2011 Spring Semester (PDF) - Los Angeles City College

2011 Spring Semester (PDF) - Los Angeles City College

2011 Spring Semester (PDF) - Los Angeles City College


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Fee Waiver<br />

Application<br />

AT BACK OF<br />


NuMbER iN HousEHold iNCludiNg youRsElf<br />

FEES SCHEDuLE: SPRING <strong>2011</strong><br />

These fees were accurate at the time this schedule went to print but may be subject to change<br />

Fees MAy Be PAID At tHe BUsINess oFFICe By CAsH, CHeCk, VIsA, MAsterCArD or AMerICAN exPress or oNLINe VIA<br />

CreDIt CArD. $10 MINIMUM reqUIreD oN ALL CHeCk AND CreDIt CArD trANsACtIoNs. $10 retUrN CHeCk Fee.<br />


Note: that all student fees are subject to change without notice. If at the time you enroll you are receiving benefits under the temporary Assistance<br />

to Needy Families (tANF) or the General Assistance Program, the enrollment fee will be waived. For information on requesting a waiver, contact the<br />

<strong>College</strong> Financial Aid office before you enroll for classes. Financial aid may be available to students who meet the qualification requirements. If you<br />

have questions about your eligibility to receive financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid office. Because there are specific deadlines for financial aid<br />

opportunities, you must submit your documents within the timeline established by the program issuing funds.<br />

ENRollMENT fEE AssisTANCE<br />

<strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>College</strong> offers enrollment fee assistance to eligible students who are unable to pay the enrollment fee. An Automatic Fee Waiver will be processed for eligible<br />

California residents who have a Free Application for Federal student (FAFsA) on file with the <strong>College</strong> Financial Aid office. All other students must contact the Financial Aid office to<br />

obtain a Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BoGFW) Application. the enrollment fee waiver is available to students whose families receive tANF, General Assistance or social security<br />

Benefits. the BoGFW is also available to students whose family income and size Winter within established income levels. Additionally, dependents of veterans of the United states<br />

military or the California National Guard, recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, and children of or dependents of a victim of the september 11 terrorist attack may qualify<br />

for the BoGFW. In addition, a dependent of a deceased law enforcement or fire suppression personnel killed in the line of duty may qualify.<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Plus<br />

$16,245 $21,855 $27,465 $33,075 $37,085 $44,295 $49,905 $55,51 Add an adl $5,610 for each dependent<br />

MAxiMuM ToTAl fAMily iNCoME iN 2009 (adjusted gross and/or untaxed income)<br />

ENRollMENT fEE REfuNds<br />

For full-session classes, a full refund of the enrollment fee will be made through the end of the second week of classes. For short-term classes, a full refund is available up to<br />

the end of a period equal to ten percent (10%) of the total session length. No refund will be authorized after the periods described above except when college action to cancel or<br />

reschedule a class necessitates the drop. students must request refunds in the Business office. Credit card refunds will be processed a week after filing the request.<br />

Note: After the second week, fees for dropped classes will be applied to fees for classes added simultaneously or after a drop. No refunds will be given for drop transactions alone.<br />

students are strongly advised to complete add and drop transactions simultaneously, within the authorized dates for doing so.<br />

fiNANCiAl Aid REPAyMENT REgulATioNs<br />

students who receive federal financial aid and totally withdraw from ALL classes will have to repay some of the federal funds received prior to withdrawal. All students who receive<br />

federal funds and withdraw from the college in the first 60% of the term, are subject to Federal repayment regulations. the Financial Aid office will calculate the amount of federal<br />

funds earned up to the point of withdrawal and students will be billed and must repay any federal grant funds received but not earned. Failure to repay these funds will result in the<br />

denial of future federal financial aid. It is advised that you contact the Financial Aid office before withdrawing from all of your classes so you understand the results of your actions.<br />

For the refund policy on enrollment fees and nonresident tuition, please see the <strong>College</strong> schedule of Classes or the <strong>College</strong> Catalog.<br />

NoN-REsidENT TuiTioN fEE $186 PER uNiT ouT of sTATE REsidENTs $204 PER uNiT foREigN CiTizENs<br />

Non-resident International students must also pay the enrollment fee of $26 per unit<br />

AssoCiATEd sTudENT oRgANizATioN fEE $7 PER sEMEsTER<br />

the $7 per semester fee provides students with Aso benefits & services. In addition to preferred parking, you can receive free bluebooks, scantrons, copy and fax, use computers,<br />

access the internet, win a book grant, etc. at the Aso services Center. students may waive this fee, but every student must comply with the Aso fee in one of two ways: 1) pay<br />

the fee, or, 2) submit a surrender of Benefits form. If you decline all Aso benefits and choose not to pay the fee, you may pick up a surrender of Benefits form at the office of<br />

student Life, Learning resource Center 2nd floor. the completed form must be returned to the Business office. Note: During the summer and Winter sessions, the fee is $3.00.<br />

Fees may not be refunded after the second week of classes<br />


this required, non-refundable, fee benefits LACC students by enabling your Aso to respond to legislative issues which impact students directly, i.e. tuition increases, textbook taxes,<br />

community college funding. the Aso advocates and lobbies on your behalf and is your legally designated liaison with the college, the District, the state Chancellor’s office, and<br />

other state and federal governmental organizations. you may waive your right to be represented by completing a form available in the office of student Life, Learning resource<br />

Center 2nd floor or the Business office, AD 111. the completed student rep Fee Waiver must be filed at the Business office.<br />

HEAlTH sERViCEs fEE $11 PER sEMEsTER<br />

The <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> Community <strong>College</strong> District charges an eleven dollar ($11) mandatory, non-refundable Health Fee. The fee is payable to one campus only and covers the<br />

costs of Health Centers at the District’s nine campuses. (For waiver information, see “Policies-General.”) NOTE: During the Winter and Summer sessions, the fee is $8.00.<br />

iNsTRuCTioNAl MATERiAls fEE<br />

Students may be required to provide instructional and other materials mandated for a credit/no-credit course. Such materials shall be of continuing value to a student<br />

outside the classroom setting and shall not be solely or exclusively available from the <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> Community <strong>College</strong> District. If you qualify for a fee waiver, you may obtain<br />

one at the Student Assistance Center (AD105) or Clausen Hall (CH109).<br />

PARKiNg fEE $20 PER sEMEsTER<br />

Parking in Student Parking Lot #1 & #2 & #3 will be restricted to vehicles displaying a valid permit. A permit is required at all times. There is no free replacement for lost or<br />

stolen permits. Permit procedures, fees, and refund information are available under “Parking Policies” in this schedule and in the Business Office.<br />

sPRiNg Permits: $10 summer Permits: $10<br />

Fall or Siring: Preferred Parking $27 (Lot #1 and Lot #2 (ground floor & structure of Vermont lot)) and Lot #3 (on Heliotrope) AND includes membership in the Associated<br />

Student Organization.<br />

Restricted Parking $20<br />

Lot #2 ONLy [structure section of Vermont lot} A limited number of restricted permits are available each semester<br />

12 <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>College</strong> · <strong>2011</strong> SPRING Class Schedule — Monday / February 7, <strong>2011</strong> – Monday / June 6, <strong>2011</strong>

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