br />

.<br />

3 7," *\<br />

V"C.L.*<br />

Y.. R;*<br />

The frequency spectrum of geomagnetic variations which can be<br />

utilized for induction studies extends from frequencies of<br />

fractions of a cycle per day to frequencies of 10 to 100 cycles<br />

per second. At t'he low frequency end an overlap with the<br />

spectrum of secular variations occurs which diffuse upwards<br />

from primary sources in the Earth's core.<br />

460<br />

/<br />

j , AMfI:4uL&<br />

/) 0<br />

?<br />

Sc-Qeggti.csp.ectrun1 of geoma~netic variations :<br />

><br />

SccLLl sx<br />

Su-b~t-r<br />

,Wd"t;0*<br />

59 C?,.rcr-KC+ t. )<br />

4 , ,<br />

..L -

(=disturbed)-variations: After magnetic storms the hor,j.zontal<br />

Dst --<br />

-<br />

H-component of the Ear-th's magnetic field shows a worldwide de-<br />

crease. Within a week after stormbeginn H returns asymptotj.cally<br />

to its pre-storm level. This so-called Dst-phase of storms shows<br />

negligible longitudinal dependence, while its latitude dependence<br />

is well described in geomagnetic coordinates by<br />

3 L<br />

is the geomagnetic latitude of the location considered. The<br />

source of the Dst-phase may be visualized as an equatorial - ring<br />

- current (ERC) which encircles the Earth in the equatorial plane<br />

in geomagnetic coordinates:<br />

Tf the interior of the Earth were a perfect insulator and no eddy<br />

currents were induced, the vertical Dst-coniponent would be ZDst -<br />

H, sin @. In reality, only one fourth to one fifth of this value<br />

is observed due to the field of eddy currents which oppose in Z<br />

the primary field of the ERC. Let LDst denote the inductive scale<br />

r -<br />

ijw Q=kso length of DPt, a be the Earth's radius, then for @ : 45'<br />

.,<br />

- -<br />

- 2C~st<br />

'DS t a H~st4<br />

(cf. sec. 8.2)<br />

Hence, with ZDStfHDSt 0.2 the depth of penetration will be 600<br />


9 (solar quiet) varia-tions: On the da)l-lit side of the Earth thermal<br />

convection in combination with tidal motions generate large-scale<br />

wind-systems in the high atmosphere. 1; the ionosphere these winds<br />

produce electric currents which - for an observer fixed to the<br />

Earth, - move with the sun around the Earth. During equinoxes there<br />

will be two current vortices of equal strength in the northern and<br />

0 0<br />

southern hemisphere, their centers being at roughly 30 N and 30 S.<br />

Due.-to these currents local-time dependent geomagnetic variations<br />

will be observed at a fixed site at the Earth's surface. They are<br />

repeated from day to day in similar form and are called "diurnal"<br />

or Sq-variations:<br />

--<br />

Aiai-n the Z Ampli-tude is much smaller than to be expected from<br />

SQ-<br />

D for an insulating Earth. Tf and D (") deno-te the amplitudes<br />

s Q SQ s ?<br />

of the m1 th subharmonic of the diurnal varl.;i.tions (m=1,2,3 ,I!<br />

(I7 the<br />

corresponding to the periods T = 24, 12, 8, 6 hours) and C s Q<br />

inductive scale length of this subharmonj.~,

with 4 as geographic latitude. From the %Q : FISQ ratio of continental<br />

stations a depth of penetration between 300 and 500 km is inferred.<br />

The penetration depth of SQ in the -ocean basins is still uncertah.<br />

Bays and - Polar Substorms: During the night hours "bay-shaped" de-<br />

flections of the Earth's magnetic fi.eld from the normal level ave<br />

observed from time to time, lasting about one hour. Their amplitude<br />

increases steadily from south to north, reachi-ng its highest value<br />

in the auroral zone. Similar variafions, but much more intense and<br />

rapid, occur during the main phase of magnetic storms, until about<br />

one day after stormbegin.<br />

The source of these so-call-ed "polar substorms" is a shifting and<br />

oscillating current lineament i.n the ionosphere of the aurora zone.<br />

The current wil].be partly cl-osed th~ough field alligned currents<br />

in the magnetosphere, partly by wide-spread ionospheric return<br />

currents in mid latitudes:<br />


polar substorlns is j.n mid-latitudes (e.g. Denmarlc, Germany) much<br />

smaller than the ampliiudes of H and D<br />

-<br />

because the vertical field<br />

of induction currents nearly cancels the vertical field of the<br />

polar jet. Under "normal condirtions" the Z:I-l ratio is about 1: '10.<br />

Assu~ning for the mid--latitude substorm field an effective wave<br />

number of 10- 20 000 km, yielding kx 3-6*10-~ as wavenumber, depth<br />

of penetration i.s<br />

'bay<br />

A<br />

I = 150 to 300 km.<br />

bay kx<br />

There are indications tllat the penetration deptll of bays into -the<br />

oceanic substructure is substantialiy smaller. The ocean itself<br />

produces an attenuation of the H-ar~pl.itude of about 75% at the<br />

ocean bottcm, deep basins filled with unconsolidated sediments can<br />

yield a comparable attenua-tion &-6. North German basin).<br />

Pulsations and VLF-emissions: Rapid oscilla-tions of the Earth's fie1<br />

- -<br />

with periods between 5 minu-tes and 1 second are called pu1.sati.011~.<br />

Their ampli-tude increases 1.iIce the ainpli-tude of substorms strongly<br />

when approaching the auroral zone. Their typical midlati.tude<br />

ampli-tude is 1 gamma. The source field structure of bays and pul.-<br />

sstions is similar, the depth of pene-tra-t:ion of pulsations being<br />

largely dependent on the near-surfack conductivity. Lt may rmge<br />

from many kilometers in exposed shield areas to a few hundred<br />

meters and less in sedimentary basins.<br />

The "normal" Z:H ra-tio o:E pulsations is too small to be determS.~-rccl<br />

with any reliabili-ty outside of the auroral zone. However, "an~!naI.oi<br />

Z-pulsations. are frequent and usually of very local. charak-ter. IF<br />

pulsations occur in the form of las-tine harmonic oscilla-:ions , oftel<br />

with a beat-frequency, they are called "pulsation tr>ains1' pt, sin~J.(<br />

pul-satj.on events are ' called "pi" , pul.satj.ons which rt~arlc the be-<br />

ginning of a bay.dis-turbance are called "pc". All three types !la\'c<br />

a clear local time dependence, occuring almost daily:<br />

'F\ 1-1 m- -7,. -

Very rapid oscillations with frequencies between 1 and, say, 100 cps<br />

(=Hz) are called - from the radio enginieers point of view -<br />

"very - - low - frequency emissions: VLF. Their ampl.itudes lie well below<br />

ly. They occur usually intermittendly in "bursts" and are controlled<br />

.in their intensity by the general magnetic activity. In exposed<br />

shield areas they may penetrate downward a few kilometers, but<br />

everywhere else they w i l l be totally attenuated within the very<br />

surface layers.<br />

- Sudden storm -- commencements and sclar flare effects: The begin of a<br />

magnetic storm is usually marked by strong deflections in H and Z<br />

up to 100y within one or two minutes.. This so--called "sudden - - storm<br />

-<br />

commencemen-t" SSC, signals. the inward :notion of the magnetopause<br />

(separating the magnetosphere from the interplanetary space) under<br />

the impact of a suddenly increased solar wind intensity. SSC's<br />

are a world wide, s imultaneous1.y occuring phenornenon. They are,<br />

however, too rarely occuring events (1 per month) for induction<br />

studies.<br />

The momen-tarily increased solar wave radiation, caused by sun spot<br />

e: eruptions, produces a shortlived (5 minutes) in'tensificatrion of the<br />

Sq-system, its magnetic effect is called a "sol.ar flare event". It:<br />

measures a few gammas and like the ssc is a rarely observed varia-<br />

tion type.

Overall - depth - distribution -. Denth of penetation<br />

of resistivity<br />

. .<br />

& ~ n ]<br />

(0) : oceans<br />

(s) : sedimentary basins<br />

(c) : exposed crys-talline<br />

EEJ:<br />

PEJ:<br />

mid-latitude<br />

obs erva-t ions<br />

equatorj.al. e1.ec'tr.c<br />

polar electz~ojet

!<br />

8. Data Collection - and Analysis<br />

8.1 Instruments -<br />

unetic sensors for geomagnetic induction work on land should meet<br />

as many as possi-ble of the following requirements:<br />

(1) Sufficient sensitivity and time resolution<br />

(2) Directional characteristics which allow observation of the<br />

magnetic variation vector in well-defined, preferably ortho-<br />

gonal components.<br />

(3) Stable compensation of the Earth's permanent field, if re-<br />

quired. The sensors should not show "drift" on a time scale<br />

comparable to the slowest variati-ons to be analysed.<br />

(4) Compensation of temperature effects or linear temperature de-<br />

pendence with well defined temperature coefficients for subse-<br />

quent corrections.<br />

C5) Low power consumpti.on to allow field operations on 57et or dry-<br />

cell batteries (less than 100 n;A at 10 to 20 Volts DC con-<br />

tinuous power drain).<br />

C6 1 Minimurn maintenance, all-owing unattended opera-tions over days,<br />

weeks or months, depending on -the period range to be irlvesti-<br />

gated.<br />

(7) Electric outmpu-t signal, adaptab1.e for digital recording<br />

w<br />

No single sensor system can possib1.y meet all requiremen-ts over thc<br />

full frequency range of natural geornagrletic variations and the<br />

- choice of instruments wil.1 depend on the type of variations under<br />

investigation. They record either the total field M Ho + 6H as<br />

?E<br />

sum of -tl;e s-teady field Ho and the variation field 6H, by coml2ensa.-<br />

tion of Ho, the time--derivative fl : 6f'i or a combina-tion of 61.1 nil<br />

x*<br />

& i1. In geomagnetic latitudes the spectral amplitude distr.Lbution of<br />

6H and 611, averagedoverextended perioss of moderate ma~c5tj.c acti-<br />

vity, is the following:<br />

x the variation field 6H only

The next diagram shows the resulting spectral range of adequate<br />

sensitivi.ty and stability for various magnetic sensors, suitable for<br />

geomagnetic studies: Perfornlance on<br />

point (2) to (7)<br />

D<br />

Torsion fibre<br />

B a s s<br />

0 s . 2 3 5 6 7<br />

magnetometer<br />

graph, ~ough<br />

Reitzel variograph<br />

1. )<br />

i<br />

!<br />

I<br />

- I-<br />

i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

-<br />

I<br />

6H + + + t i - -<br />

I I - I<br />

i<br />

I I !<br />

Fluxgate magne- /<br />

tometer (I'oer- i<br />

. ster Sonde) 3.)<br />

6 1-1 i. - - + + J.<br />

Grenet-vario-<br />

meter 1. )<br />

Induction coils<br />

Proton prece-<br />

I<br />

1 !<br />

Kb-vapor Inagne- -------- -. lio+6H - -I- + - - 4-<br />

tometer 3.)<br />

.I. ) Cornpensation of H by mechai-~$.cal torque<br />

0<br />

2.) Bobrov-quartz variometers, Jovilet variometers<br />

3.) Compensation of H with bias fields<br />

0<br />

The horizontal compone~lts of the surface elec-trjc field E which i.s<br />

connected to 6H and 6k can be estimated either from the knowledge<br />

of the depth of penetration C at the period T or from the knowledge<br />

of the resistivity p of the upper layers, assumed to be uniforw.<br />

Measuring H in (y), C in (km), T in (sec) and p i n (Qm) gives<br />

. . .<br />

!<br />

! i !<br />

i 611,6; + - + + - - I<br />

i<br />

i 66 + - + i- i-<br />

: .<br />

ssion magne-to- - -- fi t&H + + + - - .I-<br />

0<br />

meter 3.)<br />

&<br />

r--<br />

Using the spectral amplitudes as given above and C from'previous<br />

sectLon, the following spectral amplitudes of E/H and E are obtained<br />

for mid-la-ti-l-udes during rno:lerate magnetic aeti-vity :

A horizontal electric -- field component in the direction - s is observed<br />

as the fluctuating voltage Es'd between -two electrodes in a distance<br />

d parallel to 2. Due to possible self-polarisation of the electrodes<br />

a quasi-steady voltage of considerable size may be superimposed<br />

upon the fluctuating voltage, truly connected to geomagnetic varia-<br />

-Cions. This self-poten-tial amounts for electrodes in a sa1.t solu-<br />

tion comparable to ocean water to:<br />

> 1 vol-t for unprotected iron rodes<br />

100 mV Cu-CUSO,~ elec-ti-odes<br />

Kaloniel (= biophysical) e1ec:i:vo~<br />

kg-kgC1 (=oceanographic) electro<br />

2<br />

It may vary slowly under changing conditions in the waterbearing soi<br />

Hence, it should be as small as possible in comparison to the voltafi<br />

truly connected to 6H and 6i1. This applies in particular .to periocis<br />

of one hour and more. There are two options to avoid these unwanted<br />

electrode effects: Large electrode spacing (d - > 10 km), hrigh-quali-i:y<br />

electrodes. Preference should be given -1-0 ttte seco~ld option, using<br />

electrode spacings of, say, 100 in. The use G.? a large electlode<br />

spacing does not imply necessarily tha-t a mean electric field,<br />

avera~ed over local. n~ar-surface non-uni.formlties , wi1.l be observed,<br />

since the observed voltage may still be largely de-ter~nined by local<br />

condi-tions near to either one of the electrodes. In any case, the<br />

site of the electrode installati.on should be surveyed with .dipol-<br />

soundings or DC--geoelectrics to ensure layered conditions at -- and<br />

be-tween electrodes.

