Assignment #7 – Transits of Venus & Mercury - Faculty Web Pages

Assignment #7 – Transits of Venus & Mercury - Faculty Web Pages

Assignment #7 – Transits of Venus & Mercury - Faculty Web Pages


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Name: ___________________________<br />

Class: ___________________________<br />

Date: ____________________________<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong> <strong>#7</strong> <strong>–</strong><br />

<strong>Transits</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> & <strong>Mercury</strong><br />

On November 8, 2006, the planet <strong>Mercury</strong> did something very unusual and exciting: it passed directly<br />

in front <strong>of</strong> the Sun. In astronomy, this is called a transit - when one astronomical object passes in front <strong>of</strong><br />

another one from our point <strong>of</strong> view here on Earth. When the objects transiting are the Moon and Sun we call<br />

a transit an eclipse. The only two planets which can transit across the face <strong>of</strong> the Sun are, <strong>of</strong> course, <strong>Mercury</strong><br />

and <strong>Venus</strong>, since they are the only two planets between Earth and the Sun. <strong>Transits</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mercury</strong> and <strong>Venus</strong><br />

are not very common, since, as you have seen, the orbital planes <strong>of</strong> the planets are not exactly aligned, so it's<br />

rare that the Earth lines up with the Sun and either <strong>Mercury</strong> or <strong>Venus</strong>. There was a transit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> on June 8,<br />

2004, and one <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mercury</strong> in 2003. Prior to that, the last transit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> was in 1882, and it was a huge<br />

event at the time!<br />

The 2004 Transit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong>, captured in a multiple exposure photo<br />

(from the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia)<br />

Besides being a beautiful event, the Transit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> in 1882 led to a crucial scientific calculation.<br />

By carefully measuring the path <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> across the face <strong>of</strong> the Sun, astronomers could calculate both the<br />

diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun and the value <strong>of</strong> the Astronomical Unit (the distance between the Earth and the Sun).<br />

Until then, no one knew the exact value <strong>of</strong> either one, and all the distances to the planets were expressed as<br />

multiples <strong>of</strong> an AU, even though no one knew exactly how long an AU actually was! The Transit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong><br />

answered both questions. In this exercise we'll simulate the transit, using Stellarium, and use it to calculate<br />

the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun, just as astronomers did in 1882! We'll do the same with the 2006 transit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mercury</strong>.<br />

In order to understand how we can calculate the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun from watching a planet pass in<br />

front <strong>of</strong> it, look at Figure 1 on the next page. It is a side view <strong>of</strong> the transit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong>, as it is happening, with<br />

Earth on the left, <strong>Venus</strong> in the middle, and the Sun on the right. The relative distances <strong>of</strong> the planets are<br />

known <strong>–</strong> The Earth is 1.00 AU from the Sun, and <strong>Venus</strong> is 0.72 AU from the Sun. Remember, even if we<br />

don't know how long an AU is, at least we know that <strong>Venus</strong> is 0.72 times closer to the Sun than Earth. The<br />

Greeks figured this out thousands <strong>of</strong> years ago using simple geometry, even though they had no idea how long<br />

an AU actually was!

Figure 1<br />

(from GSFC/NASA)<br />

If the Earth is 1.00 AU from the Sun, and <strong>Venus</strong> is 0.72 AU from the Sun, then during transit, when<br />

all three are in a straight line, <strong>Venus</strong> must be 0.28 AU from Earth (1.00 AU - 0.72 AU = 0.28 AU).<br />

Two observers on Earth (Observers A and B in Figure 1) take pictures <strong>of</strong> the transit. They see two<br />

different things, thanks to the idea <strong>of</strong> parallax. Because the two observers are at different points <strong>of</strong> the Earth,<br />

they each see <strong>Venus</strong> take a slightly different path across the Sun. Observer A will see <strong>Venus</strong> transiting a bit<br />

lower on the Sun than Observer B (the difference between the two paths <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> across the Sun are greatly<br />

exaggerated in the diagram). The larger the separation between Observer A and Observer B, the larger the<br />

difference in what they see. If we carefully measure the difference between the position <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> against the<br />