8.2 Or~anisation and objectives -. of field opcrations<br />

Geomagnetic induction work can be carried out by (i) single--site<br />

soundings, (ii) simultaneous observations along profiles, (iii)<br />

simultaneous observations in arrays covering extended areas. It may<br />

be possible to replace simultaneous by non-simultaneous observations,<br />

provided that the variation field can be "normalized" with respect<br />

to the mean regional variation field. This "normal" field may be<br />

the field at one fixed site with no indications for the presence of<br />

lateral non-unj-formities, or it may be the averaged f'ield obtained<br />

from distant permanent observatories. Usually the normal.isa'tion is<br />

performed in the frequency domain, introducing se-ts of transfer<br />

functions.<br />

Single site vertical sounding:<br />

The resistivity structure within the depth-distance range of pcnetra.<br />

tion is regarded a sole function depth: p = p(z). Its extent is<br />

given by -the modulus of -the induc-tive scale length C(w) at the con-<br />

sidered frequency, whi.ch increases with<br />

- - , --<br />

the increasing period. If a vertical<br />

........... .......... -. .<br />

-. -<br />

J 1 ., . . . ...<br />

.- ..-

For a data reducti.on in the fr3equency domain (cf. Sec. 8.3) the<br />

following set of transfer or response functions w i l l be defined:<br />

For a frequency-space factor Of the source field<br />

the response function C(w) = C n which - characterises the downward<br />

depth of penetration is connected to these transferfunctions accor-<br />

ding to<br />

A Z<br />

n x y<br />

n ikx iwv0<br />

c =- -<br />

The Cagniard apparent resistivity if given hy<br />

the phase of the impedance by<br />

I$(w) = arg(Z ) = arg(C ) + 5 ,<br />

xY n 2<br />

the modified apparent resistivity by<br />

which can he used as an estima-tor of the true resistivi-ty at the<br />

depth<br />

z"(~) = R~IC~I. (cf. Sec. 2.5 and 9.1)<br />

A cornpairison ,of the various equivalent respcrlse func-l-j.ons for a<br />

. , given substructus&ives the fol.lowing displ.ay:<br />

L? *

Tests for the assumption of a layered dis.tri.bution and the source<br />

In addition there are certain constraints with regard to modu.lus,<br />

phase and frequency dependence of the transfer functions. (cf. Sec.<br />

2.6).<br />

The compatability of MTS and GDS vertical sounding results can be<br />

tested by the requirement that<br />

asreadily seen form the second field equation rotE = -imp H .<br />

-n o -n<br />

If the wave-number structure of the source field is not lcnown, a<br />

-<br />

Horizontal Gradient GDS can be formed: Observing that<br />

-<br />

the differentation of E = Cn impo H with respect to y and of<br />

nx nY<br />

= -iou C H wi.th respect to x yields<br />

.Env o n nx<br />

Since the electric surface field may be distorted by lateral non-<br />

uniformi-ties even when their scale length and dep-th is smal.1 in<br />

comparison -to the depth of. penetration, -the E-field observa.tj.oi~s<br />

may be replaced by observing the tangen-tj.al- magnetic field also<br />

at some dep-th d below -the surface, i.e. by conducting a 'vertical -<br />

-----<br />

Gradient GIIS. No knowledge of the wave-number st~uc-ture of the<br />

source field w i l l be required, but"the resi;tivity po between the<br />

' surface and the subsurface points of observations will be reqci-red.<br />

Assume that the lateral gradients of IJnz are small in comparison<br />

to the vertical gradients of H and H in v5.e~ of the condi.tion<br />

n x nY<br />

I -.<br />

I ~ c [

Let q be the tranfer function between Hnx(H at the surfade and<br />

nY<br />

) at the depth z = d:<br />

Hnx(H nY<br />

Then<br />

H (d) = q Hnx(0) where I q 1 < 1.<br />

nx<br />

Single site geo-letic structural sounding: The source field is re-<br />

garded as quasi-uniform (k = 0) and the ver:tical magne-tic component<br />

therefore as anomalous, arising solely from lateral changes of the<br />

resistivity within the depth-distance range of penetration, where<br />

p = Pn(z) + P,(X,Y,Z)\<br />

In this special case the resulting anomalous magnetic vector<br />

H = (Ha,, H , H = H is linearly dependent on the quasi-uniform<br />

-a ay az z<br />

normal magnetic vector H = (Ilnx, H 0) iii the frequency-distance<br />

-n ny'<br />

domain :<br />

denotes a matrix of linear transfer functions as functions of fre-<br />

quency and surface location. This i.mplies that also linear relations<br />

exist between HZ and the total (=observed) ho17izontal variations:<br />

with<br />

These alternative transfer functions A and B can be del-ived now from<br />

observations at a single site. Their graphical display in the form<br />

of Parkinson-Wiese induction arrows indicates the trend of -the sub-<br />

surface resistivity structure which is responsible for the appearance<br />

of anomalous '2-var.i.ations :

The in-phase induction arrow is defined by (in Parkinson's sense of<br />

orientation) by<br />

h<br />

p = - R&(x A + B]<br />

and the ou-t' of-phase arrow by<br />

q + Imagl; A + Bl<br />

h h<br />

where x and y are unit vectors in x- and y-direction. General-ly<br />

speaking, the in-phase arrows point toidards internal concentrations<br />

of induced currents, i.e. to zones of lower than "normal" re-<br />

sistivi.ty at one particular depth.TheYmay point also away from high<br />

resistiv:ity zones around which the induced currents are diverted.<br />

Vertical soundings with station arrays:<br />

The resistivity structure is regarded as layered, p = p(z),but the<br />

inducing source field as non-uniform. Inducing and induced fields<br />

will have ms.tching wave-number spectren with well defined ratios<br />

between spectral components in accordance to the subsurface re-<br />

s i s t ivi-ty structure . h ea-t-k-+h~++t-~o-~~&e-~~idc~~~<br />

e.ve;i:~-~:gh-i-s-k~ol.a-7,-u~.-f m~rnGty--rnaap-~be--~i-~-~P+f+a<br />

Let U and V be field components of the surface field in the frequency<br />

distance domain: U = UCw ,R) , V = VCw ,R). They are deco~nposed into<br />

h h A<br />

the wave-number spectren U(w,k), VCw,k) according to<br />

with<br />

irnh ikR - -<br />

U(w,R) = I I UCw,L,)e dk dk<br />

- '0 Y X

. A<br />

as transfer function between A and B in the wave number domain, which<br />

contains the information about the internal resistivity distribution.<br />

A vertical sounding of this distribution is made by considering<br />

h<br />

R as a function of frequency, k being fixed, or vice versz.<br />

If the array covers the whole globe, the sphericity of the Earth re-<br />

quires the replacement of the krigonometric functions by spherical<br />

harmonics in spherical coordinates Cr,B,A):<br />

a: Garth' s radius ; p:(cos@ : Associated' spherical function. The trans-.<br />

fer functions have then the form<br />

The first and still basic investigations of the Earth's deep conduc-<br />

tivity structure have been carried out by this approach (SCHUSTER,<br />

CHAPMAN and PRICE).<br />

If the array of stations covers only a region of Limited extent, it<br />

may be !impracticable to de'compose the observed field into wave-<br />

spec-tral components or it may be even impossible because only a small.<br />

section of the source field structure has been observed. In that<br />

case vertical array soundings are carried out preferably with response<br />

functi.ons in the frequency-distance domain.<br />

Suppose the source field is quasi-uniform ,i.n one horizon.ta1 direc-- j<br />

tion, say,<br />

U = UCw,y) and V : V(w,y). Ls't<br />

* . %<br />

be the inverse Fourier transform of R. Then, if V is given by the<br />

,. A<br />

roduct of R with U in the (u,k) domain, V will be given by a<br />

corlvolution 05 R with IJ in the (w,y) domain:<br />

+w<br />

with .R U = 1 RCw,y-n) UCq)dq.<br />


If, for instance E = V and H = U, the magnetotelluric relation<br />

A ,. X Y<br />

EX = WM, C II of the k-w domain will transform& into<br />

Y<br />

with N(w,y) as Fourier<br />

-<br />

transform of C(o,k). Observe that reversely<br />

4<br />

-iky<br />

CCw,k) = I N(w,y)e. dy<br />

and therefore<br />

-03<br />

f-<br />

CCw,O) = J N(w,y)dy.<br />

-m<br />

Hence, if H is quasi-uniform within the range of the kernel M,<br />

Y<br />

which is the CAGNIARD-TIKHONOV relaticn con~monly used for single<br />

1<br />

site sounding-s.<br />

In a similar way the magnetic ratio, of vertical to horizontal' va-<br />

riations can be generalized to<br />

with MCw,y) as Fourier transform of ik C(w ,k ) .<br />

Y Y<br />

The response functions N and M have their highes-t valuei. close to<br />

y -<br />

O<br />

and approach zero for distances y which are large i.n compari-<br />

son to the modulus of C(w,k=O): d.;:.rn,-Lc. do-,,o. :.,<br />

----. - ---. .<br />


-- Structural soundi~z with station arrays: - If not only the source<br />

field but also the resistivity structure are laterally non-uniform,<br />

no generally valid linear relations between normal and anomalous<br />

field components exist. In the f~llowing it will be assumed that<br />

the source field is either quasi-uniform or for a given frequency<br />

well represented by a single set of wave numbers. Then the rela-<br />

tions between the various field components can be expressed by<br />

linear transfer functions in the frequency-distance (w,R) domain.<br />

They can be formulated either for the "normal" horizontal field of<br />

the whole array or, if necessary; also for the local horizontal<br />

field only. In either case it is necessary to remove from the ob-<br />

served vertical magnetic component its normal part in accordance<br />

to the normal resistivity dis.tributi.on and the source field struc-<br />

ture. It is assumed that the normal depth of penetration is smal.1<br />

in comparison to the scale length of non-uniformity of the source<br />

~wI,:~I. ;%pi i

. .<br />

These sets of tPansfe$fUnCtions renresek the input ior the model<br />

calculations to explain the anomalous fields H<br />

-a<br />

a resistivity anomaly<br />

or E<br />

-a<br />

in terms of<br />

pn(z) being known.<br />

P,(x,Y,~) = P - Pn(z),<br />

There exist various constraints about acceptable sets of transfer<br />

functions, for examples the functi.ons in either one column of W<br />

must describe a magnetic field of solely internal origin as dis-<br />

cussed below.<br />

The basic complication in the presence of 3-dimensional structures<br />

is due to the fact that the TE and TM mode of the anomalous field<br />

cannot be separated. This separation is possible, however, if the<br />

resistivity structure is 2-dimensional, say<br />

Pa = Pa(yl>z).<br />

If then the normal E-field is linearly<br />

.!<br />

, ,<br />

.. .. .l.<br />

,,' '<br />

:.<br />

;, ;/ ... Y<br />

polarised in xl-direction, the anomaly ,/' ,{ ,> ,,<br />

contains only TE modes with E parallel 1:; %<br />

-a ,,; 71 Y'<br />

A<br />

to x1 and H in planes XI-constant:<br />

-a<br />

E-polarisatio~, If the normal. magnetic field is paral.lsl to x', the<br />

anomalous field is in the TM mode with zero ~nagnetic fields above<br />

the ground. Hence, Ha = 0 for z = 0 and E lies in planes x1-<br />

-a<br />

const. : H-polarisation Ccf. Sect. 7. 3 ). The new sets of transfer<br />

functions in (xl,yl,z) coordinates are given hy<br />

>?here the subscript (\I refers to E-polarisation and -the subscrip-?<br />

(l.) to ~-~olarisation. The resul-ting symmet~y relations for W and<br />

Z in general (x,y,z) coordinates can be derived as follows: Let<br />

be rotation matrices, transforming .- E and -- H fron: (x,y ,z) -to (x' ,yl ,z)<br />

coordinates, c = cosa-and s = sina:<br />

, ,<br />

, !<br />


Since<br />

it follows that<br />

- E 1 = - T E HI= T H -n . ' -a<br />

H ' = T<br />

H<br />

H<br />

n '<br />

E' = Z'HA = Z'TH = TZHn,<br />

- - - n<br />

Z = T-I Z' T.<br />

In a similar way it is readily vkrified that<br />

Hence,<br />

which implies thkt.<br />

W + W =\ih,, and 2. - z =.Z?-Z-~<br />

XX Y Y XY YX<br />

are invariant against rotations and that<br />

"Skew" parameters which characterise the deriation from true 2-<br />

dimensionality are the moduli of the expressions<br />

If a geomagnetic sounding at a single site has been performed near<br />

such a 2-dimensional structure, the relations which connect A and<br />

.B with WZx and W reduce to<br />

ZY<br />

If -the first relation is multi.plied by c and the second relation by<br />

s and then the sum of both is taken, it follows that<br />

This implies that the in-phase and out-of--phase induction a17ro:.?s<br />

will be everywhere perpendicular to the trend of the structure,<br />

which can thus been found.

In magnetotelluric soundings information about the trcnd comes from<br />

the fact that<br />

However, after Z has been rotated into Z' for the thus found angle a,<br />

no distinction is possible which one of the off-diagonal elements of<br />

Z' refers to E- and H-polarisation. If in addition the direction of<br />

the geomagnetic induction arrow is known, such a distinction becomes<br />

possible. Furthermore (z,, [ > [ zLl ,if the structure is better conduc-<br />

ting than its environment and vice versa. Hence, it can be decided<br />

whether the induction arrow points toward a well conducting zone or<br />

away from a poorly conducting zone. .<br />

The dj.sti.nction between the impedances of E- and H-polarisation is<br />

important, if for,a first estimate a 1-dimensional interpretati.on of<br />

.7<br />

Z by a layered. substratum is made. Such an interpretation may give<br />

meaningful results for Zih, but in general no$ for ZL. A test for the<br />

proper choice of the impedance element for a ?-dimensional interpre-<br />

tation comes from the fact that t~ithin a given area Z,, varies less<br />

from place to place than Z1.<br />

A test for self-consistency of the transfer functjons Wh and Wz alonj<br />

a profile y' perpendicular to the strike of a 2-dimensional struc-<br />

ture arises from the purely internal origin of the anoixaly:<br />

WZ = K x Wh and 9Jh = -K x WZ<br />

denotes a convolution of W (or W with the kernel. function l/ny.<br />

h z<br />

-- 8.3 S~ectral Analysis of Geoma~netic 'InductLon Data -<br />

The objective of the data reduction in the frequency domain is the<br />

calculation of transfer functions. They linearly relate functio!?s<br />

.Iv I-<br />

of frequency a field component Z -to one or more other fiel$compo-<br />

nents X, Y , . . . . Let Z(t), X(t) and Y(t) be the observed time Va-<br />

riations of Z, X, -f during a time i.ni-ervall of length T either fpojn

- - .<br />

the same or from different sites. Let Z(w>, X(w), Y(w) be the Fouri-er<br />

transforms of Z(t), XCt) and Y(t). Then a linear relation of the<br />

form<br />

- -<br />

is established in which A and B represent the desired transfer func- -<br />

tions between Z on the one side and X and Y on the other side; 6Z is<br />

the uncorrelated "noise" in 2, assuming X and Y to be noise-free.<br />

As the best fitting transfer - functions will be considered those whicf<br />

produce minLmum noise < 16zI2 > in the statistical average. Here the<br />

average is to be taken either over a number of records -- or within<br />

extended frequency bands of the width which is L times greater<br />

than the ultimate spacing IL'T of individual spectral estimates. The<br />

noise: signal ratio defines the residual e(w) ,%atio of related to<br />

observed signal the . --- coherence R(w):<br />

The coherence in conjunction with the degree of freedom of the<br />

- -<br />

functions A and B.<br />

averaging procedure estab1ishe.s confidence limits for -the transfer<br />

The averaged products of Fourier transforms are denoted as<br />

S<br />

ZZ<br />

., -<br />

= < Z Z * >: power spectrum of Z.<br />

- -<br />

S = < Z Y * >: cross spectrum between Z and Y<br />

ZY<br />

wi-th S = S* .<br />

ZY Y =<br />

In summary, the data reduction involves the following steps<br />

(a) Fourier transformation of tiine records<br />

(b) Calculations of power and cross-spectra<br />

(c) Calculation of transfer functions<br />

(d) )COlculation of confidence limits for the trans-<br />

ferfunctions.<br />

Steps Ca) and (bf can be substi.cuted by the foll.owing alternatives:<br />

(ax) : Calculate auto-correlation functions ) , .. . and cross-<br />

correlation f.urictf.ons R , . . . with T being a time lag,<br />

ZY<br />

with 0 < T < 'rmax.<br />

R (T) = / Z(+-t) Z(t)dt<br />

Z z T<br />

R (T) = / Z(+-t) YCt)dt<br />

ZY T<br />

x<br />

(b ): Take the Fourier transforms of the correlation functions<br />

and obtain as in (b) power- and cross-spectral estimates,<br />

if the averaging is done within frequency bands of the<br />

width m. There is a formal correspondence between the<br />

-- -1.<br />

maximum lag and Af .<br />

The actual performance of the steps (a) to (d) with one or more<br />

setsof records is now described in detail.<br />

-- a. Fourier transformation. - The time series and their spectra are<br />

given, respectively to be found, at discrete values of t and w,<br />

which are equally spaced in time and frequency. Let Z e-tc. be an<br />

n<br />

.instantenuous value of ZCt) for t = tn, n = 0,1,2, . . . N with<br />

At = tntl - t . Outside of the record, extending from t to t<br />

n o N<br />

Z(t) is assumed to be zero.<br />

-<br />

Let Z be the Fourier transform of Z(t) for the frequency f = f .<br />

n1 IT1<br />

Because of the finite length T of the rec6rd the lowest resolvable<br />

frequency and thereby the frequency spacing w i l l be given by<br />

T-I = Af = f and f has to be a multiple of Af. Because Z(t) is<br />

1 m<br />

gj-ven at discrete instances of -time, A t apart, the hi.ghest resol-<br />

-,<br />

vable frequency, called the Ny quist frequenz, w i l l be the reci-<br />

procal of (At-2), i.e.<br />

and<br />

- I<br />

fH - - = MAf<br />


The Fourier integral<br />

- +- -io t T -iw t<br />

n<br />

z(un) = I Z(t)e<br />

dt = J Z(t)e<br />

n<br />

dt<br />

-@2 0<br />

will be evaluated r.umerica1l.y according to th,e trapezoidal formula<br />

of approximation. Setting<br />

and observing tha-t<br />

zo = $[zct 0 ) + 2(tN)-j<br />

"n?n<br />

= 2a fmtn = -- 2 limn<br />

N'<br />

the discrete Fourier transform of Z(t) is<br />

2<br />

L *<br />

A linear trend of the record within the chosen interval may be<br />

wri.tte11 as<br />

with d = Z(tN) - Z(to).<br />

A cor3rection for this trend i.n the frequency domain implies that<br />

the imaginary Fourier transform of Z1(t),<br />

-<br />

is substracted from Z .<br />

m<br />

A second correction arises from the fact that Z(t) does not v?.nish<br />

necessarily outside of the chosen intervall. In that case the<br />

original time function can he multiplied in the rime domain wirh n<br />

weight function W(t) which is zero for t < to and t > tN. The<br />

Fourier transform of the product<br />

W(t) . Z(t)<br />

-<br />

- - - -<br />

is given by7a convolution of Z with the Fourier transform of W:<br />

- 1<br />

W(o) 35 ZCo) - Ff C Wm-& Z; .<br />

A<br />

m<br />

A frequent.1~<br />

used weight function is<br />

' 1 2li T -<br />

WCt) = -11 + cos --(t-t .-<br />

2 T 0<br />


which has 'the Fourier transform T for m = 0<br />

"1% 0 71-<br />

t -5<br />

G({l<br />

where <<br />

'm<br />

> is the discs-te Fourie~ transform of W ( t ) * Z(t). This<br />

smoothing procedure of the origi.na1 spectrum is czlled "harming"<br />

after Julius von Hann.<br />

\<br />

\<br />

\<br />

\<br />

\ / -. L- q-4----&<br />

b , I.\/' 3 1<br />

The convolution of W with descrefe values of Z reduces then to<br />

- 1 - -<br />

m T m-m m<br />

-<br />

1-<br />

-(Z. + ZIY m r O<br />

( 2 0<br />

= - C bi A* ZA = m = 1, 2, . . . PI-1<br />

-(Z 4-2 m = M<br />

2 M-1 M<br />

In certain cases it will. be necessary to apply a numerical fi1.ti.r<br />

to the time series to be analysed beforc -. the Fourier transformation.<br />

This filtering process consi.sts i.n a convolution of 2c.t) with a<br />

filter function \d(t) - in the - time do1naj.n and thus corresponds to a<br />

multiplication of Z with W in the frequency domain. But because<br />

the filtering procedure is intended to prepare the time series for<br />

the Fourier transformation it must be carried out in the time domain<br />

If W denotes the filter weight for t = t17, the discrete form of<br />

n<br />

the convolu-ti.on is<br />

Usually even 'filters are employed, W ( t ) = W(-t), to preserve .the<br />

corr-ec-t phase of the Fourier coniponents, The transform of is chose:<br />

in such a way that it acts as a heigh-, lord- or bandpass fj.1-ter for<br />

fr.equency-independent (="whitet') spectra:

The weigh-t . function W is then found by calculating in Four~ieil tl-ansform<br />

of W:<br />

The puTpose of filtering the -time series before making a Fourie?<br />

transformation is<br />

(a! a prewhitening of the spectrum, levelling off peaks and compen-<br />

sating spectral trends<br />

(b) a reduction of unwanted larger spectral values close to zero<br />

frequency,, arising from a background trend in the time series<br />

(c) a suppression of spectral power beyond the Nyquist frequency<br />

to avoid "a.liasingU . Spectral values for the frequencies<br />

*2~-r' f r and . f3M-r>' fM+r' fH-r etc.<br />

are undis-tinguishable (r = 0,l i2, . . . , M-1) :<br />

. Cal'dulation of porter and cross spectra: Let P denote a product<br />

- X - - %<br />

- - m<br />

ZmZIn, ZmYm etc. for a frequency f m = 1,2 . . . .1q. The calcul.a-t'iorl<br />

m'<br />

of power and cross spectral estimates from real. data requi-res that<br />

such produc-ts are averaged with 2a cer-tain degrees of freedom, !C<br />

Suppose -th.a-t the available ~?ecord leng-th just gives the desired re-<br />

- 1<br />

sol.ution Af 2 T for the transfer functions to be determined. In<br />

this case spectral products Pm have .to be derived for a number cf<br />

individual records and then to be avermgcd. Average the sp~:ctral.<br />

products and - not the spectral values! The resulting mean value<br />

is the desired porier or cross spectral es-ti.mate. If L records have<br />

been used, \? = 2L besaucje the sine- and cosine.tr.-,nsfor.~~ls of the<br />

series c011tr~i.b~-te independently to the calculil'tioris of Sm.

- 1<br />

If the record length T allows a frequency resolution Af = T which<br />

is much smalier than a meaningful resolution for the transfer<br />

functions under consideration, then Pm can be averayed over<br />

L = Z/A~ spectral values within (M/L-1) frequency bands of width<br />

-.<br />

Af between fo = 0 and fM = MAf.<br />

Taking the average of Pm withri.n frequency bands implies that EL nu-<br />

merlical filter Q(f) is applied to P(f), yielding the desired power-<br />

cross spec-trum by convolution:<br />

. +M<br />

S = Q x P .- A f L Qm-; P;'<br />

m<br />

-M<br />

(P = 'pi). The filters to be used are even functions of f, bel-<br />

-m<br />

shaped and with zero values outside a range which is smaller then<br />

M Af. Setting Q(f) = 0 for f > f Q'<br />

m<br />

m~<br />

S = Af{ C QA(P m m+m<br />

G=l<br />

m-m<br />

A + P A) + QoPm} .<br />

I I<br />

0.1. 48(<br />

The resultring smoothed spectral estimates Sm have been derivedwith<br />

-<br />

roughly L = &f[Af degrees of freedom. The effective degrees of free-<br />

dom pmay be somewhat smaller, depending on the frequency dependence<br />

of the filter. They are defined as<br />

.y'=<br />

2 varCu)<br />

var (uq)<br />

w11,ere varCu) denotes the variance (=dispersion) of a random va-riable<br />

uCf) and varCuq) the variance of Q x u, hence

Two convenient filters are<br />

3 sinx I,<br />

.the Parzen filter Q(f) = - T = Min!<br />

'626~ m m<br />

Hence., the derivatives of S6z6z with respeci - to ,. the real and imaginary<br />

parts' of the transfer functions A and B have to be zero:<br />

1% nl<br />

aS~z6~ +i---- aS&z6z = = 0 etc.<br />

aRe(An) a1rn(An),

using the notations as - introduced - above. The subscripts m are ommittec!<br />

Elimination of either A or B yields the basic formula& for the de-<br />

termination of transfer functions in geomagnetic and magnetotelluric<br />

The coherence can be derived from<br />

-. *<br />

R' = (AS x z + BSyZ)/SZz<br />

as it is readily seen from<br />

If only a relation between z and X 01: Y. is sought or if X and Y<br />

are linearly independent (S = O), then the above derived relations<br />

XY<br />

reduce to<br />

~2 = a---<br />

S S S<br />

xx yy zz<br />

d. Cal.culation of confi-dence liniits -a,- for the transfer functions<br />

--<br />

- "<br />

In order to establish confidence limits for the transfer functions<br />

A, B of the previous section it is necessary .to fj.nd -the probabili-ty<br />

density func-tion ("pd f") of their devia-tioils fr>om their "true"<br />

" - - -<br />

values Ao, Do. W; assulne that esti.mates of A and B accordi.ng to the<br />

least-square method of the previous sec-tion are wj:thout bias, i. t?.<br />

bl?th~~t sys-tematic errors (E = expected value):<br />

I-lencefor-th, random variables will be wri.tten with capj:l-a1 letters

(e.g. X), their realizations by observation with lower case letters<br />

(e.g. x), and their true values with the subscript "On (e.g. x0).<br />

Let f(X) be the pdf of a variab1.e X. Then the probabi.lity that a<br />

realisation x exceeds a value G is<br />

m<br />

a = J f(X)dX.<br />

G<br />

Hence, there is a "confidence" of<br />

f3 = (1-a) . 100% that x does not<br />

exceed G.<br />

The following pdf's will be needed in this section:<br />

k" C;<br />

(1) The "Gaussian Normal Distribution" of a normalized variable<br />

with the dispersion 1 and zero mean value:<br />

(2) The X2-distribution for v degrees of freedom:<br />

, (3) The Fisher-distribution for N and V2 degrees of freedom:<br />

1<br />

'These distributions are encountered in the fol.lowing problems:<br />

Consider a random variable X which is normally distributed with<br />

Let - 1 n<br />

X = -<br />

n C Xi<br />

i=l<br />

be the, realized .sample mean value of n realizations of X. These<br />

mean val.ues .are also normally distributed with the dispersj.on<br />

accordj-ng to the "central 1.imi-t theorem".