Sun during the transit as observed by Observer A and the transit as observed by Observer B, we can use that<br />

difference to calculate the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun. Let's do this with Stellarium. Everything we do with <strong>Venus</strong>,<br />

is, <strong>of</strong> course, the same as what we will do later with <strong>Mercury</strong>.<br />

Let's look at the transit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> from the North Pole. Start Stellarium. Change the Date & Time to<br />

June 7, 2004, at 10:00 PM. Change your location to the North Pole by clicking as close to the top edge <strong>of</strong><br />

the map in the Location window, or, more accurately, by setting the Latitude to be 90° in the Location<br />

window, if you didn't click exactly on the North Pole. Close the Location window. Notice that it is still light<br />

out, even though it's 9 PM! Find and center the Sun, and then zoom in until it fills the screen. The Field <strong>of</strong><br />

View (FOV) should be about 0.7°. If you don't see the Sun, it probably means you haven't displayed the<br />

Planets - do this by checking the Show Planets box in the Planets and Satellites section <strong>of</strong> the Sky sub-menu<br />

in the View window. Turn <strong>of</strong>f the Atmosphere (if it is on) by pressing the A key. Finally, press the Switch<br />

Between Equatorial and Azimuthal Mount button in the bottom toolbar until the little telescope icon I slit<br />

up, to make the plane <strong>of</strong> the Ecliptic horizontal. This last step is very important! The Switch Between<br />

Equatorial and Azimuthal Mount button should be lit up.<br />

Press L a few times to speed up the passage <strong>of</strong> time and watch for a few moments. At about 10:15<br />

PM, you should see the tiny black circle appear on the lower left side <strong>of</strong> the Sun, blocking the light <strong>of</strong> the Sun.<br />

That's <strong>Venus</strong>! Watch as <strong>Venus</strong> starts to transit across the Sun. This is what you would have seen if you had<br />

looked at the Sun (with heavy sunglasses, <strong>of</strong> course!), on June 7 <strong>of</strong> 2004, from the North Pole! You can see<br />

that a transit is really another word for an eclipse, except that now the object passing between us and the Sun<br />

is not the Moon, but <strong>Venus</strong>. Stop the motion <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> when it gets about halfway across the Sun. Now<br />

carefully mark the position <strong>of</strong> the center <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> (as best you can) on the screen with a piece <strong>of</strong> tape or a<br />

Post-It note.<br />


Now, while <strong>Venus</strong> is sitting there in the middle <strong>of</strong> the Sun, open the Location window and change<br />

your location to the South Pole by clicking as close as you can to the South Pole on the map, or by adjusting<br />

the Latitude to 90° South. Close the Location Window. Notice that you will have to turn <strong>of</strong>f the Ground<br />

(by pressing the G key) to be able to see the Sun.<br />

Did you see that <strong>Venus</strong> hopped to a slightly different position? The hop is small, but noticeable. The<br />

hop is caused by parallax, which is due to the different latitudes <strong>of</strong> the two observing locations! We looked<br />

at the Sun at the same moment from the North Pole, and then the South Pole. This, <strong>of</strong> course is impossible in<br />

real life.<br />

• Why is it impossible to see <strong>Venus</strong> from both the North Pole and the South Pole at the same time?<br />

(Hint: look at the date and remember our “Seasons” assignment) ____________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Get a ruler (marked in centimeters and millimeters, not inches!), and measure the size <strong>of</strong> the entire<br />

Sun, in millimeters, on screen, from the left to the right edge. Enter this in Table 1 below as Total Sun Size.<br />

Now measure the amount that <strong>Venus</strong> shifted when we moved from the North to the South Pole. Measure<br />

from the point you marked with your Post-It note to the center <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong>' new position. Measure carefully -<br />