Let<br />

be the realized dispersion within a sample of n observations.<br />

Then the normalized dispersion<br />

w i l l be a random variable with a X2 distribution for U = n-1<br />

degrees of freedom. Let S: and S: be the dispersions within<br />

samples of nl and n2 observations of two different variables<br />

X1 and X Then the ratio of their normalized dispersions<br />

2'<br />

w i l l have a Fisher-probability density distribution E (n-1,n-2).<br />

F<br />

We regard now the Fourier transforms 2, g, i' as random variables<br />

Z, X, Y and denote their real-ization for a single record or a<br />

single frequency component as x, y, z. In a similar way, a and b<br />

shall be the realized transfer functions for a limited number of<br />

records or a limited frequency band G, their true values being<br />

a and bo. We assume now that Z depends linearly only on X and<br />

0<br />

that X is observed error-free:<br />

Then<br />

z = a x +6zo<br />

0 0<br />

6zo is the "realized" not correlated part of z for a single<br />

record. The variable Z shall be normally distributed with the<br />

dispersion<br />

var (Z) = s:,<br />

which w i l l be also the dispersion of 6Z:<br />

By minimizing the uncorrelated power = S for a number<br />

6262<br />

of records or for a number of frequency lines within a frequency<br />

band of the width a realization of the transfer function A is

Observe that the residual, of which -che power has been brought to<br />

a minimum, is<br />

6z=ax - z<br />

0<br />

in contrast to the "true" residual<br />

The random variable<br />

TI I:<br />

11 <br />

has a x2-distribution with n degrees of freedom, where n is the<br />

number of records or the number of lines used to obtain the<br />

average.<br />

If a variable U with a ~~ldistribution of v degrees of freedom is<br />

decomposed into two components U and U2,<br />

1<br />

U1 and U will be likewise x2-distributed and the sum of their<br />

2<br />

degrees of freedom w i l l be v:<br />

This decomposition will be carried out now with U as defined<br />

above: Clearly,<br />

The power of the averaged residual has been mi-nimised by setting<br />

implying that .<br />

u1 -<br />

- .7i<br />

-.<br />

s1<br />

0 . .<br />

has a X2-distril>ution of n - 2 degrecs of fr?eedoni because

must be a distribution of 2 degrees of freedom in v-iew of -the<br />

real and imaginary part of (A - do). The ra-tio<br />

has a Fisher-distribution fF(2, n-2). Using the notations fr'om<br />

above,<br />

and observing that<br />

with R' = [S ["IS S ), the Fisher-distributed ratio becomes<br />

zx zz XX<br />

We have found now the pdf of the deviation of A from its true vzlue<br />

to be in terms of its modulus<br />

Let<br />

G<br />

8 = / fF(2, n-2)dF . .<br />

0<br />

be the probability that F does not exceed the value F = G, observing<br />

that fF is a one-sided pdf. Then there w i l l be the probability f3<br />

that the modulus of A lies within the confidence limits'<br />

in the complex plane.<br />

E<br />

1 = I A I R Jg<br />

The threshold value G for a desired value<br />

of f3 can be obtained in ciosed form because<br />

G<br />

..'<br />

xc [A\<br />


Example: n = 12 and @ = 95%:<br />

1<br />

n = 12 and @ = 99%: I/-- G = ~'1003 - 1 = ~43 = 1.22<br />

11- 2 1 ' -<br />

2<br />

5<br />

n = 12 and B = 50%: 4 - - G =<br />

11- 2<br />

42 - 1 = a = 0.39<br />

1<br />

For large n and n; >> lny (y = -1, the following approxiinations are<br />

1-F<br />

valid :<br />

- 2 - 2<br />

G - - lny<br />

n-2 n<br />

This approximation. exemplifies the general propaga-ti-on-of-error law,<br />

namely that the errors are reduced proportional. to the square root<br />

of the number of observations.<br />

Ln the more general case that Z depends on X and Y with a non-zero<br />

coherence between X and Y confidence limits can be obtained in a<br />

similar way: Let<br />

z = a x + boyo + 6zo,<br />

0 0<br />

assuming that now X -- and Y are real-ized error free. Then the Fisher-<br />

distributed ratio, involving the deviation of A and B from a and<br />

0<br />

b ; turns out to be<br />

which has a f (4, n-4) dis.tri.buti.on. The confidence limi-ts for A and<br />

F<br />

R cannot be calculated individuall.y, unless of course S is taken<br />

"jr<br />

to be zero. On the other hand, if we assume that I~-a,l and I R-boI<br />

are equal, Chen

whi.ch allows the determination of cornbined confidence limits for<br />

A and B. The threshold value of F for a given probability fi can<br />

be derived from<br />

1-6 = - 1<br />

(1 t -- 26 - n- 4<br />

) - (- ) with m = -<br />

2 '<br />

2 m<br />

Cl + %G) m+2G<br />

8.4. Data analysis in the time domain, pilot studies<br />

Suppose the time func-tions to be related linearly to each o-ther are<br />

not oscillatory but more like a one-sided asymtotic return to the<br />

undisturbed normal level after a step-wise deflection from it:<br />

It may then be preferable to avoid a Fourier transformation and to<br />

derive i-nductive response functions in the the domain.<br />

If Z depends linearly only on X, i.e.<br />

*<br />

Z(w) = A(w) X(m) + 6ZCw)<br />

in the frequency domain, then Z(t) will be derived from X(t) in<br />

the time_domain by- a convolution of X(t) with the Fourier trans-<br />

form of A,<br />

f"<br />

1 - i.wt<br />

A(t) = - J A(w) e dm.<br />

2s -m<br />

Since ZCt) cannot depend on X(t) at some future time T > 't, the<br />

response function Act) must be zcro for t < 0, yielding<br />


-<br />

As a consequence, the real and imaginary part of A(w) wil.1. be rel.ated<br />

as functions of frequency by a dispersion relation:<br />

1<br />

with K(w) = .<br />

The time-domain response Act) is now determined frorn a given record<br />

of Z(t) between t = 0 and t = T by minin>.izing'{6~(t))~ within this<br />

intervall:<br />

. . 1.t is assumed that X(-t) is known also for t < 0. Differentation with<br />

h<br />

respect to ACt=t) gives<br />

Let again Z = ZCt = n.A-t) denote the value of Z at equally spaced<br />

n<br />

instances and let A be the value of ACt') for t' = n'At. Then the<br />

n'<br />

replacement of the integrals by sums yields a<br />

-<br />

system of ].inear<br />

equations for the determination of the A,,, n' 0,1, ... N:<br />

N' N N<br />

c An,EZ x X -1 = c zn xn ;<br />

n-n' n-n +.<br />

n' =o n=o n=o<br />

A A<br />

for n = 0,1,2, ... N.<br />

A<br />

Chosing N < N, the response values can be de+enninc?d by a least-<br />

square fit. 0-therwise a generalized inversior~ of the system of<br />

eyuations can be performed.<br />

Consider the limiting cases that<br />

. .<br />

(1) the frequency response is real ;ind independent of<br />

frequency,<br />

(2) -the frequency response is imaginary and proportional<br />

-1.<br />

to w .<br />

The first case is real-ized by the inductive :scale 1-eng-tl, C above<br />

n<br />

X<br />

a perfect conductor at -the c1cp.th z or by .the i.mpedance for, a thin

sheet of the conductance T above a non-conduc~ing substriit~m:<br />

3:<br />

Cn = z , Zll = 11~. The second case can be realized by the same<br />

models, interchanging Cn and Zn (cf. See. 9-11:<br />

- . -<br />

The Fourier transforms of A1 and A2 are<br />

02<br />

sinwt -<br />

A (t) = b .f x- - sgn(t)nbo<br />

- 2 O-o;,<br />

Hence, in the first case Z depends on X at the same instance of<br />

time only, in the second case on X with equal weight during the<br />

entire past:<br />

These simple relations are very useful to conduct a pilot reduction<br />

of sounding data. Case (1) applies to magnetotelluric soundings in<br />

sedimentary basins, underlain by a crystali5~ne basement, to ver-<br />

tical geomagnetQi.c soundings with very long periods, reachirig the<br />

conductive part of the mantle, and to structural geomagnetic soun-<br />

dings where the perturbed Plow of induction currents is in-phase<br />

with the normal magnetic field.<br />

The baste linear relation for structural geoinagnetic soundings can<br />

be written then si-~nply by products in the ti.rne domain:

This relati-on implies .that .the local geomagnetic d

In an "Untiedt diagram!' the endpoi.nts of the horizol:tal dis-turbance<br />

vector (El H ) are drawn as a curve in (x,y)-coordinates during a<br />

x Y<br />

single event. Lines which connect time instances of equal ver-tical<br />

disturbance M w i l l then be para]-lel to the.intersecting line of<br />

i. z<br />

the prefer~ed plane with the ,(x, y) -plane. The "induction arrows'!<br />

are normal to these lines and their length is given by the ratio<br />

of Haz t o the simultaneous horizontal disturbance vector, projected<br />

onto the direction normal to the connecting lines.<br />

.Parkinson and Wiese diagrams which utilize the H az) I-Ix' H relation:<br />

Y<br />

of nuinerous individual events can be employed also in the case of<br />

2-dimensj.ona1 structures wi-th an anomalous field which is not<br />

exactly in-phase with the normal field. Then more 01' less sinilsoicla'<br />

variations are chosen with readings at well defined times, e.g. at<br />

the time of maximum deviation of Haz from the undisturbed level.

9. ---<br />

Data 5.nterpretatj.on on the basis of selected -- iriodels<br />

9.1 - Layered H a l f - s ~<br />

The interpretation of geomagnetic sounding data by a layered re-<br />

sistivity distribution p = p (z) is appropiate at those single<br />

n<br />

sites or for those arrays which do not show anomalous magnetic<br />

Z-Variati.ons and which have a polarisation-independent magneto-<br />

telluric inwedance:<br />

The transfer functions to be used for the interpretation are<br />

the inductive scale length C (w,O)<br />

n<br />

for zero wavenumber<br />

the impedance<br />

the ratio'of internal to<br />

external parts in the<br />

wavenuinber domain<br />

The transfer function of the Y-algorithm to be uscd for the lineari-<br />

sation of the inverse problem is<br />

where p is arbitrary reference resistivity Ccf. chap. 6.4)<br />

0<br />

Considering these transfer functions a.t one particular frequency ><br />

the parameters of the following models can be derived directly<br />

from tl-tem. These parameters may then be used to resen~ble as func-<br />

tions of frequency certain characteristics of the true resistivity<br />

distribution. All formulas are readily derived from the formulas<br />

for TE-fields at zero wavenumber in chap. 7.3, annex.<br />

(a) Single frequency interpretation of the modulus of transfer-<br />

functions (Cagniard-Tilchonov): the model c0nsi.s-ks. of a uniform<br />

half-space. Its resistivity is

if the period T is inensured in seconds, E in mV/Icm and H in y.<br />

X Y<br />

is the "Cagniardapparent resistivi'ty" of the substrat~uil<br />

pa at<br />

the considered frequency.<br />

(b) Single<br />

1<br />

frequency interpretation of the real part of Cn:<br />

The model consists of a perfect conductor at<br />

W X A<br />

f=m :* layer.<br />

Im(Z<br />

.. .<br />

3:<br />

~ , , ~.<br />

n<br />

, .. ;\<br />

z = R~IC I = --<br />

\ \ \ g ,. = 0 ., , n<br />

\. .,, \\... u"c<br />

is the depth of the "perfect substitute conductor" at the con-<br />

\ .'.., \ . X<br />

the depth z = z beneath a non-conducting -top<br />

sidered frequency, indicating the depth of penetration into<br />

the substratum at that frequency.<br />

(c) Single frequency interpretation of the imaginary part of C :<br />

n<br />

-7- %* The model consists of a thin conductive top -<br />

;' f - '-<br />

layer of the conductance I-~ = 9 cr(z)dz,<br />

\<br />

\. , . .,<br />

0<br />

covering a non-conducting half-space. This ,<br />

\<br />

\ . \ \<br />

apparen-t condoctance is given by<br />

(d) Sing1.e frequency interpretation of amplitude - and phase of resp3nse<br />

functions; 4 = arg{Zn}. 1 0 < @ < ~ / 4 : The model consists of<br />

X<br />

a thin top layer of the conductance T above a uniform substra-<br />

tum OF resistivi-ty p"":<br />

-ER<br />

TX =<br />

p"" = PaS<br />

-Im(C n ) - Real(C n ) , -- Re(Zn) ,- Im(Zn)<br />

--<br />

ullo ! cn I *<br />

1znI2 -<br />

1 + cotZ@<br />

2<br />

2 n/]; < @ < ~ / 2 : the model consists of a non-conducting 'top --<br />

layer of thickness h above a uniform substratum of the re-<br />

X<br />

sistivity p ;<br />

Im(Zn) - Re(Zn)<br />

h = Real(C ) + Im(C,) =<br />

n<br />

u"o<br />

--<br />

p" = 2 wl,;{l:rn(~~)~~ = 2 : Pa 5<br />

, . 1i.tan2@<br />


The "modified apparent - - resistivity" p can be used as an estimator<br />

I r.<br />

of the resistivity at the depth zf= Re{Cnl = h 4 ~p with<br />

m<br />

,.<br />

pX = 1 f i k as apparent skin-depth of the substratum. The representation<br />

UlJ0<br />

of the true resistivity distribution p(z) by the modified apparent ,<br />

x<br />

. resistivity distribu-tion p CZ~)'~S usually adquate, if p decreases<br />

with increasing depth. It is-less satisfactory, if p increases with<br />

depth.<br />

(e) Multiple frequency interpretation with a three-layer model:<br />

'Is<br />

-<br />

L<br />

X<br />

This interpretation cornbines the single<br />

frequency in-terpretat3.ons (b) and (c) , i. e.<br />

-TL-.A,.~.-'- I-.-<br />

the model consists of a thin top layer with<br />

2 h dl<br />

the conductance T , a non-conducting inter-<br />

mediate layer of the thickness h above a<br />

perfectly conducting substratum. Then<br />

= wp ~h = is the induction parameter of the model wi-th dl<br />

0<br />

pi<br />

as thickness of the top layer and pl = /l& as its ~%in-depth<br />

W0T<br />

with the requirement that pl > 1, implying that h >>> p the induction is predominan-t1.y<br />

1'<br />

j.n the surface sheet, the response functions<br />

al-e independent of h, thus allowing a unique cleterrr~ination of T.<br />

Ln particular,<br />

Pa<br />

-. -<br />

1<br />

W ~ J ,r2<br />

0<br />

Hence, if y = log pa/p and x = l.og T/To (T = period; po and To<br />

0<br />

are reference values), then<br />

e .<br />

the p vs, period curve in log-log prcsen'cati.on is a straigh-t<br />

a<br />

4 b?i.~:h w as curve parameter<br />


0<br />

line ascending under 45 , its intersection point on the x-axis<br />

-<br />

given hy<br />

Po .r2)<br />

= log(21ry -<br />

To<br />

with TI = 1 . lox1 in seconds and po in Qm.<br />

0<br />

If, on the other hand, 11~

Exercise<br />

Geomagne-tic varj.ations. in H (north component), D (east component)<br />

and Z (vertical component) have been recorded at Goettingen from<br />

September 5, 17 h to September G, 2h GMT 1957. During the same time<br />

interval1 records have been obtained also of the telluric field in<br />

its northcomponent EN and its eastcomponent EE. Scale values and<br />

directions of positive change are indicated.<br />

(1) Determine the magneto-telluric impedances EN/D and EE/H for<br />

fast (period 1 10 min) and slow (period 1 1 hour) variations,<br />

evalua-ting peak value readings of pronounced deflections from<br />

the smoothed undisturbed level.<br />

Calculate the apparent resistivity pa and estimate the phase @<br />

0 0 0<br />

of the impedance (0 , f 45 , + 90 ).Interpret pa and @ with<br />

one or two layer models for the two period groups separately.<br />

Then search for a model which could explain both period grLcups<br />

by calculating the response function y and solving a system<br />

o'£ two to four linear equations.<br />

(2) The magnetogram shows pronounced variations in Z which in view<br />

of the low latitude of Goettingen can be interpreted as being<br />

due to a resistivity anoma1.y. Check the correlation of Z with<br />

H. and D by visual inspection. Then choose effects with<br />

distinctly different K : D ratios and determine the coefficient<br />

A and B for the anomalous vertical field Z = AH + BD.<br />

Interpret the result.

. , . ' .,<br />

, . - ~a~neto~ran?;l~<br />

Gottin'gen 1953 September 5-6<br />

.i , $ .