<strong>Venus</strong> will have only shifted by a few millimeters! Enter this as <strong>Venus</strong>' position change in Table 1.<br />

Table 1<br />

Total Sun size (mm) <strong>Venus</strong>' position change (mm)<br />

Now let's use this information to calculate the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun. First let's figure out how far<br />

<strong>Venus</strong> moved from Observer A to Observer B, expressed as a fraction <strong>of</strong> the whole size <strong>of</strong> the Sun. To do<br />

this, divide <strong>Venus</strong>' position change by the Total Sun size from Table 1. The result is the fraction <strong>of</strong> the<br />

entire Sun that <strong>Venus</strong> moved. Call it p .<br />

p=<br />

<strong>Venus</strong>' position change<br />

Total Sun size<br />

3<br />

= ________________<br />

This should be a pretty small number, since the difference between the two positions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> is<br />

pretty small. The fraction <strong>of</strong> a Sun diameter that <strong>Venus</strong> moved between our two views is a small fraction <strong>of</strong><br />

the Sun's total diameter.<br />

Now, if you look at Figure 1, you might notice (if you remember your geometry) that the triangles<br />

formed by the two bases SO and ST and their common apex at <strong>Venus</strong> are similar triangles. This means that<br />

that the ratio <strong>of</strong> any two “similar” parts (sides or angles) <strong>of</strong> the two triangles are the same. Ratio, <strong>of</strong> course,<br />

just means “divided by.” Let's choose the two bases (SO and ST) and the two heights (0.28 AU and 0.72 AU)<br />

as our two similar parts <strong>of</strong> the two triangles. So we can write:<br />

S O<br />

0 .28AU =<br />

S T<br />


or<br />

S T = 2 . 571× S O<br />

Equation 1<br />

Now we know what SO is <strong>–</strong> it's the distance between our two observers, which in this case is just the<br />

diameter <strong>of</strong> the Earth, since one observer is at the North Pole, and the other is at the South Pole! Look at<br />

Figure 1 if you're confused about why this is. Look up the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Earth in your textbook (there's a<br />

table <strong>of</strong> Planetary Data in one <strong>of</strong> the appendices in the back <strong>of</strong> the book). Remember, astronomers have<br />

known this number since Eratosthenes first calculated it 2200 years ago!<br />

S O = diameter <strong>of</strong> the Earth = ______________________________________ km<br />

Now plug this value into Equation 1 to find S T - the separation <strong>of</strong> the two transit locations.<br />

S T = ________________________________________<br />

S T is the separation <strong>of</strong> the transit positions at the distance <strong>of</strong> the Sun <strong>–</strong> in other words, it's how far<br />

apart the two images <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong> would be if we projected them in straight lines onto the surface <strong>of</strong> the Sun.<br />

But we've already shown that the size <strong>of</strong> the change in <strong>Venus</strong>' position on the Sun is only a small<br />

fraction <strong>of</strong> the whole Sun's diameter. So ST is only a correspondingly small fraction <strong>of</strong> the whole Sun<br />

diameter. To find the whole Sun diameter, Ds, we must divide ST by the fraction s .<br />

units!<br />

D S = S T<br />

p<br />

Equation 2<br />

Plug in your values <strong>of</strong> p and S T into Equation 2 and calculate D S . Don't forget to list the correct<br />

D S = _________________________________<br />

Congratulations! You've just calculated the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun, merely by watching <strong>Venus</strong> pass in<br />

front <strong>of</strong> it and using some clever geometry! Pretty amazing!<br />

We could also, if we wanted, use these same measurements to calculate the exact length <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Astronomical Unit, or AU, in kilometers, but that would require a tiny bit <strong>of</strong> slightly advanced math<br />