9.2 Layered Sphere -<br />

The sphericity of the real Earth has to be taken into account,<br />

if for the considered frequency the depth of penetration is<br />

- 'comparable to the Earth's radius a divided by N. Here N is the<br />

highest value of the degree n of spherical surface harmonics<br />

which describe the surface field as functions of latitude and<br />

longitude. There is a formal correspondence between the wave<br />

number k and n/a or better Jn(n+l)/a (S. belobr).<br />

Only the long-period variations S and Dst p enetrate deeply enough<br />

9<br />

to make a spherical correction of their plane-earth response<br />

functions necessary. The Dst source field is effectively of the<br />

degree n = 1, while the Sq source field contains spherical har-<br />

monics up to N = 5. In fact, the surface field of the m'th Sq<br />

subharmonic is well described by a spherical harmonic of the<br />

degree n = m + 1 when m ranges from one to four. The ra-ti-os a/N<br />

are therefore roughly 6000 km for Dst and 3000 to 1200 km for Sq.<br />

These values have to be set in relation to the depth of penetration<br />

of Dst from 600 to 1000 km and to the depth of penetration of S 9<br />

from 300 to 500 km.<br />

Hence, in either case there will be the need of a spherical correc-<br />

tion, but it should be noted that it will be bigger for S because<br />

9<br />

the greater spatial. non-uniformity of S outweigh-ts the effect<br />

9<br />

of deeper penetration of Dst.<br />

The theory of electromagnetic induction in conductors of sphecical<br />

symmetry surrounded by non-conducting matter can be summarized<br />

as foll.ows. Let<br />

be the magnetic and electric field vectors of time-harmonic TE-<br />

mode fields in spherical geocentric coordinates; r is the geo-<br />

centric distance, X the angle of longitude and 0 the angle of<br />

' 0<br />

co-latitude (= 90 minus latitude) on a spherical surface. Tlte<br />

diffusion victor from Sec. '7.3 points from external sources<br />

r5adi.all.y inwards toward r = 0:

with<br />

and<br />

rot rotP= -<br />

Pr is expressed on a surface r = const. by a series of spherical<br />

surface harmonics. The diffusion equation V'P - = iwuouv '2 within<br />

the v'the Shel.1 is then solvable by .i separation of variables<br />

(K: = iwpouv):<br />

, .<br />

where the characteristic radial function fm satisfies the ordinary<br />

11<br />

second order differential equation<br />

Its general solution are spherical Besselfunctions jn and n of<br />

n<br />

the first and second kind,<br />

. .- with A~ n and B: as complex-valued constants OF in-tegration. Theym<br />

m<br />

decribe the in--going (B ) and out-going (A ) solu-tion, the latter<br />

n n<br />

being zero below the ul.timate shells, surrounding an uniform<br />

inner core, because nn has a singularity at r = o while jn + 0<br />

for r +- 0.<br />

i<br />

The characteristic scale 1.engi-h of pene-tration is defined as i.<br />

with<br />

m m .<br />

cm = r fn/gn<br />

n<br />

d(r f:)<br />

- -<br />

tz: - dr

The field within the conducting sphere, r - < a, is derived from - P<br />

as described in Sec. 7.3. Observing that the radial component of<br />

rot rot - P reduces by the use of spherical harmonics to<br />

the field components of the spherical harmonic of degree n and<br />

order m are:<br />

and<br />

The impedance of the field at spherical sur'aces, expressed in<br />

terms of c:, is then as in the case of plane donductors given by<br />

For the field outside of the conducting sphere, r - > a, the solution<br />

of the radial function is (in quasi-stationary approximation)<br />

Hence, the surface value of the charlac-terisll-ic scale length for<br />

r = a is found to be<br />

The ratio of internal. -to external. parts of the magnetj.~ surfacc<br />

fleld is by definition

yielding<br />

The ratio of internal to external parts is therefore derived from<br />

cm according to<br />

n<br />

which demonstrates the r$le of n/a, respec-tive1.y (n+l)/a, as equi- c<br />

valent wavenumber of the source fielh in spherical coordinates<br />

(cf. Sec. 9.1).<br />

The spherical version of the input function for the inverse problem,<br />

based on a linearisation according to the $-algorithm, is con-<br />

veniently defined as<br />

with K~ = itopO/pO. It w ill be shown that the spherical ccrrection<br />

0<br />

is of the order (n[~[/a)', if the conductivity is more or less<br />

uniform.<br />

If degree and order of the spherical. harmonic representation of<br />

the source field are independent of frequency (this is true for;D st<br />

but -- not for S ), the inverse problem can be solved by deriving<br />

9<br />

from spherical response functions a prel-iminary plane-earth model<br />

h<br />

This model. is subsequently transformed into a spherical. Earth<br />

model p(r) with WEIDELT's transformation formula:<br />


and<br />

An algorithm for the direct problem for spherical conductors can<br />

be formulated as follows. It is designed not to give the transfer<br />

function C: for a given model itself but an auxilary transfer<br />

function<br />

as a direct equivalent to the tranfer function C of plane conm<br />

ductors. To see its connection to C differentiate the characteristic<br />

n'<br />

depth function f: with respect to r, observing that the differen-<br />

tiation of spherical Besselfunctions with respect to their argu-<br />

ment u j.s<br />

and the same for n . Then<br />

n<br />

Hence,<br />

d fm<br />

m = fm + = fm(r/?m - n)<br />

gn n n n<br />

with nC /r as "spherical correction ",<br />

. . n<br />

Continuity of the tangential components of the electric and<br />

A<br />

m<br />

magne.tic field requires that Cn and thereby cm as well are conn<br />

tinuous functions of depth. Let r<br />

L<br />

be the radius of the inner<br />

core of conductivity a surrounded by (L-1) uniform shells, the<br />

L'<br />

-yth shell between r<br />

and rvi-,.<br />

(v = 1,2, ... L).<br />


Then<br />

with uL = iKL rL because the in-going solutions are zero within<br />

m<br />

the core. But C for r = r can be expressed also in terms of<br />

n L<br />

thd general solution of the (L-1) 'th shell:<br />

*<br />

m<br />

with ui = iKL-l rL. AS a consequence, C for r = rL-l is now ex-<br />

,. n<br />

pressible in terms of c:(P~) and thus an algorithm can be estah~<br />

~<br />

blished for the calculation of the surface value ~z(r = a). In<br />

1<br />

numerical evaluation it is preferable not to derive the spherical<br />

Besselfunctions for the arguments u and u' -themselves, but to<br />

V v<br />

reformulate the algorithm by expressing jn and nn in terms of<br />

hyperbolic functions (cf. Dover Handbook of Mathematical Function,<br />

FoI?mula 10.2.12):<br />

n<br />

jn(u) = i {gnCz) sinh(z) + g-n-l (z) COS~CZ))<br />

with u = iz and the following recurrence formula for the<br />

gnCn = 0, + 1, + 2 ... ):<br />

- -1<br />

Lf I z 1 >> 1, the approximations z for n = f2, + 4, ... and<br />

-<br />

g n<br />

- -z2 . Cn+l).n/2 for n = + 3, + 5, ... are valid; g-l = 0.<br />

gn<br />

By making use of the addition theorems of hyperbo1.i~ functions<br />

the algorithm can be given a form simular to the recurrence for-<br />

mula of plane conductors (cf. Appendix to Sec.7.3)

with<br />

I -<br />

and- a = gn g-n I<br />

1 6-n-1 En-1<br />

The argument of g is u = i K r , the argument of g' is ul=iK r<br />

n v v v n v v vt.1'<br />

If luvl and [ub[ are large compared to unity, i.e. if the mesa<br />

radius is much~larger than the skin-depth of the v'th shell., the<br />

-1<br />

coefficients a are of the order +(u ul) , the spherical correc-<br />

n -4 :-I or u-l u1-2<br />

tion coefficients E of the order uv uv<br />

I1 V v<br />

Consider for example the case of a uniform sphere of the radius a,<br />

the conductivity a, K = iwu o and u = iKa. Then<br />


Assuming the skin-depth to be small in comparison to a,<br />

( I u I >> I), tanh(u) z.1 and with z = u/i = Ka<br />

The resulting approximate spherical transfer function<br />

has its plane-halfspace value except for a spherical correction<br />

of the order Cn/z)'.<br />

9.3. Non-uniform thin sheets above a layered substructure<br />

- ---<br />

The thin-sheet approximation has been introduced by<br />

PRICE to geomagnetic induction problems. It applies to those<br />

variat%on anomalies for which there is reason to believe that<br />

they arise from l-ateral changes of resistivity close to the<br />

surface. For instance, highly resistive basement rocks may be<br />

covered by well conducting sediments of fairly uniform re-<br />

sistivity ps but variable thickness d.<br />

Two conditions have to be satisfied, if this surface cover is<br />

to be treated as a "thin sheet" of variable conductance<br />

.r = d/ps:<br />

(i) Its skin-depth J2ps/wvo at the considered frequency must<br />

exceed the maximum thickness dmax by at least a factor of 2.<br />

(ii) The inductive scald-length c-(u,o) for the matter below the<br />

n<br />

surface cover, assumed to be a layered half-space, must be<br />

large in comparison to dmax.<br />

Under these conditions the electric field within the "-thin sheet1'<br />

may. be. regarded as- constant for 0 .: z < d, reducing the first<br />

field ec~uatlon to its thin-sheet approximation

with<br />

~ = - T E<br />

+<br />

as sheet current density; Htg is the tangential magnetic field<br />

above the sheet at z = 0, H- the tangential magnetic field<br />

;;tg<br />

below the sheet at z = d; z is the unit vector downward.<br />

1 ... , . .<br />

G' 3<br />

for example a sedimentary cover with<br />

I<br />

exceeding 4 km i n thickness. Then condition (i) will be satis-<br />

fied for periods up to 2 minutes and condition (ii) for deep<br />

resi.stivities in excess of, say, 50 Slm.<br />

The response functions for the normal field above the sheet at<br />

z = 0 are readily found from<br />

where T is the constant normal part of T, while C; has to be<br />

n<br />

derived from the given substructure resistivi-ty profile. The<br />

field equations.to be considered for the evaluation of the va- .<br />

. . riation anomaly are<br />

with<br />

rot E = impo EIa,<br />

Z -a

The second field equation implies that the vertical magnetic<br />

field is also to be regarded as a constant between z = 0 and<br />

z = d.<br />

In addition there are boundary conditions for the anolnalous field,<br />

arising from the fact that its primary sourced lie within the<br />

sheet.<br />

Pilot interpretation: In many cases the anomalous field has no<br />

inductive coupling with the substructure because its half-width<br />

is small in comparison to (c,[. In that case no currents are in--<br />

duced by Ha in the subs-tructure and the anomalous magnetic field<br />

is solely due to the anomalous sheet current ja within the sheet.<br />

For reasons of symmetry<br />

Observe that the inductive coupling of -the normal field has not<br />

been neglected, i.e. its internal sources lie within the sheet<br />

as well as within the substructure. Assuming that T~ is known<br />

and that it is possib1.e to identify the normal part of the total<br />

electric field - E = En + Ea either by calculation 01, by observations<br />

outside of the anomaly, the anomalous part of the conductance T., a<br />

t<br />

is readily found from observations of Hatg and<br />

-a<br />

E . In this way,<br />

using the example from above,the variable dep-ti1 of the basement<br />

bel-ow the sedimen.ks,<br />

can be estimated.<br />

If an el-ongated structure is in H-polarisation with respect to<br />

the normal field, the magnetic variation anomaly will disappear<br />

(cf. Sec. 7.3). The pilot investigation of the conductance is done 11~<br />

even inore simply because the sheet current densj.ty must be a<br />

constant in th-e direction normal to the trend:

E~~ T r: j = const. or E T + E a r = j = 0.<br />

n~ a a<br />

This approach has been used by HAACK to obtain a fairly reliable<br />

conductance cross-section through the Rhinegraben.<br />

In the case of E-pol-arisation a different kind of simplification<br />

may be in order: Suppose tHe half-width of the anomaly is<br />

sufficiently small in comparison to (W~~T)-' everwhere. Then no<br />

significant local self-induction clue to HaZ which produces<br />

takes places, i.e. the electric field driving the anomalous<br />

current will be the large-scale induced normal field only:<br />

Assuming E again to be known, the conductance anomaly is now<br />

-n ll<br />

derived from the observation of the tangential magnetic var,iation<br />

anomaly normal to the trend,<br />

In the actual performance with real data all field components<br />

may be expressed in terms of their transfer functions W and Z<br />

and thus be norrnalised with regard to h+<br />

r1tg'<br />

Let T be variable only in one horizontal direction, say, i.n y-<br />

dlrec-tion'which. implies that the anomal.ous fj-eld is also variable<br />

only in that direction, obeying the field equa-tions<br />

CE-polarisation) (H-polarisation)<br />

-<br />

H+ - 1-1- = H - H.k -<br />

ay ay ?ax ax ax - jay<br />

with<br />


Here a denotes the conducti.vity at the top of the substratum<br />

0<br />

and ~a~ the anomalous vertical field at z = d which is responsible<br />

for driving currents upwards from the substructure to the sheet<br />

and vice versa.<br />

The boundary conditions, reflecting the "thin-sheet origin" of the<br />

variation anomaly, are<br />

(E-polarisation) (H-polarisation)<br />

for z = 0: H' = -K x H H+ = 0,<br />

a Y az ax<br />

-<br />

for z = d: H- = LII x Haz E = x Eaz.<br />

ay a Y<br />

c<br />

The kernel function of the convolution integrals - are -n 5<br />

H " ' ~ - K * I ~ ' ~ ~ *<br />

1 r "7 ip H<br />

KCy) = -<br />

=-> "' = Q ~ Y ) - : ~ Y ~ . ~ -<br />

"Y<br />

hy?<br />

q*<br />

c(i) U-<br />

+m sin(y k ) -7 LB% HCi; "I<br />

1<br />

LII(w,y) = - I -<br />

dk<br />

+<br />

't H"b x<br />

" oik Y<br />

Ha): !<br />

Y Cn~=(W'!C Y<br />

7<br />

)<br />

I L E,<br />

Y-,.-r-,--* . ./-:<br />

sin(y k )<br />

m'<br />

1<br />

Y<br />

LICw,y) = - I - d k . ' LI" Ea; . 2 - . UCLX = -go.<br />

"-0 ik ~-(w,k)<br />

Y n1 Y {hcifl<<br />

s2x.x:,~.c.r := ----<br />

He-e C-<br />

n I1 is the response function of the substructure for the<br />

anomalous TE-field in the case of E-polarisation and C- the<br />

nI<br />

response function of the substructure for the anomalous TM-field<br />

in the case of H-polarisation.<br />

The kernel K is the separation kernel, introduced in Sec.5.1. It<br />

i<br />

connects K and HaZ in such a manner that the source of the<br />

aY<br />

anomaly is "internal" wh.cn seen from above the sheet. The kernels<br />

L are the Fourier transforms of the response functions, intro-<br />

.duced in Sec.7.3, which connect the tangential and horizontal<br />

field components above a layered half-space. Their application<br />

to the anomalous field at z = d implies that H and E diffuse<br />

-a -a<br />

downward into tlie substructure antidisappear for z -p a. ---<br />

They represent<br />

the.inductive coupling of the anomalous field with the<br />

substructure .'

Field equations and boundary condition together constitute a set<br />

of four linear equations. for an equal number of unlcnown field<br />

components. They are uniquely determined in this way. A solution<br />

toward the anomalous tangential electric field in 8-polarisation,<br />

for instance, gives<br />

A similar solution toward the anomalous current density in H-<br />

polarisation gives<br />

For a given model-distribution these equations are solved numeri-<br />

cally, by setting up a system of linear equations for the unknown<br />

field components at a finite number of grid points along y. The<br />

convolution integrals, involving derivatives of the unknown field<br />

componentswith respect to y, are preferably treated by partial<br />

integration which in effect leads to a convolution of the unknown<br />

field components themselves with the derivatives of the kernels.<br />

It should be noted that the kernels L approach for y -t finite<br />

-1<br />

limiting values, given by' { 2 ~ i ( w ,011 .<br />

Inverse problem for two-dimensional strnc_j;Lms<br />

-.<br />

1.t -is. also possib1.e to consider the anomalous conductance -ra a.s<br />

the unknown quantity to be determined from an observed elongated<br />

variation anomaly, in the actual calculations to be represented by a<br />

set of respective transfer functions. The normal. sheet conductance<br />

T and the resistivity of the substructure, for which the kernels<br />

n<br />

L have to be determined, enter into the calculations as free model<br />

parameters. They can be varied to get the best agreement in ~ ~ ( y )<br />

when uslng more than one frequency of the variation anomaly.

Another point of concern is the reality of the resulting numeri-<br />

cal values of ra. Usually empirical data wi1.l give complex values<br />

and the free parameters should be adjusted al.so to minimize the<br />

imaginary part of the calculated conductance.<br />

In E-polari.sation the elimination of H- gives<br />

a Y<br />

tie can then eliminate either HC and Haz, if -ra is to be determined<br />

aY<br />

from anomalous electric field,or we can derive ra from the anoma-<br />

lous magnetic field by observing tha-t<br />

by integration<br />

. of the second field equation. The norrnal electric field is<br />

derived from the normal magnetic field by setting<br />

when the source field is quasi-uniform and<br />

when the source field is non-uniform; N (w,y) is the Fourier<br />

I1<br />

transform of * '%. (w,k). Cf. Sec. 8.2, "Vertical soundings with<br />

Cln11<br />

station arrays".<br />

In H-polarisation only the anolnalous electric Field is observable<br />

at the surface. For the eli.mination of -the anolnalous magneti.~<br />

field at the lower face of the sheet from the field equations<br />

we use the generalized inlpedance boundary condition for the ano-<br />

malous TM-field at the surface of the substructure (cf. Sec.7.3<br />

und 8.2) :

with N (w,y) being the Fourier transform of C- (w,k 1. Insertion<br />

I n1 Y<br />

above gives<br />

9.4 Non-uniform layers .above and within a layered structure<br />

The source of the surface variation anomaly is assumed to be an<br />

anomalous slab between z = zo and z = z + D in which the re-<br />

0<br />

sistivity changes in vertical &horizontal direction: p=p,+pa.<br />

The region above and below the slab are taken to be layered,<br />

p = pn being here a sole function of depth (cf. Sec.3).<br />

The response functions for the normal variatLon field are defined<br />

for the normal structure as given by p . If the anomaly lies at<br />

n<br />

the transj.tion between two extended normal regions, two normal<br />

sol.utions havk to be formulated. It should be no-Led that in that<br />

case the anomalous field w i l l not disappear bu-t converge outside<br />

of the anomaly toward the difference of the two normal soluti.ons.<br />

Henceforth., the normal structure , the normal response functions J<br />

and the normal fields En and E will be assumed to be known<br />

-n . .<br />

throughou-t the lower conducting half-space. The source-field will<br />

be regarded as quasi-uniform except for source fields in E-polari-

sation in the case of longated anomalies when a non-uniform<br />

source can be permitted (cf. Sec. 9.3, calculation of E from<br />

-nx<br />

H 1).<br />

nY<br />

The principal problem in basing -the interpretation of actual<br />

field data on this type of model consists in a proper choice<br />

of the upper and lower bounds of the anomalous slab. The following<br />

argumepts may be useful. for a sensible choice:<br />

The anomalous region must be reached by the normal variation<br />

field) i.e. z should not be made larger than the depth of pene-<br />

0<br />

tration of the normal field as given by I C (w,0)1 at the highest<br />

n<br />

frequency of an anomalous response. A lower bound for the depth<br />

of the slab is not as readly formulated because the ano~nalous<br />

response does not disappear necessarily when the depth of pene-<br />

tration is much larger than z + D, i.e. when no significant<br />

0<br />

normal induction takes places within the anomalous slab. Only<br />

if the anomaly is elongated and the source field in E-polarisa-<br />

tion, can it be said that the depth zo + 1) must be at least com-<br />

parable to the normal depth of penetration at the lowest fre-<br />

quency of an anomalous response.<br />

Pilot studies: In section 8.2 the general properties of the im-<br />

pedance tensor Z above a non-layered structure have been discussed<br />

and the following rule for elongated anomalies was establi.shec1:<br />

The impedance for E-polarisation does not diverge markedly from<br />

the impedance of a hypothetical. one-dimensional response for the<br />

local resistivity-depth profile, while the impedance for H-pola-<br />

risation will do.so unless the depth of penetration is small in<br />

comparison to the depth of the internal resistivi.-ty anomaly and<br />

the inductive response nearly normal anyway.<br />

Suppose then that an impedance tensor has been obtained at a'lo-<br />

cation y on a profile across a quasi-twodimensional anomaly which<br />

by rotation of coordinates has zero or allnos-t zero diagonal ele-<br />

ments and that a distinction of the offdiagonal elements for E- and<br />

H-polarisation can be made (cf.Sec.8.2). Regarding the E-polari-<br />

sztion response for a first approximation as quasi-normal., a local<br />

inductive scale length

is calculated as function of frequency and location. It is<br />

converted into an apparent CAGKIARD resistivity and phase:<br />

or alternatively into the depth of a perfect substitute con.ductor<br />

and a modified apparent resistivity :<br />

which'can be combined'into a local depth versus apparent resj-sti-<br />

x X<br />

vity profile p (z,, , y).<br />

11<br />

If the magnetic variation anomaly rather than the geoelectric<br />

field has been observed, the anomalous part of El! can be derived<br />

by integration over the anomaly of the vertical magnetic varia-tions,<br />

w11il.e the normal part of E,, is calculated from the normal impedance<br />

outside of the anomaly or derived theoretically for a hypothetical<br />

normal resistivity model:<br />

or in terms of transfer functions with respect to H n l '<br />

using for the transfer function of H the nota-tj.ons of page 113.<br />

az<br />

Magnetotelluric and geomagne-tic depth sounding data along a<br />

profi1.e are in this way readily converted either into CAGNIARD<br />

r~esistivity ,and phase-contours in frequency--distance coordina.i-es ,<br />

'if<br />

into lines of , depth-of-penetration z at a gi.ven frequency,<br />

%<br />

or into modified apparent-resis.tivi-ty- contours in a z -distance<br />

cposs-section Either one of these plots will outline the frequency<br />

range, respectively the depth range, i.11 which the source of the<br />

anomaly can be expected to lie, and provide a rough idea about the<br />

resistivities like1.y to occur within the anona1.ous zone,

Single frequency -- interpretation by perfect conductors - at<br />

--<br />

variable depth<br />

Geomagne-tic variations anomalies show frequc.ntly nearly zero<br />

phase with respect to the normal field, the transfer functions<br />

which connect the cbmponents of H and fin being real func-tions<br />

-a<br />

of frequency and locations. This applies in particular .to two.<br />

types of anomalies. Firstly to those which arise from a non-<br />

uniform surf ace layer, thin enough to allow -the 'ltl~in-sl~ee~t"<br />

approxima-tion of the previous sec-t:ion with predominant .i.nduction<br />

within the sheet (ns>>l), Secondly, it applies to anomalies<br />

above a highly conductive subsurface layer at variab1.e dfpth<br />

benea-th an effectively non-conducting cover.<br />

In the first case En will be in-phase with Hn, in the second<br />

case out-of-phase (cf .Sec.9.1). But it is important to note that<br />

the anomalous variation field H wi1.l be in either casc roughly<br />

a<br />

in-phase -. with Hn.

Both types of anomaly can be explained at a given frequency by<br />

the undulating surface S of a perfect conductor below non-con-<br />

ducting matter, I-ts variable depth below the surface point (x,y)<br />

X x<br />

will be denoted as h (x,y) . Outside of the anomaly h shall be<br />

constant and equal to the real part of Cn at the considered fre-<br />

quenc y .<br />

This kind of interpretation is intended to demonstrate the effect<br />

of lateral changes of in-ternal resistivity on the depth of penetra-<br />

tion as a function of frequency and location, it does not provide,<br />

however, quantitative information about -the resistivities involved<br />

nor does it allow a distinction of the two types of anomalies<br />

mentioned above.<br />

Clearly, the magnetic fie1.d below S must be zero and the magnetic<br />

field vector on S tangential with respect to S because the con-<br />

nor a1<br />

tinui-ty condition for the field conponent toif'?? requires that this<br />

component vanishes just above S.<br />

~irect model problem: For a given shape of S the anoinalous surface<br />

field can be found with the methods of potential field theory,<br />

since Ma will be irrotational and of internal origin above S. If<br />

~ ~<br />

in -particular S has a simple shape independen-t of x, the field<br />

%<br />

' lines for E-polarisation in the (y,z)-plane for z - < h (y) can be<br />

found by conformal mapping as follows:<br />

Let w(y,z) = y(yl,zl) + i.z(yl,zl) be an analytic function whi.ch<br />

maps the line zl=O of rectangular (yl ,zl) coordinates into the line<br />

* z=l> fy) of rectangular (y,z) coordinates. Lines z1 = const, are in-<br />

terpreted as magnetic field lines of a uniform field above a perfect<br />

conduc-tor at constan-t depth, their image in the (y,z)-plane as field<br />

lines of adistorted field above a perfect conductor at the variable

x:<br />

depth h (y), the image of the ultiina.'ce field line zf=O being ta.ngen-<br />

tial to the surface of the conductor as required.<br />

If gn= (Hlly '0) denotes the uniform horizontal field vector at a<br />

point in the original (yl,z') coordinates, the components of the<br />

field vector - H= (H ,Hz) at the image point in the (y,z) coordinates<br />

Y<br />

can be shown to be given by<br />

with<br />

The difference - H - H represents<br />

-n<br />

the anomalous field to be<br />

' Inverse problem: The shape of the surface S can be found inversely<br />

from a given surface anomaly by constructing the internal field<br />

lines of -the field gn+ga. Field lines which have at some distance of<br />

the anpmaly the required normal depth R ~ ( C ) define the surface S,<br />

n<br />

provided of course that the surface thus found does no-t inS:ersec3<<br />

the Earth's surface anywhere.<br />

The ac-tual calculation of internal field lines requires 2 downward<br />

ex-tension of the anomaly through the non-conducting matter above<br />

the perfec-t conductor, using the well developed methods of potential<br />

field continuation towards its sources, In order to obtain sufficien:<br />

stability of thenumericaz process, the anomaly has to be low-pass<br />

filtered prior to the downward con'tinuation with a cut-off at a<br />

reciprocal spa-tial wave number comparable to the maximum depth of<br />

intended downward extrapolation.