(trigonometry), so we'll leave that for another exercise!<br />

Now let's do the same thing, only this time with the November 8, 2006 transit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mercury</strong>. Change<br />

the Date & Time to November 8, 2006, at 11:00 AM. Change your Location back to the North Pole.<br />

<strong>Mercury</strong> is about to begin crossing the face <strong>of</strong> the Sun. Press L to speed up time and watch as <strong>Mercury</strong><br />

transits across the face <strong>of</strong> the Sun. Stop time when <strong>Mercury</strong> is halfway across the Sun. Notice that since<br />

<strong>Mercury</strong> is much smaller than <strong>Venus</strong>, and is farther away than <strong>Venus</strong>, it shows up as a much smaller dot on<br />

the face <strong>of</strong> the Sun. Again, make sure the Ecliptic plane is horizontal by checking to make sure the Switch<br />

Between Equatorial and Azimuthal Mount button is lit-up in the toolbar.<br />


As you did with <strong>Venus</strong>, change your observing site between the North Pole and the South Pole and<br />

measure the change in <strong>Mercury</strong>'s position. It's much harder this time, because <strong>Mercury</strong>, being much closer to<br />

the Sun than <strong>Venus</strong>, hops a much smaller amount when you switch observing locations. Do your best to use<br />

the ruler to measure the small change in <strong>Mercury</strong>'s position between the two observing locations and record it<br />

and the Sun's total size in Table 2 below.<br />

Table 2<br />

Total Sun size (mm) <strong>Mercury</strong>'s position change (mm)<br />

Now we just do the same calculations for <strong>Mercury</strong> that we did for <strong>Venus</strong>. The only change is that<br />

<strong>Mercury</strong>'s distance from the Sun is 0.39 AU, not 0.72 AU (<strong>Mercury</strong> is, <strong>of</strong> course, closer to the Sun than<br />

<strong>Venus</strong>!). So now, instead <strong>of</strong> Equation 1, we have<br />

S O<br />

0.61AU =<br />

or<br />

5<br />

S T<br />

0.39AU<br />

S T = 0 .639× S O<br />

Equation 3<br />

Do this calculation, using the same value for S O - the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Earth - that you used before.<br />

S T = ________________________________________<br />

Now calculate p the same way you calculated it before: by dividing <strong>Mercury</strong>'s position change by the<br />

Total Sun size.<br />

p=<br />

<strong>Mercury</strong>'s position change<br />

Total Sun size<br />

= _____________________________<br />

And finally, calculate D S (the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun), just like you did with Equation 2, only this time<br />

using <strong>Mercury</strong> instead <strong>of</strong> <strong>Venus</strong>:<br />

D S = S T<br />

p<br />

Equation 4<br />

D S = _________________________________<br />

Now we have two measurements <strong>of</strong> the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun. Hopefully they're the same <strong>–</strong> or at least<br />

near each other! Take the average <strong>of</strong> your two values <strong>of</strong> DS by adding the two values and dividing by two.<br />

Call this average value

= _____________________________________<br />

Let's see how close our average value is to the real value <strong>of</strong> the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun by calculating our<br />

percentage error. The percentage error is given by<br />

<br />

6<br />

100<br />

Equation 5<br />

Where D acc is the accepted value <strong>of</strong> the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun. Look this number up in your textbook,<br />

just as you did for the Earth.<br />

D acc =___________________________<br />

Now, using Equation 5, calculate your percent error.<br />

% error = ________________________________________________<br />

Not too bad! If you made careful measurements your percentage error should be small. Careful<br />

measurements are exactly what many astronomers made in 1882, to calculate the diameter <strong>of</strong> the Sun for the<br />

first time. These astronomers, and people like you, using some clever intuition and high-school math, can<br />

measure our entire Solar System, without ever leaving Earth. Events like transits are not only beautiful and<br />

exciting events to watch in the sky, but provide crucial information that can help us understand our Solar<br />

System in great detail.<br />

Write a conclusion explaining what you learned in this exercise.<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________________________<br />


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