A field line segment with the horizontal increments dx and dy has<br />

then -the vertical increment<br />

H H<br />

a z a z<br />

az<br />

dz =-dx +-dy =<br />

ax 3~ +H H +H Q2<br />

nx ax nY aY<br />

and the entire field line is the,,constructed by numerical integra:<br />

tion;<br />

An analy-tically solvable inverse problem: Suppose the observed<br />

anomaly' is 2-dimensional and sinusoi.da1,<br />

H (y,z=O) = c sin(k.y) H .<br />

aY nY.<br />

Because of the internal origin of the anomaly<br />

the internal field increasing exponential1.y with depth,<br />

Hence, the slope of field lines at the depth z i s<br />

by integration<br />

z(y) = z - c/k.sin(k-y1.e k.z(y)<br />

0<br />

as the implicit solution with zo as t5e constant of integration.<br />

Here it w i l l be chosen in such a way that the highest point of the<br />

field line is still below the Earth's surface z=0.<br />

We infer from the fi.eLd line equation z(y) that field lines above<br />

sinusoida!. anomalies oscillate non-symmetrically around the depth -1.<br />

z=z with Lj=27i/k as spatial wave length. Their deepest points z=z<br />

0<br />

are at y=L/4,-3L/4,+. ., . ..<br />

y= -L/4,3L/4 ,T.. ...<br />

. .<br />

. . . . , their highest points 2.2- at<br />

u,z<br />

'jar 7, , :f-, , . / ,- - 0 -3<br />

x<br />

- L ....-a' \ 1 f .- ,<br />

/ ,<br />

-r/ ..-<br />

,/' 7 -k> '../%,./'<br />

\.- A--<br />

s u, j., , 0.- , rr .L<br />

1<br />

Z<br />

Y<br />

- i . . '. \<br />

1<br />

Y 1<br />

F: ,.C'C p,<br />


Suppose the spatial wave length of the anomaly is large in'com-<br />

-1.<br />

parison to the deepest point of penetration z . Then the approxi-<br />

mate field line equation<br />

can be used wi-th the requirement tha-t zo is equal to or larger<br />

than c/k. The mean amplitude of the field line oscillations is<br />

readily expressed now in terrns of. the amplitude of the observed<br />

surface anomaly as given by the factor c, namely<br />

If, for example, a moderate anomaly has the ampli.tudd cr0.25 and<br />

a wave length of 628 km, the mean amplitude of the field line'<br />

oscil.lations are given by (zo+'100)/4km, zo? 25 km. Using z =30 km<br />

0<br />

gives a mean ainplitude of 33 km and'the field line oscill.ates<br />

between 4 km and 70 km, This numerical example demonstrates that<br />

even minor ano~nalies require rather large undula-tions in the depth<br />

of a perfect substitute conductor.<br />

'Multi-frequency - - interpretation buocal. ir~duc$ion in isolated<br />

bodies<br />

Most geomagnetic induction anomalies arise from a local rearrange-<br />

ment of large-scale induced currents, In some cases, however, it<br />

may be justified to assume that the source of the anomaly is a<br />

conducting body which is isolated by non-conducting mat-ter from<br />

the large-scale curcent systems. Such a body can be, fop instance,<br />

a crustal lense of high conductivity within the normal1.y highly<br />

resistive crust.<br />

The direc-t - problem: Consider a body of (variable) conductivity<br />

between z=zl and z= 2. ' The sui7roundi.ng matter. at the same depth is<br />

effectively non-conducting at the considered frequency, i,e, large-<br />

scale induced curren-ts which flow in the normal structure above and

- 160 -<br />

below can neither enter nor leave this body.<br />

The inducing field is the normal field HA between zl and z 2 3<br />

regarded as uniform. For simplicity it is assumed that the nor-<br />

mal structure between z=0 and z represents a "thin sheet" of the<br />

1<br />

conductance T ~ . Then the attenuation of H1 with respect to the<br />

n<br />

normal field H at the surface zz0 is given by<br />

n<br />

as thin-sheet induction parameter (Sect.9'3 . . and Appendix to 7.3).<br />

Three aspects of the arising inductiorl probl.em have -to be con-<br />

sidered: (i) the local induction by H' within the body, (ii) the<br />

n<br />

elec-tromagnetic coupling of this body with the normal subst~uc-Lure<br />

below z (iii) the coupling of the body with the surface ccveri;bove<br />

2'<br />

In order to make problem (i) solvable in a straightforrgard manner<br />

uniform bodies of simple shape such as spheres and horizon1:al.<br />

cylinders of infinite length have -to be selected, The anomalous<br />

field due to -the induc-tion in these bodies is of fr,equ.ency.-indepen-<br />

dent geometry. This fact permits si.lnple solutions of The inverse<br />

prohl.em as seen below.<br />

Consider the case of a horizontal cylinder of infi,nite length, the<br />

radius R and -the conductivity u its axis is parallel to x and<br />

z;<br />

intersects the (y, z)-plane at the point (0, zo). The normal horizon-<br />

tal field is. parallel to y and produces hy i.nduction curren-ts which<br />

flow parall.el to x in .the upper halve and anti-parallel to x in "ilie<br />

lower halve of the cylinder. Their magnetic field outside the cy-<br />

linder is -the field of a central 2-dimenstonal di.pole of the monient

m antiparallel to y. It has the components<br />

with r2 = Y2 + (Z~-.Z)~ and cos0 = zs0/r, sin8 = y/r,<br />

The dependence of the dipole moment on the inducing field will<br />

be expressed in terms of a response function, Let mm be the<br />

dip01 moment of a perfectly conducting cylinder which shields<br />

the external fieldwmpletely frorn its interior. Hencc, the in-<br />

duced field at the point (0, z -R) just above the cylinder<br />

0<br />

must be equal to H' i.e.<br />

n'<br />

which implies that it cancels H1 within the cgl.inder as required.<br />

n<br />

The response function of the cylinder with respect to a uniform<br />

inducing field perpendicular to the axis is now defined as the<br />

complex-valued ratio<br />

which can be shown to be a sole function of the dimensionl.ess<br />

induct ion parameter<br />

-.<br />

. ?he modulus of f(il ) will approa.ch zero for nZ >.I, its argument changing from YO for q7 -t- 0 to 0' for<br />

"z<br />

-t -. Hence, at sufficien-tly high frequencies the anomalous<br />

field from the cylinder w i l l be in-phase with H' and not in-<br />

11<br />

crease beyond a certaiii "induc-tive limit", whj.le at sufficiently<br />

low frequencies the anomal.ous field w i l l be out-of-phase and<br />

small in comparison to the field a-i: the i.nductive 1.irnit.<br />


I '. -<br />

L.. . . - I . --.> . ~<br />

4<br />

The transfer function between the anomal.ous and normal field<br />

are now readily expressed in terms of a frequency-dependent<br />

. response function, a frequency-independmt geometric factor,<br />

and a frequency-dependent attenua-tion factor Q' for the normal<br />

field:<br />

wi-th<br />

Q' = (1 4. i nZ)-' ,<br />

An approximate so1.ution of problem (ii) can be obtained by re-<br />

presenting the conductive substructure below the surface sheet<br />

by a perfect conductor at the (frequency-dependent) depth K~(C;)<br />

and by adding to the anomalous dipole field the field of an<br />

image dipo1.e of the moment R ~H;~ at the depth 2sRe(~i)-z~.

Problem (iii) j.nvol.ves mainly the attenuation of the upward<br />

diffusj.ng anomaly ca by ' uniform surface layers. This a.tte.iiuatri.on<br />

is, however, a second order effect and can be neglected, if<br />

at the considered frequency the widespread normal fieid pene-<br />

trates the surface layers to any extent, i.e. if the modulus<br />

of Q' is sufficiently close to unity.<br />

The inverse problem: Assuming the anomalous body to be a uniform<br />

cylinder, the model parameters zo,'R, cr can be uniquely in-<br />

R<br />

ferred from surface observations, providing the transfer func-<br />

tions for H and FIaz are known for at least two locations and<br />

aY<br />

frequencies. For.ming here the ra-tios<br />

the angles 8 and thereby the position- of the cylinder can be<br />

found, The depth of the cylinder axis being kncwn; the dipole<br />

moment RZf(n) can be calculated. Its argument fixes the size<br />

of the induction parameter n and two determinations of nZ at z<br />

different frequencies the radius R and -the conductivi-ty crz. NOW<br />

R and zo being known, the field of the image dipole can be cal--<br />

culated. The inverse procedure is repeated now with the observed<br />

surface anomaly minus the field of the image dipole until con-.<br />

vergence of the model parameters has been reached.<br />

Interpretation with HIOT--SAVART1s law<br />

. . ~<br />

Let - f he the current density vector within a volume dV at the<br />

Q n n h<br />

point - r = (x, y, z). Then according to UZUT-SAVART1s law in SI<br />

units -the magnetic fieled vector at: the point - r = (x, y , z) due<br />

c'<br />

to the line-current element idV is

This law can be used to i-nterpret an observed surface anomaly<br />

of geomagnetic variations in terms of a subsurface distribution<br />

of anomalous induction currents, which in turn are related to<br />

an internal conductivity anomaly a i,e. to local deviations<br />

a'<br />

of a from a normal. layered distribution o (z),<br />

n<br />

It has been pointed out in Sec.8.3 that the anomalous part of<br />

the geomagnetic and geoelectric variation field can be split<br />

into TE and TM modes (= tangential electric and tangential<br />

magnetic modes) and that only -the TE modes produce an observable<br />

magnetic variation anomaly at the Earth's surface. Consequently,<br />

3<br />

only a TE anomalous current density .distribution c~~~ can be<br />

related to the anomalous magnetic surface field Ha, the sub-<br />

script "11" refering to the solutioll I1 of -the diffusion<br />

equation.<br />

Denoting the tangential components of simply with i and<br />

c<br />

-a11 ax<br />

J. the components of the anomalous surface field are given<br />

ay'<br />

A 0<br />

with r2 = (x-x)' + (Y-~ + G2. The inverse problem, namely to<br />

find from a given surface anomaly the internal anomalous current<br />

distribution, has no unique solution. Within certain constrai.nts,<br />

however, it can be made unique, at least in principle. For in-<br />

stance, it is assumed that the anomalous current flow is limited<br />

to ;I certain depth range which implies that the matter between<br />

this depth range and the surface is regarded as non-conducting<br />

at the considered frequency.<br />

The surface anomaly can be extended no:,? dowr~trard t o the top of<br />

.the anomalous depth range with standard metliods which require<br />


only adequate smoothing of the observed anomal.ous surface field.<br />

Then a certain well defined depth dep'endence of the anomalous<br />

current density is adopted as discussed below and the anomalous<br />

current distribution can be derived in a straightforward manner.<br />

Suppose an observed anomaly 51, at a given frequcncy has been ex-<br />

plained in this way by a distribu-tion of anomalous internal.<br />

currents. Its connection to the internal conductivity is esta-<br />

blished by the normal and anomalous electric field vector accor-<br />

ding to<br />

Assuming the normal conductivity distribution un(z) to be known,<br />

E as a function of depth 'is readily calculated. There is no<br />

-I1<br />

simple way, however, to derive the anomalous electric field of<br />

the TE mode except by numerical models as discussed below. There<br />

is in particular no justification to regard it as small. i.n com-<br />

parison to the normal electric field and thus to drop the second<br />

term in the above relation. Instead the following argumentati.on<br />

has to be used:<br />

The anomalous electric field in the TE mode can be thought to<br />

contain two distinct components. The first component may be re-<br />

garded as the result of local self-induction due to EaII. I -.<br />

can be neglected a-t suffici.ently low frequencies, when the ;-lzlf-<br />

width of the anomaly is small in comparison to the minimum skin-<br />

depth value within the anomalous zone.<br />

The second component arises from electric charges at boundari-es<br />

and in zones of gradually changing conductivi-by. These charges<br />

produce a quasi-static electric field norroal to bounclarics and<br />

paral7.el -to in-ternal conduc-tivity gradients which ensures the<br />

continuity of the current across boundaries and internal gradient<br />

zones. Hence, this second component of the anomalous electric<br />

field does not disappear, when the frequency becomes small.<br />

It vanishes, however, if anomalous internal currents do not cross<br />

boundaries of gradient zones, i.e. when the normal field is in<br />

E-polarisa-tion with respect to the -tl>end of elongated s'iructures.

Only in this special case will be jus.tificati.on .to neglect the<br />

term oEa at low fr2quenaies and to use the approximation<br />

.to calculate the internal conducti.vj.ty anomaly o from the ano-<br />

a<br />

malous current density and the normal electric field, St w i l l<br />

be advisable to regard here rsa as a sole functi.on of x and y<br />

and thus to postulate the same depth dependence for the anomalous<br />

current and the normal electric field.<br />

Interpretation with numerical models<br />

So far idealized models for a laterally non-uniform subs-tructure<br />

have been considered. They allowed a simplified treatment of<br />

the induction problem and had in common that only few free para-<br />

meters were involved. Once numerical values were attached to<br />

them, the observed surface anomaly of the variation field could<br />

,be converted rather easily into variable model parameters to<br />

characterize the internal change of subsurface conductivity at<br />

some given depth from site to site.<br />

The introduction of more realistic models le'ads to a substantial<br />

increase of the numerical work involved and should be considered<br />

only, if transfer functions for the anomalous surface field are<br />

known with high accuracy. The inverse problem to derive a set<br />

of variable model parameters directly from observations can be<br />

solved by linearisation, i.e. by the introduction of a linear<br />

data kernel, connecting changes of the surface response to<br />

changes in the subsurface conductivity structure (cf. Sec.6).<br />

As before a normal structure o outside of the anomaly is given,<br />

n<br />

the variable model parameters representing only lateral changes<br />

of o with respect to on within the range of the anomaly. Unless

stated otherwise, source fields of lateral homogeneity are<br />

assumed, yielding in conjunction with u the normal fields Hn<br />

n<br />

and Ell as known functions of depth.<br />

Conductivity anomalies aa = o - a are restricted to an anoma-<br />

n<br />

lous slab above or within a laterally uniform structure, exten-<br />

ding in depth from zl to z2, Within This slab two basic types<br />

of conductivity anomalies may be distinguished:<br />

(i) slabs with gradually changing conductivities in horizontal<br />

direction or (ii).slabs which consist of uniform blocs or re-<br />

gions, separated by plane or curved boundaries.<br />

In the first case electric changes are distributed within the<br />

'?<br />

slab, -yielding closed current circuits divl = 0 as required in<br />

quasi-stationary approximation. Consequently, divE - = -(E*grado)/o<br />

will not be zero. In the second case only bloc boundaries carry<br />

free surface changes and the electric field will be non-diqergent<br />

within the blocs. In either case a solution of the diffusion<br />

equation for<br />

-a<br />

H or<br />

-a<br />

E has to be found under the condition that<br />

the anomalous field approaches zero with increasing distance<br />

from the anomalous slab.<br />

Numerical methods for the actual solution of the direct - problem,<br />

when oa is given and Ha or Ea are to be found, have been discussed<br />

in Sec. 2 and 3. Here some additional comments: Models<br />

should be set up in such a way that either the shape of the anomalous<br />

body or the anomalous conductivity is the variable to<br />

be described by a set of model. parameters. After fixi-ng the free<br />

parameters, in particular z and z2, the model parameters for<br />

1<br />

the description of the anomaly are varied un-ti1 agreement is<br />

reached between the observed and calculated transfer functions.<br />

Suppose that models of type (ii) are used, that only vertical<br />

and horizontal boundaries are permitted, and that the anomalous<br />

slab is subdivided by equally spaced horizontal boundaries into<br />

layers. Then the variable model parameters are either the po-<br />

sitions of verti.ca1 boundaries, encl.osing a body of constant

anomalous conductivity oat OP the anomalous conductLvity values<br />

'am<br />

of the blocs m = 1,2,-. .. M, separated by equally spaced<br />

vertical boundaries:<br />

If the search for a best fitting se-t of model parameters is to<br />

be done by an iterative inverse rnethod rather than by trial-and-<br />

error,%inear data kernel matrix G =(g has to be found for<br />

nm<br />

an initial model. In this matrix the element gnm represents the<br />

change yn of the anomalous transfer function at a certain su~face<br />

point and frequency Rn which arises in linear approximation<br />

from a change xm of the model parameter in the m'th bloc of the<br />

starting model. The resulting system of linear equations<br />

- x is solved with the methods of Sec.6. Its solution<br />

Yn<br />

-<br />

m<br />

6nm m<br />

represents the improvement of the initial model, if yn is the<br />

misfit between observed and calculated transfer functions for<br />

the initial model: The process is repeated with the improved<br />

models until the necessary improvements xm are small enough to<br />

justify a linear approximation.<br />

Which complica-tions arise in the general case that not only the<br />

internal conductivity structure but also the inducing source<br />

field are 1aterall.y non-uniform? First of all, in addition to on<br />

as a function of depth the magnetic field H (e) of the external<br />

source must be a known fu11'cti.on of surface location. In the<br />

special case of the equatorial jet field this source field con-<br />

fi.guration w i l l be more or less the same for all day-time varj.a-';iofis<br />

and thus a normalisation.of the observed surface field by the<br />


- i<br />

- - i<br />

field at sollie dis-ti~lguishecl surrace point wil.1 be possible, Tor<br />

instance by the horizontal fie1.d at the dip equator,<br />

The conversion formulas of Sec. 5.2 and the methods described<br />

in Sec. 8.2 ("Vertical soundings with station arrays") are now<br />

used to find the inrernal part M (i) of'the normal magnetic field<br />

n<br />

.and the normal electric field En as functions of the surface<br />

loca-ti.on and frequen~y. Finally, the normal surface field is ex-<br />

Ly c oucl.~4wn<br />

tended downwardVwith the spatial Fourier transforms of the down-<br />

ward extension factors as given in the Appendix to Sec. 7.3.<br />

Now the normal field within the anomalous slab is known and the<br />

diffusion equation for the anomalous field can be solved numeri-<br />

cally in the same way as before, when the slab or the anomalous<br />

region themsel.ves are chosen as basic domains for the numerical<br />

calculations. Here a final. schematic summary of the various steps<br />

of the calculations, when the source is the combined field of the<br />

equatorial jet and the low-latitude Sq:<br />

- Interpretation with scale inodel experiments<br />

. . . . . . . . - . . . . - -<br />

Numerical model calculations may be too elaborate, if the induc-<br />

tion by a non-uniform source in a three-din!ensio:lal anomalous<br />

structure has to be considered. An example is the coast effect<br />

of the equatorial jet, when the dip equator crosses the coast-<br />

line under an angle. - No co~nplications arise at those places,<br />

when the dip equator is parallel to xhe coast and the jet field<br />

in E-polarisation (s. above). -<br />

In si-tuation of great complexity the qualitative and even quan-<br />

titative unders-tanding of surface observa-tions may be fur.thcred<br />

by labora-tory scale model experi.ments, sj.niu1.ating the natural<br />

induction process on a reduced scale. Invariance of .the elcc'tro-

the product WUL' constant with L denoting the length scale,<br />

The primary inducing field is produced by an oscilla-ting dipole<br />

source or-by extended current loops, situated as "ionospheric<br />

sources" above an arrangeme& of conductors which represent<br />

the conducting material below the Earth's surface. Alternatively,<br />

the conductors as a whole can be placed into the interior of<br />

coils, say Helmholtz coils, and thus be exposed to a uniform<br />

source field,<br />

.-<br />

\<br />

I<br />

/ I .<br />

1 i:<br />

/'<br />


width, however, forces the induced currents to flow in loops<br />

which in strength and phase may be totally controlled by the<br />

edges of the conductor. In order to avoid this unwanted effect<br />

the source field at the level of the conductors should die away<br />

before reaching the edges of - the scale model. For instance, if<br />

a line current source is used, the half-width of the line current<br />

field on the surface of the scale model' should be considerably<br />

smaller then the width of the model..<br />

These complicati.ons do not arise of course, when no attempt is<br />

made to simulate local anomal-ies of a large-scale induced current<br />

system, i.e. when the scale model is placed into the interior<br />

of coils in order to simulate local induction in isolated bodies<br />

(cf. subsection on this topLc in Sec. 9.4).<br />

Here are to men-tion the scale model experiments by GREWET and<br />

LAUNAY who showed how ,a large-scale induction can be simvlated<br />

also by the induction in the interior of coils. Their objective<br />

was to make a scale model of the coast effect at complicated<br />

coastlines. They nptedthat the i.nductive coupling between the<br />

ocean and highly conduc-ting ma-terial at some depth within the<br />

Earth is well represented by a system of image currents at the<br />

level 2 -hx below the ocean. Here h" is again the depth of a<br />

perfect substi-tute conductor for the oceanic substructure at the<br />

considered frequency.<br />

GRENCT and LAUNAY use as model conductors two thin metallic plates<br />

which are connected along two edges by vertical conducting strips.

One of the thin plates represents the ocean and one of its<br />

edges is given the shape .of a certain coastline .to be studied.<br />

The second plate represents the level of the image currents.<br />

The whole arrangement of conductors is placed into a Helmholtz<br />

coil in such a way that the vertical strips are parallel to<br />

. the. magnetic field. Plates and st~-.ips now form a loop normal<br />

to the magnetic flux within the ~elmhoytz coil and thus currents<br />

are induced which flow in the "oceanic" plate parallel to the<br />

"coastline".<br />

In SPITTA's arrangement for th.e study of the coast effect the con-<br />

ductors are placed below a horizontal band-current closed by<br />

a large vertical loop. The oceanic and continental substructure<br />

is represented by a thick metalic plate, the oceans by a thin<br />

metalic sheet which partially covers the plate. The thickness<br />

of the plate is large in comparison to the skin depth and its<br />

width about twice the half-width of the field of the band-<br />

current at the level of the plate. The induced current systems<br />

form closed loops within plate and sheet and can be assumed<br />

to be largely horizontal. By placing one edge of the covering<br />

sheet below the 'center of the band-curren-t the coast effect of<br />

an ionospheric jet can be studied for any angle between coast<br />

and jet.<br />


The ratio of the length-scales model: nature should be in the<br />

6 7<br />

order 1 : 10 or 1 : 10 . In this way current loops of some<br />

1000 km in nature can be reproduced. In SPITTA's' experiment the<br />

ratio of length-scales is 1 : 4.10~. A 4 km thick ocean is re-<br />

presented by an aluminium sheet of 1 rrn thickness, a highly con-<br />

ducting layer in the mantle at 360 km depth'by an aluminum plate<br />

9 cm below the sheet. The width of this plate is 2 m and is<br />

equivalent to 8000 km in nature.<br />

Model conductors niay be chosen from the following materials:<br />

cu - AL - ~b 7 .- 0.5.107 (am)-'<br />

Graphite 3.10~ ' 11<br />

(saturated)<br />

NaCl solution<br />

(concentration of maximum<br />

conductivity )<br />

In SPITTA's experiment the conductivity-ratio model: nature is<br />

7<br />

2.10 : 4. Hence; with a ratio of length scales of 1/4 a<br />

frequency of 1 kHz in the model corresponds to 1/32.10-~ Hz 'lcph<br />

in nature.<br />

DOSSO uses graphite to represent the oceans and highly conduc-<br />

ting material in the deeper mantle, saturated NaC1-solution to<br />

represent the continental surface layers and the poorly conduc-<br />

ting portions of crust and uppermost mantle. Since his model<br />

frequencies are only slightly higher (1 to 60 kHz),.a one orbder<br />

5<br />

of magnitude pester ratio of length-scales (1:lO 1 has to be<br />

used to simulate natural frequencies between 1 cph and 1 cpm.<br />

,<br />

The lists of available model conductors shows that it is diffi-<br />

cult to simulate. conductivity contrasts of 1:10 or 1:100 which<br />

are of particular importance in the natural induction process.<br />

Only salt solutions of variable concentration could provide a<br />

sufficient range in xodel conductivity, but their relatively

low conductivity requires the use of very high frequencies<br />

3<br />

(10 kHz) and extremely large model dimensions (10 m).<br />

In conclusion it should be pointed out that even those scale<br />

model experiments which do not reproduce the natural induction<br />

in a strict quantitative sense may be useful for a descriptive -<br />

interpretation of complicated variation fields. In those cases<br />

only the impedance or the relative changes of the magnetic<br />

field with respect to the field at one distinguished point above<br />

the model will be considered and compared with actual data.<br />

10. Geophysical and geological relevance of geomagnetic<br />

induction studies<br />

In exploration geophysics the magnetotelluric method,<br />

in combination with geomagnetic depth sounding, has been applied<br />

with some success to investigate the conductivity structure of<br />

sedimentary basins. Electromagnetic soundings with artificial<br />

sources as well as DC soundings which truly penetrate through<br />

a sedimentary cover of even moderate thickness are difficult<br />

to conduct on a routine basis. Hence, it seems that electro-<br />

magnetic soundings with natural fields are more efficient than<br />

-any other geoelectric methods in exploring the overall distri-<br />

bution of conductivity in deep basins.<br />

In particular the integrated conductivity T of sediments above<br />

a crystalline basement is well defined by the inductive surface<br />

response to natural EM fields and can be mapped by a survey<br />

with magnetic and geoelectric recording stations. If in addi-<br />

tion some estimate about the mean conductivity of the sediments<br />

can be made from high frequency soundings, the depth of the<br />

crystalline follows directly from T.<br />

If structural details of sedimentary basins are the main interest<br />

of the exploration, a mapping of the electric field only accor-<br />

ding to st'rength and direction for a given polarisation of the<br />

regional horizontal magnetic field will be adequate. The inter-

pretation is handled like a direct current problem in a. thin<br />

conducting plate of variable conductivity. This so-called<br />

"telluric method" represents a very simple lcind of inductive<br />

soundings, but the preferential direction of the superficial<br />

currents thus found usually gives a surprisingly clear im-<br />

pression about the trend of structural elements like grabens,<br />

anticlines etc. The usefulness of this method arises from the<br />

fact that these structural elements can be detected even when<br />

they are buried beneath an undisturbed cover of younger sedi-<br />

ments.<br />

Geomagnetic and magnetotelluric soundings are less useful for<br />

exploration in areas of high surface resistivity, in particular<br />

in crystalline regions. Even pulsations penetrate here too<br />

deeply to yield enough resolution in the shallow depth range of<br />

interest for mining. Audio-frequency soundings with artificial<br />

or even natural sources will be better adapted and are widely<br />

used in mineral exploration.<br />

The probing of deeper parts of crust and mantle with natural<br />

electromagnetic fields will eventually lead to a detailed<br />

knowledge of the internal conductivity distribution down to<br />

about 1000 km depth. Its relation to the downward rise in<br />

temperature is obvious, in fact electromagnetic soundings pro-<br />

vide the only, even though indirect method to derive present-<br />

day temperatures in the upper mantle.

Other derivable properties of mantle material like density and<br />

elastic parameters are.largely determined by the downward in-<br />

crease in pressure with only a second-order dependence on<br />

temperature, which i.s hardly of any use for estimates of mantle<br />

temperatures.<br />

The remarkable rise of conductivity between 600 and 800 krn depth,<br />

however, should not be understood as temperature-related but<br />

as indication for a gradual phase change of the mantle minerals,<br />

possibly with a minor change in chemical composition, this is<br />

with a slight increase of the fe:Mg ratio of the olivinespinell<br />

mineral assembly.<br />

The conductivity beneath the continental upper mantle from 100 km<br />

down to about 600 km is suprisingly uniform and seems to indicate<br />

-that in this -depth range the temperature gradient cannot<br />

be far away from its adiabatic value of roughly 0.5' C/km. The<br />

.mysterious appearance of highly conducting layers in the uppermost<br />

mantle may be connected to magma chambers of partially<br />

molten material and to regional mantle zones of higher than<br />

normal temperatures in general. The expected correlation of high<br />

mantle conductivity, high terrestrial heatflow and magmatic<br />

activity clearly exists in the Rocky Mountains'of North America.<br />

There are also some indication for high conductivities beneath<br />

local thermal areas. The Geysers in California, Owens Valley in<br />

Nevada, possibly Yellowstone and the Hungarian plains are<br />

examples. It should be pointed out, however, that there exist<br />

also regions of.high subcrustal conduc-tivity with absolutely no<br />

correlation to high heatflow or recent magmatic activity. The<br />

most proainent.inland anoma1.y of geomagnetic variations, which<br />

has been found so far, namely the Great Plains or Black Hills<br />

anomaly in North herica,laclcs still any reasonable explanation<br />

,or correlation to other geophysical observations.<br />

0;le . great unsolved problem in geomagnetic inductions<br />

studies is the depth of penetration of slow variations into the<br />

mantle below ocean basins. There are definite reasons to believe

that the upper mantle beneath oceans is hotter than the mantle<br />

beneath continents down to a depth of a few hundred kilometers.<br />

If this is so, a corresphndingly higher conductivity should exist<br />

beneath oceans which could be recognised from a reduced depth<br />

of penetration in comparison to continents. Once a characteristic<br />

conductivity difference between an oceanic and a. continental<br />

substructure has been established, this could be used tb recog-<br />

nize former oceanic mantle material beneath present-day con-<br />

tinents and vice versa.<br />

First houndings with recording instruments at the bottom of the<br />

sea have been carrred out. They confirmed to some extent the<br />

expectation of h'igh conductivities at extremely shallow depth,<br />

but these punctual soundings may not be representative for the<br />

oceans as a whole. Here the development of new experimental<br />

techniques for expedient seafloor operations of magnetic and<br />

geolectric instruments has. to be awaited.<br />

~~sarvatioAs,on. . mid-oceanic islands provide a less expensive<br />

way to study the induction in the oceans which in he case of<br />

substorms and Sq is strongly coupled to the crustal and subthe<br />

ocea s<br />

crustal conductivities beneath . Buf again oceanic islands<br />

are usually volcanic and their substructure may differ from that<br />

of ordinary parts of ocean basins.<br />

The island-effect itself is no obstacle fo$ soundings into the<br />

deep structure. In fact, this effect represents a powerful tool<br />

to investigate the inductive response in the surrounding open<br />

'ocean, since the.theoretica1 distortion of the varia-tion fields<br />

due to the islands can be regarded at sufficiently Low frequency<br />

as a direct current problem for a given pattern of oceanic in-<br />

duction currents at some distance from the island. Setting the<br />

. ..<br />

.density of these currents in relation to the observed magnetic<br />

field on the island gives the impedance of the variation field<br />

, for the surrounding oceari of known integrated conductivity. To a<br />

first approximation induced currents in the ocean do not contribute<br />

to the horizontal magnetic field on the island. Hence, by<br />

knowing their density the horizontal magnetic field on the sea<br />

s<br />

I<br />

i<br />

I:<br />

floor can be calculated from which the inductive response function<br />

for the oceanic substructure follows.<br />

j<br />


11. References for general reading<br />

Electroinagnetic induction in the earth and planets. Special<br />

issue of Physics of the Earth and Planet. Interiors, L,<br />

Xo.3, 227-400, 1973.<br />

BERDICHEVSKII, M.N., (Electrical sounding w2th the method of<br />

-magneto-telluric profiling), Nedra Press, Goscow 1968.<br />

FRAZER, M.C.: Geomagnetic depth sounding with arrays of magneto-<br />

meters. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. -> 12 401-420, 1974.<br />

JANKOGJSKI, J., Techniques and results of magpi~etotelluric and geo-<br />

magnetic deep soundings, Publications OQ? the Institute of<br />

Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, vo1.51i, Warsaw 1972.<br />

KELLER, G.V. and FRISCHKNECHT, F.C.: Electrical methods in Geophy-<br />

sical prospecting. Int. Ser. Monogr. in Electromagnetic Waves,<br />

10, 1-517, 1966.<br />

-<br />

PORATH, H. and DZIEWONSKI, A,: Crustal resistivity anomalies from<br />

geomagnetic depth-sounding studies. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys.<br />

9, 891-915, 1971.<br />

-<br />

RIKITAKE , T. : Electromagnetism and the '~arth 's interior. Develcprnents<br />

in Solid Earth Geophys. - 2, 1-308, 1976.<br />

SCHMUCKER, U.: Anomalies of geomagnetic varizitions in the southwestern<br />

United States. Bull. Scripps Imst .. Oceanogr. -, 13<br />

1-165, 1970. z .<br />

WARD, S.H.: Electromagnetic theory far geophysical application. In:<br />

D.A. Hansen et al. (Eds.), Mining Geophysics, The Sop. of<br />

Expl. Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, T.967.<br />

WARD, S.H., PEEPLES, W.J., and RAN, J.: Analysis of geoelectromagne-<br />

tic data. -Methods in Comnii+a+inn;ll --?h\rx

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